*edit* I tend to be using (and therefore focusing) on the 16x16 tileset. I haven't been getting much feedback on the others so I have given them a new home in the old stuff graveyard. *edit*
Update 2014 10 31 12x12 Graphic Version:

Update 2014 10 31 15x15 ASCII Version:

Update 2014 11 17 16x16 ASCII Version... Kinda?:

Notes Specifically for the 16x16 version:
You don't have to make these, but I recommend the following changes in your your data/init/d_init.txt file:

*Edit 2014 10 23* I decided to do a 16x16 ASCII version? Kinda? I also updated the 12x12 version. It looks a lot smoother to me now. I think I'm going to make an ASCII version and a graphic version for each.
*Edit 2014 11 17* I have been focusing a lot of my efforts on the 16x16 tileset. It might be because of my weak eyes. I just today realized people are actually sending me messages asking permission to use the 12x12 and 16x16 tilesets in various fashions. Just so you know, you are most welcome to do so. I would be highly flattered! If you make an offshoot tileset that's even better! Feel free to post links to your threads here as well. I don't always realize I have messages pending and I would love to see where my tileset is going and what it is being used for.