While the incredibly well-trained and legendary Escorted Auras worked to deal with a crundle infestation in our caverns, the aptly named Fresh Rocks, a band of three wrestlers armed with hammers and longswords, worked to sniff out thieves in the courtyard. With the help of stone-fall traps, the misfits were able to take down a bog troll. Moments later, they found themselves wildly chasing after a voidwalker thief, and were it not for a visiting nephal lancer they would not have been able to slay the wily fellow. After the Lancer left, the Fresh Rocks found themselves chasing after yet another voidwalker thief. One even lost his hand in the process. Were it not for the Escorted Auras passing by as they returned from a relaxing day of crundle-hunting, the voidwalker would probably still alive. Even surrounded by ten legendary fighters, all of which were masters in the use of their respected weaponry, and tired out by a merry chase with three wrestlers who barely know which end to hold when using a sword, the voidwalker put up a respectable fight before Atir took off his head with an ethereal longsword.
Edit: Shortly after writing all that, another voidwalker thief arrived, no doubt looking for his friends. He ran into the hunter on the bridge, who promptly kneecapped him with two *horsebone bolts* before caving his skull in with a +alder crossbow+
The Fortress of Artificing: Where a hunter is more capable than three recruits who have been training for four years.