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Author Topic: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.05-2] Updated & Accelerated  (Read 67417 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #45 on: March 13, 2020, 06:05:19 am »

I'm wondering if the current version works on 0.47.04 too ? I will test and see if it makes DF unstable or not.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2020, 12:19:07 am »

I'm wondering if the current version works on 0.47.04 too ? I will test and see if it makes DF unstable or not.

It works perfectly fine, since there aren't any raw changes between 0.47.04 and 0.47.03.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2020, 06:57:58 am »

I'm wondering if the current version works on 0.47.04 too ? I will test and see if it makes DF unstable or not.

It works perfectly fine, since there aren't any raw changes between 0.47.04 and 0.47.03.

Alright. I wasn't sure the raws were actually changed or not.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2020, 06:24:25 am »

I'm wondering if the current version works on 0.47.04 too ? I will test and see if it makes DF unstable or not.

It works perfectly fine, since there aren't any raw changes between 0.47.04 and 0.47.03.

Alright. I wasn't sure the raws were actually changed or not.
In DF folder there is a file called file changes.txt, whenever a new update comes you can compare what changed and update files accordingly without breaking your setup.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2020, 12:02:09 am »

The original accelerated DF outright removes the more rare materials/rocks, it takes away clothing from invaders and gives them custom armor pieces with larger coverage (less items after a siege), changes the cavern layout, default map embark size, worldgen settings, values in the init/d_init, for example for traffic zones, turns off temperature and weather, uses a few dfhack scripts here and there.

Yes, I force cavern density to 0 and openness to 100 in every game manually now, and also remove weather and temperature, it definitely helps a ton. Would be nice as a default setting here but I don't mind changing those.

However, the larger-coverage pieces... that would be wonderful to see again, I only vaguely remember that (how did it work with dismemberment?), but I know I hate having a zillion things after every siege - and every sock requires its own trip! Maybe, maybe, it'll be back some day...?
"Whatever exists, having somehow come into being, is again and again reinterpreted to new ends, taken over, transformed, and redirected by some power superior to it; all events in the organic world are a subduing, a becoming master, and all subduing and becoming master involves a fresh interpretation, an adaptation through which any previous 'meaning' and 'purpose' are necessarily obscured or obliterated."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2020, 12:39:49 pm »

Edit: Turns out I needed a newer version of WinRar.

When I try and open the .rar I get an error "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged". I can open other .rar files from DFFD without error. It doesn't sound like other people are having this issue, so I wonder if the error is on my end.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 11:28:04 pm by Vattic »
6 out of 7 dwarves aren't Happy.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2020, 10:23:01 am »

Why does the modest mod add the Local Banditry tag to elf civs?
It makes adventure mode as an elf almost unplayable! I can't go anywhere in my own civ without being ambushed by patrols, I have to dodge * on the travel map constantly and make sure to sleep outside my civ's borders unless I want to be woken up by another "lethal" fight.
What gives?

At first when elves kept ambushing me I thought that a war had started between my civ and the neighboring elf civ but that wasn't it, it was the Local Banditry tag, which makes and entity send out ambush patrols that are hostile even to their own citizens.
Quote from: Neil Gaiman
George R.R. Martin is not your b****.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2020, 11:02:24 am »

Advice to anyone facing the same elven Local Banditry issue: If you don't actually want to fight your fellow elves (which might make you hostile to your own civ? i'm not sure) walk around everywhere with "y" (Yield) turned on. The patrols will still ambush-interrupt you if you are sleeping or fast traveling but they won't actually hurt you as long as you are constantly yielding, you can then walk away and start traveling again.
The same cannot be said for your pets. Since they cannot yield your pack-animals will be murdered by patrols even if you are yielding. Get yourself a fast footed baggage animal and hope it can run to safety without getting hit by arrows. 
Sleeping in forest retreat tree-houses seems to reduce the chances of your sleep being rudely interrupted but will not remove the danger completely. Sleeping is the most dangerous time to be elf-ambushed since the patrol might manage to hurt you before you can figure out what's happening and turn yield on.
Also, the Local Banditry tag seems to effect most travelers from your civ so even migrants moving between elf sites may be hostile, to be safe avoid all * while traveling. If you run into a group of migrating tame animals (that can happen apparently) they will be hostile and yielding will not work on them.
Quote from: Neil Gaiman
George R.R. Martin is not your b****.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2020, 12:06:37 pm »

      * Butchered creatures produce skin - and thus leather - in proportion to their size.

I'm trying to incorporate this feature into a mod I'm making for my own use.
I just need to copy those lines, right?

This one into reaction_other.txt
   [NAME:tan a hide]
   --- Modest Mod ---
   --- end Modest Mod ---

And this into material_template_default.txt under [MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:SKIN_TEMPLATE]
   --- Modest Mod ---
   --- end Modest Mod ---
Vorox likes gremlins for their tears.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2020, 01:35:44 pm »

The reaction_modest_brew reactions for plump helmets don't work. It looks just like the problem pointed out on the first page of this thread, but it must be a different cause this time since that was fixed. Maybe it should be using the STRUCTURAL part instead of MUSHROOM? DFHack is showing me that the plump helmets that my farmers picked and have in a barrel are STRUCTURAL.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2020, 09:39:58 am »

DFFD down is there an alternative dl site?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [Updated] [v0.44.12-1]
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2020, 04:42:56 pm »

For the moment, I'm working on a version for the Phoebus Tileset (available in the LNP), just wait for it.

Is a tileset still in the works?
"Whatever exists, having somehow come into being, is again and again reinterpreted to new ends, taken over, transformed, and redirected by some power superior to it; all events in the organic world are a subduing, a becoming master, and all subduing and becoming master involves a fresh interpretation, an adaptation through which any previous 'meaning' and 'purpose' are necessarily obscured or obliterated."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sluggish Modder
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.03-1] Slaves to Accelerated Module
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2020, 05:17:10 am »

Hello pals.
Pardon me for not answering your questions; I was busy working on my Elven Mod.

Why does the modest mod add the Local Banditry tag to elf civs?
It makes adventure mode as an elf almost unplayable! I can't go anywhere in my own civ without being ambushed by patrols, I have to dodge * on the travel map constantly and make sure to sleep outside my civ's borders unless I want to be woken up by another "lethal" fight.
What gives?

At first when elves kept ambushing me I thought that a war had started between my civ and the neighboring elf civ but that wasn't it, it was the Local Banditry tag, which makes and entity send out ambush patrols that are hostile even to their own citizens.

I actually dunno. It was added by Igfig in the first Modest Mod, and removed by Button, so I added it back to be more loyal to the original mod.

If it's such a big deal, I'll remove that feature on the next version of the mod.

      * Butchered creatures produce skin - and thus leather - in proportion to their size.

I'm trying to incorporate this feature into a mod I'm making for my own use.
I just need to copy those lines, right?

This one into reaction_other.txt
   [NAME:tan a hide]
   --- Modest Mod ---
   --- end Modest Mod ---

And this into material_template_default.txt under [MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:SKIN_TEMPLATE]
   --- Modest Mod ---
   --- end Modest Mod ---

That's all  :)

The reaction_modest_brew reactions for plump helmets don't work. It looks just like the problem pointed out on the first page of this thread, but it must be a different cause this time since that was fixed. Maybe it should be using the STRUCTURAL part instead of MUSHROOM? DFHack is showing me that the plump helmets that my farmers picked and have in a barrel are STRUCTURAL.

There's a problem in the Accelerated Module's plant raws. I located it now, and all the problems with plump helmets will be gone in the next release.

DFFD down is there an alternative dl site?

I'll upload it to Mega.

For the moment, I'm working on a version for the Phoebus Tileset (available in the LNP), just wait for it.

Is a tileset still in the works?

Yes. I'll release a version for Meph's tileset, but that will take a long time.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sluggish Modder
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.04-1] Encrusted with Frames Per Second
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2020, 08:15:46 am »

New release! Now with no known bugs in any module.

I'm thinking in a way to make magma still deadly without temperature calculations. I found this thread, but it doesn't work as intended (and the thread itself is very old). Maybe I'll use DFhack for that, and a new module.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: «Modest Mod» [v0.47.04-1] Encrusted with Frames Per Second
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2020, 09:32:51 pm »

New release! Now with no known bugs in any module.

Modest bodies is very strange. It renames upper bodies to chests, for example, but a chest is by definition only the front part of the upper body, not the back. It reads very strangely in combat to have somebody stabbed in the chest from behind.

It also renames lower bodies to abdomens, which I don't really object to—although when I reverted chests to upper bodies it read strangely to have lower bodies be abdomens—but the above changes do make these bodygloss lines useless.

[BODYGLOSS:INSECT_UPPERBODY:upper body:thorax:upper bodies:thoraxes]
[BODYGLOSS:INSECT_LOWERBODY:lower body:abdomen:lower bodies:abdomens]

I like the renaming of upper legs to thighs but as with the chest change, renaming lower legs to calves seems just wrong. Calves by definition are the back part of the lower leg (once again making it a bug IMO to be struck in the calf from the front), and aren't even the entire back part of the lower leg.

The above issues are why I ended up giving up on Modest Bodies in my updated copy of it and Revised (although from the OP it doesn't look like you started from my updated version, but from Button's last updated version). I quite like the idea but IMO it's a bug to be stabbed in the chest from behind or in the calf from the front, but without those body parts being renamed the remainder seem a little out of place.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 09:35:39 pm by Taffer »
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