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Author Topic: Desolation: Arms Race Against Extinction - Core Thread: Cycle 0.75: Design  (Read 2140 times)


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I'd like to join Shards, seeing it's filled with less people.
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things


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Combat Report: Cycle 0.00 END

Ghosts march once more. Steel and motors march in concert with their operators in the Metro and the Arcology; The Elorius Dynasts Type-24 Exosuit has the awe-inspiring visage and structure as the Yaerian Directorates YSI (Yaerian Standard Infantry) powered armor. Not only does it inherit the fearsome shape, but also the optimal configuration that generations of engineers had spent in perfection. Unlike the Type-11 previously deployed, it’s maintenance schedule is massively reduced to the point where it can endure longer than its user in battlefield conditions. It is limited by its batteries and the user's need for perishables and rest.

It’s battlefield capabilities lend it as an unstoppable freight train, a machine powered by large battery systems in lieu of a miniaturized reactor, it can still operate in the field for days at a time. Operators can opt for heavier armor plates to be installed for shorter operational durations and increased bulk. Lighter examples can field some-what effective grappling hooks, which are mostly used for when the primary weapon is not usable and they need to enter into melee combat.  An individual wearing an exosuit is on average five times stronger and can propel makeshift weaponry with disquieting brutality. Not to mention that on average, an exoskeleton can be driven to easily rip the head off a Yaerian, as evidenced by some of the more sadistic operators in the field. Its computer element utilizes software basically ripped off from the Directorate, mimicking the user's movement through the usage of a wide array of pressure sensors, gestures and other commands. It takes training to use.

The Phoziris Shard has produced viable sets of Carbon-Weave-Ceramic Armor (CWC) Armor, sets of armor that are distributed in full kits to their special forces and Vest for squad leaders and specialists. These plates are essentially carbon fiber strands pressed into a solid plate with a gel inside its “matrix” that hardens on impact. It bleeds a glittering black when traumatized, but it saves lives.

Perched above the spires that stuck out of the Arcology,  Xin was a loyal soldier of the Phoziris Shard, freshly equipped with a set of CWC and ready to kill. Xins built-in headset buzzed for a second as it decoded a message.

“Burnout, Come in.”

Xin spoke quickly, curtly, “High Command, listening loud and clear.”

“Intelligence indicates Elorious are deploying new infantry equipment or vehicle, we’ve got a location, two possible patrol routes and tac-maps associated with this transmission. Engage and if possible scout out capabilities.”

Quickly noting down a couple of the more specific Details, Xin Aerq’Tallup let out a low whistle as the details came in. It wasn’t every day that a high-yield transmission like this comes out, the antennae techs might already be packing and running from the Battle-Frames already for this.

The rest of his squad got copies of the details, and they checked their gear, not a single motion wasted as each fo their guns had their batteries checked, magazines refilled and internal scopes and sensor suits re-calibrated.

And off they went, going from broken building to building.


Razor Rain starts off with only a few warning signs. A glimmer that stands out form the hazy gray sky, the high pitched whistle, enough for someone aware of hte battlefield to take cover.

Razor-thin shards of metal as long as one's forearm falls from the sky, peppering an area, each with the power and shrapnel of a mortar round, and some showers last four as long as forty minutes.

In these anxiety-filled moments, everyone huddles close underneath the ruins. The battles do not stop. Carefully, slowly, the Elorius advances under the cover of Razor Rain.

The Elorius has been waiting for a moment like this, they had low lying metro tunnels and heavy buildings all the way into one of the phoziris’s forward bases all mapped out. THey marched on under the cover of the concrete monoliths and steel caresses, careful not to stray too far form safety.

Six armored troops in total: each wearing their new, strange exosuits. They marched with a brisque pace, just quiet enough to not be heard over the tinnitus and kabooms the Razor rain caused.

In a quiet moment, they stopped underneath the cover of an overturned building, unaware of what was to come.


Xin took the shot, he carefully maintained, loving hand-crafted-from-scrap sniper rifle ejected the casing from its side and began to pack up to move.

The shot was off, a glancing blow that probably put one hell of a dent in the poor bastard's helmet, and began to go. His HUD helpfully superimposed the camera footage of his squadmates points of view as he ran like a half dozen armored killing machines were on his heels and leaped to the next building over.

Falling into a roll, he felt how close the enemy's rounds came to hitting him, and cursed a blue streak.


Firefights in between the Elorius and Phoziris are bloody affairs. The common Iona II ICA fires rounds fast enough downrange that unarmored enemy forces would be torn to little more than ribbons. However, with the freshly integrated Carbon-Weave-Ceramic plating, roughly one half to two-thirds of their forces are equipped with sets of the armor of varying compositions. These armor platings allow them to survive engagements far more often than the Elorius, who can only field a few examples of the T-24.  Exclusively given to their special forces teams, these suits are only minorly affected by Thunderer EMP delivery, even if their ranged weapons are not the same way.


Xin barely had enough time to bring his sniper rifle up, which intercepted the chunk of rebar heading his way. In the next few moments, Xin found himself drowning in a world of pain. He didn’t know the details but found himself sitting down, noting that his very nice rifle had a bar of metal that pinned it to his chest, the CWC plate slowly drooling glittery black gel. Black splotches threatened to fill his vision, but the sound of one of his sisters in arms screaming pushed him past the pain so he could focus.

A good fifteen meters away, the monstrous figure of a Yaerian in Power armor was engaged in melee combat with… someone, he wasn't sure which one his squaddies that fiend was beating to a pulp. Wait. Was that the bastard that threw the rebar spear at him?

Shifting in position, a white-hot lance of pain echoed up to confirm that he had a broken rib and that the rod wasn't actually buried in his chest, just the armor plate.

The piece of metal that wasn't supposed to be in the gun was buried in the rear of his gun, and just maybe, it might be able to fire the round he slotted into the bolt just a few moments before.

Taking one breath, then a second, Xin yanked roughly at his rifle, freeing it from his chest and then blacking out from the pain.

Whether an hour or a second passed doesn't matter to Xin. When he woke up, he immediately went to lifting the rifle up, rod is damned, and looked down the scope.

Standing over a broken body, the enemy was still there, his back turned to him. Between his helmet and that huge frag-off looking backpack of his, he spotted some sort of seal.


The kick of the sniper rifle into his side hurt far too much, but he managed to stay awake just long enough to see the suit of armor fall limp, joints and motors dutifully preventing it from falling over. It had to be enough.


The Razor Rain lasted for another ten minutes after that little firefight. Xin was out of the count, but at least he wasn’t Roh, who has six fractures in three limbs and maybe worse if the blotchy awful looking bruise on the guy's stomach was anything serious.. they were both lying down on a toboggan made out of sheet metal and two pairs of the really sharp knives that go on their 3D Maneuvering gear.

 Looking to the side, Xin spoke, “How much is left on the Mag Battery?”

The least wounded member of their party came off with a dislocated arm, so he got sled duty, at least until they got close enough to send a transmission without reprisal risk.

“Long enough, stop asking so many questions and rest.”

“Hey, Selil. You think that guy lived?”

“You mean the one you shot twice?”


“ I dunnae’ mate, His friends acted like they were dealing’ wit’ something that wasn’t a deader,” spoke Selil, shrugging as she pushed forward again and tugged the two wounded layabouts farther down the road.

Roh groaned something to the effect of “Let me die in peace you loud ruffians.”, and the rest of the journey was mostly silent.


Well, things are pretty bad now, thought Exosuit wearing Elorius Member Qeirup Ventus. Here he was, trapped in a deep pit with only a metro corridor to follow.

Looking up, he saw his squad, the three or four people, and of all of them, only he had warranted enough rank to requisition a mil-spec exo.

“Qeirup!” called out  Darugk, his medic. “Are you alright down there?”

A valid question. Mostly. It was a terrible fall, but he supposed he somehow made it fine.

“Yeah. I don't think I'm getting out by climbing. I'm gonna follow the corridors and hope I find a way out.”

“Damn it. Don't get lost, you hear me!?”

“Roger, stay safe up there, and continue the mission without me.”

Ducking down,  Ventus went into the depths, lit up only by his flashlight mounted on his helmet.

Onwards he walked, stalking through the abandoned tunnels deep in the dirt.  His Iona was ready, and as he trudged through the railway, he didn’t hear the clack-clack of a rifle being readied over the sound of metal on concrete, the stomps of his exosuit. When he took one leap to get onto the platform, several bullets pittered off of his plate armor and Ventus decided that it would be better back on the track below. It was a shortfall to the dirt in between the tracks. Rounds were flying over his head and after a dull check on his rifle, whatever rounds they were using, it wasn't their deranged EMP weapon, and his gun still worked.

Cursing the lack of any type of grenade at all in the standard loadouts, Ventus steeled himself for a second and peeked his gun over the raised concrete platform and sprayed fire down range at whatever he could find.when his mag clicked empty, eh ducked back under and reloaded.

Whoever they were, they were gone, and Ventus continued his journey, noting only a single wounded Yaerian, clutching his side to stem the glittering black intermixed with the harsh blue blood of a Yaerian bleed from his chest piece.  Ventus decided not to ventilate the poor bastard, and merely picked up his abandoned weapon and continued on his way.

It was some kind of a demented cross between a short-stroke piston rifle and seven pocket knives, but the half-empty mag means that somehow, despite the smoothbore, it was the weapon that almost dislocated his arm from the kinetic force. The bullets seated in the rounds looked the same.


The long march out of the tunnel and into another was unnotable. As was the next, and the one after that Until finally, he surfaced from the depths, light briefly overtook his eyes before they adjusted, and the grueling march was over. As he sat down on a stack of cinderblocks, he quietly pondered his situation.

It was a lot longer then a short walk that he just took, and he wondered if he was ever gonna reconvene with his squad, it was gonna be through sweat and blood. Between him and the right side of the world was about two or three kilometers of the dead zone, Nano hazards and whatever special forces the Phoziris threw into the hellish wastes of the Blackzone that day.

Nothing but a short walk in the park.

Rotors singing softly, each step echoing triumphantly on the barren landscape like trumpets to a parade, Ventus pondered quietly on the situation at hand.


Special forces of both sides gain vastly increased survival rates and thus gain great experience, able to limp home and regroup more than any other actionable party.

Elorius favors open engagements where their soldiers can lever their superior firepower against the enemy. Their long arms are designed to wipe out enemy infantry with extreme effectiveness, while the Iona stands fast when it isn't bricked by Phoziris EMP weapons. Logistics of the Elorious are geared for the Arcology and its roads.

Phoziris favors rapid relocation, information superiority, and communications. The enemy is some-what struggling as they are constantly fighting an enemy that knows where they are, and what they are doing because of their superior scouting. Specialized non-powered armor plates distributed to the troops save lives overall.

The Elorious have gained territory in the Metro due to their steadfast powered armor divisions while barely being held back by the Phoziris in the Arcology due to the open space that allows the Elorious to be outmaneuvered and ambushed.

Both sides are only minorly impinged upon by Battle-Frame intervention and are in a lethal standoff in the Black Zone. The Elorious hold the advantage.

Below is the list of Intelligence on enemy equipment. Due to the ruthless nature and competence of both side's intelligence-gathering forces, both sides may open the tabs below to figure out what your enemy knows you have, and what the enemies themselves looted from the dead world to wield.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 09:17:36 pm by Blood_Librarian »
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Combat Report: Cycle 0.25 END

His voice was hoarse, muffled by the gas mask integrated into a heavy helmet, “This is Broadsword to High command, Affirm on orders.”

Cheriq Xor’Turing was buried in trash, sitting next to a window that watched over an open street in the Arcology sector. It had a perfect overwatch for when a Elorius officer decided to lower their guard down enough to peak out of their APC and get their head blown off. Such missions were always a one-shot and bug out type of a deal, as the street was abandoned for another safer road.

At least, until the killing machine of Elorius's finest walked in with its bellowing stomps, and spoke as clear as it could into its radio. Cherig was sure he was after him in particular, and while he wasn't sure how they figured it out, but he knew exactly where the angry exosuit wielding maniac was, searching and clearing with a methodical efficiency of the building he was in, along with one, maybe two squadmates who were not in powered armor.

Glancing to the right, over at his shock still spotter, Cherig was alone in tactical thinking. The newbie didn't have any idea of what to do and was frozen with shock evident on her face.

Slowly, purposely, Cherig lifted his arm that was clutching his Thunderer to his mouth, making a gesture to be very, very quiet.

A few heartbeats later, when he was sure that the newbie saw his gesture and processed it, Cherig looked to his left, looking at the doorway to the bedroom they made their nest in through a broken shard of a mirror. The newbie was watching as well, and they both got to see the show of the Exo walking into the room they were in.

He scanned right to left, looking at the corner with a half shattered nightstand, the rotted bed, then the kicked indoor to the bathroom. Finally, he saw the pile of trash, two feet in height. The face of disgust wasn’t visible, but he knew it was there.

The two goons he had with him were smaller, wearing the new and odd camouflaged uniforms along with some light plates in their webbing carriers. New soldiers, he surmised, judging from the uncomfortable stance in the armor they wore. Taking a moment to breathe as slow as he could bear,  he noticed his partner was pale, holding her breath as if she would die, her Thunderer ready to go.

The one in powered armor stomped his way to the bathroom, stepping on the bones of one of the owners of the apartment. He peered into the bathroom and apparently saw enough that he wanted to leave.

Or at least, he hoped.  He didn’t exactly set up a second mirror to look at the bathroom.

“Qeirup. Look over there.” said the plainer looking of the two regulars, pointing to somewhere besides the pile of trash he was hiding in.

“Stars. They were here, and they left quickly too.” spoke to the other.

They walked over to Cherigs left, if they looked over they might see the glint of his scope or his face. He didn’t dare peek at what they were examining, just detachedly listening with every ounce of professional calm he had. They all piled up around whatever was interesting to the trio, but they spoke too quietly for him to hear, at least at first.

The resounding voice of the exosuit was almost deafening in comparison to the murmuring, “It’s not every day you find a perfectly good AR set.  Guiliv, leave it here and come with me and Xurien, stick with me. We need to check out the rest of the building, then we can play with our new toy.”

Cherigs blood boiled. The newbie left her AR goggle set out in the open.

“This is Broadsword to  High Command, we spotted evidence of Elorius activity on Blue-6,  Northern Corridor. We believe they have evacuated before we arrived.”

Elorius’s language was hard to understand for the Phoziris, just as it was in reverse, but he understood enough to get an idea of what was going on. When did their infantry talk to their superiors like this? Intel shows that Phoziris never has that kind of communication with their troops. What changed?

The three soldiers left the room, leaving him to brood quietly in his trash-filled sniper's nest.

A minute passes. Then another, before Cherig sends a message to the newbie, and they act to quietly remove the urban camouflage from around them. Cherig knew that if he was sore from sitting there, the newbie probably couldn’t walk straight from lying down in that nest for the two days they had stayed still.

His gun readied, he knew that it wouldn’t be enough to take on that heavy suit of armor alone, and he opted to set up a trap.

There was a hole in the concrete ceiling above him, and he had planned for something like this, and put a chunk of concrete that weighed half as much as he did up there to drop on power armor. A few moments later, he had shimmied his way up with his maneuvering gear, while the Newby took her place underneath the bed, probably regretting that she that ed to do the heavy work of lifting that boulder up, as that was the deal to have that perch

When they returned a short while later, they didn’t see the disturbed pile of trash until they entered the room, and by then it was too late as Qeirup promptly had a boulder dropped on one wearing powerarmor, hitting him in the shoulder and then the gun on his ready strap. The impact was fierce,  knocking the suit of fine armor to the side.

Newbie shot four rounds down range at the same stroke, taking out the knee of the Elorius to the armors left and peppering a distant wall with three rounds.

The powered armor was a veteran, judging from the fact that he didn’t move to pick up his mauled weapon from the carry strap, but instead opted to stomp forward at the bed.

The two rounds that impacted the T-24 exosuits left leg slowed down the machine, but then she was out of charge, and needed a new battery for the gun.

The other two elorius recovered from the shock and lifted their railguns up to shoot upwards at the hole in the ceiling, but ducked instead, seeing a Thunderer pointed their way.

One of them slumped to the side, an exit spray six feet long from the back of their neck.

Cherig didn't see it, but he felt the building shake as the powered soldier stomped heavily on the bed, and a loud cry, lingering and haunting for as long as the mangled partner of his had breath in her lungs.

Shimmying his way back from the hole in the ground, Cherig felt around in the cob-webs for an object he had stashed earlier, then he twisted the cap of the top of the backpack sized bomb and threw at the hole in his “floor”, before quickly turning off his HUD and gun.

A moment later, the air filled with crackling pops, and the bomb went off. The smell of ozone filled the air, as well as the smell of burning flesh. He let out a cry as his knees had gotten burns from the microwaves heating the metal grate his legs were on top of.

Peeking out from the hole in the ceiling, the other non-armored Yaerian was stuck to one of the walls, a metal shard a foot long pinned his arm to the wall, his gun dropped to the side as he stared forward in shock.

Motors ground against each other as the one in powered armor, Qeirup or something, shakily stood up, his right side covered in soot from the explosion. A loud, high pitched beeping sound echoed throughout the halls as the machine signaled the wearer of its dire condition, occasionally twitching violently as the suit wielder fought to keep it stable.

The  Anti-Material Coil Accelerator was in his hands, but he was wielding it by the barrel sheath. It was bent by the weight of a Yaerian in power armor falling on it, and a part of its loader was crushed in by the boulder that fell on it. Its user had gave it one final purpose as a club.

They both looked at each other, it was doubtless that they were waiting for the tinnitus to wear off from the explosion, or perhaps for some other unknowable reason as the man in the machine stood  despite the cataclysmic damage that was plainly etched onto the armor

His gun made a little whine that let him know it was ready to shoot again, if he stuck another speed load of rounds in. He did fire 6 rounds, after all.

 Cherig glanced down where the bed would be, his heart ached with a tinge of guilt, before he spoke. “Hey. Are you listening?”

“Are we finished yet?” said the Qeirup. It was a joke, or at least one that only made sense to the enemy.

Cherig spoke slowly, in an attempt to make sure that the enemy would understand “I, I won't shoot. Get out, go with your ally, and we leave.”

Five seconds passed as the enemy finally wrestled a semblance of control from his suit, and it stood stony still, like a cracked statue on the precipice of collapsing.

And then, wordlessly, it stepped forward, keeping its front-facing Cherig as it stepped around the collapsed doorway. The Exosuit moved to his still-living ally, spoke some quiet words to the shaking, pale figure as it removed its gloves to do the careful, delicate work of removing the shrapnel and dressing the bleeding wound. When the Yaerian was gonna live, it then picked up a table, a sturdy metal one that hasn't rusted from the years and put the corpse onto it.  It pulled a coil of rope off of its chassis and used the table as a makeshift toboggan, it left without any fanfare.

A short while later, Cherrig left with his own makeshift carrying device, carrying the hopefully unconscious form of his partner.

Stars, he hoped she would live.

The patrol was simple, head through a tunnel in Metro, and then return with a job well done. The heavy squadron “Rolands Scourge” was a group of three heavy T-24 Exos, of course equipped with Seers.

The patrol was short, a path between an outpost on the front and a supply depot. They expended over 300 rounds and disarmed 7 different EM explosives in their path towards clearing the re-entrenched enemy, and returned, all of them alive, but one of the exosuits had to be scrapped, the others refurbished as half the electronics were fried.

High command has deemed the T-24s a very effective asset for the Metro. It’s a shame that didn’t help the Arcology forces very much.

As the product, the awe-inspiring jewel of an entire world, the Arcology was a project that was in the works from the moment Yaerians first saw the wide plains and mostly flat landscapes of Niria. The fruit of their labor, the Arcology,  is estimated by archaeologists could of held millions of people when it was not abandoned for an era. Nonetheless, it seems the designers had built it to withstand orbital bombardment, as well as insertions through aerial or ground orientations. This manifests in the labyrinthian layout, carefully engineered chokepoints, and logistical nightmares as the prime points in which resources can be ferreted are too risky for fear of intervention by the enemy or the MCA.

Thus, the role of the Elorius Cargoloader is cemented. The one that Celinth Ferrick and her Type-24 Light variant Exo was a poster child for the over the top methods in which just enough armor is added so that the machines motor (Stars knows what it maybe this time around.) can barely push it forward. It was some sort of elevator cart for space-craft, the ones that moved small amounts of cargo or perhaps some passengers.  The motors to push the elevator up and down were cut off, the elevator is set all the way to the top and welded there with a framework with a ladder to get to a nest for a machinegun to be mounted, a crude one that might fire. Underneath the elevator, was Officer Celinth, her second in command and finally three squadmates, who had to all be transported in the same truck as a dozen other soldiers of the Phoziris Shard, concealed by a patchwork plastic tarp over a latticed framework.

They were headed into the brink. A crossroads that marked the center of the Arcology  when someone yelled out in alarm, the driver instinctively veering to the right. Bullets panged off the plates of the vehicle, not quite spearing the engine compartment or the pilot as it steered into  a side road, just barely tall enough for the tower.

The turn was too much, too fast.

The vehicle flopped to its side, violently knocking its occupants around, the machine gunner at the top of the net was thrown violently off hte craft and sailed neatly into the window of an abandoned building-within-a building of the Arcology.

Darkness was not omnipresent, the light that came into this world was sporadic, but in this particular moment, the district was lit with baleful suns, intense spotlights that were mounted on the ceiling a half kilometer up.

Under these stars, Celinth and her squad dug themselves from the tipped over craft, guns ready, her HUD pinged, and the light exosuit wielder ducked down low towards the ground, suit quickly running its boot sequence into a hardened state. A round fro the Thunderer had impacted her chest, and it was necessary else the entire system would die. A short while, the heavy armor came to life again, and under the command of its operator, it lifted its Anti-Material Coil Accelerator up, a slug left the chamber and promptly cut through the chest of some Phoziris infantrymen. Rather than sticking around for return fire, Ferrick ordered her squad to take cover and went to do the same thing.

It was gonna be a long retreat back home.

The Elorius deploys the “Seer” Tactical Communications Platform. This is a head-mounted platform with a built-in HUD that allows a user communications between individuals, squadrons, and unit elements such as between Local Command and squadrons of infantry. This doesn't have the incredibly advanced locational navigation hardware that  the Phoziris have, and it shows. In addition, the radio signals it emits are picked up by Battleframes, often with dire consequences. Infantry do like the very basic virtual vision augmentations, but prefer to stay silent over attracting machines with large anti-infantry weapons.

In addition, their uniforms are replaced with the Standard Combat Uniform. The SCU is simply a very dependable set of webbings, clothing, along with a grab bag of unified goodies. They abandoned their purple color scheme in favor of urban camouflage. The webbing can support the insertion of steel trauma plates on their front, rear and sides, though few do so due to the weight from the scavenged metals, typically those with makeshift explosive weapons would opt for it. It is a very functional set of gear for such a oddly shoestring budget.

The Phoziris has managed to seriously upscale the industrial production of several key  resources and as a result they field several pieces of equipment in larger numbers. The most significant being the Thunderer, which their factories can put a functional system into the hands of every infantryman who warrants one. The Thunderer’s EMP pulse is also marginally more effective due to a greater burst of microwave radiation.

Anything electronics that is not electromagnetically hardened has a chance of failing when in proximity to a Thunderers impact. Most military grade equipment is at least partially resistant to the point where if hit with an EMP it would have a significant chance of staying online or sustain minor damage. The heavier examples of the TYpe-24 Exosuit are the most resistant pieces of kit for  action against the Phoziris, but they still suffer.

SEER equipped type-24 mechatronic infantry are at the forefront of every engagement though they are relatively few in number, they make the difference in between a retreat and a gritted hold out for the Elorius in the Metro.

This does not hold for the Arcology. Where the  Iona II CA used to kill on a solid hit to the torso, CRC vests and helmets are widely distributed to the whole of the Phozirian forces. Utilizing incredibly powerful carbon nanotubes, rumors circulate of the vest allowing its wearers to occasionally  survive a shot from a 14mm A-M Coil accelerators, military planners do not seriously consider this. The Thunderer is a very effective weapon against infantry who rely on electronic systems. CRC vests are able to reduce blows from the Iona from a death sentence to a wound that a soldier can return into service with. The armor, in combination with their effective EMP weaponry & AR/radio systems means that the Phoziris makes a territorial gain in the Arcology. Infantry of the Phoziris are compelled to make daring and advanced maneuvers that put them at advantage, this was only somewhat stymied by the lethal Iona II, which the Arcology is a perfect place for operating in.

Below is the list of Intelligence on enemy equipment. Due to the ruthless nature and competence of both sides intelligence gathering forces, both sides may open the tabs below to figure out what your enemy knows you have, and what the enemies themselves looted from the dead world to wield.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 01:36:53 pm by Blood_Librarian »
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


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Combat Report: Cycle 0.5 END

The dosimeter ticked. The carcasses of shattered buildings reached to the sky, gaping wounds from orbital bombardment pockmarking every space available.  Between the rusted and pitted metal foundations, on top of concrete seared into something like glass, observed the Phoziris Maneuvering teams. From the Black-zones, a single glance saw a single yawning smoke trail of black, acrid smoke reach to the dim skies., it was a relatively notable event, almost like a hearkening to forgotten times. At least, until radioactive material deposited by Elorius’s burning nuclear disaster had sent radioactive material into the atmosphere, where the wind drew it to the Black zone. The radioactive ash rained down onto the landscape, a black sludge intermixed with polluted water. What were they doing, wondered the highest minds of Phoziris, as their forces had to deal with the fallout of their little nuclear accident. This information is by and large suppressed to be known only by the military.

Time will tell if this is a prelude to a new era, or simply a one time disaster. A few weeks later, the first of the Volcanic MPU's rolled into the field.

Powered armor divisions create a push further and deeper into Phoziris lines. Each push is marked with stilled statues of Armour, stilled and then cored by enemy fire. Both sides sharpen their razor edge, with new advancements putting forth advancements into their armies without anything too new. Massive trucks dot the landscape behind Elorius lines, providing forward bases with power. Exosuits return to the field faster, and better armed with more plentiful batteries. Powered armor becomes a relied upon facet for every assault against Phoziris.

The Phoziris utilize the maneuvering gear thoroughly in all their combat operations when it helps. Fire teams thoroughly disrespect linear battlefields and utilize night-time raids to move deep into enemy territory and wreak havoc on logistic divisions. Intelligence notes that their tactics and strategy has come to include a marginally significant increase in forward troops. Phoziris dominates any and all recon efforts, but the lack of support weaponry hampers their efforts severely. The Metro is mostly neglected by Phoziris accomplishments..

Underneath the dirt, in the tunnels that were once the arteries of the Arcology, Elorius Exoskeletons march. The military leaders had focused their Type-22 Exoskeletons on the Metro front. Merciless exterminators within the confined conditions, the Phoziris cannot create enough bombs or diversions to keep them at bay. Each engagement is a lengthy affair or a resounding defeat as cover is pierced by  anti material rifles or magazine fed automatic railguns. Time seems to never pass, the constant , focused fighting is pushed from a standstill to a slow retreat. Punch marked by the occasional detonation of an EMP bomb, the Elorius march forward.

In the eves of the hot summer of Cycle 0, 12th armoured Elorius Regiment “Great Bleeders” had their eyes on the prize:

The last metro station directly underneath the Metro still under Phoziris control. 212 Exo’s and their line infantry stood at the gates, ready to squeeze in between the detritus and engage the enemy, some 400 meters of dark, cleared maintenance and railway shaft ahead. Whatever defensive equipment the Phoziris had was makeshift, but the heavy emplacements could still possibly endanger Elorius armor if given the chance.

The assault took place across four hundred meters of metro tunnel and the twisty, hellish maintenance tunnels and passenger walkways that surrounded it. Eight separate cave-ins occurred as the Phoziris detonated pre-placed explosives, but they couldn't bury the rail line, their only way out. Phoziris utilized salvaged weaponry in the form of heavy machine guns with a custom tooled caliber, in smooth-bore pipes. Serious losses on both sides result as Elorius armor eventually begin to fail after dozens of EMP pulses, and the Phoziris lose more than half of their soldiers holding out. A brief cease fire occurs as commanders on both sides use old-Directorate transmissions. One meets the other, and they have a discussion. Central command loses contact with both sides of the respective division a short while later. Post-incident documentation reports Elorius and Phoziris forces emerging from the train station surface, both sides moving to nearby logistic points of both sides, splitting up to seize the most resources possible. 

At this point in time, Phoziris authorities were already ahead in figuring out that a desertion was in progress, and ordered available forces to intercept  Elorius deserters for a chance of seizing equipment and sympathetic individuals, gambling that their own traitors would not be organized if they were cut off from the network. The fight between those two factions was devastating, but ultimately resulted in a narrow victory for the deserters who continued their movement to the supply base. Six dozen exoskeletons moved to position, taking the time to resupply before betraying the onsite logistics staff and capturing or executing the vast majority of present forces. Captured audio indicates that this mass desertion was lead by a XO of the Great Bleeder Regiment, who tried to convince present staff to join the desertion so as to escape the withered clutches of the authoritarian Dynast. Roughly half were left behind dead or tied up. The rest had mobilized the logistics base into the onsite Volcanic MPU as well as its associated  press ganged cargo loaders.they packed up fast and only took vehicles, maintenance equipment and available exosuits as Elorius fireteams in cargoloaders were moving in.

They met up with the Phoziris splinter team, still unnamed, who had successfully packed up the resources present at the train site as well as several outlying caches. The entire group united, and began moving to a known “path” through the blackzone, supposedly able to lead to the other side into a less devastated proportion of the world. With resources in tow, the deserters left behind a transmitter, the a message explaining their reasons and justifications towards abandoning their people, as well as their intent to create a new state that would return to install a new regime on both sides. This lines up with  a series of disappearances on bothsides of civilian staffing: There was a pre-planned element to this desertion.

A Elorius Line infantry moves into the metro, and begins an engagement with the quickly reinforced final metro station. With most of its dug ins ruined or seized by the previous parties,  the Iona ICA becomes the victor in this fight despite enemy body armor, and a tentative grasp over the zone  is won in favor of Elorius.

The Elorius have assumed complete control of the Metro. If they can hold onto it, they will gain +1 Minerals next turn.

The fight is at a standstill in the Arcology

A hearkening back to more enlightened times, The “Volcanic” Mobile Power unit is a salvaged ~50 ton truck, designed to carry multiple tons of heavy loads on top of its bed. It’s old hot-core fission reactor was yanked out, as  with most of its bed to hold a much larger, manufacturable molten salt reactor with an attached steam turbine. Slowly plodding along the ruined debris-strewn wasteland, these power systems allow Elorius combat armor to operate far longer, as the prestigious power they provide when not on the move allow for  more maintenance facilities to come online, without burdening logistics with hauling battery banks.

Meanwhile, every single one of Phoziris’s forces are equipped with the ability to rapidly, safely maneuver with  their aptly named Maneuvering gear, thanks to a series of upgraded manufacturing schema and training to use it effectively.  In addition, statistical projections note a marginally significant increase in forces laid against Elorius: The enemy has managed to reduce the personnel they lose to the environment as well as cohesion  through an unknown method. Elorius intelligence notes the placement of implanted objects in the skin around the skull of deceased enemy forces. Microelectronics and wiring with no clear purpose, though it is slightly similar to cranial jacks of old. Analysis indicates that it makes interfacing with external hardware  to the frontal portions of the brain easier.

Both sides respond to the mass desertion with  a thorough investigation as too which officers in the military are still loyal, as well as eliminating anyone who voices opinions against the war. increased resources are available to their respective R&D teams, which allows for 2 designs and 2 revisions to be done every quarter cycle.

Below is the list of Intelligence on enemy equipment. Due to the ruthless nature and competence of both sides intelligence gathering forces, both sides may open the tabs below to figure out what your enemy knows you have, and what the enemies themselves looted from the dead world to wield.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 23, 2020, 12:13:04 pm by Blood_Librarian »
if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil
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