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Author Topic: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)  (Read 3154 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Savage... Terrifying...
Bardumiseth, Fightquests!

Another succession played on Blind’s Discord server!

This fortress run was started back-to-back right after our first fort, Zulbanunal – Bannerblunts, as the playthrough was starting to feel pretty complete. As such, it’s basically the sequel. This time, danger and survival took the center stage. We were a lot more exposed to the caverns, and reanimating corpses posed a constant threat.

Another challenge to overcome were the necromancers, who decided to constantly siege us for many years, denying us the chance to meet with the caravan and receive settlers. This led us to adopt desperate measures: to dig deep and greedily, boosting our fort value with treasures from the depths.

Then our warriors finally ascended from the depths, charged at the sieging undead army and sent them running, and the fortress opened up once again as a prosperous part of the dwarven realm. The first decade ended with Bardumiseth gaining the rights to the lands around it, and the formation of the first dwarven hillocks in the area.



Prologue: The beginnings

I brought up the possibility of starting a new fort on 22th December 2023, while Salvadaddy was establishing a foothold in the HFS.

When that end-game goal had been achieved, Salva and GeeFin agreed that starting a new, more challenging fort could be more fun, or even !!fun!! than staying in the safety of Bannerblunts. Albreo suggested a terrifying biome with tons of megabeasts. Some worlds were generated by both Salvadaddy and me, and the requirements were discussed more.

In the end, we agreed on a 3:3 embark in a savage, terrifying, reanimating biome in the tropical forests, which also would have evil grass. We also upped megabeasts and titans, and added some cavern openness. We also ended up embarking close to two necromancer towers.

I found an embark and picked the fort’s name, and it was showtime. I finished the first year on the 28th, so the new year of 2024 meant the beginning of a new succession fort as well.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 03:56:31 pm by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1: The Continents of Abating.

Image 2: "In the early spring of 100, The Crypt-Beer of The Axe of Man founded Fightquests."

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 100, OttoK
Save posted in Discord 28.12.2023
Summary posted 31.12.2023

From the homeland to the untamed jungles, the dwarves traveled, until dead trees were seen all around them and the grass turned evil, and in the distance, the dark hills loomed, as if to tell us: Come no further.

"Stop the wagon by the brook", muttered Erub Kelugosh, or Metalhollow, the expedition leader of the Crypt-Beer. Everyone happily complied. A spot was chosen to burrow down to the earth, but first, the leader had a declaration to make.

Erib was a big, tough, fat dwarf with a bald head and a braided blonde beard. He climbed on top of the wagon with agility that rises from strength, and faced the ragtag crew of settlers. His words boomed and echoed through the woods.

"As of this moment, I declare - FIGHTQUEST! We will hold this fortress, the last outpost against forces of undeath! For the safety of the mountain-homes, and the good name of The Axe of Man!"
"BARDUMISETH!" Bellowed the dwarves in response, and went to work. The Red knows, there was work to be done.

  • from “Never Underestimate Fightquests”, by unknown dwarven author

So then, that was the beginning. I tried to set up as much of the basic things as I could. A set of bedrooms, production area, temple and start of a dining hall. I embarked with plenty of food, and plants were gathered from the untainted savage wilds part of map for drinks. No farms yet.

We have some amazing caves, and the magma pipe and the unusual gem wall are both at like z5 elevation. We got some legendary-skill migrants as well, even including a strand extractor. He must've either been bored at his perfectly safe, lavish fort, or they got a little too greedy and he's a refugee in this dark land.

We were beset by giant firefly corpses. The squad flew into a martial trance but forgot their weapons. Zuglar the woodworker rushed in with her axe and dealt with the beasts.

Monsters like those could wipe out this whole outpost unless they’re contained somehow. So the production of stone and wooden blocks began, to quickly build a makeshift entrance building aboveground. No hillsides here to burrow into.

Things got a lot more dicey than that, when an ogress corpse roamed close to the fort. It killed three dwarves and one human merc. My unarmored squad was cowering at the trade depot with the merchant guards, hoping that the talented fighters of the merchant’s guild could keep them safe. The corpse wandered toward the unfinished hut, and then…

And then it just walked away. The ogress corpse never came down the staircase. And that was the end of the first crisis, one of many to come. By the end, I produced iron armor, shields and some maces for the dwarves, so the next monster corpse doesn't wipe the fort.

EDIT: Oh man, I edited this particular message WAY too many times. Sorry to initial readers...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 3: Bugs! Vile illumination begone!

Image 4: The Ogress undead

« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 04:00:50 pm by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1, 2: "New visitors scored the first kill against the necromancer invading party"

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 101, Caram3lNuke
Posted in Discord 28.12.2023

The doors and hatches of the surface hut where nailed shut; Gear and cage where assembled as traps to retain whoever -- rather, whatever -- manages to get in. Above us, the sight of necromancy was clear; yet another curse upon this barren land.

The year started with a visit from the local necromancer. Everything was shut and the dwarfs started working on a proper underground farm to maintain their food and booze supplies. The first task was making a small cistern for a well near the training zone. In the meantime, the military finally got their full iron gear and kept training mostly full time. All the killing that was happening was due to monster slayers arriving just to find locked doors and undead beasts on the surface.

Once the farm was done, a loom and clothier workshop were built to produce needed bags and some extra socks -- every dwarfs likes socks after all. Some cave spiders were also captured and dumped into a room nearby to try to produce some silk. At the same time, a set of new bedrooms was finished.

Finally, a proper food processing area was built. There all the resources for brewing, cooking and milling are close to the workshops. Two dwarfs were also assigned to planting, brewing and cooking so as to funnel all the experience into them. A good planter being very useful in making big plant stacks without fertilizers.

Image 3: "Opening the closest geode for the sake of the shinies"

Image 4: The bustling manufacturing floor. This area will remain as the heart of the fort for years to come

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 5: The communal services floor, with temple and dining hall

« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 07:16:41 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1: The guildhall under construction.

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 102, Salvadaddy
Posted in Discord 31.12.2023

I feel like I've gotten a decent amount of stuff done this turn. I started things out by making an underground passage for some elf traders, who actually escaped alive, as well (not their guards though). As for my first project, I decided to secure an area in the first cavern layer, and built some walls around it. Now it is safe from three sides, with the fourth side having a small wall and a pool. After that, I decided to work on an area that would become a guildhall in the future for anyone who petitioned, to increase happy thought by fulfilling the petition, instead of just making it a guildhall to begin with. I also expanded the hospital and added some beds, though I forgot to add a chest, now that I think about it.

In other news, we were attacked by a necromancer, who brought a fair few zombies and intelligent undead with him. A few visitors came, and fell before the zombies. Then came Ume. Ume was a hero. A badass one, at that. He slayed zombie after zombie, and with a sword no less! He even left the corpses so beat up that they wouldn't rise again; only a few limbs were left behind that would reanimate, and those are no problem at all. Unfortunately, after slaying thirteen zombies, Ume finally was overrun, and was defeated in battle. He died a hero, that we will always remember.
I commissioned a copper statue of him, which now stands in front of the entryway to the main fort, for all to see upon coming inside. I didn't actually specify anything on the statue (except for it being Ume), to see what the artist would do, and it was his marriage in the year 100. This man was married for two years, before dying a glorious death. Makes me feel bad we didn't get out there and help him.

But his onslaught is what weakened the zombies enough so that we later could (and did) cleanse the surface totally on purpose (the damn military wouldn't stay put and decided to run around outside chasing zombies.

Speaking of the military, at the beginning of the year, I started a work order to make pig iron and then steel. By the beginning of obsidian, I managed to get the squad equipped in full steel armor, and I also gave them copper flasks, since they were thirsty when stationing in the second cavern layer.

You see, some giant cave spider webs caught my eye down there, and I figured that would be nice to have, so I set up a trap to catch one. In the process, a shitload of crundles came in, harassing everyone, so I brought in the military. The militia commander must have some sort of bloodlust because they were chasing crundles all over the place and pulping them with their mace, while the rest of the squad was staying put at the station. Also, we got three plump helmet men while that happened, though one of them is pretty beat up after getting attacked by a dog D:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 2: Cavern layer access, giant spider trap.

Image 3: Plump helmet men.

From chat:

Salvadaddy — 28.12.2023
I opened up the underground passage I made for traders for such a short time and yet somehow Urist McDumbass managed to run out, even after I turned on the burrow after already cancelling all jobs on the surface and forbidding literally everything

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A troll wandered into our cavern area I'm building a wall around and was just vibing? It didn't attack anyone and it just sort of wandered off

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao

Salvadaddy — 31.12.2023
Plump helmet men. These dudes aren't visitors, unfortunately; they are wild

ElfyBean — 31.12.2023

Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 1: Magma minecart filling room

Image 2: Magma forging area

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 103, GeeFin
Posted in Discord 02.01.2024

I started with a bunch of injuries to naked mole dog zombies in the middle of our fort. I took a looong time figuring out that hauling was disabled, but once I figured that out I removed the existing dumps and refuse stockpiles replacing them with a new autodumping spot.

The hole next to the minecart goes down to the lava, I replaced the SACRIFICE dump zone with this one which is 13 floors higher.

I swapped out the bookkeeper for a weaponsmith, the bookkeeper was in the militia so it wasn't getting done at all. I renamed nearly all the stockpiles so they're a bit easier to understand at a glance
A gremlin stopped by our fort in early spring but the doggo in the basement scared it off, this time...

I set up a new lava minecart station in the basement, just don't have both bridges open at the same time 🙂

The Chief Medical Dwarf was pissed off almost all year, constantly going into states of wandering around obliviously

I dug out some more in the main crafting area so I'd have more magma proof blocks/mechanisms. I set up new magma smelters and forges and removed the existing non-magma ones, I also made a nearby metalwork quantum stockpile.

I also set up an entryway "Blockade of Desperation" bridge in case we have someone who can bust down our doors

I replaced the stone stockpile with a stone quantum stockpile. I also made another food stockpile for food/beverage prep and changed the existing food stockpile into a finished food/drink stockpile
In late winter the gremlin came back to visit, but this time the dog kicked it's ass. Unfortunately, not much stays dead in Fightquests and a zombie gremlin was too much for cavern doggo.  He unlives on as zombie cavern doggo.

My year ended with the zombie doggo, I still have the doors locked off but we might want to do something to block that area. I don't know if zombie gremlins can open locked doors. We had three artifacts created year, the coffin has some interesting lore

Image 3, 4: Cavern dog VS gremlin

Image 5: Artefacts

Partneredjudged the Mountainous Coil, chalk crown.
Lastriddle the Confining Skirt, naked mole dog miniforge. This item was later stolen from the fort
And The Muddled Hope, hematite coffin, and the tale of the fall of Pickman.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 6: Farming area additions

« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 07:31:34 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image: Bad News from the homeland

We also ran into the unfortunate Civil War bug, cutting us off from our civilization, which is a development we couldn’t really afford. So we chose to fix it with DFHack, but that doesn’t mean we actually got migrants for many years to come…

From chat:

GeeFin — 02.01.2024
Alright, my year is up!  I've got good news and bad news. Good news is that we won't need to make any more bedrooms... The Bad news:
I noticed it near the end of early autumn when the caravan wasn't showing up

Otto_K — 02.01.2024
Wait so our civ is angry? Looks like agreement was updated last on my turn in 100, so did it break there?
Also can it be fixed? If not we gotta lure some bards in as workers

Albreo — 02.01.2024
One of our trade partners turned hostile if I'm not mistaken. Let me check.
Oh, it's really our civ.
Anyway, it's an easy fix. I'm going to use DFhack if everyone ok with that. Just fix civil war. Else, we will really be stuck here with 33 people.
Or we can play hard mode since I can also force dwarfs to pump out children.

Otto_K — 02.01.2024
I like the fantasy of being in touch with the civ and learning more about them. Also we have lava and spire easy to reach, so we can try to rush mountainhome

« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 07:51:39 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1: Fortress main floor.

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 104, Albreo
Posted in Discord 03.01.2024

The good news is there are no more ducks and dogs. I have switched to a bigger elk bird. So, don't forget to train them from time to time.

Then There's multiple bad news. The expedition leader fell into the lava from the previous insecure pit hole while pitting a crundle. I have built a proper one so no one else will suffer (F8). Another news is most of the fort are not in a good mood due to jumping dog skins. Therefore I no longer consider butchering them and opt to destroy most of the animals.

More bad news is there is a siege outside and I don't have time to set up a proper trap. We don't have many options here since the merchant escape route is not secure at the exit. The first cavern layer now has an FB habiting it which is also not secure, tread with care. I have secured the second layer, sadly there's no tree. Someone else can try their hands on the third. I didn't get any migrants this year also but the civil war was fixed.

Basic clothing automation is now up and running. Steel production and weapon production are also up. Be sure to not use too much chalk and leave some for steel. The sheriff is currently making an artifact. He wants threads and I have ordered some silk thread to be collected.

For the well-being of dwarfs, I have built a waterfall fall that runs directly through the tavern which should offset most of the bad mood given time. The drain is also suitable for unlimited power. A lava pump stack will not be much of a problem.

To do:
There's a hole on level 15 that I haven't plugged up. Close it. There is also a dead dwarf right in the smith room.

Image 2: Waterfall out-flow, enemy cage rooms

From chat:

Albreo — 02.01.2024
Eh, the magma is so close. I'm gonna build a pump stack.

Albreo — 02.01.2024
We have so many idle monster slayers. If you don't cancel their occupation, they won't contribute much to the fort. [in Labor -> Locations]

GeeFin — 02.01.2024
it'd be a good idea to open the tavern to outsiders, unless we want a generational fort
I hadn't seen that screen, very useful info!

Albreo — 02.01.2024
It will be dangerous. We need to have at least a good squad and a way to deal with corpses quickly.
What a better way to pour lava on the entire map

GeeFin — 02.01.2024
great plan

Albreo — 02.01.2024
These backlog tasks will take forever to be done. Just sorting all the mess of this all-stockpile will take half a year. Then  picking up scrap will probably take another half. I already blew up that stockpile. It's useless to have a stockpile when items can, perfectly fine, stay where they are produced.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 3: Second cavern layer fortified

Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 105, Caram3lNuke
Part 1

From chat:

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
Alright, save loaded. Current date is 105, Granite, 1st.

First things to deal with:
Get that corpse buried ASAP – FAIL (Something went wrong and the body wasn't carried... We got a little incident at the temple and now the body is headless!)
Block that cave entrance - DONE
Find some goblin cap for the possessed dwarf – FAIL (We got goblin cap, but that wasn't it. The dwarf is melancholic now)
Make a slab for that dead dwarf because I think all the body parts were just dumped in lava – DONE

Image 1: Knowledge on elk bird training: obtained

Image 2: RIP, Mörul

Salvadaddy — 04.01.2024
Morul was a troublemaker, always being the first (and only) one to run out as soon as the surface was open. It's a miracle they actually lived that long tbh

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
Died peacefully is old age, no?

Salvadaddy — 04.01.2024
I believe so

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
also, manager for 98 years... then, somehow, send to the end-of-the-world-pit that is our fortress

Salvadaddy — 04.01.2024

Image 3, 4: Ant people victorious

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
Well, that is one problem dealt with
Wait... do those reanimate?

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
Fath Konosazin, dwarven child. Ohhh, look at me I am a legendary bone carver. I can go to the surface. Worth it, we now have a ladle

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
Forgotten beast. Annnndd it is already being beaten up by the ant people hiding in the caves...
I am starting to worry about those ants people. Dead lmao
Oh boy
And now it is dead yet again due to the ants... mangled this time

Image 5, 6, 7: Fall of Vafice

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
In other news, a human lasher showed up. It's weapon of choice? A scroll about geocentrism of course! It got quickly killed by a undead giraffe

Caram3lNuke — 04.01.2024
I am about to finish the turn testing this thing. Thought it would be fun to come up with a design for a launcher without looking at the wiki
The idea was to hold minecarts with a bridge and then drop them into a ramp track. from there you just lead them to some boosting setup and onto the entrance
However, this didn't work... unlike the small setup I did beside it. the carts stood still in the ramp track after falling

« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 08:20:46 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1, 2: Fath Brasswatches and the prized laddle. 

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 105, Caram3lNuke
Part 2
Posted in Discord 04.01.2024

The entrance to the second cave was closed, the possessed dwarf got depressed and I have come to realize that the undead can rise out of coffins :D !!!

All the remains ended up being thrown into the magma dump and some slabs were engraved for the dead dwarfs. While attempting to get goblin-cap we also broke a geode in the third cave layer, which is not sealed back.

Summer came and since the undead siege was already gone we got some human merchants. Our military did very well killing the undead fauna and random body parts of the surface to open a path for the humans. To balance the curse of dumb children the gods put upon us, they were kind enough to attract humans with a ladle. Such wonderful tool now sits on a silver pedestal at the tavern.

With autumn arriving, the dwarfs started to prototype a minecart launcher to defend a future, main entrance. However, this went poorly, as the second, bigger prototype didn't work and would not have enough space for a accelerating ramp.

Btw, there is a bridge that was left open in the launcher and dwarfs may keep trying to throw minecarts into the open hole endlessly... There are also people working there smoothing things so I would reeeeally recommend closing that before someone gets crushed

Image 3: Jet artefact depicting one of the first settlers

Image 4: Minecart experiments

« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 08:24:09 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Image 1, 2: It begins, ant person scouts climb the walls

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 106, OttoK
Posted in Discord 06.01.2024

“We were an odd bunch of lost fools, weren’t we? A bunch of city dwarves from Phrasedrocks or Silvervalleys up north, thinking they can brave the frontier. And us, a raggedy group of dwarf and human mercs, looking to make a quick buck and drink free dwarven wine. Kill some dralthas, and off to the next fortress. That’s not how the story goes, eh? No, we fought together, labored together, survived together.”

•   From a memoir of Ivak Pimabba, year of writing unknown

I started the year by laying out a design for a temple area down near the magma sea, and traded with the elves to buy an elephant. I opened the cavern exit for the elves, which was a big mistake. Wave after wave of ant people poured into the map, it must have been a siege of a hundred ants, with the deafening horn sounds of the cavern dweller alerts constantly ringing.

The cavern wall was still unfinished, so the ant people launched an insane two-pronged attack from the west as well as north. Kib the planter/medic was lost, as well as Stinthad the broker / legendary craftsmaker, Stukos the dwarf child and Thob the current expedition leader.

It started when the ant people emerged from the west and climbed the cave trees to scale the wall. With the gate open and the soldiers fighting in the west, an army of ants came from the north. But the four squaddwarves are pretty legendary by now and they held the gate, cutting down ant people and corpses alike, as if they were grass.

With the fighters standing guard, the gate was finally closed again, and the construction of the missing wall sections hurriedly began. Somehow, the ant people sculking in the water pulled dwarven child Fath Konosazin into the water and killed her, during the construction of the poolside barrier. Fifty or so ant people were still alive out there, battered, huffing miasma and fighting their own dead. Anaya Ashennights the feathered spider later finished off the ant man siege. It’s a right mess out there…

Ivak Fanciedallies, human crossbowman, now stands as the expedition leader of Crypt-Beer. We are truly doomed, dwarves… Nah, I’m sure he’ll do just fine, let’s give him a chance. I built him a decent office overlooking the workshop floor. 50-ish undead elves besieged through the autumn, so still no caravan. We desperately need a caravan, too, so that homeland can hear of our deeds.

Image 3: The warriors are holding the gate

Image 4: Anaÿa Ashennights, forgotten beast

From legends:

So, we had two dwarves and one human who served as expedition leader. First was Erib Metalhollow, who fell into the magma through the garbage chute in 104. His successor was Thob Rûldodok, who was killed by the soldier ant woman, Matchedpacked.

Strangely enough, they both created an artefact in the same year of 103: Erib made Partneredjudged, and Thob made The Muddled Hope. Was this some weird sign from the gods? Your end is drawing close, but first create an artefact…

Then the third expedition leader, Ivak Fanciedallies the human. Once a thin man, now belarded, with a dark brown skin, with aqua eyes and a clear voice. He is not bothered by deviations from the norm or differences between cultures and lifestyles. That trait must serve him very well in the current circumstances. He’s a polite man, despite finding dignified society to be stifling. He does however enjoy a good brawl.

Ivak prefers to dine on rambutan wine and squashes. He likes goats for their eating habits, and kea men for their intelligence.

Image 5: Necromancer raiders, once again...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 6: New office and barracks

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 7: Temple floor's construction began

« Last Edit: February 05, 2024, 05:08:45 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2024, 10:44:11 am »


Image 1: Praise the miners!

Image 2: Masked human traders in year 111. “Better to stuff your mask with herbs when traveling the deadlands…”

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 107, Salvadaddy
Posted in Discord 13.01.2024

I started off my turn by being confused about the location keybinds. After some looking around, I was able to find the temples, where I removed 2 of the general temples and replaced them each with a different dedicated temple. I also spent some time upgrading the remaining general temple with platinum statues, and all the temples were given platinum altars.

After that, I noticed that quite a few people wanted martial training, so I set up a therapy squad, that I set to train for a bit via the schedule, though I later removed that because the manager wasn't managing, and I had no clue what I was doing (I still don't). Also, the siege left!

Soon after they left, we got some human traders who were wearing masks, probably to stave off the stench of death surrounding our fort.

I decided to look at the spire a bit, and I drained some stuff and exposed adamantine. A human almost drowned when operating a screwpump, but he was able to pull himself out of the water, surprisingly. Also, we got a kobold pikeman forlorn butcher as a visitor. I can just imagine a small kobold wielding a pike thrice as tall as them. Also, I've noticed a lot of intelligent undead visitors, which I found interesting.

We did have a little situation in the 1st cavern layer, after a forgotten beast with flames came passing by. I got lucky and happened to look there before anything bad could really happen and I locked all the doors before anything could get in or out. I assembled the squad and got them to clear out the ant people (the FB was gone; idk if it died or not).

It took what felt like an eternity, but after a decent bit of blood shed, and a whole lot of yelling at my screen wondering why Urist McDumbass was wandering out into the battlefield for the 50th time, but finally I was able to rebuild the bridge out of stone, and I successfully re-secured our little foothold in the 1st cavern layer

As far as defenses go, I decided to add some mine cart blenders in the little 3x3 rooms, and I was working on a mine cart shotgun. By the end of my turn I was able to set it up so that the mine cart hits the fortification before falling down onto another track with some rollers, so it brings the mine cart right next to the start for the sake of convenience and safety. I ran out of time to test it during my turn and potentially make any modifications, but I'm too eager to see if it works or not, so I'll test it after writing this report lol.

Image 3: Surface fort's construction progress!

Image 4: Tlikilrursner, the forlorn butcher.

From chat:

Salvadaddy — 10.01.2024
I really hope this guy joins our fort
Also we've been getting a lot of intelligent undead visitors for some reason
And he's somehow wielding a pike? I didn't think kobolds could do that

GeeFin — 10.01.2024
that's an awesome blue visitor, the pike must be twice his size
too bad he's emotionally distant or we could have made him mayor 🙂

Salvadaddy — 10.01.2024
It’s occurred to me that he may not be able to join our fort because kobolds can’t speak iirc

GeeFin — 10.01.2024
yeah, makes sense, hopes lowered

Otto_K — 10.01.2024
The forlorn butcher 😀❤️
Ahh that's adorable

Image 5: The FB Situation

Salvadaddy — 11.01.2024
We have a situation

Otto_K — 11.01.2024
What- happened 😨

ElfyBean — 11.01.2024

Salvadaddy — 11.01.2024
An FB happened
And now I'm waiting for someone to build a new bridge

Salvadaddy — 12.01.2024

Salvadaddy — 12.01.2024
Apparently there is an ogre corpse on the surface???
I was lucky enough to follow a visitor when I noticed an ogre corpse almost at our front door
Also there is this legend down in the 2nd cavern layer keeping things "clean"

Otto_K — 12.01.2024
Omg almost 200 zombie crundles
I saw some of them on my turn, looked fierce

Salvadaddy — 13.01.2024
Ok so I just tested the minecart shotgun with 5 tetrahedrite in it and whilst the 5 tetrahedrite did successfully launch at mach 5, the mine cart seemed to phase through the fortification and also launched through the fortification at mach 5
So I guess it's more deadly than intended?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 6: “There is a named steel warhammer on the surface. DAMMIT- -"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 7: “We got this visitor right as the siege ended”

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 8: The cleaner

Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2024, 05:53:20 am »

Image 1: From VOD: The traders have been summoned with DFHack

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 108, Albreo
Posted in Discord 15.01.2024

A great start, there's no siege on the surface this time. I planned to construct a usual array of spike ball traps to annihilate those corpses, cordon more ground, and maybe build a tower above when we are sufficiently secure. There's so much to do with little manpower. There are a lot of stuff left unmelt and we can recover a lot of metal from it. The farms are overproduced currently. Most of them have been turned off.

Our elf friend graciously sent us good stuff, a god-equivalent string of an instrument and we responded in kind with an assortment of rags. Our civ caravan has been resummoned and hopefully, this time, they will properly send us a migrant wave.

Not before long, the corpses arrived. With the upstairs unfinished, I have to switch to the underground. The most primitive of traps were set up hurriedly to process them in batches. The construction plan was disrupted but at least I don't have to hand over the siege to the next person. The surface will surely be ours one day.

Image 2: The forlorn butcher and the animals

Pictures From the VOD:

Albreo made a full video of the gameplay available, so I skimmed through it with Youtube’s fast-forward key, to get an idea of what kinds of things happen in the fort when another player is in the helm. So here’s a compilation of some things that took place:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Images: Fighting the undead beasts

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Images: The necromantic siege

Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2024, 06:10:47 am »

Image 1: Setting up the pump stack

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 109, GeeFin
Posted in Discord 16.01.2024

In the beginning of the year I let the fortress denizens finish building the entryway. I also added a few single tile farm plots for a bit of extra booze variety.

Next I got started on a magma pumpstack, and plans for a magma floodable entryway.  I replaced some of the walls with bridges so the magma can be released when we're done with it. I also replaced the doors with magma safe steel.

Once the digging for the pumpstack was complete I dug the final channel into the magma sea. I was about to have the first pumps put in place when bloop a 7/7 chunk of magma distributed itself across the bottom. I eventually figured the best way to deal with it was to flood the lower level and start the stack from there. With the rework I was only able to get the first magma pump in place by the end of my year.

Image 2: Forgotten beast!

But back to spring... I bought a Giant Warthog from the elves. I didn't get any migrants mid-spring or mid-summer while I was digging/building. Lega Pimciro threw a tantrum and killed Bistkash Nesimbuh, Human Miner so I expelled Lega Pimciro.  Not much else happened during the summer.

There was a tiny siege of 4 elves and a lizard man, wimpy enough that I sent out the military to take it on. Seems it was just intended as a distraction for a couple necromancers trying to steal bodies, but they were easy enough to kill and/or scare off.

The Dwarves came and I rejected barony but bribed the traders about 14k dwarfbucks worth in surface junk for about 1k in goods. I saw a manera (corpse) for the first time.

Urdim Minedmile and Adil Valeinks dwarfs suddenly asked to join the faction? Joined, no population change? No migrants mid-autumn, so I ran dfhack: migrants-now and got up to 35 population.

Surprise! Undead forgotten beast corpse destroyed the door to cavern two. Before I could get the military in Asmel and Shorast the dwarves were killed by Bothonrul the forgotten beast. We've since rebuilt and locked the door. I'm not sure what happened to the forgotten beast corpse, hopefully it was dumped in the magma pit...

I mistakenly thought we had a few coffins ready as tombs, but we had Bistkash Nesimbuh rise as a ghost for a couple of days before I could get him memorialized. For the two dwarves that died, Shorast has a coffin, Asmel does not yet.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 3: The Catacombs of Crypt Beer

Here's a couple views from the outside, still needs some work.  The bridges are all functional, but the magma pump-stack is barely started.

Image 4: Magma-floodable entrance design

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Image 5: The makeshift roof of the keep, still using glumprong block bridges for their cheap material cost

From chat:

GeeFin — 16.01.2024
I didn't get any migrants for the first two seasons and expelled Lega Pimciro (human) for killing Bistkash Nesimbuh (also human), so down two so far

Salvadaddy — 16.01.2024
I saw Lega falling into depression a bunch but I never thought he'd kill anyone

GeeFin — 16.01.2024
I just missed seeing a manera alive for the first time, a forgotten beast got to it

Salvadaddy — 16.01.2024
I'm not sure I've heard of that before

Albreo — 16.01.2024
Does a caravan come? if not, force one.

GeeFin — 16.01.2024
Yeah, a caravan came
I didn't have much that I wanted to buy, but I bribed them with 14k worth of garbage from the surface

« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 06:15:46 am by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2024, 02:56:34 pm »

Image 1: The blue friend

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 110, Caram3lNuke - Part 1

From chat

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Just loaded the file. All seems well.
Siege at 1st of Granite! :D Surface outpost is locked, except for the trader entrance. I will use the traps there and put the military standing by the surface farm plot.
Ok... there is a path into the fortress... but the siege party is just standing there. Necromancers can't ask for parley, can they? No diplomacy screen poped up

Well, clearly they know about our traps and are holding the siege to block our trade routes and weaken the fortress! and not just the game being weird or anything
wait, they are moving

Salvadaddy — 18.01.2024
Oh good
Might be able to test the minecart shotgun on some moving targets now, assuming it got loaded. I didn’t (properly) set it up to be loaded at the end of my turn

Albreo — 18.01.2024
Anyone can parley but I don't think zombies will fancy your sock artifact much and stealthy elves.

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
There is just an empty copper minecart there :(
Which, by all means, could do quite some damage. But the siege is already about the enter the merchant entrance

Albreo — 18.01.2024
I will have to link the merchant entrance directly to the blender later.
Just use the trap to kill all the blue ones. Normal zombies are not a threat. If not too many just send the squad out.

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
I don't see any "ruined" units anymore. Currently we have 29 undead and 8... alive invaders?
I think we should be able to deal with it... but just to be sure, is everyone ok with throwing the military to break this siege? Or should we wait until end of season?
Opened all the steel doors and lowered the steel bridge

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
The siege is still going, no immigrants still

Image 2: “Infancy is such a magical stage of life”

Image 3: The forgotten beast with a grudge against the ant man army, Oson Stenchlarva

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
First layer
Currently fighting with ants. fps is holding at 22 (22)

Albreo — 18.01.2024
Don't forget to turn on the temperature. Last time I checked, there were over 350 ants left.

GeeFin — 18.01.2024
The same thing happened in Albreo's Youtube vids, siege sat there the whole year.  I think human civs do that, so maybe it's a human necromancer?  I was very seriously considering a bridge in that spot to "encourage" them to move

Albreo — 18.01.2024
22 FPS is quite low
Probably the ants fault. They are stuck over some water and map edge

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Btw, the beast is dead but the fire is still going in the first cave
I might run exterminate on them and that other command for stopping smoke and fire

Albreo — 18.01.2024
I already turn the spawn down. The maximum they can show up is 5. Don't exterminate them just keep them as is.

Image 4: ants

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
hm. Clear smoke was not effective increasing fps. Trying extinguish...
extinguish helped somewhat

Albreo — 18.01.2024
Did you have multi-threading on just in case?
Enable it and embrace the speed

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Spring is about to end and the siege is still waiting outside. I am going to send out the military so that we may get a caravan when summer starts
The siege is defeated. The recruit squad also took some action, crashing into the enemy party right after the veteran squad made contact.

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Migrants! :D we are up to 44
Also got requests for a farmer guild and priesthood
Should I use the "future guildhall"?

GeeFin — 18.01.2024
Great!  Keep bribing the dwarven caravans when they arrive (assuming no siege)
You should use the future guildhall, I think that's why it was built

Image 5a, 5b: Artefacts

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
The Order of Youth is the one asking for priesthood. They worship Kirar, which we already have a temple for. I will switch to the temple to complete the request

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Dwarven caravan has arrived
Do we want a baron or no? Know what, we are doing it!!
Also just dumped 6k-8k worth of goods as gifts
Should I thrown in more? I bought all food and weapons they had

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Also, what do you think will happen if we try to raid the necromancer tower? Is it doable? We must consolidate our claim of barony

Salvadaddy — 18.01.2024
I've been considering going full send with it, but we have no way of knowing how many zombies are there, since they aren't counted in the tower's population iirc
So maybe we could just dispatch some more raids first, since it's not like the zombies will mate to recuperate their losses

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
We are up to 54 dwarfs. We could perhaps give the recruits better gear and then send the veterans to raid the tower
Water blob showed up, poisonous vapors. Third cave layer
Another one
aaaaannd it is dead. classic
Updated the recruits to wear full armor

Image 6a, 6b: Cavern trouble

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Cave dwellers warning
Microline door destroyed warning
The baron ran out to haul something... Now they are crawling back to the hospital, unable to stand

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
Ok... we can hold the military by the door until someone figures out how to move a crundle body out of the way. OR we can just go back and lock the other doors
I will try to hold it
Door is repaired, no FB got close. all is well

Otto_K — 18.01.2024
Hillocks?? barony? We're popping off

Image 7: Our first hillocks!

Image 8: Minesharks legends

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
In other news, the rock nut soap industry I have been setting up while all the chaos was happening has already yielded 22 bars :D
There was a seasonal order to make a tallow soap
so we already did have a lot of it, actually
I am just mass producing rock nut soap (and going through it's logistical problems) for the meme :p

Salvadaddy — 18.01.2024
I mean tallow soap in a resurrecting biome is pretty dangerous, so I'd say you're still helpin quite a bit

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
In order to solidify our hold in the region and prepare for the attack on the necromancer towers, I will order our veteran squad to raid this goblin infested hillocks. Its population is 50 and its existence is a stain in our great barony!
The veteran squad slipped in, undetected
The loot is meager, no matter! We strike again!

Image 9: Elf siege

Caram3lNuke — 18.01.2024
6 or 7 elves... I wonder if there are giant animals we can't see...
One of them died in the traps and the siege immediately ended. How dare they stain our beautiful traps and not even fight!
Both squads have now been send to raze the goblin hillocks. Once that is done we shall pay the elves a little visit...

Salvadaddy — 18.01.2024
Wait why are the elves hostile? Were they already hostile at the beginning or did we cut down too many trees?

Caram3lNuke — 19.01.2024
No idea. I tried to see if the elves were part of any site, but there was nothing
and yet, there are no elves at war with us in the world map
so they might be from another civ

Image 10: Leaves... delicious?

Image 11: Happy fort

Caram3lNuke — 19.01.2024
We are also up to 40 rock nut soap bars :D But winter has come, so no more quarry bush farming for now
As a by product of our soapy endeavors...

I also just realized that all our medical staff is part of the military. The baron just spent a full season laying in the hospital without treatment
Lucky she is rarely sick, so no infections happened

Something very noteworthy is that our population is quite happy. Ahead, brighter days await Bardumiseth!
some of it might come from them being recruited. and generally being showered in mist almost all the time. They are using soap, that is for sure. You just need to check the 4 bars thrown around the well

We just got a perfect blue jade right now. A low value rock turned into a beautiful peace...
Sounds a lot like this place. A symbol of our barony, yes!
And as the year comes to an end... We find gold!
Right at the tip of this... ehm... thing... Listen, we needed more flux stone and I got bored, so I just ended up drawing things with the mine tool

« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 05:08:11 pm by Otto_K »
Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Savage. Terrifying. Bardumiseth, Fightquests! (Steam Succession) (Spoilers)
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2024, 03:50:27 pm »

Image 1: Fightquests and its holdings in year 111

Bardumiseth, Fightquests
Year 110, Caram3lNuke - Part 2
Posted in Discord 19.01.2024

"Rotten bodies walk and the dead mimics the gift of life. Here, under the sight of the necrotic tower, our souls were cast into doubt and fear. But soon, my friends, fear and doubt we shall no longer fear. Raise your mugs! As the year ends, we celebrate the first decade of Bardumiseth, Fightquests!"

This year started, as usual, with a siege of the undead. Our traps saw limited use, as they were content waiting outside our walls and disrupting our trade routes. But, as summer drew closer, we marched our military outside in defiance and clashed with the rotten zombies. At the end, we took no casualties and the enemy was, once again, laid to rest.

The clouds of darkness let the light shine through. A human caravan arrive with exotic goods, such as cheeses of ample variety and some sea products we dwarfs rarely see. Adding to that, a wave of migrants arrived, as word of our endeavor finally reached the mountainhome.

Leaves fell as we were setting up a rock nut based soap industry and equipping our new recruits with heavy armor. Then, the clings of coins captivated the most sensitive of ears; the dwarf caravan had arrived. However, goods and news were not the only things they brought. The outpost liaison got in contact with the expedition leader and proclaimed we are worthy of barony!

Now, with the power to rule the lands around us, a first settlement was founded north of us. The first hillock of many that will look up to us as a true fortress. But close to it, a fallen site of dwarven origin was populated by a goblin infestation. So we took on our weapons and pillaged that place as to guarantee the safety of our lands. By this point we also finished the baron's rooms and had already produced 40 bars of the finest rock nut soap around.

As the cold came, we closed our doors and gates and relaxed a little. The year was coming to an end and with it the first decade of our fortress. Never before had our population been to content, so happy. They live now in a truly magnificent citadel of stone, one which not even the rotten tower could break.

Addendum: The current rock nut soap count is 80+, the soapers kept insisting on putting this into the document.

Image 2: Campaign to Liberate Lancerwalks

Succession fort runs!
Zulbanunal - Bannerblunts
Bardumiseth - Fightquests

Salvadaddy — 29.12.2023
A zombie butterfly man chitin in THE PIT got killed by a falling olm remains lmao
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