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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 376687 times)

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #630 on: July 08, 2008, 09:01:39 pm »

The events of mid-Limestone, 1020

Stravitch Fillwhip stood in front of a fallen tree, the bodies of two elves laying on the ground around him.  Their heads had been crushed, one by Rakust's hammer, and one by Stravitch's great iron maul.  His squad was hastily looting bodies, laughing as they stole their trinkets from the corpses.  Stravitch was already sporting his newest, a thin veil he'd draped over his face. 

"Don't pack up too much, lads.  There are more of these treefuckers yet.  And we've still got to capture Coce Bonehorns and haul him out of these cursed woods.   First one of you to grab him and get him out of the battle can keep his coin purse as a prize.  Now let's move, we need to- Urk!"

He stopped speaking, shaking his hand violently.  An arrow was sticking from the palm, blood dripping from the end.  He snapped it in half quickly, wrenching the shaft out, and barked, "Archers!  MOVE!  TO BATTLE!"

The battle was quick and sudden.  Stravitch darted behind a tree, vanishing into the brush.  His squadmates charged forward, hammers crushing through the elves simple wooden armor.  Three of their bow-wielding guardsmen were smashed into pulp, their corpses shattering on trees like blood filled balloons.  Kosoth was the first to go, taking an arrow through the eye, his body slumping against one of the elves damned trees.

Bursting from the Shadows, Stravitch brought his maul down in a hard overhead smash, the guards head exploding like a cantelope, his neck shattering into his spine.  As Stravitch sprinted to his next target, Onol was the next to drop.  He had an arrow piercing his heart, but still he managed to take out a spearelf, dying atop her body. Looking at the carnage, Stravitch did the only thing he could to get out of this situation. 

He set the forest ablaze.

He could hear the screams of the elves coming from the heavy smoke, and faintly he could hear Rakust, his knee shattered by an elven arrow, as he roasted alive with them.  That was unimportant.  What WAS important was capturing Coce Bonehorns, the elves High Guard sprinting down the well-worn path. 

Smashing aside a guard with his maul, Stravitch set upon the High Guard, tripping him up.  The elf crashed to the ground and rolled onto his back, but instead of yielding he threw a handful of sand into the Captain's face.  Cursing, Stravitch stomped his boot down into Coce's groin, and brought his maul down on his face.  It wasn't until he'd blinked the sand out of his eyes that he realized what he'd done.

An arrow clipped his ear, taking his trophy with it, and another string of curses came from the young soldier.  He scooped up the mangled corpse, and plowed through a bush, into the woods, into safety.  The elves that followed were rebuffed - the way was suddenly aflame. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 09:27:15 am by Heavy Flak »

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #631 on: July 09, 2008, 08:51:19 am »

OOC Shenanigans:

So, today, I saw my first "Demon Drunk". In particular, it was "Olsmo Parchphantom the Sinful Vice, Demon Drunk". Parch is a fire-linked word, so we got lucky with that one.

Let's hope I'm not ruining anything with this quote, in case people don't read them, but that's a direct quote from Toady on his most recent update.

What it shows me, is Olsmo is invading other game worlds as well.  He's also a Demon Drunk, just as he should be in The One Real World that Migrursut is a part of.  It seems Toady's version has more bling and renown though, so... he's got me beat there.  I'm still counting this as a win on my end, what with my villains traveling abroad and all.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 09:12:10 am by Heavy Flak »

Flar Moonchill

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #632 on: July 09, 2008, 09:08:15 am »

Yeah I saw that as well.

Made me laugh and think of this thread immediately!

Olsmo lives! He's just drowning his sorrowing after the drubbing he got from the Star God!
- If you know what I mean, and I''m sure that you do.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #633 on: July 09, 2008, 12:13:34 pm »

Best devlog update I've ever seen.  I was going to post it here if no one else had noticed yet, but apparently that wasn't the case.  Olsmo lives...and he's an alcoholic!

So that's how the lake drained that one time.  The pumps weren't broken, Olsmo drank all the water (which no doubt had a high alcohol content, being in a dwarf fortress after all.)
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #634 on: July 09, 2008, 07:06:16 pm »

World Information:

1. Ilecacalovi:  These Elves have been waging war with the dwarves of Lolumzasit for twenty years.  Only in the last three have hostilities escalated.  The Elves are often rebuffed at the borders of the mountains, and leave their towns open to ensnare the marching dwarven hosts.
2. Stukos Matul:  A hundred years ago, waves of imigrants left the mountains of Nish Neth seeking warmer climate and a respite from human raiders.  Little did they know they settled between two waring goblin factions, their numbers small as most settlers sent out to take new lands were enslaved or killed.
3. Guzmato:  Though they have many towers, these goblins are small of number.  They are constantly being raided by the followers of Tode Lustu.  They worship the dead Star God, Båx Unostotho, his power constantly kept in check by the southern born goblins and their foul half-breed brethren. 
4. Tode Lusto: Goblins versed in fire and iron, from father south than Dwarven Maps can show.  Relative newcomers to the Known World, they bring with them death, and disease, and whispers in the night of their flesh-eating leader Olsmo. 
5. Kemsagil: Water-faring merchants.  Most of their cities are coastal, and they have been traveling by boat between the Dwarven nations for many, many years.
6. Nish Neth: Born on the edge of an icy tundra, these Dwarves are hardier than some of their other kin.  They are most apt to trade with other races, and even after the wars began with the elves, they continued to trade until their caravans began to get robbed.
7. Lolumzasit: No one knows who threw the first stone, though it's suspected it is these Dwarves.  Having executed an Elven Diplomat for stealing secrets from their workshops, their elven neighbors retaliated by filling the Dwarven emissary and his honor guard with arrows. 
8. Araliinefa: Once a powerful nation, these Elves are all but extinct.  Their forests burned, their citizens raped and slaughtered by the outriders of Tode Lusto, doing the bidding of their leader.
9. Stramgil: Rich and prosperous, these Humans are finally beginning to leave their lands and trade, their love for golds, silvers, and the "cute trinkets" of other races compelling them to send their fingers out to the far reaches of the Known World.

1. Amiÿaopeya: Where Gerald Fountainspring tried to hold the path from the Druid and his guard
2. Thalúawiÿo: Where Stravitch Fillwhip tried to capture the High Guard Coce Bonehorns, retreating with only a corpse.
3. Berzuntîr: Where the host of Lolumzasit is meeting, while they wage war.  They are allies with Nith Nesh.   
4. Rethiatera: The Death Cloud, a months long battle entrenching the Dwarves and Elves. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 08:23:57 pm by Heavy Flak »


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #635 on: July 09, 2008, 09:00:47 pm »

Looks like there may be some continuity errors between Heavy Flak's official story and my short story about Kuli's past.

I'll resolve it by saying that my story takes place in a region farther south, and Kuli later emigrated to Stukos Matul to proselytize there.  The goblins Kuli fought probably belonged to the southern parts of Tode Lusto.

There appear to be some human towns within the borders Ilecacalovi.  What kingdom do they belong to?  Subjugated by the elves perhaps?
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #636 on: July 09, 2008, 09:33:36 pm »

The events of Late-Limestone, 1020

Gerald walked down the hallway, flanked by four of the Elite Guardsmen of Berzuntîr.  He was nervous, as he always was when pulled in front of General Rakust Geartrot, and it showed in the way his spear shook slightly in his grasp.  He was marched into the main hallway, lined with the pillars engraved with rules of old, and saw his old squad mate Stravitch standing at ease, his own four escorts circled behind him.

Coming to attention beside Stravitch, Gerald looked upon the stony face of The General out here in the east, and his adviser Urist.  In the silence of the hallway, Gerald could hear the General grinding his teeth, his broad jaw working hard as he bored holes through them with his stare.

"You two... are a disgrace.  An utter disgrace for our order!" The General shouted the last two words, their echoes heard down the stony hallways.  "I break your squads apart in the hopes, the simple hopes, that that would instill order among the groups.  And what do I get?  What do I GET!  I get two separate squads of colossal screw-ups, prancing through the battlefields like they're going out for a day of shopping and shenanigans!"

"Sir, that's no' entirely fair, we did-" Gerald Started.
"You, Captain Fountainspring, need to silence your flapping gums immediately.  I gave you the simplest of tasks - hold up the marching elven armies long enough for Captain Fillwhip to make off with the High Guard.  And you turned tail and fled, leaving your men behind to get slaughtered.  You're one of the Glass Knights, a craven with his toy shield and spear.  If you hadn't helped break the first siege of Uramralin, I'd have you swinging from the cliffs by your neck.  Instead, I have to suffer your incompetence, in not even holding a path for a few hours."

"You're bein' a bit harsh on him, aren't you?" Stravitch said, grinning. "Not everyone-"
"ENOUGH," The General roared, "It is due only to the graces of your Baron Uncle that you're not playing gate guard in some backwater swamp burb!  Instead, I have to come leave the planning rooms, leave the armies, leave the battlefields, to come down here and scream at a psychopath who can't follow the simplest orders!  What was your mission."

"To bring back Coce Bonehorns."
"And where is he."
"I brought him back, he's in the storeroom."
"He's dead!  Do you even know why we wanted him alive?"
"I don't really care why he was wanted alive.  When was the last time you saw battle, General?  Because you may not remember this, but people are trying to kill you.  And when they try to kill you, sometimes it's impossible to stop them without killing them back."

The General ignored him, pressing on once he had stopped talking.  "We wanted Coce, because we could have used him to barter the release of two of our lieutenants from their prisons.  We don't have a bartering chip now, he doesn't even have a head."
"He has a head," Stravitch complained.  "He's just dead."
"You sewed on a head from a different body," Urist the Adviser snapped.  "It fell off when we were moving it!"

Shaking his head, the General folded his arms across his chest, baring a mouthful of false copper teeth.  "I've had enough of this.  From this point on, you're being reassigned.  You're being given a special task.  Ones that only two decorated soldiers such as yourselves can accomplish."

"Wh' task is that, Sir?"
"To the other soldiers, you're on a daring raid of the Elven Capital to try and capture the Lord Druid's sons.  That should spread soon enough, and hopefully they'll pull their northern armies back to the capital and buy us some time. 
"Instead, you'll be traveling south to Quogubino on the edge of the sea.  You're to get a boat and take it east Atthempos, the Twins at the River's Mouth, and from there head to Imushmor in the Nish Neth Mountains."

"Nish Neth?  Sir, tha's not e'en close t' the fightin'."
"I know.  From this point forward, you're supplymen.  There's a large shipment of ballista parts and ammo that needs to be delivered to Stukos Matul.  We've received pigeons from them asking for aid - the elves on the other side of the mountain chains haven't been seen in years, but they'd rather be prepared.  In return, they'll be sending up two armies - all the men they're able - to push the elves southern borders."

Stravitch glanced at Gerald briefly, before turning back to the general, his eyes narrowed. "We're going to play at delivery boys?  I'm not doing it."
"You'll do it.  You'll both do it.  Or I swear when we send that elf's corpse back to them it'll be your head sewn on the body, and Captain Fountainspring's will be an added gift.  Now get saddled.  I want you leaving at first light tomorrow."
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 06:47:47 am by Heavy Flak »

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #637 on: July 09, 2008, 09:37:38 pm »

Looks like there may be some continuity errors between Heavy Flak's official story and my short story about Kuli's past.

I'll resolve it by saying that my story takes place in a region farther south, and Kuli later emigrated to Stukos Matul to proselytize there.  The goblins Kuli fought probably belonged to the southern parts of Tode Lusto.

There appear to be some human towns within the borders Ilecacalovi.  What kingdom do they belong to?  Subjugated by the elves perhaps?

I've been trying to take your back story into consideration when writing up the histories of the Known World.  I always assumed that Kuli's story did indeed take place farther south and he immigrated north to Stukos Matul.  I'd have to look back at what you wrote, but I thought he was traveling north... but I could have been wrong.  If you want, send me a PM and we can play around with the locations a little to make it work better.

In the game world, those Human Towns are part of a third human civilization, but in the story terms, they're just a smattering of villages with no leader because I think 9 separate civilizations are plenty.  Elven subjugation is as good as anything for them :)


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #638 on: July 10, 2008, 07:55:20 am »

Did you get my PM, Heavy Flak?
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #639 on: July 10, 2008, 08:01:49 am »

Did you get my PM, Heavy Flak?

Heh, sure did.  Sorry, I'm stuck in a training session and have to be "paying attention" when people are talking.  I sent you a response back right as you were posting that.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #640 on: July 10, 2008, 04:14:27 pm »

Quilton Feldspar - Human Halberdier.  Quilton was captured by goblins as a young child on a raid that killed his parents.  He was later rescued by dwarves, and grew up among them.  He took up arms there, wields a halberd that belonged to a caravan guardsman, and a piecemail collection of armor that he was able to salvage or buy from caravans.  Likes cows for their eerie mooing.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #641 on: July 10, 2008, 10:41:27 pm »

The events of Late-Limestone, 1020

"Are ya' sure ya' know where were goin'?" Gerald asked suspiciously, as he and Stravitch trudged through the overgrown path. 

"Of course I am.  Have faith, I'm a man of God."
"Yer' a'man of a God, not the God.  What do ya' know of faith?"
"I know enough that he's kept me safe all these years," Stravitch said with a grin. 
"Ya' know enough to break faces and swill beer, an' claim a praise fer' Lenod," Gerald snapped back, giving him a nudge with his spear.

They bickered like this as they traveled the path, their attentions pulled away from the details.  The trees, massive and ancient rising into the sky.  The faint splatters of blood sprayed on the ground.  The arrows, stuffed into the trees and stuck haphazardly in the ground.  It was Stravitch who stopped them, a hand held up, his voice hushed, "Shh, hold.  I hear something..."

Gerald stopped, and they listened intently.   "Yer' right," He said, frowning.  "That sounds Dwarvish.  C'mon."

They made their way towards the sounds, their attempts at being sneaky nothing more than loud blunders through the brush.  Less then twenty yards in, and the trees were charred, some toppled over - arrows as prolific as grass.  The noises, soft cursing followed by hard coughs, was traced to a toppled tree.  A dwarf was pinned underneath it, arrows littering his exposed body.  His helm was knocked aside, a shock of white hair framing his head like a lions mane. 

"Boys, am... I glad to see you," He said, coughing.  "I need... help.  I've been here for days."
"Oh, ya' idiot," moaned Gerald.  "Ya' took us off course ta' Rethiatera.  We need t' get outta' here.  We need t'get outa' here soon."
"Well... if it isn't ol' Nil.  What are you doing out here?" Stravitch said, moving over to the tree.  Gerald followed, sliding his spear under it to act as a lever.
"It's Major to you... we're still... in a battlefield, and while here, I'm to be addressed... by my Rank."
"A'course, Major," Gerald said.  Sweat beaded on his brow as he put pressure on his spear, and Stravitch threw his great strength behind it, the felled tree creeking off the Major and crashing into the ground beside him.  "Can ya' move?"

He sat up, groaning as he did so.  After a few minutes he was on his feet, eyes beginning to unfocus as he looked at the arrows littering his body.  His knees gave out, and it was Gerald's quick reflexes that caught him.  Sliding an arm around his waist, he propped the Major up, pointing to Stravitch.
"Get un'er him.  He cannae walk."
"Yeah?  And we can't fight hauling him with us."
"Get me out of here," The Major snarled, "If you... even think of leaving me, I'll make sure... you die with me in these... damned woods."
"What is it with people threatening to kill me?" Stravitch complained.
"Perhaps it's all yer' Godly charms," Gerald mused.


They ended up taking The Major all the way to Quogubino.  Twice they tried to leave him and go seperate ways, but he was much too weak, and to even strip him of his armor and remove the arrows caused massive bleeding.  They couldn't back track, with the wars behind them and the General's threats, and it was nearly a week later that they arrived in the fishing town at the Sea's edge. 

"Now take good care of him," Stravitch said to the merchant.  "See he's rested, and there'll be a chest of gold sent down here for his safe return."
"Aye.  Major DayCovering may be a salty old man, bu' dunnae listen t'him.  He's all bluster an' wind."

As they left for the Inn, Gerald said, his voice lowered, "Is it safe t'leave him here?  What if they turn him o'er t'the Elves?"
"They won't.  They've no more loves for the Elves than we do.  He should be okay 'till he's rested.  They've seen his insignia, they know he's an Army Man."

The night was long, full of drink and talk.  Now that they'd gotten here, they weren't sure how to travel.  They'd talked to a few of the merchant-captains, who brushed the pair of Dwarves off as an annoyance.  Even the simple fisherfolk, with their small oared crafts, turned the Dwarves away for lack for their lack of coin. 

It was as the night was nearly over, and the bar beginning to close for the night, that a pock-marked man with a long face took a seat at their table.  He was unkempt, and his eyes steely, though his attire left much to desire, as worn and dirty as it was.

"Can we... help ya'?" Gerald asked suspiciously.
"Nah, but I kin' help ya', I spec'.  Talk roun' this hollar sayin' ya' need a boatsman."
"You... own a boat?" Stravitch said, matter of fact.
"Own?  Ha!  Nuh'sirrah.  I dun't own mucha' ana'thin'.  But ah know the sea, spend most mah days out innit.  Ya' wanna' sail outta' here, ta' parts east, unknown?  Ah kin' help ya', wit' two requests met."

"Aye, a'course," Gerald said peevishly.  "You want a lump of Dwarven-mined Gold, as big as yer' head, an a full suit of masterwrought plate, ya'?"
"No, 'course not," The man said, scowling. 
"Then what," Stravitch said, his voice low and level.

"Ah dun't want ya' to ask where'n the boats a'come from.  That's number one."
"And number two?"
"Ya' dun't complain when ah bring 'long mah friend Gillysit."

"Why would we complain?" Stravitch asked, one brow raised. "That's one more sword between them and us."
The man laughed.  "Yer' sayin' that now, bu' jes' wait.  There'll be no talka' leavin' him behind."  His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "Be on the docks at first light.  Yer' gettin' a free ride from Ol' Vactor here, but he ain't gunna wait 'round neither.  First light, I'm settin' sail, with'er without ya'."
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 10:56:35 pm by Heavy Flak »


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #642 on: July 11, 2008, 05:33:01 am »

Wait a minute...What?

Daycovering?! Is this the same Major we all know in the current day fortress or is it a relative?

Interesting to say the least...


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #643 on: July 11, 2008, 05:51:44 am »

Wait a minute...What?

Daycovering?! Is this the same Major we all know in the current day fortress or is it a relative?

Interesting to say the least...

Yeah, I think it's fourdash. This is what, just around the time of the battle that made him "craven", right?


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #644 on: July 11, 2008, 06:59:27 am »

Aha.  So Major Daycovering has a first name after all!
"The power of Zefon compels you!"
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