Download at the depot.22 changes
+ Fixed a FD civ issue. Some FD civs now properly siege in the first winter or second spring.
+ Fixed an issue with kitchen sink reactions not spawning products properly
+ Added a custom furnace, the auto-smelter, taking over automatic smelting after magma has been discovered.
+ Fixed an issue with moldy stone dupping by introducing yeast and make moldy stones splitting into them beforehand directly.
+ Fixed an issue with cave wheat milling not spawning seeds
+ Fixed an issue with pod sweet milling spawning seeds
+ Made quarry bush the dye-bearing plant instead of plump helmet
Mostly bugfixes since I'm focusing on data preparation for the second creature overhaul.
+ Fixed a FD civ issue
Some lingering issues with FD civs dieing out early in world gen. Now you can count on tigermen, furies, stranglers and frogmen to arrive very early. They dont wear any body armor however, so axes should make short works of these guys.
+ Fixed an issue with kitchen sink reactions not spawning products properly
To be more precise, I develop on more then one computer and forgot to sync them, making the kitchen trying to spawn non-existing mining kit tools.
+ Added a custom furnace, the auto-smelter, taking over automatic smelting after magma has been discovered
Wierd bug, really.
+ Fixed an issue with moldy stone dupping by introducing yeast and make moldy stones splitting into them beforehand directly
Because brewing try to determine the amount of products based on the amount of plant used so the amount of moldy stones steadily increase over time. This has been fixed by having the stones automatically split into small yeast pouches using the plant processing labour at the kitchen. I know this is a very adhoc and unintuitive solution but I cant think of anything better.
+ Fixed an issue with cave wheat milling not spawning seeds
+ Fixed an issue with pod sweet milling spawning seeds
+ Made quarry bush the dye-bearing plant instead of plump helmet
Plump helmets are now very hard to sustain to suit an emergency role. You can grow them quick but you cant grow them strong and usually would have just enough of these guys instead of being able to grow fields and fields to export.
+ Minor adjustments
Good luck noticing them all

Why do you think it involves little fun or is difficult to control?
It's really rare event anyway and most of the time its willfully induced by player.
Have you tried to fight the new elemental fire? In the upcoming creature overhaul it'd definitely be seen ALOT. And guess what? Dwarves are guaranteed to
burn melt to death if they fight it in melee even if they dont get hit by it. God forbid if any of them succeed in getting back to the fort...
EDIT: A rather big changes: I've found out chief medical dwarves arent needed for diagnosis and are only around for the health screen. Due to this reason, they no longer have any mandates.