Graphical Version: Version: is a gigantic mod that completely overhauls DF and thrusts it into the fantasy world of
Elanthia. Over 220 new creatures, terrifying megabeasts, goblins, orcs, and the ever-present threat of the terrifying Dragon Priests stand between you and glory. Will your outpost bring you wealth and success, or are you only digging your own graves?
Dwarvenrealms is based off of Dragonrealms, a gigantic and well-loved MUD that dates back to 1997. Something about the universe always struck me as particularly enjoyable, and when I started this mod, I found that Dwarf Fortress's mechanics fit for many reasons.
So what can you expect from this mod?
EntitiesKermorians: The playable entity, Kermorians are inhabitants of a nation fighting for peace and prosperity in a hostile world. Eleven races have banded together and are setting out to stake a claim on the frontier. Each race has their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
Goblins: Small, weak, and ill-equipped, goblins pose more of a threat to your stockpiles than your citizens.
The Clans: Orcs and Black Goblins live deep in the wilderness. Their lifestyle seems savage to most, but their strength is not to be ignored. Like the lesser goblins, they will send thieves to plunder your hoard, but unlike their puny cousins, they are ready and willing to make war on you.
Dragon Priests: Wicked worshipers of the fabled World Dragon, the Dragon Priests seek to dominate the world--or failing that, destroy it. Their missionaries come in the night to kidnap children and spirit them away to be made into acolytes, or perhaps more mercifully, sacrificed.
IndustriesSericulture: "It is said that the first Ferdahl, Silvathrew, accidentally discovered silk when she discovered a humble silkworm in her bedchamber, and, in fact, on her very pillow. As she lifted it in disgust to be rid of it, she noticed a cocoon of silk attached to the tiny thing. Thus was born an essential component of Elothean vesture."
--Excerpt from Of Silk and Lace
Some environments have silk worms, which can be collected and farmed much like bees. When the colony grows large enough, their cocoons can be collected and boiled for silk, which may be spun as-is or taken to the artificer's shop to be spun into something more.
Farming: Nearly all farming occurs above-ground now, meaning you may need to construct outdoor fortifications to protect your workers. Most of what you can grow are real-world crops, including cotton, flax, and potatoes.
Dyeing: Dyes and bleach can be found the world over in a variety of colors.
Weaving: A new building has been introduced: The Jacquard Loom. This workshop lets you combine sets of thread to create intricately woven damask and brocade fabric, greatly boosting the value of any items you make out of it.
Crafting: Most crafting workshops can now put out an enormous variety of items. Cooking, clothing, toys, armor, and weapons have all been greatly expanded.
MaterialsHave been greatly expanded. Wood all has realistic values, and there are around a dozen new trees (real and imaginary) to play with, some strong enough to actually make decent weapons out of. In addition, you will find that some creatures' teeth and hides are far tougher than usual, and the leather armor and fang weapons you can make from their carcasses will in some cases stand up against even some of the better metals...and speaking of metal, there are several new ores far underground to play with. Niniam, Lumium, Damite, Glaes, Kertig, these are a cut above common steel if properly used, and have varying properties that give them actual tactical considerations.
CreaturesThe meat of the mod, the gigantic assortment of new creatures have a variety of new and innovative ways to terrorize your fortress, from the S'sugi Malchata's sandstorm to the Sky Giant's deadly lightning bolts. Though your kermorians are hardly defenseless, you may want to consider locking the doors when the Kra'hei come calling.
Credits: Thanks go to Quarynn for the logo, Ironhand for the basis for my graphics set, and ult1mara for the review!