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Messages - Forumsdwarf

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Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Up with Feudalism
« on: July 09, 2010, 04:53:45 am »
There was a thread that got derailed fast and hard. Namely, this one.
I go on vacation and the whole frakking thread comes apart at the seams.

Kind of like how governments that begin with a few good ideas about liberty and equality inevitably devolve into regulating the curvature of bananas ... bringing us BACK ON TOPIC!




General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 09, 2010, 04:49:31 am »
For this whole "freedom of speech" thing.
Forumsdwarf I understand that you'd like that it is what these war are about.
What I would like is if everyone thought as we did on the subject of basic freedoms, although for them to tolerate us would be an acceptable second-best.
That's not the world we live in, and all the violence, intolerance, and censorship in the name of Islam proves it.  Need I go over the list of Fatwahs and death sentences yet again?  It is as if you have censored the name "Theo van Gogh" right out of your own brain or forgotten that Ayaan Hirsi-Ali is here because she is not safe over there because of Muslim intolerance.
So we must make our stand for our way of life just as anyone else must who wants to live a life of their own choosing.  That also includes the terrorists, who I am sure are appalled that their children are drawn to what they must perceive as the decadence of the West.
In a way I pity them, as they feel just as strongly about their ways as I do about mine, yet without the firepower to see their way prevail they have chosen a path that will only hasten their destruction.
Better them than us.
In a few generations their religion will be as harmless as Shintoism, and no one will want to draw Muhammad cartoons.  When was the last time anyone drew a cartoon of His Imperial Majesty Akihito?  And who would want to?  He seems like a nice guy.

Unfortunately, I have to point out that it have never been part of the US agenda.
"Never" is a pretty broad generalization, which should clue you in right off the bat that you've said something regrettable.  Rather than rub your nose in it I'll let you do the research and feel the shame in private.
But had you said "some" then you'd have a valid argument.  However, just because we don't invade our allies and force change doesn't mean we don't exert influence.
Just look at Kuwait.  Besides Desert Storm they have one more thing in common with Iraq: women's suffrage.  We didn't impose it when we liberated them from Saddam and some people criticized us for that.  Now their leaders have chosen it for themselves ... with the encouragement and clear approval of their best friend and most powerful ally the United States.

First point : mainstream Islam is not for censorship
It's really a question of percentages, isn't it?  If you grabbed a random Muslim off the streets and said, "If you had the power to burn every last copy of The Satanic Verses would you do it?"  How many would say, "Yes?"  I don't know the answer to that question, and frankly neither do you.
Whatever that proportion is, religious reform means reducing it to negligibility, like the number of Christians who would ban evolution from textbooks.  There are some, but not enough to matter.
Furthermore, when some Christians get it into their heads to try to ban evolution other Christians rush to defend it.  The good Christians do their best to keep the bad ones from giving the whole religion a bad reputation.
With Islam it's always, "We're the real victims here!  The United States is imperialist and evil!  They gave biological weapons to Iraq!"  It's the same kind of crap every time there's a terrorist attack.

And that is one case, in one organization. Beside his conclusion has been validated by other expert.
"Expert" Nazi-sympathizers agreeing with each other ... what a shock!  A completely one-sided condemnation of Israeli "human rights violations" can't be far behind ... because every expert knows it's only a war crime if Israel does it.
Here's a clue: any degree of double-standard destroys all credibility.  War is an awful thing, so one should expect awful things so long as Hamas and Israel are fighting one.  A "war crime" has to be worse than war or the claim is itself just wartime propaganda as risible as the broadcasts of Tokyo Rose or Baghdad Bob.

Burning civilian with white phosphorus for nor reason is a must bigger crime than censoring piglet.
Do you ever bother to research the propaganda you've been spoon-fed before you regurgitate it?  Israeli WP rounds are used for illumination, not as anti-personnel weapons.  We used it extensively, too, until our NV gear got so good we were better off in the dark.

third point: You don't even make sense . Why would pen need backup from something weaker.
Why do axles need wheels?  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Re: Up with Feudalism
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:03:08 am »
I'm casting my lot with Feudalism, and I want to know who's with me or against me.

I've heard it said, "If only all wars could be decided by games of chess ..."

Am I to understand you'd solve the world's problems by making us play Dungeons and Dragons?

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:57:20 pm »
No actually, you cannot win this terror war.
Every day that Salman Rushdie, Matt Stone, Trey Parker, Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, and others like them continue to publish we win another victory in our ongoing War on Terror.


This is why we are fighting.  I haven't read it, but I can, with a couple of mouse clicks and a credit card.  That's what this war is all about.

Whenever we might find ourselves beginning to doubt whether the price is worth it, whether we can win, whether the religious fanatics are just too devout, too committed, too ruthless for us to continue the fight, we can find renewed strength from a simple visit to our local bookstore.  There on the shelves are the whole and unadulterated visions of their authors and publishers made real with ink and paper unstained by the taint of religious censorship.
Those books are there, even those that condemn the fight to preserve them, because our heroes, heroes like Todd Beamer, Paul R. Smith, and David Petraeus, fight, fought, and sometimes died protecting those freedoms.  They form an unbroken chain all the way back to Martin Luther's 95 theses -- another time of religious darkness whose heroes' actions were measured in words on pages.

As for Israel internal policy, let's say that each and every human right movement are condemning it.
In between fawning over their collections of Nazi memorabilia.

“VERY nice Hitler signature selection”
"That is so cool! The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!”
 -- Mark Garlasco, Human Rights Watch "Israel Expert"

But I will let you in your dream world were you "fight the good war" on the "bad guys".
The life of letters is often abstract, but it is also said the pen is mightier than the sword.  While in the long arc of history that has proven to be true, the pen needs to call for backup now and again.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 03, 2010, 07:57:23 am »
This. This is exactly why terrorists are killing people. If they fight long and hard enough, soon American society will reform and adopt their ways. It's gonna be a long war, boys.
If both sides believe this (and they seem to do), then yes, it won't be over for a loooong time.

"Let's roll."
 -- Todd Beamer, passenger, United Airlines flight 93

We're not going to start censoring editorial cartoons or pull The Satanic Verses off store shelves just because it might make some Muslims angry.  We fought the Cold War for half a century.  We can do it again.  50 years from now it will still be legal -- and safe -- to draw a cartoon of Muhammad, whether or not we're still fighting the War on Terror.

Realy if the US was so big about its ideals it would have stopped supporting Israel a long time ago.
On the contrary, Israel has freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and on top of all that freedom to choose sexual orientation.  No other country in the Middle East comes close.  Israel is perfectly aligned with our values; we would be foolish not to form an alliance.
I know this guy just pulled this right out of his ignorant arse, but I just cant resist saying it is complete and utter nonsense; just plain not true.

Your knowledge of Israeli domestic policy is matched only by the level of IT skill you demonstrate in your confused attempt to use the quote feature.
If Muslims in Israel were treated like Jews in Nazi Germany they'd be dead, not holding elected public office.
People often see their own flaws in others.  Perhaps were you better informed you wouldn't humiliate yourself so badly tossing off the word "ignorant" in situations where it so clearly applies to yourself.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:27:28 am »
Yes, killing thousands and wasting billions on fighting futile wars is OK as long as you have Piglet!
As long as we have Piglet the wars are not futile.

Yeah right. Your a fool to believe the US is doing what its doing out of idealism. They are in it for political and financial gain
Well, obviously.  Freedom of speech is a political concept, so clearly we are fighting for political goals.

Realy if the US was so big about its ideals it would have stopped supporting Israel a long time ago.
On the contrary, Israel has freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and on top of all that freedom to choose sexual orientation.  No other country in the Middle East comes close.  Israel is perfectly aligned with our values; we would be foolish not to form an alliance.

And if I understand correctelly you are trying to make 'council office removes things which may offend muslim immigrants' with 'brittish gouvernment capitulates under extremist islam'. If that realy makes sense in your head then there realy is no reasoning with you.
To an American censorship is capitulation.  You are correct: on this topic there is no reasoning with us.  We Americans are as committed to freedom of speech as fundamentalist Muslims are to censorship.

We will, to respond to Siquo, fight fire with fire until the whole world burns ... to save the books from burning instead.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:31:10 am »
is all I need to understand
You don't need more to understand? In fact, by claiming you already understand you can be sure you probably don't.
I meant that in the sense that it was the last piece of the puzzle falling into place.  But of course the puzzle changes over time, and one must remain current, so your point is taken.

And you do know that the strong horse theory was posted by Osama bin Laden, right?
"Know your enemy."
 -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

General Discussion / Re: A Debate About Capitalism
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:27:21 am »
I don't really think capitalism is "fair", because for it to be fair life would have to be fair.  Capitalism can be simplified into a single rule: no force.  In every other respect it is life without rules or barriers, and life isn't fair.

Part of the appeal of government is the fact that life isn't fair.  Life outside civilization is brutal, arbitrary, and deadly.  Government can and should alleviate much of the needless suffering of a natural life.

However ... I am drawn to capitalism by my skepticism that you can hand politicians access to everyone's wallets and trust them to use that power only to help the suffering.  From what I've seen they use it mostly to help entrenched interests; academic, corporate, or union, it makes no difference; in exchange for campaign contributions and political power.

I also find excessive borrowing scandalous, so I am naturally drawn to the right, but even "right wing" politicians are big borrowers.  When it comes to the People's Credit Card all politicians are socialists.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:05:38 am »
Forumsdwarf - just out of interest, what in the hell are you talking about?  Piglet is censored over here... what??  And they're trying to stop us buying war bonds?

I am... seriously confused.
Hee hee, I sometimes forget the non-American audience isn't entirely familiar with American culture.

Norman Rockwell was a famous painter during the WWII era.  The painting I posted, "Freedom of Speech", is from his "Four Freedoms" collection intended to remind Americans of the values for which we were fighting -- and motivate them to buy war bonds.  The importance of "Freedom of Speech" isn't the bonds but the speech.

Piglet is banned in certain British government offices.  Link:

We're not going to let that happen here.  Matt Stone and Trey Parker were censored by Comedy Central, but that is a private company.  Our government has so far not capitulated.  Furthermore it would be political suicide for any leader who suggested it.

The fact that mainstream Muslims give the provably bogus "biological weapons in Iraq" excuse to attack us is all I need to understand the "cycle of violence".  They're attacking us for "crimes" they invented out of whole cloth -- but the "root cause" is obvious: we allow people like Salman Rushdie to live, to speak, and we protect people like him from people like them.

Author Salman Rushdie, who back before any of the so-called "crimes" and "human rights violations" we allegedly committed after the Cold War was threatened with death for criticizing Muhammad in a book he wrote called The Satanic Verses.

Looking at that provocation from the Muslim perspective, a critical facility for understanding the conflict I do agree, we dared to defy their Fatwah, and for that their God demands we must be punished.

So be it -- both of us have our values we're willing to fight for and they're mutually exclusive.  Enough are willing to kill and die for their cause that we must be.  Drones, missiles, troops, alliances to nations with compatible values, whatever it takes, freedom of speech is worth it.  The lives of millions are not worth the banning of a single book, not worth the life of a single cartoonist, not worth censoring a single frame of South Park.

But there is hope: the Strong Horse Theory predicts that if we fight hard enough long enough Muslim society will reform and adopt our ways.  On the other hand, should that theory prove to be in error an aggressive policy eventually solves the problem anyway by eliminating all those who are causing it.

Heads we win, tails they lose.  Until then, "Billions for defense, but not a penny for censorship," if I might update a time-honored ideal.  They can choose peace now or suffer peace later, but they can't have Salman Rushdie.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:43:56 am »
Actually Virex pretty much nailed it.  Muslim extremists believe that terrorism gets results, and that's why they do it / justify it / dance in the streets celebrating it.

What Muslims seem to want is to turn this:

into this:

(That's a Winnie the Pooh book in Saudi Arabia with Piglet censored.  They got Piglet censored in Britain, too.  We Americans wouldn't capitulate to Muslim censorship no matter how many planes they try to hijack, but in other places the cowering Dhimmis dutifully obey.)

What I didn't realize until this thread is that rank-and-file Muslims justify their antagonism to our basic freedoms by making up crimes we Americans didn't commit, blaming us for things like Saddam's chemical weapons.  I always knew their belligerence was enabled by their self-identification as victims, but I never knew the extent to which they would carry the delusion until now -- assuming you speak for mainstream Muslims accurately.
We can't reason with people like that.  Whatever we do they will always come up with new excuses to hate us, even if they have to invent them out of whole cloth.  All I have to say at this point is that we're going to need a lot more drones.  We're going to be fighting this war for a long time.

Someone asked if I had any Muslim friends.  Nope.  I have some friends from the Middle East who are former Muslims who can't stand their former religion.  They can't ever return to their countries of origin or they might be murdered for apostasy.  But here in the States along with freedom of speech we have freedom of religion, too, so they'll be fine -- just as long as America remains what Osama would call the "Strong Horse".

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: June 29, 2010, 12:56:05 am »
While it was naive of us to provide medical supplies of such a sensitive nature they had nothing to do with the chemical weapons Saddam actually used in combat.
They knew, therefore it was evil, not stupidity (for a change).
A conspiracy theory?  We knew they were using our medical supplies to make weapons and that's why we let them have the medical supplies ... until we cut them off?  Give me a break.  If we'd wanted to help Saddam make biological weapons we would've done it.  Instead we sent medical supplies, found out Saddam was misusing them, cut off the supply, and now face terrorism for doing the right thing.
And people wonder why we need a War on Terror ...

The WMD's Saddam actually used -- mostly mustard gas with some assorted nerve gasses thrown in -- didn't come from us.  Had he dropped an anthrax bomb things would be different, but he didn't.  Nice try.
Ah, but they were paid for by US money, and delivered by US allies (germany, france, italy).
Singapore and Brazil were the biggest suppliers ... ahh, but that doesn't fit your narrative.  As excuses for terrorism go, though, it's pretty close to the kinds of things Osama comes up with.

According to retired Army Colonel W. Patrick Lang, senior defense intelligence officer for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency at the time ... the Defense Intelligence Agency were secretly providing detailed information on Iranian deployments ...
That we provided some intel was never at issue.  The issue was where Saddam got his chemical weapons, and it wasn't from us.  Feel free to accuse us of something completely different and somehow try to use that to "prove" your farcical allegations.  I'd hate for you to break with precedent.

So, although you're technically correct, you're wurming your way through a shithole where there's no exit.
If I'm technically correct, that leaves you ignorant and incorrect.  Nice spin, though.  You're doing the best you can with a losing argument.

And going from attacking the actual guilty people to attack the entire group those people belong to is something you yourself seem to condone.
And you still don't understand: what I'm attacking, and you can include yourself and the other apologists along with the mainstream Muslims, are the excuses you constantly make for terrorism -- on fabricated evidence, as it turns out.  So, you make up lies then justify terrorist attacks in the name of those lies and it is that for which I offer unapologetic condemnation.

That's your reasoning they are using. You are exactly like those you oppose, yet you and them both think you're so different.
You don't even understand my reasoning.  You're embarrassing yourself.
I have never claimed that mainstream Muslims were terrorists -- I have claimed, and provided real evidence of same, that they give excuses and justifications for terrorism and claim to be the "real victims" whenever a terrorist attack takes place.  These excuses and justifications encourage further terrorist attacks by the radical element.
Despite repeated explanation you still don't have a clue.  Maybe this time?

General Discussion / Re: Confessions
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:18:48 am »
My mother caught me with her porn stash.

I shat bricks.
Holy s -- your mom has a porn stash?  That's ... that's just awesome  ... if I found out my gf had a porn stash I'd marry her.

LOL, 6 new replies while I wrote that ... you seem to have the hottest topic on the forum.  Well done!

General Discussion / Re: Homeowners CAN be sued by burglars
« on: June 28, 2010, 01:58:23 am »
You actually knew that?  That's pretty cool.

If they aren't anyone in the house it wouldn't work, but if you had anyone living there, you'd be fine.

Also, it says "any degree of physical force"
The military calls torture a physical force, so you could, in essence, torture someone for entering your property until such point that they no longer have any desire to go on your property again.

How's that for a gray area?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Wait, if you could torture someone that would imply they were already subdued.

If that were legal it would also be legal to execute an intruder even if he were unconscious and tied to a chair.

Are you sure it works like that?  Usually the right to self-defense ends when the victim feels the threat is ended, a standard which if applied to an unconscious person tied to a chair would probably not earn an aquittal.

General Discussion / Re: Geert Wilders
« on: June 28, 2010, 01:41:27 am »
"On May 25 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that "pathogenic (meaning 'disease producing'), toxigenic (meaning 'poisonous'), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce." It added: "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."[30]

The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."[31]

Donald Riegle, Chairman of the Senate committee that authored the aforementioned Riegle Report, said:

    U.N. inspectors had identified many United States manufactured items that had been exported from the United States to Iraq under licenses issued by the Department of Commerce, and [established] that these items were used to further Iraq's chemical and nuclear weapons development and its missile delivery system development programs. ... The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think that is a devastating record.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control sent Iraq 14 separate agents "with biological warfare significance," according to Riegle's investigators.[32]" wikipedia

also and

USSR is uninvolved in Iraq's chemicals weapon program. It has been backed by the nato. And China, and India, and ... Brazil for some reason.
First, I never mentioned biological weapons, second, Iraq never used them, and third, once we realized the medical supplies we were sending were being used to make WMD's we stopped shipments.

While it was naive of us to provide medical supplies of such a sensitive nature they had nothing to do with the chemical weapons Saddam actually used in combat.

The WMD's Saddam actually used -- mostly mustard gas with some assorted nerve gasses thrown in -- didn't come from us.  Had he dropped an anthrax bomb things would be different, but he didn't.  Nice try.

What this means is that yet another "justification" for Muslim terrorism is hogwash, yet the terrorists and their apologists go on believing they are the victims of things America never even did.  And somehow that makes it "understandable" to threaten and kill people who write books, make movies, or draw satirical cartoons?

Not a chance.

General Discussion / Re: Homeowners CAN be sued by burglars
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:08:50 am »
Here's a legal gray area to ponder:

What if you've built a booby-trap that can only be activated by deliberate trigger? ... lawyers will call it "The Dwarf Fortress Defense" ...

In colorado, yes. If the Booby trap is controlled by a human, it is legal.

You actually knew that?  That's pretty cool.

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