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Messages - SanDiego

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 42
I have no recollection of posting that. O.o
I think this sums the entire Drunk Fort nicely.

Life Advice / Re: Sick relatives
« on: June 16, 2015, 05:11:06 pm »
Definitely call. Say hello, say you hope she'll be allright and that you love her. Sometimes, positive reinforcement from relatives can make all the difference.

Feel free to hyperventilate. From what I hear, hypocalcemic spasms are the rage at parties.

I tried to read some of the drunk fort while drunk. I thought it may mkae more sense. Nope.

Ah, Drunk Fortress. The delicate balance between drunkness and blackout.

Try last save of Murdermachines:
Disclaimer: Author of this post is not responsible for any lasting damage to your PC and/or sanity.

DF General Discussion / Re: Dwarf fortress in Poland
« on: April 28, 2015, 06:03:04 am »
Interesting question. Let me compare to the Czech Republic.
EDIT: It is also Slovak forum so it goes for Slovakian Republic as well, I believe

Few years back there were attempts to make a stable community on one of the Czech forums whose other half was shared by Minecraft enthusiasts, and it didn't exactly work out. From time to time someone would ask about strange behaviour of the game and that was, some time later, explained as a bug or mistake on the part of player - all this on a small forum where responses took some time.

If I were to pick a single most popular thread on those forums back then, it was Czech Let's Play dwarf fortress, where viewers could actually understand, what was going on on the screen. Even with the basic knowledge like that, the people there were unable to progress in the game any further, because they wouldn't be able to dig through wiki, through bug reports and through forum. I have yet to see a Czech community fortress. I attempted something like it with my friend, but the stars weren't aligned.

Dwarf fortress is a complex game in English language - many Czechs don't know English well enough to be able to cope with the level of complexity. This is not Starcraft where you learn the keyboard shortcuts and what every unit does simply by playing it for a while.

Dwarf fortress has its own niche market, so to speak. It's players are specific sort of people. If you can't speak the language, you won't find big enough community that can provide you with necessary background needed to play the game, which is major part of the DF experience. You won't get to take part in community game, you won't get to take part in !!SCIENCE!!.

Mind - I like the complexity, myself. Nowhere else have I learned so much about geology as in this game, or the English equivalents of animal names, but along with the language barrier it can be a problem for some.
Yup, I and few others tried to get it rolling, but there wasn't enough people to make it work.

Yay, a 2D fortress! Haven't seen (or played) one in ages! This should be fun.
Just FYI - you might want to install some rescue bridges on the river.

I tried to read this thread while drunk, hoping it may make more sense. It didn't quite work out.

Life Advice / Re: Should I join the military
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:29:35 am »
Some while ago, Cracked did an article with former nuclear engineer who served on submarines. It may interest you:

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: MurderMachines's Successor
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:42:47 am »
Yes, there is no way this will end in a complete cluster fuck.

Really? Awww....that's no fun....we need insanity
Memo to self: internet lacks capacity for subtle sarcasm.

DF Community Games & Stories / Re: MurderMachines's Successor
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:05:26 am »
Yes, there is no way this will end in a complete cluster fuck.

I just atempted to read the latest update while somewhat drunk. I gather there were some floodings and cośnter-floodings and counter-counter-floodings. I am just really amazed this fortress still exists.

I just did some catching up and I want one thing clear - this fort has THREE memorials to DECEASED WAGONS? HOW'S THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??

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