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Author Topic: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars J)Current Series: Voltes V  (Read 100005 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #105 on: April 27, 2012, 07:15:05 pm »

Kay, I just got done with all my stuff now and it's about seven. I still have a bad haircut to salvage. It takes a few hours to write these up soooooo update tomorrow. Sorry!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #106 on: April 28, 2012, 05:35:32 pm »

After a brief scare where I thought I had lost all my save data (but hadn't) I return.

Akatsuki: Sorry, but I don't know either. What I DO know is that humanoid weapon isn't from Nergal, the Federation, or ZAFT.
Aki: But it's fighting against the aliens, right?
Calvina: What do you want to do, Captain?!
Megumi:I tried contacting it, but... there's no answer.
Yurika: Let's just see how things play out. Maybe he's a good monster! As long as he doesn't try to attack us, I don't see a problem. Everyone, please be careful!
Akatsuki: Well, it's not like we can do anything else, eh?

All the radam move STRAIGHT for blade. They clearly don't like each other very much.


Blade moves up and attacks a Radam.

Have some theme music. This is also the theme music for the Blue Earth, incidentally.

This animation has so many bright white flashes in it, it's kinda hard to get a decent set of shots. I had like, three, that were just pure white, I'll try to get a better set as time goes on, because Blade's animations are some of the best in the game.



We just move everyone down towards blade and the remaining Radam, repairing damaged units (Combattler V and Baybull to be specific) along the way.


The first three radam attack blade and... end up hitting him twice, killing him. Huh. Kind've underwhelming given the unit they were dealing with, but whatcha gonna do. Luckily blade dying was not a lose condition and as such we will not fail the mission because of it.

Blade:(Nngh! Attacks like that aren't enough to beat me! I... I can't die yet!)
Ruri:...Looks like he was shot down.
Yurika:Ruri, can you recover him?
Ruri:Isn't that a little reckless at the moment? I'll continue tracking him for the time being, though.

The rest of the radam head our way, none make any contact.


I move the Nadesico left and down a bit, in an attempt to set something up. Hopefully it pays off! We also repair units as usual. Roanne gets a level from it, and gains the Focus spirit! Noal also gains a level and gets "luck" which if I recall doubles your money for the next turn. It can be very lucrative if you use it well. Aki also gained a level, no spirit though.

Have a picture of the current layout, and let's see if you can pick out what I'm trying to do! With... no knowledge of the type of attack I'm going to do. Oh well. MIGHT HAPPEN ANYWAY.

There's even more radam down off the bottom of the screen. Nadesico is the kinda spider walkery lookin thing in the top center. Let's see how this works out...


They all move up towards the nadesico, and are kind've offcenter for what I'm gonna do. Should still be decent...



OH NO, I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH WILL ON NADESICO FOR IT. Hmm. Only need two kills, should be managable...

Thank you. Now....

This here is a MAP attack. The red area is all the squares that will be attacked, so in this case we are hitting four radam in one attack, for 20 more energy then a normal Gravity Cannon. These things are NOTORIOUSLY difficult to set up, with only one unit in the entire history of Super Robot Wars having a post movement MAP attack (that didn't hit allies, that guy was kind've rediculous), and most of them hitting allied units as well as enemy units in the AOE. This is a REALLY GOOD MAP attack setup, and you probably won't see it often aside from times like this when enemies are on the approach, and you can afford to wait for it. I'd wait another turn, but with where Mazinger is, I think they'd lump up around him rather then the Nadesico and then I'd lose my shot. But enough prattle, let's show this thing off.

Damn. I was hoping it'd one shot them. Oh well, still an excellent deal for 50 energy. Incidentally Bellzelute has a MAP attack too, let's see if we can't get a crossfire kinda thing set up.

Now, HOPFULLY the Radam will move into that kinda empty segment there between the two groups, and the Gravity blast MAP will get them, along with Bellzelute's A rifle MAP attack. LET'S WATCH!


A few on the far far left move up towards Mazinger, which is acceptable, but the ones directly to the south of Mazinger have decided to snipe him as opposed to move up, and I fear the majority of the guys there are gonna try to do that, rather then move anywhere, and I am unfortunatly correct. We can hit a few more with gravity blast MAP, as a few just moved straight right as opposed to straight and up towards the nadesico, but Bellzelute's O Rifle A can only hit one, and really, we may as well just shoot it with the normal O Rifle A, as it does more damage. Not a FAILURE persay, but it definatly didn't go as well as I thought, which is a common thing when you're trying to utilize MAP attacks.

    Oh well, got another four. Pretty good. And it took out all 4 of them which is RAD. Katia gets a level from picking off that Radam with normal O Rifle, no spirits. After this everything fans out and smashes up the remaining six or so Radam left. You'll note that even with the sub par results it immediately resulted in a huge shift in things for your side, so even in a situation where you've got a few allies in the way, it can be worth it to blast them if there are a ton of dudes mixed in with them. Incidentally, Wall and Alert andFocus and everything wil lstill effect their dodge rates ofthe allied attack, so it's fairly simple to remove the negative to blasting an ally. Anyway, Levels people got during the final mop up segment Hikaru got one, she's level 4 now (Yeah, I know, kinda low level huh? It surprised me.), Eiji got one, Level 5.

Ruri:No aliens detected.
Yurika:Ruri, what about that humanoid from earlier?
Yeah, I'm interested in that too. He seemed pretty rad.

Ruri:Still within tracking. He appears to be adrift.
Yurika:Recover him. Someone bring him back to the ship!




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #107 on: April 29, 2012, 06:18:20 pm »

I am working on the update, just mentioning it now, as there's a LOTTA TEXT. Also a new series will be making it's debut. A fairly well known one at that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #108 on: April 29, 2012, 07:09:24 pm »

I don't think I'll be splitting up battle updates anymore, incidentally, what with my unstable schedule.

Man, if you get freaked out about Tekkaman blade you're gonna flip later on.

Noal:What's the matter? It's just the thing I picke- W-What the hell?!
Hyoma:No way! He's a HUMAN?!
Juzo:Who IS this guy?!
Uribitake:That's what I want to know, too. There was a flash of light just a second ago, and now this guy is lying here! Where'd that humanoid creature go? I think this calls for a little investigation...
...Really? It's not THAT complex. Didn't you ever watch power rangers when you were a kid? It's... basically the same concept.

Kosuke: It can't be... That means...!
Noal:So, he's really a human? H-Hey, Aki! Don't get too close to him!
Aki: ...It's all right. He seems very weak. Someone call Dr. Elizabeth! Daisaku, please take him him to the infirmary.
Daisaku:W-Why do I have to carry him?!
Don't be a wuss, come on. He's mostly unconscious.

Later on...

Akatsuki: My, what an uproar that was. In the end, the monster turned out to be human! I wonder what kind of technology he used... So. Who -- or what -- was that guy, exactly?
Koji:We don't know.
Juzo: Yeah, we've got some questions we wanna ask, too.
Akatsuki:I see. Hey, chief mechanic! Make sure to take the utmost care when maintaining my machine, all right?
I was originally gonna call him stuck up for asking that, but really wanting the thing that's keeping you from the horrible vacuum of space in top working order isn't really that unreasonable.

Uribitake: Just leave it to me! Lemme see here... Oooh?! Is this a new model frame?! The head's different, too! And the generators are so compact! And the plating... ...why, it's as smooth as a baby's behind!
Ryoko:Will you drop dead?
Hikaru:But aren't our little Aesties the latest model? If they've already been made obsolete that's... kinda sad, actually.
CURIOUS. Some of you may have already guessed what happened. No points if you already played the game.

Akatsuki: A simple misunderstanding. In the 8 months since you disappeared, the Earth Sphere has undergone a host of changes. That includes the appearence of a new alien threat, among other things.
This is what happens when you fly all willy nilly into a space time portal.

Calvina:Akatsuki Nagare, correct? Could you repeat that?
Festenia: Something about us going missing on Mars HOW many months ago...?
Akatsuki:We lost all contact with you on Mars 8 months ago. It's been almost 9 months since you departed from the Moon. During that time, the war raged on without you. Why does it seem so strange that they would roll out a new model Aestivalis in the meantime?
Koji: But... 8 months?! That can't be!
Sayaka:That's right! How could that happen?

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Inez is talking about science again.

Inez: Allow me to explain. When we entered the Tulip, we observed photons and Bohr particles enlarging a "Boson." For the moment, we'll refer to this phenomenon as "Boson Jumping." The Boson Jump is capable of transporting mass through space, but it's dangerous to our bodies. The most obvious problem is that sending physical matter through space via a Tulip results in a jump that doesn't necessarily follow the flow of time.
Kosuke:Oh, I see... Yeah, that must be it! The key was the Crocus! Noal said the ship seemed like it had arrived on Mars a long time ago, and he was more right than he knew. When it was swallowed up by the Tulip back in the Earth Sphere, the Crocus arrived on Mars via a time axis situated long before we set out.
Inez: Correct. Based on these facts, it's no wonder the Nadesico entered the Earth Sphere 8 months later. Hmph... Best to just leave the details to the researchers.
Koji: What the hell...
Aki: Oh, hello, Dr. Elizabeth. How is he?
Elizabeth: Still unconscious. To be perfectly honest, however, he's incredibly similar to an Earthling. Mabe he's a being from a similar situation to Eiji's? I just don't know what to do...
Noal: Geez! There's way too much we don't know anything about!
Prospector: Hello, everyone. Thanks for waiting. I've made contact with Nergal HQ. Indeed, it appears that 8 months have passed. During that time, the state of affairs in the Earth Sphere has changed significantly. The PLANT-Federation war still rages on! However, soon after ZAFT began its surface landing operation, those aliens we just encountered appeared from nowhre. Since ZAFT is splitting its resources to fight both these new aliens and the Jovian Lizards, the war has reached a stalemate. At first, ZAFT deployed Neutron Jammers, followed by their newest weapons, known as "mobile suits." Their intention was to force surrender after gaining the upper hand... ...but alas, it was not to be.
Another plot dump. They're kind've nessacery, given there's like 12 plots running side by side in the same universe, in an already fairly complex medium that likes randomly portioning out plot information.

Minato: That definitely doesn't sound good...
Eiji:What about the Gradosians?
Yurika: Of course! Since we confirmed Gradosian forces mixed in with Jovian Lizards and their plan to attack Earth, the warning's been passed along. Nergal will warn the Federation, PLANT and Anti-Federation States. They must be in quite the uproar over the announcement, I'm sure.
Eiji:I see... Thank you very much.
Prospector: Naturally. We didn't have much of a choice after listening to your tale, after all. We're busy trying to suss out their invasion plans as we speak. Both the PLANTs and the Federation are beset by their own host of problems, however. It also seems there's a group of individuals sowing hatred towards the Coordinators, and their actions are already beginning to bear fruit. It's a shame, but it appears that asking the Earth to unite and battle the Gradosians as a whole is, perhaps, asking a little too much. That said, our fine company will do its best to assist!
Eiji:I believe in you.
David:This is great, Eiji! You've finally achieved your goal!
Akatsuki: What a shock! So the Jovian Lizards were nothing more than weapons, and the real enemy was hidden this entire time? Like we needed another threat besides the PLANT war and the recent alien invasion. You may not have heard about it just yet, but those aliens have already made it to the Earth's surface. Those who evade interception burrow deep underground and grow into these bizzare... foliage, you might say? There are entire forests of the damn things. Since they've shown no immediate threat to humanity, however, we've opted to let sleeping plants lie for the time being.
Kay, so the earth currently has three major planetary issues plaguing it right now. Could be better.

Noal:Sounds creepy!
Yurika:Er... all right. We should also tell you about our current situation...
Prospector:Definitely. Because of the dire circumstances across the Earth Sphere, Nergal has dropped its policy of neutrality and is openly assisting the Federation on a united front. And before i forget again: that means the Nadesico has been incorporated into the UEFA. The details still need to be sorted out, however.
Hyoma:The Federation, huh... Doesn't that mean we'll be marching to the beat of total creeps? That crusty creep, Colbert, for example! Why the hell would we accept that?!
Juzo:Were you even listening dumbass? Didn't you hear how messed up the Earth Sphere is right now?!
Chizuru:The Federation and the PLANTs are waging a war... This is no time for fellow humans to be fighting!
Noal:Yeah, but we can't exactly do much about it at this point, right?
Minato:Does that mean we're all soldiers now?
Akatsuki:No, no. Not quite. Because we just got back, we'll only be assisting them for the time being.
Akito: Mars... What about Mars?!
I'm not sure why he's so concerned about a planet that he hasn't lived on for years that currently has no humans we know of left on it, but hey.

Prospector:The Gradosian army has conquered the entire planet. Do you actually think we can attack them again and triumph? Trying again now that there aren't any survivors is an utterly futile gesture!
Jun:That seems sound from a strategic viewpoint, but...
Ryoko:We're at war with them too, then?
Make that four major issues.

Akatsuki:If you don't like it, feel free to get off the ship. The contracts have changed, but the decision is still yours to make.
Calvina:Indeed. The will of civilians is to be respected, after all.
Akatsuki:Ah, that is so. You are Calvina Coulange, the "White Lynx" are you not? You have a wild quality about you to match your reputation. Am I correct in assuming you'll be staying with us? It would truly be an honor to fight alongside a pilot of such distinguished skill and beauty.
Calvina: I don't know yet. But I -also- don't remember giving out my old nickname.

Akatsuki:*laughs* I'm just a little interested in Mars, is all. I did my fair share of research... ...That was in the first battle against the Jovian Lizards, of course.
Koji:Hey, wait a sec! What about us?
Sayaka:We only tagged along as free agents, right?
Prospector:Indeed. Since your original mission is over, you're all free to return from whence you came. Excellent work!
Hyoma:Still, being tossed out here would be a real problem...
Prospector:We will do no such thing, of course. We'll be heading to the neutral satellite colony "Heliopolis" first to get some repairs done on the Nadesico. You'll be able to arrange transport to the Earth's surface from there. We depart to eastern Asia after that, and everyone has permission to stay on the ship until we get there.
Hyoma:What a relief... Roger that!

They approach the space station Heliopolis.

as the Captain finishes anchoring the ship. For details, consult your communicators. Have a nice vacation, everyone.
Wait a minute, Megumi is the communications officer, why isn't she using the PA system and making announcements?

Hikaru:Whaaaaat?! They're letting the crew go in the middle of repairs?! What's the point of leaving us on standby, then?! Boy, that's cruel.
Calvina:Since Orb is a neutral territory, we don't have to worry about the Federation-PLANT war. However, that doesn't apply to the Jovian Lizards and the aliens. Since the Nadesico can't move while it's undergoing repairs, they just gave us permission to leave the ship, instead.
If you didn't know, Heliopolis is a space station owned by Orb, the neutral territory mentioned. As such, it too is neutral territory.

Izumi:The ground crew's day off has been... grounded. Heheheheheheheh...
Koji:Well, if we're getting permission to leave, let's make sure to paint the town red!
Arthur:Yeah! We just went through a lot... But now we can finally kick back and relax!
Sayaka:We also left the Moon as soon as we arrived. We didn't get to go shopping!
Simone:*laughs* I'm lookin' forward to this! Anna, you come too! It's been months since we went shopping!
Anna:I... I don't know if I can...
Roanne:If you're worried about Eiji, don't worry. He'll be fine. We all have our mission, so just remember that we're in this together.
Koji:Sayaka, don't tell me you're going to drag me along, too?!
You're the guy that brought it up.

Sayaka: What are you talking about, Koji? Of course I am!
Noal: Doctor. Aki. Get ready to depart.
Juzo:Where are you guys going?
Aki:To a branch of the OSDG. We haven't had a chance to report the events on Mars to the Chief, and there are some things he's sure to want to look into. We also need to get more information about the aliens. If it weren't for this, we'd be going shopping with you, of course. Sorry, but... We have work to do.
Hyoma: The aliens... Those guys we fought earier? Just what were those things, anyway?
Noal:For sure. We've gotta discover their true intentions.
Chizuru:Aki, just tell me if you want anything, and I'll be sure to buy it for you.
Aki:Oh... Why yes, thank you! You're a lifesaver, Chizuru.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Vesalius, a ZAFT Battleship...

headed for Mars. We discovered it was missing after the fact.

Creuset: It's the warship equipped with Phase Transition Engines. The Nadesico. They've returned in one piece, then. It appears I truly am an unfortunate man. Hm, no... Perhaps this is a stroke of good luck, instead.

Creuset:Nergal and the Federation have joined forces. Once it returns, that ship will probably join forces with the UEFA. Yes... The warship Nadesico is our enemy! Still, to go to and return from Mars just like that... Those naturals are certainly a frightful enemy. Something wrong, Athrun Zala? You seem... troubled.

Creuset:No, it will. I've already informed them of my plans. Besides, Orb was the one who broke the agreement in the first place. There's also the matter of what's inside morgenroete. So much for a supposed "neutral" nation... ...If we leave them be, we may end up paying the price with our lives.
Nicol:But the citizens of Heliopolis will be...

I'll introduce the series these guys are in soon, the last one I'm waiting for is just taking his sweet time showing up.

Crueset: Nergal's warship Nadesico and the Federation's new mobile weapons... ...We must deal with them at once.
Or he won't show up at all right now. ANYWAY, they were all from Gundam SEED.

Normal decisions. We have... 120555 money. No new parts. One new module (Defense +5).

What upgrades? Any upgrades? Lemme know!

Cash required for upgrades:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Current upgrades (Now with a list of current robot stats! Also what pilot pilots what robot.):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And finally, current state of affairs:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'll see you all in a few days. Make my decisions for me, because I cannot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #109 on: April 30, 2012, 04:10:27 pm »

Reminder, voting is still up. Any upgrades? None? Still holding out for another robot? I honestly can't blame you, aside from Mazinger the early cast in this game is kinda dry. I'd still like confirmation however!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #110 on: April 30, 2012, 04:21:30 pm »

Yeah, we haven't gotten into favored season territory, except for Mazinger.  We're not facing serious difficulties yet, so we can save until we get our Gundam stuff, then favor them heavily.

I was going to say something about boosting Aphrodite A's mobility, since it's from a favored series, and cheap I guess.  But we've got three repair units, so we should save our money.  Go go Gundam!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #111 on: April 30, 2012, 04:36:34 pm »

Weren't we waiting to max out borot or somethin'?

Anyway, general suggestion is a kind of "more of the same, as needed." EN for folks getting short on it, weapons on those that are hitting a lot but not quite hard enough, etc.

I love me some artillery, so maybe an EN and weapon pip for anyone with a weapon say range seven or over? Providing said weapon actually uses energy, anyway.
Ask not!
What your country can hump for you.
What you can hump for your country.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #112 on: April 30, 2012, 10:04:51 pm »

AyeAye. I'll leave them be for now, then, as they're all functioning fairly well. I'm just asking at the end of each chapter to make sure. Maybe I should start asking at the end of chapters with new units introduced? Would that work better for ya'll?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #113 on: May 01, 2012, 12:21:32 pm »

I'm ok with asking after each chapter, but it's generally not something worth delaying the LP for a response.  At least as long as there are no new units, and everything seems to be working as is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #114 on: May 01, 2012, 06:37:51 pm »

Yeah, I'll be taking a break irregardless of whether or not I ask for opinions on units, because transcribing this amount of text is mind dulling, and I do need a break from time to time. Annnd this game has about 50 missions, 3 parts a mission, even if I was going a mission a day we'd be here about 5 months. Irregardless of how fast I'm going we're kinda in this for the long haul. :P

It does do a good job of keeping things interesting though, despite being so long, so don't worry about that part.

EDIT: I did just realize I didn't mention that in the OP though, so I'll edit that in.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 06:40:09 pm by Seriyu »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #115 on: May 02, 2012, 03:57:01 pm »

Update on the way! Have an arranged (Read - not chiptune) version of Calvina and Touya's theme while you wait (for a few hours).

Fate - Take note, being something involving anime on the internet, this includes semi risque images of the 3 subpilots. If you're not okay with that/would rather people currently around you not see this, I would hold off. Couldn't find another video of the arranged version unfortunatly. Touya's theme, by the way.

Revenger - Luckily this video does not have such a problem.

Both really fantastic songs, incidentally. Anyway, on to the update for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2012, 06:06:29 pm »

Onward. No money upgrades for anyone, as while I THINK I could improve baybull more, it can also be solved via remembering to actually use his spirit commands, and boss borot is gonna need this money a lot more in the future anyway.

Details regarding the forces we met on Mars can be found in Dr. Elizabeth's report.

From Tekkaman Blade I believe. Also the head of the Outer Space Development Group, which is about what it sounds like.

developments. I'll take care of the rest. I want you to stay on the Nadesico and escort the remaining students back to Earth. I think you'll agree with my decision, since the circumstances aren't especially favorable for solo actions.
Aki: Roger.
Noal:Roger that. Say, Chief... What about those aliens?
Freeman: To be perfectly honest, we don't know what their goals are. What we do know is that they possess fearsome strength, and are capable of undergoing a bizzarre metamorphosis after dropping to Earth. Once on the surface, they burrow underground and transform into some kind of vegetation.
Noal:Geez, Chief! If even you don't know what the heck these things are, we're toast!
Freeman: It's unfortunate, but that's all the data yielded from our analysis. Doctor, what have you found out about that mysterious boy you discovered earlier?
Elizabeth: We conducted a detailed examination and found him to be identical to human beings in every regard. Besides that, we found him encased in some kind of heterogeneous crystal... He was able to transform into a human via unknown means. When you consider that Eiji and the Gradosians appear to be just like us on the surface, it's logical to conclude that he could also be a human from beyond the Solar System.
Aki: At present, he's still in the middle of recovery, so we weren't able to conduct any further tests. Maybe there are differences on the genetic level?
Freeman: Do you suspect he isn't an Earthlings, then? A demon who fights aliens... We can begin questioning him once he recovers consciousness. Nergal's sure to want answers, as well. No matter what happens, make sure to take that boy back with you by any means necessary.
Foreshadowing! To the very end of the game! See if you can find it.

Aki: Roger!

Pleased to make your acquaintance, Captain.
Martian Successor Nadesico. Seems nice enough.

Yurika: Likewise! I know this is very sudden, but I'm going on a date with Akito, just the two of us. Sooooo.... you can go ahead and introduce yourselves in the meantime!
Megumi:Captain! Um... what am I supposed to do now?
Erina: Wait! You're leaving the ship for a DATE?! You ARE aware of our circumstances, are you not?
Yurika: Of course! Since Akito's on leave from the ship today, he's sure to be waiting for me inside the colony somewhere!
So... wait, hang on. It's not so much a date as stalking Akito? And then springing it on him. Huh. You start to feel bad for the guy after a while.

Erina:That's not what I'm talking about! I'm sure you've heard that a Federation ship has docked in this port. Do you have any idea what the true motivations for it being here are? And aren't yo uaware the Jovian Lizards and alien invaders could attack us at any moment?!
Also that I guess. I honestly think she's worrying a bit too much about it, but a relevant concern.

Yurika: But... isn't this a neutral port? What's wrong with a Federation ship docking here? Besides, the Nadesico's undergoing repairs right now...
Erina: Then shouldn't you all be here in the event of an enemy attack?! What are we going to do if they strike in your abscence?!
I dunno, Ruri seems pretty on top of things, really.

Yurika: But Akito and I have to-
Erina: I simply must ask you to be a bit more conscious of our situation! This isn't the time for you to be having some sordid love affair, Captain!
Jun:That's the co-helmswoman, huh? She seems like an imposing and self-important woman...
You don't know the half of it Jun m'boy.

Prospector: Why, no wonder... She's the ex-personal secretary to Nergal's president. Why did they even decide to send her if she's just going to cause trouble?

Ruri:"Why did they even decide to send her?"
Prospector: This is none of your concern, Ruri!


So, what's up?
Erina:I already checked the ship's memory from during the jump. The Nadesico actually succeeded in Boson Jumping from Mars. That boy, Mr. Akito Tenkawa, is the key. He must be!
Akatsuki:Well, well! He's certainly a popular guy at the moment. Just leave it to me. Oh, and by the way... What of the Federation's special mission?
Erina:They're at Morgenroete. A bunchof it's higher-ups have connections with people in the Atlantic Federation. according to our intelligence, there's talk of a new weapon designed deliberately for anti-mobile suit combat.
Now's a good time to mention, Morgenroete is from gundam seed, and is a military contracter that is currently aligned with ORB, the neutral state. Also since I forgot it, Nergal Heavy Industries is from Nadesico, made the Aestivalises and the Nadesico, and has strong ties to the Earth Government.

Akatsuki: My, that sounds like a troublesome development, doesn't it? As soon as we're finished with the repairs, we have to get out of here. If we lose the 2nd ship, Cosmos, then all of our preparations will have been for naught.

Later, at a Lab in Heliopolis...

By the way, everyone introduced in this segment, unless stated otherwise, is from Gundam Seed. Kira is the main charecter of Gundam seed. Yes, we finally got to the gundams.

was still some work left for him at Morgenroete... Hey, what's that?
Kira:I analyzed the program. Looks like it's control module for some kind of large-scale mechanism

Kira:Hey, Tolle.... Who's the girl?

Okay, brief derail moment. As a kid, before I was as well versed in gundam as I am now, I always got Zechs and Char confused, because they both had a mask, that looked very similar, on top of the fact that I only ever really saw commercials for the shows rather then the shows themselves. Also I think they were both blonde? I've just noticed Creuset here has all these factors too. Is this a "thing" in the gundam franchise, or is this just co-incidence? I'm genuinely curious, if there are any gundam veterans "in the house". EDIT: Frumple has confirmed that the blonde masked guy is indeed "A thing" in the gundam series. Thanks!

infiltration by now... Captain, move the Vesalius, and commence operation. Don't let even one Federation warship leave. Also, make sure to take care of the mobile suit squadron in Nergal's docks. Our foremost goals are to capture the new Federation units and take out the Nadesico.
Generic Captain portrait: Yes, sir! Vesalius, departing. Mobile suit squadron, prepare for take off! Miguel Aiman will support you once you're inside. Is that clear?

Meanwhile, in the Nadesico.

Akito: Gai... What am I suppose to do now?
Hey, wait, Akito isn't in town at all, aaaahaahaahahaahahahah, that's pretty great actually. :D

Akatsuki: Sorry for the interruption, but I knocked and you didn't answer the door. I'm not sure I understand your situation, to be honest.
"So I just came inside, because I'm kind've an asshole like that."

Akito: What do you mean?
Akatsuki: You hate warfare, and yet you assist the army, correct? If you truly enjoy trash like Gekiganger, then you should be itching for a good fight! The truth is, however, that you have a morbid fear of battles. Despite that fear, you still went to Mars and fought there. Please, feel free to tell me I'm wrong.
Akito:I was only doing what I could to help... Why are YOU here?
Akatsuki:I simply like fighting. I suspect that, deep down, you and I aren't too different. Why else would you have agreed to use the Image Feedback System to fight on Mars?
Akito: I hate fighting, plain and simple! I... I didn't fight because I LIKED it! What's wrong with wanting to live without war?!
Akatsuki:And yet... Now that you have the chance to leave this warship, you insist on staying... Or perhaps you're afraid that you don't have a place to go back to? Go ahead. Tell me the truth.
Akito:Are you trying to pick a fight with me? I... The alarm?
Akatsuki:There's intrigue afoot... We'll resume this chat later, Mr. Tenkawa. You'd better get ready to scramble in the meantime.

In the research section of Heliopolis...

Sai:Everybody, hurry up! It looks like ZAFT's attacking the docks! There're even rumors that mobile suits have invaded the colony interior!
Kuzzey:No way! Isn't heliopolis neutral?! As if the Jovian Lizards weren't enough, now ZAFT's attacking us, too?!
Sai:I have no idea why they're attacking Kuzzey. Calm down.
Tolle:Alarm level 7? We've gotta get to a shelter!
Kira:Hey, you! Where are you going?!

Kira: I'll only take a minute. I'm going after that girl and bringing her back.

He chases after her.

Kira:Hey, you can't go in there!

Cagalli:Quit following me! Hurry up and escape!

An explosion rocks the station.

Kira: The explosion took the entire passage out?!
Cagalli: Shoot... Now that the passage is blocked off, I can't-
Kira:It's okay! There's still a way through. I'm sure there's a good shelter near the factory... ...Yeah, c'mon! It's over here!
Cagalli:Lemme go! Who do you think you are, trying to push me around?!

Meanwhile, at a Morgenroete Lab on Heliopolis

UEFA Soldier: Lt. Ramius! ZAFT's mobile suits have penetrated the colony! We've lost communications with the ship!

our warship and the Nadesico... Their goal must be somewhere in here. Move the X Numbers! We have to get out of here!

Kira unknowingly approaches said lab

Kira: Is this one of Morgenroete's factories? And are those... mobile suits?!
Cagalli:...I knew it. This is where they developed the Federation's new mobile weapons... *sob* ...Father, you traitor!

Another explosion.

Kira: Quit crying, and RUN! We have to get to the shelter!

At said factory...

Yzak: Heh... Just as Cdr. Creuset said.

Those Naturals really are idiots!
Incidentally, space racism is a fairly large plot point of most gundam series if I recall correctly. Also Dearka is the guy I was waiting for last session and he's from Gundam Seed too.

Miguel: This is Miguel. Looks like I've found our "treasure". I'm impressed, Yzak. You guys really hustled.
Yzak: Provide support for the mobile suit team. If we get backed into a corner, destroy all parts and the factory. The report says there are 5 units, but 2 of them are still in the middle of development.
Athrun:I'll go with Rusty.
Rusty is a no name charecter that shows up here, never speaks, and is immediately shoved out of the plot promptly. You may wonder how this will happen, and I'll give you a hint. His squad is called the "Red coats". Yep. This is the only mention he gets in this game.

Yzak: Okay, I'll leave it to you. Dearka, Nicol. You come with me, and take the 3 remaining units.
Megumi: Approaching ZAFT vessel, please respond! Your ship's actions are a breach of treaty! Please cease all military actions at once! ZAFT vessel, please respond!

An explosion rocks the Nadesico.

Ruri: Strong electromagnetic interference detected from the ZAFT vessel. It's no use talking. they don't want to listen.
Prospector: What a pain in the behind!
Koji:Dammit, why the hell are those ZAFT punks doing this?!
Hyoma: Wasn't this place supposed to be neutral?!
Ryoko: Oh, shut up! Tell that to THEM, why don't you?!

Another explosion.

Minato: The exit's become blocked off. What now, Captain?
Arthur: No way! We finally get back to the Earth Sphere, and now THIS happens? Why, God, why?!
David: Geez, seriously. Sorry about this, Eiji. Hate to say it, but this is just how things are on Earth right now.
Eiji: No, David... There's no need to apologize.
Once more, Eiji proves to be the coolest dude.

Akatsuki: You may not be especially pleased to witness this, but I bet you didn't think you would get to see things like this first hand! I wonder if they came here to capture those new Federation weapons...
Calvina: (The Federation's new weapons, huh? If that's true, then it's nowonder that unit is ready for deployment... Argh, dammit! How can I still remember that? Is that... Something I can never forget?)
Akatsuki: This is the state of affairs in the Earth Sphere right now... The reality you didn't know about. What are you going to do now, Mr. Akito Tenkawa? I wonder... Can you get out of here without fighting?

Yet another explosion. Zaft is laying into the Nadesico, apparently.

Yurika: Please help evacuate the workers! ...Are all crew members onboard?
Prospector: For the time being. We still haven't finished confirming the state of the contract renovations, but...
Yurika: This is an emergency! Pilots, prepare to launch! Nadesico, emergency take off! If we can't do anything here, we'll just have to go in THERE!
Erina:There you are! Captain, don't tell me you're going to take the ship inside the colony?! Didn't you cause enough trouble when you took the Nadesico inside the Lunar Dome?!
Yurika: The citizens were issued a Level 7 alert, so they should all be in their shelters by now. It'll be fine!
Ruri: But ZAFT's mobile suits are inside, as well.
Yurika: When we get to the middle of the colony, we'll be able to activate the Distortion Field. We can't do that here!

Which leads us into the combat section. Next time, GUNDAAAAAM!!!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 06:59:49 pm by Seriyu »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2012, 06:39:37 pm »

Re: The mask thing: It's pretty much a gundam thing. Not all of 'em, but pretty much most of them have at least one blonde masked dude, who is usually an antagonist (at least to begin with). Iirc, they also have a terrible habit of picking completely useless aliases that absolutely everyone sees through. I've seen SRW lampshade that a few times, though I forget if J does it. It's more a OG and Wing running gag than seed, and I don't think either of those show up in J (it's got seed and G, but I think that's it?).

Crueset's something of a one-off, though, iirc. Unlike char and zechs, Cruset's just plain batshit insane and never really does any good-guy side helping stuff. At least, I think. Pretty much my entire knowledge of seed comes from fanfiction, heh.

Also, it's a little bit more than just space racism -- there's some genetic engineering stuff going on at the base of it. Other SRWs that include that subplot also throw the enhanced evolution/psychic power thing (read:Newtypes)in there, but that's not involved in Seed and G, so I don't think it comes up much in J. It's actually kind of interesting; the fear on the part of naturals of being replaced vs. the space born's resource issues. Neat (if somewhat standard) sci-fi plot.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #118 on: May 02, 2012, 06:57:27 pm »

Yeah, that's a good point, Seed isn't so much space racism as genetic racism (as opposed to "Earth Vs Colonies" that you see in some other gundam series's.) And yep, just SEED and G gundam. Aaannnnd as a side note, they mostly play the SEED plot straight in J, so pretty much what you'll see is what you'll get. Now that I think about it most of the plots in J are fairly straight ahead, rather then mixing them up too much, at least the ones I know of.

Interesting stuff about the mask thing too, I'd always wondered about that. Thanks!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 07:01:02 pm by Seriyu »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SO MANY REINFORCEMENTS (Let's Play Super Robot Wars Judgement)
« Reply #119 on: May 03, 2012, 04:23:42 pm »

Fair warning, since this is a mission it may take two days, but I've always liked this one, on top of it being fairly short, so that mayyyyy not be the case. Just saying now!

EDIT: Yeah, it'll be out tomarrow. The mission dialogue before any combat occurs is already rivaling that of a normal dialogue update, so yeah! GUNDAAAAM tomarrow. Also Zaku analogues. For those of you that don't know what a Zaku is, I will not explain (until the update tomarrow), but I will give you this.

I love these little guys.

Zaku supremecy. (Gif made by nippori on deviantart if you're curious.)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 05:35:50 pm by Seriyu »
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