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What to do about the fort

Stick with the current fort, let the vampire be our savior!
- 4 (100%)
Reclaim, Time to start with a fresh batch of dwarves!
- 0 (0%)

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Voting closed: April 17, 2013, 09:47:35 pm

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Author Topic: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]  (Read 17115 times)


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2012, 09:34:08 pm »


First off, we are only gonna have 2 picks, because we only have two miners (one axe, as we have one woodcutter, but no trees, so its not gonna be used for awhile.
Standard preparations for the most part, with slightly larger plump helmet and pig tail seeds (to get food/booze production started faster).
Also, im bringing 20 sand bags with us (we can dump the sand to get 20 bags cheaply)
Only one of each splint, bucket, crutch, and wheelbarrow, as we arent gonna need that stuff yet (we can always buy it from the caravans).

For animals, we are starting with a pair of cats and dogs (male/female pairs), so we can have some vermin patrols going on, although my hat is off to whatever vermin makes it this far north...

As for the wood, we are bringing a LOT of oak (59 logs at that, as we will have ZERO wood where we are going).

Everyone got the skills they wanted when they embarked, and i only gave myself one level in appraisal (so we can actually tell how poor we are)

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Now, to leave the safety (and warmth) of the capital and onward to further adventure!
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2012, 09:34:48 pm »

Sign me up. It will be nice to see a succession fort that isn't some insane clusterfuck. And maybe I'll be able to turn it into one.

You are first in the queue to be dwarfed, and added to the list of overseers.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2012, 10:22:14 pm »

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bp920091's Journal: Entry 2 1st Granite 551: Arrival

Good god it is cold...

We've just gotten here, and i cant really see ANYTHING.

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I know that they always tell you that not much is in the tundra, but i at least expected SOMETHING.

ZERO trees, ZERO plants, and one single crab (man, that sucker is gonna be nicely frozen soon) around us.

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You know that ocean i was told was near here? Fozen completely SOLID! That's not a River, thats the OCEAN!

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On the bright side, i think i know why this area is so calm... because there is NOTHING HERE!

Well... First thing's First, we need to actually get out of this cold before we freeze to death, so we are making a spiral stairway down 3-4 levels

At least we dont have to worry about any aquifers here, at least not until we start digging under the ocean

designing a farming area and a wood stockpike is the first place to start. A trading depot is also added, so that the traders dont freeze to death (and so we can get as much wood as possible)

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2nd Granite: The farmers start digging the spiral staircase down, and the cats immediately follow (smart cats)

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Also, Muskox show up way to the north of us (Where'd they come from, its nothing but frozen ocean up there), and suprisingly, Javier just sits there... Maybe he doesnt want to hunt until it gets warmer...

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3rd Granite: Damn, Feylers and Artimaus work quickly, every single tile of the spiral staircase and the trading depot dug out in 3 days...

Since there really isnt anything else to do at the moment other than mining (no woodcutting, no fishing, ect). ive had everyone start moving the food and weapons underground

9th Granite: We have struck Magnetite... Wow, that was lucky (I honestly didnt reveal the fort, but it looks like we hit the edge of a gigantic cluster)

12th Granite: We have struct B-Coal and Tettrahedrite. Well, i guess the fact that nothing grows aboveground might discourage people from actually going this far noth to get any sort of minerals

Additionally, ive started having people move the wood inside, as we need to protect that wood as much as we can (since its all we are gonna get for awhile)

22nd Granite: Ive ordered 6 5x5 farms to be constructed, that should give Laularukyrumo and MinethatCrackers something to do, now that most of the wood is actually inside our wood stockpile

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OOC: here is my report for the first month of the year, let me know if it's too graphics heavy, and how much detail you want to hear about in the fort.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2012, 10:50:14 pm »

Journal of Artimaus: Miner of Mirroredfreezes
       Holy Skeletal-Carp Gods! It is freezing here. I dare not sit down; for fear of my buttocks vacating my body and finding better accomodations in the seat. The current overseer- some crazy sequence of numbers and letters- wonders how I (and Feylers) could mine so fast down into the depths. ITS BECAUSE MY GLUTEUS MAXIMUS IS AT RISK. Man you would think the people in charge would be aware of concepts of cold and frostbite. AND THE FREAKING LINK BETWEEN THEM. The more we move the warmer we are. The deeper we dig the closer we are to FREAKING MAGMA. WHICH IS SO HOT IT COULD BURN MY FROZEN BUTTOCKS BACK ONTO MY BODY. Anyway, I am gonna have to lobby a formal complaint to the king. It will read something along the lines of: WHAT KIND OF CRAZY IDIOT CHOOSES A FROZEN OCEAN AS A GOOD SPOT FOR A OUTPOST. Unless of course it was him. In which case it would read more like; well atleast we have crabs.   
If the majority is insane, the sane must will go to the hospital - Horace Mann Urist McDoctordwarf

The neurotic builds castles in the sky. The psychotic lives in them. The psychiatrist collects the rent - Anonymous


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2012, 10:55:02 pm »

May I get tossed onto the dwarfing list?


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2012, 12:16:15 am »

Excerpt from "Chief Cook" Rendell's Journal: First Entry

If only me mother could see me now, that old she-witch would be laughin' at tha' sight of me, freezing me jocks off on top of a glacier in the middle of FREAKING NOWHERE. I wouldn't be 'ere if there wasn't for tha' wee miss-understandin' with the baron's daughter, and a quick hop, skip and a jump to the nearest lookin' hiding spot. Just happens that hiding spot was inside a expeditionary wagon to a place named "Mirroredfreezes" a nice bloody warm jolly sounding place to go at the time when I was havin' a nice wee jog away from the local authorities.

So here I am, like I said in the middle of bloody nowhere. I managed to convince the soft in the head expedition leader tha' I knew something about cooking, Heheheh I sure hope they like the taste of boot leather for the rest of our time 'ere.

And for some reason I canny not understand, there seems to be crabs waltzing around up here, I think Im going to toss one the blighters in a pot at the soonest opportunity. END ENTRY     


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2012, 12:30:43 am »

May I get tossed onto the dwarfing list?

Sure, you are added to the list (at the moment, im just gonna assign you to the second person that shows up, speak up if you have any preferences)
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2012, 06:17:40 am »

sorry for the delay between updates, ill get most (if not all) of year 1 up by tomorrow.

By the way, do you like how descriptive my updates are, should i be more general, or should i be more specific.

Also, do you like the number of pictures i use (more, less, the same)?
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2012, 06:38:58 am »

Pictures amount is good. Keep doing that.

I would like a little more detail in the text, but if there's nothing of interest happening then there's not a lot you can do about that.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2012, 06:41:36 am »

Pictures amount is good. Keep doing that.

I would like a little more detail in the text, but if there's nothing of interest happening then there's not a lot you can do about that.

Sounds good, but tbh, not a whole lot happens in the first year (no major sieges, not planning on breaching any caverns, its just all about surviving the first year or so). Years 2-4 are when it really picks up pace :)

Ill keep up with the pictures. BTW, what image-hosting tool do you recommend? I have just been using imgur, as it's free and easy to use.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2012, 09:38:18 am »

Don't forget to make an ammo stockpile,and a weapon stockpile
Hunters are finicky creatures

Also don't forget the Tanner's and butcher's workshop so I can go hunt,as hunters sometimes don't hunt until they have EVERYTHING in place
(Enable butchery on me,and maybe tanning)


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2012, 10:49:59 am »

Excerpt from Minethatcrackers's Diary.
Why am I even on this trip? A woodcutter, traveling to a a far away glacier with NO TREES Absolutely pointless. When I asked about this discrepancy, I was told that "We'll need you when we breach the caverns, and you know some farming too." Sounds like an excuse to me. At least its not that bad, as I can't think of any goblin army that would be willing to tramp all the way out here just to fight us, but that doesn't change the fact that my entire job consists of hauling wood. How do I know these "caverns" even exist!


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2012, 12:13:35 pm »

Exerpt from diary of Javier??
Why did I decide to go on this frozen wasteland , I'm stuck outside with nothing better to do than freeze.  The only viable game around here has been a crab, yet I've heard that some musk Oxen have been reported in the area, those miners better work fast before the chill sets in too deep,I can no longer feel my hands. I hope the blasted overseer will let me hunt soon, as my bolts are stuck inside the blasted wagon


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2012, 02:28:36 pm »

If you'd like to have some fancy names on slabs you can name some dwarf after me, preferably doctor.
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


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Re: Mirroredfreezes (The Punishment): New Succession Game [Overseers Wanted!]
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2012, 05:52:30 pm »

Overseer's Log: 1 Slate:

 Well, things have been going well so far, what with all of our wood underground and most of the entrance carved out. Next up is designing of the workshops and starting of food production. Ive asked Javier why he didnt want to go after those muskox or crabs up top (he is the hunter after all) and he just looked at his hands and said "Rather hard to go hunting without a crossbow, or bolts." OH... i knew i forgot something (Ill go make them out of one of our horses as soon as i get a butcher's shop operational).

Ive also had the wagon removed, so we both get a few more pieces of wood and dont have our horses die of frostbite. A meeting area inside the trading depot is set up (until we can get a decent dining hall, its the best we are gonna do)

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TODO List:
   Beds (5-8) (Wood only)
   Tables/Chairs (6-10 of each)
   Rock Pots (In place of barrels)
A Well (very far down the list, and the water from the aquifer's gonna need purifying, as its below an ocean. That means the cistern needs to be 100% constructed, not carved out of rock, and a pump needs to be filling it...)
Bedrooms (For now, im thinking communal dormitory (should help us with warmth at least)
Craft PRoduction (Stone mugs should be good for now, we just need a lot of them)

Trading Depot (even reachable by caravan, and underground, so the trader's animals dont literally freeze to death (It actually might get that cold in the winter))
Farms (Having Plump Helmet and Pig Tails being the first major crops that we are using)

2nd Slate:

Apparently this area isnt as desolate as i initially feared, 2 peregrine falcons and 4 harp seals showed up on the edges of the map

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7th Slate:

We have struck Native Platinum, a big vein of it, while excavating our food-storage area. Apparently this fort is gonna be filled with wealth.

15th Slate:

Man, Laularukyrumo takes his farming duties seriously, he is sleeping IN the fields, right next to growing plump helmets.

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3rd Felsite:

First harvest of Plump Helmets are coming in, looks like a haul of 3-4 plump helmets per seed this year

7th Felsite:

Javier has finally decided to start hunting (Figures that he would wait until late spring to start, it might get close to freezing temperature during the summer)

10th Felsite:

Javier has shot one of the muskox a few times, made sure it was crippled and unconsious, then saunters back to the base, grinning. Sadist.

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14th Felsite:

Javier did that again, but with another muskox. The other one is moaning in pain right next to it...

He is either a TERRIBLE shot, or a monster.

I can tell you this, im not letting him sleep anywhere near me.

Speaking of that, ive had five beds made, and a rough dormitory dug out, right next to the planned dining hall.

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1st Hematite:

Javier made his first kill, a third muskox that he's been shooting with bolts for a good 2 weeks...

11th Hematite:

Javier made his second kill, but as if to make up for his lack of deviancy, he is sleeping right next to the corpse in the butcher's workshop...

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I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.
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