Will...I dunno.
Angel/Nuriel even less so.
Let's get started on fixing HILDA.
Innate Attack (Magic Shot) (Magical Attack) (Stun upon Hit)
Morph (Semi-Cosmetic, Mass Conservation, Retains Shape)
Detect (Magic)
Absolute Timing
Doesn't Sleep
Intuitive Mathematician
Photographic Memory
Ad Hoc: Explosive abilities
Reduced Consumption 6
Fragile (Explosive)
Vulnerability (Electricity, x2)
Vulnerability (pure Creation magic, x4)
Weakness (Creation-infused locations, 1d/minute)
No Sense of Taste/Smell
I'll only list the changes, to be simple.
HILDA can now fly higher! Also, I ad-hocked in a bit of a modifier that lets her shuffle around stats as well as change appearance (it's still more limited than full Morph, so...-25% for "can only change stats", as opposed to -50% for "cannot change any game-mechanical features"). She is also not reprogrammable and only needs to recharge once a week. However, Creation magic harms her; attacks of more or less pure Creation magic (a blast created by Selina or an attack from Shys'm Caes would count, but not Stella or Nuriel's flame, Personae's attacks, or a random magical mook) deal quadruple damage, and HILDA takes damage from being in locations of unusually high Creation magic concentration. (What the heck this means will have to be determined by someone with a better grass on the Creation/Void lore. Let me know if this isn't a thing.) Finally, HILDA's mind is sufficiently different from machines and similar to humans that she can be affected by any telepathy and can only access the Internet and such via the old-fashioned method (or whatever new computer technologies they've developed), though she no longer has to worry about getting viruses from downloading suspicious software for no good reason.
Alright. If Nomad's fine with this (and the lore checks out), I think we're probably good.
Next, I'll handle "little" things like transferring the FP/HP to the Unnamed System's hitpoints and manapoints. Also armor.
An "average human" has 10 in every Attribute and nothing special spent on anything relevant in GURPS, and has all stats at 5 in the Unnamed System.
An "above-average human" has 12 in every Attribute and 6 in every stat.
A "typical adventurer" has all relevant Attributes at 14 and all relevant stats at 6, though irrelevant Attributes/stats are probably dumped.
In GURPS, by default you get a number of hit points equal to your Strength. An average human has 10; an above-average one has 12; a typical adventurer has 14.
In the Unnamed System, you always have a number of hit points equal to triple your Health. An average human has 15; an above-average one has 18; a typical adventurer has 21, unless he has that HP-increasing perk, in which case he might have 28; let's call it 25 for the adventurer.
Clearly, people have about 50% more HP in the Unnamed System than in GURPS, though tough ones might have double! Let's say that, on average, people have 60% more HP in the Unnamed System than in GURPS.
Next, let's consider a typical adventurer hitting a typical, unarmored human with a typical sword. In GURPS, the hapless peasant takes 10 damage on a hit and the adventurer's expected DPT is slightly under seven. In the Unnamed System, he takes only 4 damage on a hit, and the expected DPT is under 2.3. Thus, attacks in the Unnamed System deal about 36% of the damage that GURPS attacks deal, despite the characters using them having 160% the hit points! I'm sure this points to something contrasting in their relative design philosophies.
The best way to take an average of things like these is to multiply them, since the mean would just give you slightly over half the greater one. This gives us ~0.58. Hit points and damage in the Unnamed System are about 0.58 of the same in the GURPS system. This is almost halfway between 1/2 and 2/3. Keeping in mind the design philosophies, the conversion factor will be 0.67 when converting GURPS hit points and related, but 0.5 when converting GURPS damage and related. This will increase the disparity between damage and hit points to a level more comparable to the Unnamed System.
In GURPS, Fatigue Points are spent on magic spells, and are also lost to many nonlethal attacks, exposure to the elements, and...well...fatigue. Also, having less than 1/3 of your FP starts to give you penalties from being...well...fatigued. For the purposes of these calculations, we'll assume a typical mage will typically spend up to 1/2 of his FP on spells. Thus, he would have about 7 available.
In the Unnamed System, mana is used for magic and nothing else, and there are no penalties for having a depleted mana pool. A typical mage will therefore be able to use all 14 of his mana points on spells.
It's hard to get a "typical cost" for GURPS spells, but the Fireball spell is a nice way to compare them. You can invest a number of FP into the spell equal to your magery level (must be at least 1, rarely exceeds 3) per second for up to three seconds, and each point of Energy deals a nice round 1d burning damage. This is equivalent to about 1.75 points of Unnamed System damage per die, as per the conversion factors discussed earlier. Assuming a target with a Resistance of 7 (above-average for a human but below-average for a major foe, probably about average for a mook), a typical mage with a Magic of 7 would deal the following amounts of damage on average:
Negligible--0 damage (which conveniently means that, for this example, 0 MP = 0 damage = 0 dice = 0 FP)
Small--1.75 damage = 1d = 1 FP
Medium--3.5 damage = 2d = 2 FP
The equation's linear, so this is convenient; two Unnamed System mana is roughly the same as one GURPS FP (for the sake of spellcasting). This works out, as the mana pool of an Unnamed System mage is about twice the practical "mana pool" of a GURPS one.
This, any FP costs meant to represent mana costs, cost double the FP taken to fuel it in mana.
In GURPS, armor reduces damage dealt. For some things (like Stella's fire resistance), we can just use the above calculations and halve the amount to determine the amount subtracted from damage. For others, though, more conventional armor rules would be better. We'll need to figure out the effect on DPT to do this one.
Let's take the aforementioned example of a hapless peasant being hit with a broadsword. Let's give him a breastplate, medium armor if my D&D experience has taught me anything. In GURPS, damage is reduced by a whopping 71% (that's by, not to, while the Unnamed System reduces damage by a bit under 30%. Interesting, and probably points once more to the design philosophies, but now that I try to interpret it, not helpful. However, the 30% mark might give us a number to look for, for determining how much X type of armor in DR should cost.
Then I realize that we can just boost Defense for that. *facepalm*
Let's use a broadsword as a typical sword. It can either slash, dealing one's swinging damage plus one cutting, or stab, dealing one's thrusting damage plus one crushing. It's probably better to slash with this type of sword, so let's do that. A typical adventurer's ST of 14 has a swinging damage of 2d(6); since it's cutting, the damage that makes it through the lack of armor (on average, 7 in this case) is multiplied by 1.5. Average damage on a hit: 10.5. We should also consider the chance of hitting; there is a 90% chance that the adventurer will make his Skill roll, but a separate 26% chance that the hapless peasant dodges the attack. Thus, the average damage per turn (DPT) is 10.5*0.9*0.74=~7.
Unnamed System
The adventurer's damage dealt is 1d7+3-1d5 (the defender's Defense). On average, this is 4+3-3 or 4. The adventurer rolls a d7 for his Skill to hit; the hapless peasant rolls a d5 for his Speed. What's the chance of a hit? Sadly, it's a bit more complicated to calculate than in GURPS, because the number the attacker has to exceed is random. I have a table, though.
As you can see, there is a 20/35 or a 4/7 chance of hit. Expected DPT is just under 2.3.
The typical rolled damage for the broadsword was 7. A Steel Breastplate reduces this by 5, to 2. Since it's a cutting weapon, this is multiplied by 1.5, to 3. USing the same calculations as above (this is a peasant who knows how to use armor?), the DPT is just under two. This is less than 29% of what it would be without armor.
Unnamed System
The adventurer deals 1d7+3-1d8 damage on a hit. This is 4+3-4.5 or 2.5. To determine the hit chance, we need a whole new chart.
The chance is 18/28, or 64%. DPT is 1.6, nearly 70% of what it was without armor.