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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1173480 times)

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Preparing for Mission 2
« Reply #1485 on: February 12, 2014, 11:39:02 am »

"A mecheen..." she thinks "Like a windmill?"

"Imagine a windmill, except it's actually a giant and you have to fight it. That's what a robot is!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Preparing for Mission 2
« Reply #1486 on: February 12, 2014, 12:18:44 pm »

"A mecheen..." she thinks "Like a windmill?"

"Imagine a windmill, except it's actually a giant and you have to fight joust it. That's what a robot is!"
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Preparing for Mission 2
« Reply #1487 on: February 12, 2014, 12:33:49 pm »

"A mecheen..." she thinks "Like a windmill?"

"Imagine a windmill, except it's actually a giant and you have to fight it. That's what a robot is!"
"So we're finishing the job that Don Quixote started?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1488 on: February 13, 2014, 04:22:15 pm »

Do you read the descriptions of the powers I'm giving you?
((Yes. So?))
You gain the ability to summon lesser demons from the first and second circles of hell, provided you perform the correct ritual. It involves a pentagram with a pentagram drawn inside every pentagram and chanting in backwards Greek and forwards Latin at the same time.
We have both infinite recursion and conflicting actions.
"I'm going to be fighting the robot?"
"A BETA. Not a robot, not really. More like a lifeform with mechanical and electronic components."

Zechariah rubbed his thumb across the wood of the staff out of annoyance, but kept silent. In his other hand was the mask that the shadow entity had given him.
Don't worry about the entities, Zechariah thought to himself. Or was it Selene still? He couldn't be sure, his spirit was still recovering from being shut down. Focus on the task at hand.
Looking over at the others, he was a bit miffed that someone else had an item with the word "Medium" on it, but he was still fine with that. What he was more concerned with was that he had obtained a mask. This was like Zedekiah Iaunum all over again. It had too much similarity to Zedekiah's power: as the Shadow, Zedekiah used his mask to impersonate, manipulate, and crush people and their spirits. It unnerved Zechariah.
It's okay. It's just another part of what I've embraced. I have to learn to control it at some point.
...I'm not a Spy though.

Zechariah spent a few moments looking down at the mask and became unsure of whether he wanted to continue or not with this power still. He gave a quick glance towards Irine.
I've made a promise. Zechariah turns his attention to the shadow entity.
"...I am ready."
I am ready.
Alan gazes at the knife.
This says KILLER on it! Cooooooooolll!

Wave knife around people's eyes while showing it to them.
Curious, I wonder what it means to be an instrument  Bryan wondered as he turned the scalpel around in his hands.
"I am ready."
You all simultaneously try to grab the objects. You all fail. Your hands pass right through them. You end up looking like a bunch of cats trying to catch a ribbon.

Be a robot.
Beep boop.

John idly wonders to himself why Alan keeps getting involved in murder.

"I'm ready.  Alan, rest of you, have fun in there.  As far as the robot, how much time to prepare will we have when we get there?"

((Did Alan kill anybody besides that guard in the entrance? I think he only ever killed that guy.))

"At least 5 minutes. Maybe more. Depends on how long it takes it to get down from orbit. You'll be notified when it is close."

"Sounds like good, clean fun, it does. Let's hope that-wait, wait a second! Are our hosts going to be powered like we are?"
"No, not like you are. You can choose to take over and use your powers though."

Good lizard.
Eria suddenly has the urge to hurt someone she never met and has no idea why.
Who's a good lizard? You's a good lizard. Who wants a treat? You wants a treat. Who wants their belly rubbed? You wants their belly rubbed. Who was a good girl? You was a good girl. Yes you was. Yes you was.

"Ah. We're taking down a giant robot. Right. Are we talking Pacific Rim big? Are we going to have to pack some severe firepower?"
"Not sure really. It's still changing. But if I had to guess, I'd say about 15-20 meters high, maybe larger."

"What were you doing in there? Why's the Firefox all puffyeyed? Did you bang her so badly that you made her cry?"
I shall ever so thoroughly enjoy feeling the pulse of his final heartbeat between my teeth.
"Don't be ridiculous. Physical trauma doesn't cause pain in the staging area. He was clearly conducting espionage and engaging in psychological warfare. Well done, my champion. I hope you learned many secrets with which to crush her."
What? Someone wants to weaponize my sense of ethics against me?
"Hey now, there's more compulsion in a telemarketing ad than the one I gave you. But fine, whatever. I'll just drag you out next time. I was just trying to be polite."
Good, best to let him be rude but stay out of my mind. I need to be able to trust my own thoughts and feelings morso than anything else.
A white fox girl approaches you after you walk out. She looks very much like you, except she has white fur over all of her body and only one tail.
"Hi! I saw you were upset before. I know it's not much, but I hope this will make you happier." she says and hands you a flower. It looks like a lily, with petals that are yellow near the stamens and transition to red near their edges, with an orange gradient in between. The underside of its petals is white.
What? That looks like... Is she one of kj1225's kitsune?
"I... I... thank you. Um, this... This might be a kinda weird question, but I was wondering if we might be from the same place. Do you know who kj1225 is?"
"Okay then, now that we're all here (finally) I'd like to talk to you about the next challenges.
First of all, the gist of this, for our new players, is simple enough. Complete the objectives we give you, you gain more power, we gain entertainment and when you complete enough challenges, you get to go home. I think it's a pretty simple, good, straightforward deal, don't you?"

He starts slowly walking on top of the rock he is standing on.
"Now then, about the challenges... There have been some complaints that you are hurting people, taking away their free will,
being bad guys, etc, etc. These challenges will address these concerns.

First off, we have a challenge involving deep synchronization. You will enter your hosts as passengers. And if you want, you can just remain in the passenger seat and watch their stories unfold. No input required on your part. If free will concerns you so much, you can just let them die free men. No big deal, right? Just don't do things that will contradict with your host's character too much. Deep synchronization is harder to maintain. You're going  back to the same universe as before. Let's see if you can fix some of the problems you caused...
He is, isn't he. He lied earlier, my so-called personal area isn't so personal, is it. He listened in on me and Zech. And now he's going too...
They couldn't break me with murder and death, so now they want to break me like this. Make me willfully ignore my sense of ethics or face annihilation.
I've got to find a way out.

I think for this one, I'm going to choose... you, you, you... you.... aaand you two."
Every time he points someone an orb of shadowfire is launched from his fingertip and towards the person he is pointing. When they hit them, the balls form into symbols and letters:
Zechariah gets a Theatre Mask with the word Spy written under it.
Ike gets a Pistol with the word Agent written over it.
Irene gets a Human with the word Seeker written on its left.
Alan gets a Knife with the word Killer written on its right.
The white fox girl gets a Heater Shield with the word Medium written on it.
Bryan gets a Scalpel with the word Instrument written under it.
Ok, ok, memorize it, memorize it all. This is going to matter later. Memorize every detail now, figure out the pattern later. memorize it all.
"The rest will participate in the defense of a colony that is under attack by a BETA. Think big robot. Very big. Like, building sized big. From space. I've evacuated the area because, frankly, with what happened last mission, I don't trust you to be on the same planet as my civilians. Hopefully, you should be able to stop it before it causes significant damage. And you won't cause more damage than it does in the process.
You'll get a more extensive briefing when the mission begins."

"Any advice, questions, goodbyes, mind blowing revelations? Now is the time to share, because we'll begin in a minute."
"Can we speak with our hosts? Will we have time to acclimate ourselves before the real mission begins?"
((I thought Irene had mentioned something about free will but the closest I could find was this:
I at least tried to save her, and to do with her life what she would have wished had she retained her will.
So I guess it's a case of IC knowledge getting mixed up with OOC knowledge. Sorry. If you ask, I'll just say that he deduced it from the above statement or something like that.))

The girl looks at you with a confused look on her face. She clearly has no idea what you're talking about.

"You can speak to them, but I don't think they'll appreciate it very much. Suddenly acting out of character is one thing, it can be covered up. The mind of most humans actually wants to be tricked, to find an excuse. It wants to have a story to attach itself onto and if it lacks a story, then it will easily create one or accept one that is provided. Stories are what holds their mind together, in a way. The narration forms their conscious mind.
Hearing a voice in your head or noticing the dissonance between the two of you on the other hand might be enough to cause desynchronization. It removes that frame of reference they have. Breaks the narration. Frightens them. Even if you get them to agree with your existence, their mind will subconsciously continue to try to defend itself from your presence. Deep synchronization is not designed for that sort of thing.
If you want to start talking to them, better take it slow. But, like I said, better to not do it at all or at least mask it somehow. Try to be subtle if you try to communicate with them."

"And this isn't a mission in the usual sense. Your objectives will be a bit more vague. You'll be more of a guardian angel than an agent with a goal. You'll see what I mean when it starts."

"Oh, and one last thing. You will be completely isolated during the challenge. The only one you would be able to communicate with is the one that chose you and your Interface. Communicating with other players will only be possible if you happen to come across them."

"So, if there aren't any further questions..."

"Charlie" flicks his hand. In response, the shadowy objects expand until they envelop their owners. The flames then shrink, their owners gone.

"As for the rest of you...

Another flick of his hand and the staging area transforms into a void inside a blueish dome made out of thousands of symbols.

"You'll be using your real bodies for this mission, so no black void for you. Don't worry same rules still apply. You will be protected from death."

"Standby for mission briefing..."

((Sorry for the delay, was waiting for a response to some PMs I sent. Please wait while I write the intros.

Completely irrelevant, but I just noticed the forum puts a birthday cake near your age when it's your birthday.))


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1489 on: February 13, 2014, 04:22:48 pm »

There are... things... everywhere. Images, sounds and words filling your perception, forming a mosaic that is seen, heard and felt.
You can feel a presence looking at the chaos with you. You can feel her, analyzing everything, applying filters, making crude deductions, forming connections between the data. She's constantly checking the way the data fit together, the connections she discovers forming a spiderweb of white lines connecting the individual parts of images and transcripts of voice data, gauging how each group affects abstract values representing some overall states and objectives, graphs and numbers changing ever so slightly with every event registered, every connection discovered. She uses that to learn and extrapolate, creating a fuzzy overlay for her web, a shifting pyramid extending behind the first layer.
But there's no thought going on in any of this, no contemplation. It's just instinct, a constant race to react and adjust to the flow of information to better predict the next wave. You can see however points forming in the overlay, points where the data converge, weaknesses in the world, choices, turning points.
Trying to focus on or remember any of the data is as impossible to you as it is to her, but for different reasons. She doesn't remember because she is uncaring. The data is captured, used to alter the way she thinks and then discarded with tremendous speed (with the exception of a few that she considers important enough to file away, a name here, a picture there). Despite the speed everything is changing, you can catch glimpses of things. Faces highlighted to indicate the individuals' emotions, a report on the crash of the stock market, a filter analyzing the background noise of a phone-call, predictions for the likelihood of snow in the next half hour, two teens whispering to each other as they stare the sun setting on the sea from a dock, the spiderweb of white lines connecting everything together.
For a while everything is happening too fast to really make much sense. But there is balance in the data, peace, the events of the entire world unfolding before you eventually evening out, not having a significant effect on the data points important to her.
And then, a sudden shift in the overlay.
Whatever force is providing you this experience thankfully(?) slows things down enough for you to understand what's going on, to identify the origin. A recording of a phone-call is being analyzed, the transcript being formed as the man on the line speaks the words.
"Hey. It's me." The man says in a hoarse voice further burdened by static.
You notice her bringing up data from her archives, connecting them to the phone-call. In the mental frame the focus provided by that external force has given you, you can see a scan of an official looking piece of paper with the picture of the man, along with things like name, occupation and education, with more lines escaping from the frame.
"Hey, what's up?" Another man, this one with a softer voice and a younger looking face to go with it. He sounds kinda distracted, his attention somewhere else. "Sorry about before, I was-"
"I saw her." The first man blurts out. There's only silence on the other end for a while. She is working furiously now, forming innumerable links to come to a simple and obvious conclusion.
"...Saw her?... How? Where did you-?" The picture of a house, the caller's house, before the other even has a chance to process it.
"That's the strange thing. Listen, I can't talk about my-"
"Okay, okay. I'm coming over." The line closes with a click and a tone, as she computes a route between their locations.
A turning point has formed, massive, affecting the sea of predictions on an immense depth. And the results could be unfavorable, catastrophic in the future, if it doesn't play out the way she needs it to. For the first time in the hours you've been watching her, you see her do something different. Red lines forming between different groups and the one this turning point represents, her predictions changing with each link tested, sometimes for the best and sometimes for the worst. She's trying to decide what to do.
She settles on a result. A small push, a small exercise of her power and the red line turns white, a new data point formed, the two groups now connected by her actions.
A change made, minimal effort spent for maximum effect, the point tipped to her favor from the uncertain balance of unknown variables. She files the data away and continues observing, not waiting to see the results of what she has set in motion.

The phone is ringing.

Harry Baldman
Reviewing archives...
A child. He's so annoying. Thinks he's so great. You wish he was gone.
Reviewing archives...
Your mum is moving around the house. Hurriedly putting things in a suitcase. You're scared. You don't know what's going on. She says you have to go. You don't want to go. All your friends are here. She says not to worry. That it will be better there. It will be a nicer place. A place where you can have everything you need. A place where all people are free.
Reviewing archives...
There are scary men with guns guarding the dock, all with uniforms. They're searching everyone, asking for papers. The ship is on the other side but how are you going to get there?
Your mum says she's sorry.
Reviewing archives...
She told you to run so you run. You did not look back. You're almost at the ship. A man is urging you on but you can't understand exactly what he's saying. You jump on board and turn around to look for your mom.
The lights are blinding you but you can see her silhouette pushing a man with a gun and then running along with other people. The ship rumbles and starts moving. Not yet, you can't leave, she's coming. The man next to you ignores your yelling. He shouts something in that language you can't understand and pushes you down.
There are many loud noises and the sound of metal striking upon metal.
When the man finally lets you get up, you're too far away. You can see people lying on the dock. The man touches you on the shoulder and says something.
Your vision is getting blurrier.
If only you had been better.
Reviewing archives...
It's cold. But you have to keep moving.
The man in the uniform is yelling at you to be heard over the strong wind. Telling you what you're going to be. How you are going to be making a better world. Freeing people. Killing bad guys.
You believe him. You want to do that. You want to become better. So that others are spared.
Reviewing archives...
The important looking man is saying many important sounding words, giving you much praise for your special skills. You don't pay much attention. You already pieced the clues together before he got to utter a word. You don't care how hard it's going to be. You knew it the moment you chose to do this.
This is going to be it. Your chance. Revenge.
Reviewing archives...
You're back. This used to be your home, but not anymore. The same dock and yet completely different. You disembark and walk to meet the men in uniforms.
Review complete.

The phone is ringing.

You look at the display. It reads "Operator". The name seems familiar, like something at the tip of your tongue. And yet the action feels strange. It feels like you are just a passenger. You can see, you can feel, you can remember thinking about looking at the display but it all feels... alien. Disconnected.
Entering deep synchronization mode. Standby... Oh, right, the entities, the "games". Almost forgot.
You (or rather your host) picks up the phone.
"Yes sir?"
"Something's come up. Something big. Need you in my office. Now." comes the voice from the other end of the line.
"Right away si-." The line is cut while you're still talking.
You get up and out of your office (more like a cubicle with a door, filled to the brim with official looking folders, than an actual office) and make your way to the end of a hallway made from similar offices, occasionally spying other people inside some of those that have plastic windows in their walls. You reach an actual office and wait for the secretary to clear you to enter.

Unlike the first mission, there is no dulling of the host's thoughts and emotions as yours get clearer. You're still on the passenger seat, you're just slowly gaining a better view and the ability to nag at the driver.

You enter the office. There's a man in a black suit and a red tie, sitting behind a heavy wooden desk and in front of an emblem you've seen a lot around here, in the files and in the walls. A cross inside a circle with an eagle's head emerging from the outline of the circle.
"We've received a tip from one of our deep cover operatives." The man starts speaking the moment the door is closed. "He says he is in danger. He says he needs help. He says he has important information. Very important information."
He looks you straight in the eyes.
"We have reason to believe he is telling the truth."
He passes you a piece of paper.
"You are to meet him there and learn whatever you can. ... Neither his comfort nor his survival are required."
He looks around as if to make sure nobody is listening.
"Be warmed, you've impressed a lot of people with your achievements. Now They are watching. Do well and you might gain a position among our ranks. Disappoint and.... well, you don't want to disappoint."
"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Your host feels elated and terrified at the same time.
"Good. Now go. Time is of the essence."

You make your way out of the office and to a hall full of elevators. You enter one going down and push the button for the armory.

"Deep synchronization complete." The voice comes from a silver thing in your wrist. It looks like a watch, but with a reddish crystal orb where the face would be. Thankfully, no one else in the elevator seems to notice it.
"Team Primary Objective: Kill Target Amethyst.
Personal Secondary Objective: Hidden."

"A serious guy? And the second tearful backstory in a row? Someone clearly doesn't know neither you nor me. And, frankly, all this 'avenge my parents' stuff is giving me a very BruceWaynian vibe."

The elevator drops you off at the Armory, a white hallway with a man in a uniform sitting in an armored booth near a metal door.

"Hey! Going on the field again?" the man asks with a semi-excited tone.
"Yeah." replies your host disinterested.
"Big thing?"
"Something like that." continues your host, mildly irritated by the questioning.
"So, what can I get for you today?"


Reviewing archives...
Can you believe that guy? How can he be such an idiot? How can he not see this?
Reviewing archives...
The fireball in the sky. The sirens sounded too late. Everybody is running.
You know how to run better.
Reviewing archives...
You can't see in the darkness of the shelter. But somehow, you know. You can tell where she is. The knowledge doesn't comfort you. It means she's gone.
Reviewing archives...
You've got to do something. Things were bad before but now they are getting worse. Everything is falling apart. What are you going to do?
Reviewing archives...
Old friend. From school. He always helped you. He's telling you he has something that would interest you. Work. Work is good. Work means food and shelter. Work means not living in the rubble and drinking contaminated water. Even if it's dangerous work. Even if it's ferrying messages for "criminals".
Reviewing archives...
He didn't tell you this new work would be so much more dangerous. He didn't tell you you had to wear a mask. Running and hiding and snooping is fine, but the mask is harder. Especially when you have to work to keep it up. Work with the enemy. Do things that are against you. Luckily, there are other people here. And working against those bastards is rewarding enough. Now you just need to get past that guard...
Reviewing archives...
The names have changed but work stays the same. You're starting to think that this was a mistake. That perhaps it is time to stop hunting and run away again. And then it happens. The lights flicker and the ground moves.
Reviewing archives...
News haven't been coming in since that... thing happened. They say they killed the Leader. There has been more work and more danger. People everywhere are starting to get scared. Perhaps change is finally coming. You're hoping it will be for the better this time, but experience has taught you otherwise.
Review complete.

The phone is ringing.

You pick it up without thinking, eyes still on the numbers in the old CRT monitor.
"Hey buddy!" comes the voice from the other side. "Got a minute to talk? My break is coming up and I got some girl trouble I need some advice on."
"Sure! Come on up!" Your voice sounds eager and yet you feel afraid.
"OK. Be there in a jiffy." You hang up.
Entering deep synchronization mode. Standby... The voice reminds you what's going on, why you feel... different.
You search among the piles of papers in your cramped office for a device, something like an antenna crossed with a portable fan and set it up on your desk, flipping its switch to activate it. The image on the screen deforms as a result.
A few nervous moments later, there's a knock on the door. Another man comes in, closes the door, removes a similar looking device from his pocket and activates it.

"Have you gone full retard?! What are you doing with that thing here? You wanna blow both our covers? Wanna get us both killed or-"
"Quit your whining. A tip came down at Intel. There's a snitch on our side. He asked for a meeting, wants to spill the beams for protection."
"So? Get it out the usual way and let the others take care of it."
"Can't. The meeting is gonna take place tonight. Operator has already called an Agent, top priority stuff too. I think they suspect something. Might be on to me."
"Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck!"
"Exactly." After a second, the man adds "I need you to get there before the Agent and pose as him. You've got the right papers. Get the snitch, get him outta there, find out what he knows and take care of him."
"Fuck. Fuck, okay."
"Here's the info." he says as he hands you a piece of paper. He extends his arm as if inviting you to arm wrestle. "For the cause?"
"For the cause!" you whisper as you clasp hands.
He retrieves his device and exits, while you deactivate yours and leave a while later. You make your way to the elevator, pushing the button for the garage. You check to make sure the elevator is empty and then get in.
"Deep synchronization complete." The voice comes from a silver thing in your wrist. It looks like a watch, but with a bluish crystal orb where the face would be. Thankfully, no one else seems to notice it.
"Team Primary Objective: Target Amethyst must survive past the time limit.
Personal Secondary Objective: Hidden."

"The side of the 'angels'? Hmph... Let's see what you can do..."
You (or more accurately your host) get in and sigh. The fear in his mind is clear. One way or the other, this won't end well for him.


Reviewing archives...
They all think you're strange. And yet... Why do they do that?
Reviewing archives...
You will survive. There's nothing else in your mind. The bombs won't kill you. You will survive. Even if you have to push and shove and yell, you will survive. Instinct drives you forward, past the explosions.
Reviewing archives...
You will survive. You won't cry anymore. You won't beg for food. You won't wait in line for a scrap of bread and half a cup of water. You will survive. Even if you have to work for what others call scum. You don't care what the others call you. You never did. You'll take what you need to survive. These thoughts go through your mind while you watch your accomplices selling what you stole, some people desperate enough to offer their houses for a box of food and medicine.
Reviewing archives...
You will survive. The boss asks you to kill, so you kill. You won't end up on the side of the dead for some stupid principle. You accept the gun and the picture of the man. The beginning of a career.
Reviewing archives...
You need this. Every kill makes you feel stronger. More complete. You need this. You need to slice this man's throat. You need to feel his blood on your hands. There is no other way.
Review complete.

The phone is ringing.

You walk up to the old looking phone in the bar and pick it up.
Entering deep synchronization mode. Standby...
"I have another job for you. There's a guy coming. Meet him in the back in a minute." The line closes before you have a chance to respond. Not that you would of course. Nobody would be that stupid.
You check under the counter. Your sawn-off shotgun and knife are there. You hide them under your thick coat. Ready.
I'm going to be gone for a moment. Watch the bar for me?
"Sure." the other responds. He should be able to handle it. It's almost empty. Only the usual drunkards filling their stomachs with poison. Not that you care much about the bar. It's only a front.

It's cold outside. Some snow has accumulated in the dark alleyway. Some stray flakes are falling from above where they had been lifted from rooftops by the wind.

You light up a cigarette to pass the time while you wait, the gray smoke merging with the thin gray line of nothingness rising towards the sky in the east. Everyone is scared. Trying to figure out what it is, what it means. Why it happened. It is irrelevant to you. More chaos means more business for you. More opportunities.
The smoke on the other hand is great. You can almost taste the tax evasion in it.

After a while, a car arrives. Expensive looking. Too expensive looking for this neighborhood. Amateurs.
The man that comes out of it walks with the air of a man who thinks he is the king of the world. So important. Probably working for the government. Those guys are so stuck up. When all they really are is just another kind of criminal, a criminal that gets better bribes, a criminal with good PR, more money and better armed enforcers. One day...

"Hey, you! You're the one they sent for the job?" the man says with a hint of distaste in his voice.
"You don't look like much." What is that arsehole going on about? He thinks this is a bloody job interview?
I didn't came here to yak away. You got a job for me or not?
The man's face makes some sort of semi-surprised expression and he murmurs something you can barely make out but is definitely not polite.
"Take this folder. In it there is a place and some pictures. The men on those pictures will be there tonight. They must die. Is that clear?"
Yes. What does he think I am? Some kind of nitwit? Of course it's clear. The way he's speaking, so full of himself, it drives you crazy.
"Deep synchronization complete." The voice comes from a silver thing in your wrist. It looks like a watch, but with a reddish crystal orb where the face would be. The other doesn't seem to notice it.
"Team Primary Objective: Kill Target Amethyst.
Personal Secondary Objective: Hidden."

"Good. I assumer we're all done here then?" the man makes a motion to turn around and start walking away. You (or more accurately, your  host) resist the urge to slice his neck from behind.


Reviewing archives...
The sun was shining. You were together. Some were friends, some were more than that, some were less, but they were all there and you were all together and happy. You can't remember a day like that ever again.
Reviewing archives...
You were lucky that day. You got to the shelters. You were safe. Now back in your home, you are safe. For now.
Reviewing archives...
She is gone. She wasn't taken by the bombs but by something else. Someone else. You hang up the phone. Who would do that? Why? What can you do?
Reviewing archives...
The man in the door says you have to go. That you are to be drafted. With fancier words, of course. Medical professionals are in high demand.
Reviewing archives...
Another patient you couldn't save. Another one bled to death, fighting a pointless fight. Why couldn't you save him? Why can't you save them?
Reviewing archives...
Damnit. You bang the handset on the phone. Another search and still nothing. At least your tour is over now. You can return home.
Reviewing archives...
The grey pillar in the east keeps rising towards the sky. A wave of light passes overhead, causing waves to rise and the ship to rock from side to side. What was that thing?
Reviewing archives...
You were delayed, but you are here now. Finally. The others are waiting for you. Familiar faces. Some missing.
Reviewing archives...
This night turned differently then expected. You weren't expecting to be walking down the street, alone. Maybe you shouldn't had been so angry. But it was their fault. It's all a joke to them. That thing with the psychic was the last straw. Why do they not understand? The things you've been through. They can't understand. The only thing you have left. You can't give- Huh? What's she doing here? You get in the car, taking the offer for a place to sleep. Looks like you've got a friend after all.
Review complete.

The phone is ringing.

The woman near the sink laughs. You remember that laugh. Didn't hear it all night. She's got her own problems.
"Hey!" the shout pulls you out of your reminiscing. "You gone deaf?"
"The phone. It's ringing." she says as she indicates the sink. "Little busy here."
"Oh, yeah, right. I'm going." you say and start walking out of the kitchen. "Sorry, I was... distracted."
"Still thinking about your fight with your boyfriend?"
"I told you! It's not like that!" you respond to the tease in a half angry-half laughing tone and pick up the phone.

Entering deep synchronization mode. Standby...

"Hello?" you say absentmindedly, your thoughts elsewhere.
"Hey. It's me." How did he knew you were here? Isn't he still angry at you?
"Hey, what's up?" You reply. "Sorry about before, I was-"
"I saw her." The voice in the phone blurts out. You don't realize what he's talking about at first. But then you do and become even more confused.
"...Saw her?... How? Where did you-?"
"That's the strange thing. Listen, I can't talk about my-" He sounds hesitant. You won't get anywhere like this. You have to go there. You have to know right now.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming over." You put the handset down, still befuddled from the news.

"'Coming over'?" she says as she comes out of the kitchen with a towel in her hands.
"Who was it? What's going on? Where are you going? I thought you were going to stay here. You know, remember the good old times?"
"I... It was Ed."
"So what, you are just going to run after your boyfriend?"
"He found her. I-..."
"What? 'Found her'? Who did he find?"
"I have to go there. He found her."
"...How can you be such an idiot?!" she says, anger clear in her voice.
"What?" her tone takes you by surprise. What's her problem?
"You're fooling yourself. Nobody has seen her for close to a decade now. She's gone!"
"No! She's out there, I know it. I have to save her!"
"No, she isn't! You can't keep chasing after every shadow! You can't keep living in the past! Can't you see what this is doing to you?"
"Just because all of you have given up on her doesn't mean I have. I love her! And I will find her. We are meant to be together!"
You storm out.
"Screw you! Go ruin your life for a fantasy then! I don't care anymore."
You slam the door behind you.

"Deep synchronization complete." The voice comes from a silver thing in your wrist. It looks like a watch, but with a bluish crystal orb where the face would be.
It's cold outside. The street is devoid of life and covered with melting snow. Most lamps are off, their bulbs burnt and left unchanged. Most other houses have their lights closed. You are alone.
"Team Primary Objective: Target Amethyst must survive past the time limit.
Personal Secondary Objective: Hidden."

You wipe the tears out of your eyes and look towards the thin gray line rising towards the sky in the east, wondering what you're going to do now.


"... remains to be seen if the Premier's statements will reassure the Soviet people and their strategic allies. The Chinese Ambassador has already voiced serious concerns over the stability of the Union while some local newspapers claim he used the word 'secession' when talking off the record.
In related news, the string of strange disappearances continues around Ground Zero. Local police officers suspect criminal intent. Criminal organizations who are taking advantage of the situation to abduct people for use in human trafficking or even a serial killer has been suggested, but as of yet evidence has yet to be found supporting either of those theories. Locals claim there is a far more sinister force at play here. Claims have been made of a Demon stalking the rubble. An eye witness, had this to say: 'I was with my friend, we were sitting around the fire to get warm. He thought he heard something and he went to check it out. He never came back. I heard it coming for me from behind. It made a hellish buzzing noise. I run and I saw what was left of my friend. There was blood everywhere. His body was shredded and parts of it were everywhere. Only a demon could had done that. I didn't look back. I kept running and barely got away with my life. When the police came, they said there was nothing there, that all was clean. The demon must had made the body disappear or eaten it whole.' Rescue and containment workers in the area claim they have seen no evidence of such "demon" and that there is nothing supernatural to be afraid of.
In local news, Governor Arthur Curtin declared that the invasion of Val Verde by a joint Soviet and Crown task force and the subsequent arrest of the leader of the international terrorist organization known as 'The Cause' will be a significant positive influence on the stability-"

The phone is ringing.

You get out of your half-sleep, close the television, rise out from under your blanket and walk to your cell phone.
Connection established. Using target default settings. Standby for calibration...
You pick it up and bring it to your ear.
"Agent Four Teen Confirm." comes a monotonous female voice from the other side, followed by a tone.
"Affirmative." you (or more accurately, your host) respond.
"Amethyst Grade Assignment." Amethyst is an important target. Finding her is important. This makes this an important mission.
"Edward Kerr.
Four Three Four North Burn Road.

There's a tone and then the connection is cut off.
"Calibration complete." The voice comes from a silver thing in your wrist. It looks like a watch, but with a reddish crystal orb where the face would be.
"Team Primary Objective: Kill Target Amethyst.
Personal Secondary Objective: Hidden."

You wear your clothes. Unassuming but well looking. Not too expensive and not too casual. The coat thick enough to conceal your sidearm. Long enough to hide the knife on your belt. All black and white.
Car keys in the pocket. Ready to go.


((Let's see how horribly wrong this mission will go.
Keep in mind, this is an experiment, be gentle with your criticism.))

So, if you don't have time to read the entire thing, that's the gist of the story of this mission, to help you catch up:
You (Theri) are a passenger to the body of a woman (referred to as your host). You can see what she sees, feel what she feels, know what she thinks, etc.
You can leave her be and simply watch what she does, you can subtly influence her actions or you can choose to take control of her body to use your skills (essentially transfer your stats to her in game terms and allowing you to control her actions). The more you do things that go against her character however, the more she will reject you.
Your goal is to help her.

There was a period when you couldn't influence her when you entered her body and during that time, you saw her talk to a girl and touch her hands while attempting to "see" something about her. Like a medium. Something that was important to that girl.
Your host saw nothing when she touched her and then the girl had an argument with her friends and left. The girl's friends left soon after.
After they left however, your host had a vision showing her the girl will be in danger soon. So she got inside her car and started driving towards the house you saw in your vision.
((You were actually supposed to go to another place first but I'll just cut that part to push you towards the action. Wasn't that important anyway.))

((Mission start here.))
Reviewing archives...
You close your eyes and focus, trying to empty your mind, to listen. Nothing.
You open them and look at the girl across the table, at your hands holding hers.
"I'm sorry." She makes a motion to get up but you hold her hand.
"Please. Let me try again. These things take time." you urge her.
She sighs and sits down again.
Reviewing archives...
Your eyes are closed. Still nothing. You've been here for so long.
But you don't want to give up. This is important to her. And you want to help her.
In the darkness and the silence, you hear the other people, the girl's friends whispering and then muffled laughs.
The girl gets up and forcefully pulls her hands from your grasp. You open your eyes just in time to see the anger in her face before she turns around to face her friends. She speaks before you have a chance to say anything.
"Is that all this is for you? A bloody joke?" she shouts. "Brought me here to have a laugh with crazy Zoe? Is that it?"
"No, please, I-" a man says.
"No, you know what? I've had enough of this for the evening. I'm out of here." The girl says and starts walking towards the door.
The man extends his arm to stop her. "Listen to me, let's just-"
She bats his arm away. "No, you listen to me. I expected better from you. Especially you, Ed." she shouts while pointing at him. They remain silent like that for a few seconds.
"I'm leaving. Don't come after me." she says with a defeated tone as she gets out and slams the door.
The remaining people in the room, you included, look at each other awkwardly.
Reviewing archives...
You're standing near the door now. Holding the hand of the man from before.
"I'm sorry about that. I-"
"Don't worry. It's not your fault." you cut his apology short. "I just... I really wish I could help her."
"I'll go pick her up." A woman says as she exits the house. "Meet you back at your place?"
"Sure." the man responds. "Goodbye, Morgan."
"Bye, Ed." she says while closing the door.
Just the two of you in the house now.
Reviewing archives...
The man is leaving now. You force a smile on your face, wave at him and close the door.
You lean against the door and sigh. That was a rough day. Rough session. Even if in the end, there was nothing you could do. You feel tired.
You start walking towards the living room. You stumble and almost fall. Didn't realize you were this tired. Maybe you'll just sit on the couch for a while before...
That's as far as your thoughts go before you collapse into unconsciousness.
Review complete.

You can see pain and suffering. Fires and screams. You can see your friends in trouble, Ed and Morgan. And in the center of it all the girl from before, Zoe. She is running, trying to outrun the thorns growing on her path, a path that is getting narrower and harder by the second. You try to reach her, to help her, but she's just out of reach.

You take a deep breath when you wake up, wet from the sweat.
You're standing on the cold wooden floor. Must have collapsed rand slept right on it.
No. This wasn't normal sleep. That wasn't a normal dream.
That girl is in trouble. You can't ignore that. You have to go help her.
Where to go though? Ed said he would let her stay at his place. That should be the best place to start.
You'd call him if he had a phone. Now you have to drive there.

You get out of your house and into your car. You start driving towards the Southern Suburbs.
"So, this is interesting, isn't it?" comes a voice from a silver thing on the woman's wrist. It looks like a watch but it has a bluish crystal where the face would be. The strange thing is that while you notice it the woman, the one whose body you're currently experiencing this through, your host, doesn't.

"Are you okay? I guess this might feel a bit strange at first. Ask me if you got any questions."

((Didn't proofread because I gotta sleep. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or missing words or other errors.))
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 08:07:55 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1490 on: February 13, 2014, 04:23:21 pm »


"Let me tell you a story..."
"Mission Location: Universe 523. Section 787. World 672645193. Colony 5."
As the entity speaks, a symbol in the dome gets larger until it blocks out all others. As the symbol gets larger, it is revealed that the shape is actually a spiderweb made of thousands of interconnected strings. As the symbol gets even larger, you can see that each string is made out of millions of symbols. This continues for a while, zooming in from shape to shape, until your view comes to a galaxy, then a solar system and then a single planet with a single moon.
"BETAs. Techno-Demons. They were a big thing in Universe 523. Top of the food-chain. Some were so large they became Dyson Spheres. Some were even larger and more powerful, bending the laws of physics around them, swallowing entire stars. Most sections were under their control."
"Distress signal registered from Cargo Ship 7. Crew: 1. BETA identification positive. Ship and Crew compromised."
A blue blip appears on the edge of the dome and begins approaching the planet. As it passes by the moon, it becomes red and then disappears.
"They were, however, not evolved for inter-universal conflict. They put up a fight at first, some even came close to becoming a danger to me. It was a costly war, one of the first universes I met that put up a serious fight during integration. In the end, however, they were young, they were divided, they were weaker than me and they fell. I was victorious."
"Contact lost with satellites over Colony 5. Likelihood of BETA targeting Colony 5: High. Threat to Colony: High."
A few red blips appear very close to the planet.
"I did not eradicate them however. Extermination was not my goal. And conservation does have its uses. As long as they stay out of my way, they are allowed to live in peace. This must be a young one. They sometimes get greedy, try to raid a ship or colony to gain more power."
"Possible landing sites:
Alpha: Central Plaza
Beta: Spaceport
Gamma: Undeveloped Land"

The image zooms in on the planet until the Colony is visible, buildings of metal plastic and glass, surrounded by green and brown. Three positions are highlighted.
"We would normally give this mission to a senior Guardian or a group of Trainees and/or Junior Guardians, but I think this would be a great chance to prove that you can work as a team."
"Projected target: Pulse Generator 1."
The image zooms in again, showing a cross section of the Central Plaza. A large metal structure can be seen under it, with a blue dot in its center.
"It is imperative that you do not allow the enemy to reach the Pulse Generator. If it does reach the Pulse Generator, do not allow it to connect with it or destroy it. If it does, I will have to personally intervene and the challenge will be considered a failure. The BETA may also target part of the city's infrastructure. Try to prevent damage to it, if possible."
"Mission objectives follow:
Primary objective: Prevent the enemy from reaching the Pulse Generator. Reward: 1 UP for all participants.
Secondary Objective: Land the killing blow. Reward: Special."

"Of course, since you lack the necessary skills to properly vanquish the demon, whoever lands the killing blow will also get this."
Shadow condenses around "Charlie's" arm into the form of a spear. The darkness solidifies into a silver spear.
"I will send the spear to you when your enemy has been sufficiently damaged. Stab the BETA with it. This will ensure the Demon inside it will never threaten anyone ever again."
"Select an insertion point."
The city is shown again. A set of 6 points is highlighted.
"Two or more players can choose the same spawn point. Any questions?
If not, discuss any strategy you may have, select a spawn point and we can begin."

Spoiler: Map with Legend (click to show/hide)

((I think that if the above three are counted as one, that's the longest post I've ever done...))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 04:35:17 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1491 on: February 13, 2014, 04:44:31 pm »

Look in folder. Memorize the locations and the info contained within

Good job Alan.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1492 on: February 13, 2014, 05:35:05 pm »

If I can, investigate feelings towards employer and Target Amethyst.  If possible see if I can discover my host's plans.  Get the host to see what type of building 434 North Burn Road is.
((Aww, my team is trying to kill the target, oh well.  I'll still do what I can for my team.  Also that spear sounds cool.))
That's why you should always wear a seatbelt kids! You never know when a telekinetic assassin is going to cause your car to crash! Safety first!


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1493 on: February 13, 2014, 05:57:22 pm »

Look in folder. Memorize the locations and the info contained within

Good job Alan.

Oh lordy.

John looks at the map.  "So... it's landing at one of those three spots and we don't know which one.  Right, so what are this thing's weaknesses.  Will EMPs work well on it?  If not, what is the best weapon to weaken it until we can spear it?"

Choose 5 if it's outside on top of that building.  6 otherwise.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 07:57:53 pm by Toaster »
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1494 on: February 13, 2014, 06:04:27 pm »

Eria choose 1
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1495 on: February 13, 2014, 06:09:01 pm »

Check to see if I am wearing my usual outfit. Do I still have my club?
Nikolai Choose 2
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1496 on: February 13, 2014, 06:34:39 pm »

Ok, I need to learn, and she seems to naturally want to do the right thing, and she understands it's urgent and that she needs to move quickly, though she doesn't realize why. I don't need to become a monster yet...
I hate this. I already know that when push comes to shove, I'm going to betray myself and become what I hate. I wish there was a better way.

I wish Stellar were here. I want to call out to her, but... No, that would hurt her. I need to look like I'm fine on my own until she is ready to take me back. I shouldn't try to force it.
See what she remembers about her, about Ed, try to remain unnoticed and simply gather as much information as I can.

{Irine's host}
I made a decision, I should stick with it. No turning back now.
Go to Ed's home.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1497 on: February 13, 2014, 06:40:59 pm »

Zechariah tries to steady the flow of thoughts in his mind.

Relax, Zechariah. This is just like with Artemis, sharing a mind and body, except there is no transferring dimensions or conversing. Simple directions and thoughts...
Thinking about Artemis rustled up some bad thoughts that had been in the back of Zechariah's mind.
...Dammit, Artemis. If you're somehow the one causing trouble in this dimension...

Review the paper, and wait until the elevator gets to its destination. If it gets there in time, look outside cautiously.


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1498 on: February 13, 2014, 10:03:51 pm »

Do you read the descriptions of the powers I'm giving you?
((Yes. So?))
You gain the ability to summon lesser demons from the first and second circles of hell, provided you perform the correct ritual. It involves a pentagram with a pentagram drawn inside every pentagram and chanting in backwards Greek and forwards Latin at the same time.
We have both infinite recursion and conflicting actions.
((Note to self: Sometimes, powers will really be 100% useless.))

Spawn Point 2. Immediately get a movement/attack power. Something telekinetic, maybe. Look around; attempt to locate BETA.
<Um, what can the BETA do?>
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: Triple post
« Reply #1499 on: February 14, 2014, 09:52:49 am »

Note- I'm going to be limited access this weekend.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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