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Author Topic: Parallel Fortresses Succession Game. | Finished  (Read 86800 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Everybody's labeling their levers right? Right?!

Labeling levers is DFHack's "rename building", right? Or is there something built in?

It's more using (N) notes.  (p) place a note where the cursor is. (n) to name the note. (t) to add text description for that note.
And then, the bridge should also add a note corresponding to the lever that controls it.

Oh good thought. I've never been that thorough but it makes sense when you're playing a group fortress. This will be my first succession fort.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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DDDragoni and Elagn: Just checking to make sure you haven't forgotten.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


  • Bay Watcher
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I am almost done and will post soon. I am labeling levers, and use the note system for doing so
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
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    • ignore pls!

can we rename lever with dfhack later?
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Ok, good. Can't wait to see it.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)

Daniel the Finlander

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Parallel Fortress Succession Game!
(Version 40.24)

All turns have been finished. Thank you for playing, everybody!

"This is a succession game with a twist. I will play a fortress for 1 year like a normal game, but then, I will duplicate the save and have two fortresses being handed down. The fun from this game will be seeing how much the fortresses will diverge as time goes by. Each player will only play one of the fortresses, and must refrain from reading any of the journals from the other fortress. Be creative so that the divergence will be more interesting."
- origamiscienceguy

1. Each turn will last 1 dwarven year and the player will have one week to finish and upload their turn. Any player who takes longer than that (without reason) will be skipped and the fort will go to the next player in line.
2. I will assign waitlisted participants to one of the fortresses. Do not look at anything about the other fortress until your turn has finished.
3. All parts of posts regarding the progress of a certain fortress must be in spoilers. If you have not played your turn yet, do not look at any of the spoilers for the fort you are not assigned. so that you won't be inspired by the happenings of the other fort.
4. Use exploits at your own discretion, except for the following, which are forbidden:  free adamantine/steel, using dfhack to create or change items and editing the raws.
5. Do not purposefully cause the destruction of a fortress.
6. No save scumming unless it is to circumvent bugs/glitches. If any other reason to save-scum occurs, notify me.  If a fortress falls, than the surviving fortress will have its save duplicated and the remaining players will play that duplicate save. This will occur as many times as necesary.
7. Have !!FUN!! and be creative.

The Embark
Now, everybody may look at the world, embark site, and embark supplies as they are the same for each fort. You may also view the first year of the fort.
Spoiler: Embark information (click to show/hide)
The materials are the default "play now" items and skills. The map has plenty of trees, and what looks like plenty of metal. It also has flux stone and no aquifer.

There will also be some competition between the forts in the following areas:
1. Population
2. Wealth
3. Kill count. (Everything except for other dwarves counts towards this)
As a result, make sure that you post the current population, wealth, and kill count once your turn concludes.

Spoiler: Graphs by xub313 (click to show/hide)

Glossary and Player List
This will be updated as Player's turns are completed. And as players join. If you want a second turn on the other fortress, let me know. However, new players will get their turns before yours. Your names will go on a waitlist and assigned once a fortress has run out of players.

Overseers of Workclench:

Fortress 1
Origamiscienceguy -Completed Year report
DDDragoni -Completed Spring+Summer report, Fall+Winter Report
De -Completed Spring Roport, Summer Report, Fall Report, Winter Report
Deus Asmoth -Completed Spring Report, Summer Report, Fall Report
DuckThatQuacks -Completed Prologue, Spring Report, Summer Report, Fall Report
xub313 -Completed Spring Report, Summer Report, Fall Report, Winter Report
PyroTechno - Skipped
Catfishboss - Skipped
TheCheeseMaker - Completed Spring and Summer report, Fall and Winter report
jwoodward48df - Skipped
palu - Completed Prologue,Spring report,Summer report,Fall report,Winter report
Tatjam -Skipped
Paddywagon Man - Partially Completed Spring report
Japa - Skipped

Fortress 2
Origamiscienceguy -Completed: Year report
Elagn -Completed Spring Report, Summer+Fall report, Winter Report
EovaBoson -Completed Spring report, Summer Report, Fall Report, Winter Report
Urlance Woolsbane -Completed, no reports, presumably a clusterfuck disaster
Zuglarken -Requested later Turn
Nakéen -Completed Spring Report, Summer+Fall+Winter report
Daniel the Finlander -Completed Spring Report, Summer Report, Fall report,Winter Report
Rautherdir -Played for a while, couldn't finish
Tournesol - Completed Start, Spring part 1, Spring part 2, Summer, Fall, Winter part 1, Winter part 2
alexs2112 - Completed Introduction, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Gwolfski - Skipped
Zuglarken - Completed Spring and Summer, Autumn, Winter
Nep Nep Skipped
Imic Skipped

Second Turn Waitlist
EovaBean Skipped, can't play due to low FPS

Amusing and interesting quotes:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 12:29:11 pm by Daniel the Finlander »
chances are their heads are being melted completely off due to pain forcing them to cry and tears don't evaporate so they just increase in temperature searing through the skull to the brain.


  • Bay Watcher
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I request a turn
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« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 12:41:24 pm by Catfishboss »


  • Bay Watcher
  • WELL! OK THEN!... That was fun.
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Sign me up.

I promise nothing will go wrong and that the fortress I get will most definitely not crumble in my hands.

That's right.
You're in: Fortress 2

I request a turn
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You're in: Fortress 1
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


  • Bay Watcher
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I am done with the year, but how do I post the save? Write-up will be soon to come.
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
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I am done with the year, but how do I post the save? Write-up will be soon to come.

DFFD, under community games:


  • Bay Watcher
  • WELL! OK THEN!... That was fun.
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Yes. Just make an account. (I used the same username as this one) Then hit the red "upload" button at the top. Fill everything out, then paste the link into the forum.
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


  • Bay Watcher
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Here is the save for Fort 2. Whoever is up next, try not to kill everyone.
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
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Summer/Fall report for Fort 2. For Fort 2 Overseers Only

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
  • WELL! OK THEN!... That was fun.
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Did you do winter?
Nevermind, I just checked the save. Elagn, you are now free to read DDDragoni's reports and any future reports for either fortress.

EvaBoson, you may take the save from Elagn and have fun for a year.  :P
Please confirm once you receive the save.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 04:33:59 pm by origamiscienceguy »
"'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


  • Bay Watcher
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May I have a turn on one of the fortresses?
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