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Author Topic: The Opinionated Bastards: a BattleTech/MekHQ Mercenary Campaign (Dec. 30, 3053)  (Read 88864 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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Personally, I'm in favor of doing Lightning strike. Having a stationary base would open us up to a strong counter-attack if it gets found, and frankly we don't want to have to pay for a Union if things go pear-shaped on arrival.

However, I think this is one of those occasions where we live up to our names. The lances going should volunteer for this, and ultimately they get to decide what happens. That said, Drake is happy to lead the Destroyer's on this if the rest are ok to go. He's not going to order anyone to do something this dangerous that he's not willing to do himself.

If all of First Company goes, then we've got a very powerful team on the ground both in terms of mechs and pilots. Downside is they aren't that fast, which might hinder us in doing strike missions like this.

If all of Second Company goes we're looking at a much faster set of mechs overall, but also less firepower and experience going into a difficult situation.

We can also break things up and choose lances that make a better mix of firepower and maneuverability, which might not be a bad idea.

Not sure from a mechanical standpoint how things like lance weight work for this sort of deal in MegaMek. So, DM's prerogative if there are solid reasons to restrict what lances we bring (including stuff just being too big a pain).
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Strategy Blinding Lightning: We combat drop on the Sensor/C3 Facility, destroy it, and run off with whatever we can carry/drive.
We then split into two forces to hit the aerospace fighter base and munitions dump simultaneously. Salvage some fighters and ammo, destroy what we can't carry/fly. Bring some extra dispossessed Aeropilots.

Hell, I'm a tech now. I'll ride in the truck until we salvage a working mech on the ground.


  • Bay Watcher
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We can also break things up and choose lances that make a better mix of firepower and maneuverability, which might not be a bad idea.

Not sure from a mechanical standpoint how things like lance weight work for this sort of deal in MegaMek. So, DM's prerogative if there are solid reasons to restrict what lances we bring (including stuff just being too big a pain).

Picking and choosing lances from both companies is perfectly fine.

No limits on lance weight. Somewhere in the rules is a 380-ton maximum lance drop weight, and if we were up against that in all of the dropships, I might limit supplies, but we can't get to 380 on our four heaviest mechs.

Strategy Blinding Lightning

Now that's aggressive.

Given the very limited technical resources we can bring with us on the lightning strike mission, it's unlikely we'll have the time to bring anything salvaged into service during the raid portion of the contract—depending on the pace of operations, two tech teams might have a hard time keeping the mechs' armor in good shape, to say nothing of repairing more substantial damage.

Dropping on one target and immediately marching for the other two would almost certainly yield the greatest surprise, at the cost of being a long combat day, and putting us on a probable schedule of combat every other day or so for the rest of the raid.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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Possibly too aggressive, then. But I like the basic idea.

How about this?

Drake's Destroyers for firepower, Bear's Bruisers for a mix of speed and power, and Ortega's Outriders for speed. Lots of energy weapons in this set-up, which helps reduce our ammo concerns.

We land at the Sensor base and take it out immediately, moving on to the Aerobase immediately afterwords. From there we try to melt into the countryside and stay low for a little bit before hitting the supply depot. Maybe have the Outriders do a strike somewhere else to cause confusion in the meantime and obscure what our next objective would be.

A few days before the main force arrives we hit the depot and focus on staying out of sight and ambushing patrols until help arrives.

(This set of lances also has the advantage of including most of the active player's characters)
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Possibly too aggressive, then. But I like the basic idea.

How about this?

Drake's Destroyers for firepower, Bear's Bruisers for a mix of speed and power, and Ortega's Outriders for speed. Lots of energy weapons in this set-up, which helps reduce our ammo concerns.

We land at the Sensor base and take it out immediately, moving on to the Aerobase immediately afterwords. From there we try to melt into the countryside and stay low for a little bit before hitting the supply depot. Maybe have the Outriders do a strike somewhere else to cause confusion in the meantime and obscure what our next objective would be.

A few days before the main force arrives we hit the depot and focus on staying out of sight and ambushing patrols until help arrives.

(This set of lances also has the advantage of including most of the active player's characters)
Sir Yes Sir!

A mighty fine refinement there.


  • Bay Watcher
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@Meph - Seems like a solid/fun plan to me :)
@Fish - Very cool that you're trying some fancy scenario design for us!

Won't argue being in the middle of some behind-the-line action. Seems like a good mix so far. But if there are any other player pilots who really want in, I'm sure we can swap them in as needed!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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I'm both an experienced MechWarrior and a middling MechTech. I'm going.  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, a rookie MechTech, anyway, but three is a much bigger number than two.

@Fish - Very cool that you're trying some fancy scenario design for us!

A little bit of extra spice never went amiss—kind of like the Tukayyid interlude, but this time with real stakes.

I've passed Remedial DropShip Flight School: both aerodyne, for the most proximate drop, and spheroid, for the main assault, as well as perhaps for obtaining a Mule in the future.

The Leopards are wonderful fun to use: rocketing thirty hexes in a turn two hundred meters above ground, dropping a lance of mechs, leveling a building with a strafing run, and thundering off the map. Spheroids are a little more ponderous, hovering on pillars of fusion flame and making little craters when they land, but their capacity is something else.

I played with the Mule refit a bit. Mech bays for a battalion, with doors to drop six units at once, plus extensive up-armoring and some lightly enhanced armament, will probably run in the 230 million C-bill range, and increase our baseline operating costs to about 1 million C-bills monthly. That also leaves about 1400 tons of cargo capacity, which is more than enough for the supplies we carry. Even with the ability to launch more mechs per turn than a Union, it would still probably be better to lease assault transports, or bum them off our employer, when we're expected to go in for a hot landing.

That aside, time to pick some maps for the prime objectives on Ares, and write up some briefing material from FedCom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Administrative Notes
The saved game is now running correctly on 0.49.17, the latest development version of MekHQ. The trick is to load and resave it from stable version to stable version; the saved-game conversion only works with adjacent stable versions (it seems). This latest edition has a few nifty features we won't get into just yet—an entirely new method for running contracts is one of the highlights, but it also keeps better track of pilots, and labels units on the battlefield with their name or callsign. (This is particularly useful for me, since we have half a company of Phoenix Hawks now.)

There are some other UI improvements too, and I no longer need to keep any particularly old versions of Java around.

Ares Advance Raid: Briefing and Planning
The day after our victory party, Drake sends FedCom a 'yes' on behalf of the company. The day after that (which happens to be Thanksgiving, according to some calendars), Hauptmann Toman stops by headquarters with an armful of maps and documents. Evidently she prefers paper, although we get electronic copies too.

Drake and any interested members of the company (those who can tear themselves away from the holiday gorging, anyway) get down to business, planning the raid.

Setting and Conditions
Ares is a temperate, largely earthlike world, although with less surface water, a higher equatorial temperature, and more dramatic seasonal, coastal-vs-inland, and latitudinal climate variations. It has one moon, Aphrodite. Its population is about 4.5 billion, spread across two continents—bustling, by the standards of the day. We're landing on Harmonia, also home to the capital, New Olympia.

Beyond its history as the location where the powers of the Inner Sphere signed the Ares Conventions, the rules of civilized warfare that ~~everyone renounced at the start of the First Succession War~~ everyone still kinda-sorta plays by, Ares is also home to a robust defense manufacturing industry. Of particular note, Bergan Industries produces endo-steel frames for light mechs, and Earthwerks Limited and Salvatore Incorporated are both big players in the DropShip manufacturing world. We may be able to take advantage of that expertise after the invasion, if it succeeds.

The primary defensive force on Ares, at present, is two battalions of the Fifteenth Dracon. Once upon a time, it was the 15th Dracon Regiment of the Star League Defense Force. Unlike many of their peers, the soldiers of the 15th decided not to follow Alexander Kerensky on his Exodus, instead turning mercenary and signing on with the Capellans, whom they have served for about 300 years now. Tactically, they abhor urban fighting because of the risk of civilian casualties, and will allow an enemy to take towns and cities (or stop them before they reach urban centers) rather than fight in their midst. The Fifteenth's four battalions all have slightly different tactical styles, and we're not totally clear on who's deployed on Ares. We'll find out when we get there. Local defense forces include several regiments of infantry and combat vehicles, as well as up to a battalion of light and medium mechs.

The First Federated Commonwealth Regimental Combat Team, for comparison, is a regiment of mechs, three regiments of armored vehicles, five regiments of infantry, two aerospace wings, and a battalion of artillery, plus combat engineers and special forces seconded to them. (FedSuns, and now FedCom, don't mess around.) In addition to the RCT, FedCom is deploying us (2/3 a battalion) and an additional 5-6 companies of raiders to muddy the waters about the location of the main FedCom attack (or indeed whether there's an attack coming at all). The main effort is going to be in our sector, unless things go catastrophically wrong.

The crown jewel of Hauptmann Toman's collection of papers is a set of paper maps, tabletop-size, portraying our three primary targets. Recent orbital photography (Toman doesn't volunteer where it came from) contributed to making them.

Target #1 is a system defense command center.

The facility sits on top of a tall hill, on a peninsula extending eastward into a large lake. A highway and rail line connects it to militia bases to the southwest. It is surrounded by tall walls, with only a few entrances. Garrison is likely to be relatively heavy, given the importance of the target: 2-3 lances of mixed vehicles and mechs likely, although they may or may not be stationed at the facility directly. Primary targets are two communications dishes and a headquarters building (small red circles). Fuel tanks that feed the on-site generators (large red circle) are a secondary target.

We intend to land here, so give some thoughts to desired LZs. The dropships will be coming in low and fast, so the pilots will do their best, but pinpoint accuracy is probably not in the cards.

Target #2 is an aerospace fighter airbase. It is about 100 kilometers south of Target #1—roughly two hours at a run, which is going to give our pilots a good shake and rattle. That trip is, however, critical to Operation Blinding Lightning.

That plan will involve us arriving from the north, after the march from Target #1. All circled locations north of the taxiway are primary targets: two comms dishes, a fuel tank farm, and two hangars. (Destroying 2/3 of the southeastern hexes on each hangar will count as completing the objective—destroying doors and collapsing entrances. Additional destruction may earn bonus points.)

If we have time and capability on D-day to return and fight the garrison off of this base, all of this tarmac would make a pretty good LZ for a dropship or two.

Finally, Target #3 is a supply depot hidden in the nearer badlands, at the third point of a triangle about 100km northeast of the airbase and 100km southeast of the command center. Terrain is open, which may play to our advantage: with all our long-range weapons, we might not need to advance to the depot to hit its buildings for effect.

Primary targets are essentially 'the depot', but destroying the circled items (two administration buildings and a communications center) may delay repairs and reinforcements. 8 hexes of warehouse buildings (i.e., any of the buildings on the map) is the primary objective.

Our area of operations will be the area between and around these three targets.

Recall that we can land 40 tons of supplies and two (three, counting Euchre and using the mech pilots as astechs) tech teams. When the situation allows it (i.e., if we're not explicitly doing a hit-and-fade), we can salvage supplies on the field, up to 70 tons of weight between our two trucks. (Trucks is maybe a bit of a misnomer; these are going to be tracked, armored battlefield support vehicles.)

A full combat load of ammunition is 13 tons. That includes some rarely-used stuff like Teddy Bear's machine gun ammo, the SSRM-2 on Woad's refit Grasshopper, and the SRM-6s in the Guillotines. There are about nine tons of what I'd call primary ammo in these three lances: four tons of LRMs in Pepper's Archer, four tons of LB10X ammo in the Emperor, and one ton of LRMs in Euchre's Lancelot.

Euchre can get by with just the ER Large Lasers in a pinch, and Linebuster isn't totally useless in the Emperor sans autocannons, but Pepper's Archer really needs ammo to be combat effective, and the Emperor kind of does.

The Phoenix Hawk 3K and Milspec's Crab both take ferro-fibrous armor (17.5 tons between the two of them). The rest of the force uses standard armor. (Quite a lot of it.) Should we bring armor supplies along, and if so, how much?

Are there any other spare parts we should consider?

My thinking is about 12 tons of ammo, with the rest being armor. Maybe a few heat sinks, but I think armor and ammo are the two most important things to have. If we accumulate a bit of critical damage over the course of 10 days of fighting, so be it.

Organization and Tactics
The Bastards temporarily reorganize into "Advance Lance" and "Assault Lance", to reflect how we'll be deployed for the next month and a half or so.

In terms of actual battlefield operations, we have one slow lance (the Destroyers), one medium-slow lance (the Bruisers; they are medium-fast but for Linebuster in the Emperor), and one fast lance (the Outriders). Wherever possible, I want to hit buildings from long range—Drake, Euchre, Pvt. Forakis, and Milspec have the best tools for this, with extended-range energy weapons. Where that's not possible, Woad, Hanzoku, and Wizard have loadouts that can do large amounts of damage quickly at short range, and all three have decent speed and jump jets to enable getting into tight quarters quickly.

Wherever possible, I plan to deploy all three lances together. Overwhelming firepower will help reduce the damage we take, which will in turn help reduce the load on our logistics team. (They have a hard enough job as it is.)

That's about all I have in terms of advance planning. Any thoughts?


  • Bay Watcher
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Did you make these maps?? They look amazing!  :o

I'm sure I'll have more to add later, but yeah just wanted to say well done!


  • Bay Watcher
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Nope, I just picked them out of the list of premade options in MegaMek.

They do look amazing, though! For reference, or if you want to play around with them, they are:

  • Airbase: 45x45 Airfield (Dervs Map Pack 3)
  • C3 Facility: 48x48 The Depot (VictorMorson)
  • Depot: 55x55 Secret Depot (Jayof9s)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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That all seems good in general.

For ammo I'd agree that LRM and LB10X ammo is the most important by far. We can make do if we run out of MG or SRM ammo, and we can likely scavenge some of that. Especially from vehicles.

For parts, sticking to mostly armor seems reasonable. Should we bring some leg actuators? I feel like a legged mech would be the worst thing for us on this kind of operation.

Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Leg actuators are a good idea for sure, given how painful it is to lose them.

They don't have a tonnage weight in any rules I can find, so I'll say a full set of leg actuators (one each of upper, lower, and foot for each weight of chassis we have) will come to 4 tons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Nope, I just picked them out of the list of premade options in MegaMek.

They do look amazing, though! For reference, or if you want to play around with them, they are:

  • Airbase: 45x45 Airfield (Dervs Map Pack 3)
  • C3 Facility: 48x48 The Depot (VictorMorson)
  • Depot: 55x55 Secret Depot (Jayof9s)

Ahhh good to know!

For parts, sticking to mostly armor seems reasonable. Should we bring some leg actuators? I feel like a legged mech would be the worst thing for us on this kind of operation.

Yeah - if we run out of MG ammo, we're definitely doing something wrong. :P
Looking at actuators we'd need a set of them (upper/lower/foot) for each weight class we were dropping with which sounds... less viable.
But tonnage-wise - they are 0 weight. Though I'm not sure if that would apply RAW to our 40 ton limit

Leg actuators are a good idea for sure, given how painful it is to lose them.

They don't have a tonnage weight in any rules I can find, so I'll say a full set of leg actuators (one each of upper, lower, and foot for each weight of chassis we have) will come to 4 tons.

Ah you replied while I was typing. Yes - 4 tons for having actuators covered sounds like a good bargain!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Perhaps we should consider a spare cockpit? Hate go into battle without a head...
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