Imperium of Novus Terra
Dating back to circa 1200 AD, the Empire of Novus Eire formed when the Kingdom of Ireland (then containing the kingdoms of France and Aquitaine as well) merged with the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Murdoch Ui Brianin II. The massive power-bloc quickly dominated Europe and over the course of world history became a monolithic imperial state that eventually became the de facto world government. Now, in the 21st century, the Imperium of Novus Terra is the primary government of humanity and has dominated human culture, history, and progress for the past 1000 years. Imperial control over Earth is complete and undisputed, but now, in the vast frontiers of space, new regimes have room to rise, and going forwards the question of imperial sovereignty over all of its colonies and possessions will be a very "controversial" one.
The Imperium is owned and goverened by the Emperor themself, who is considered the head of the Ministry of State, the top branch of the Imperial government which handles all top-level executive functions of the Empire, such as appointments to the lower minitries, diplomacy, high-level strategy, and advising the Emperor. Primary functions of the government are executed by the Imperial ministries which serve in the Emperor's name, and civil control is exerted in the core territories by appointed governors who rule in the name of the Emperor, and in the Periphery, provinces are ran by Lord Magistrates, the only members of the Imperial government with any amount of sovereignty or autonomy.
The primary culture of the Imperium is a mixture of Irish, English, and Spanish. Heavily euro-centric in its imperialistic origins, the primary language of the Imperium is Imperial Celt, a mixture of Gaelic, English, Irish, and Spanish that is somehow even more convoluted than the modern English players would be more familiar with. Other large cultures exist within the Imperium, the two largest being Indian and Chinese, both of which were integrated in to the Imperium during the Great Expansion period of the early modern era.
The Imperium holds over 100 colonies in more than 60 different systems, and human space extends further out from that. Many colonists, idealists, and adventurers have established outposts and colonies beyond the reaches of Imperial-controlled space, although they are very much on their own in terms of providing for themselves and their defense. The largest such "freeholder" colony is Outer Croix, a settlement of about 200000 "independent" people that are about 6 months away from the Imperial center. Although rumors of an Imperial expeditionary force have been circulating for years intent on subjugating this large colony, it is still small enough in the main scope of things and far enough away that most Imperial authorities don't consider it worth the effort.
The full tree of government is as follows:
J - Joint (functions of the department's supervision are split between other higher offices)
The Emperor (Ministry of State)
Ministry of Defense
Imperial Guard
Colonial Rangers (J)
Imperial Navy
Imperial Survey Corps
Naval Logistics Corps
Colonial Logistics Corps (J)
Ministry of Commerce
Imperial Logistics Directorate (Handles direction of supply and provision throughout the empire, to be moved by the merchant marine).
Colonial Logistics Corps (J) (More integrated with the navy, which has a larger role in supply and direction)
Ministry of Security
Division of Colonial Security
Office of Customs Enforcement (J)
Colonial Marshals Service
Colonial Rangers (J)
Imperial Security Forces
Office of Customs Enforcement (J)
Imperial Intelligence Agency
Council of Imperial Inquiry
Division 16 (Secret / Disavowed)
Lord Governor -> Core Sector
Lord Magistrate -> Province
Ministry of StateThe Ministry of State is the highest office of the Empire, and the Minister of State (known as the "Lord High Chamberlain") is effectively the "Emperor's Right Hand" and closest advisor. Effectively, the second-most powerful person in the Empire, and perhaps charted space. The Ministry of State handles everything that is delegated to it by the Emperor, but typically handles high level affairs such as diplomacy, appointments of ministers and governors and magistrates, the oversight of the justice system within the Empire, and supervision of the provinces and core systems and their government heirarchies.
Ministry of DefenseThe Ministry of Defense handles everything related to the military forces of the Empire. Command of the Army and Navy is split between two lower offices, which are headed by the Lord High Admiral and Lord High Marshal, the two highest ranking uniformed members of the Empire. Typically one of the two are appointed to Lord High Imperator of the Ministry of Defense when an absense occurs. As a result, the leaders of the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy are frequently at odds with each other; not just for funding and resources, but also for promotion to become the other's boss! While this works well to promote efficiency and ruthlessness within the defense forces, it can also lead to a fair amount of unhelpful infighting within the Ministry of Defense.
Imperial GuardThe hand of the Emperor, the Imperial Guard is the armed ground branch of the Imperium. With a storied history of ruthlessly crushing any opposition to the Emperor, the Guard is feared and hated by the Emperor's enemies and revered by loyalists. Service in the Guard is not compulsory, but many lower class citizens and nobles alike join the Guard to gain clout within the political system of the Imperium. Officers are typically selected from the wealthy and the noble families of the civil directorate.
Imperial NavyThe hand of the Emperor, in space, the Imperial Navy has less of a storied tradition except for in the times of antiquity when Earth was still divided, during the rise of the Empire. Much more meritocratic as a result, officers of the Imperial Navy with lower-class backgrounds are much more common than in the Guard.
Imperial Survey CorpsA selective brotherhood, the Imperial Survey Corps is perhaps one of the smallest branches of the higher Imperial Bureaucracy. Sporting their brilliant blue and gold livery, Corpsmen have led the push in to the vast unknown solely on their own, and of their own volition, until recently where corporate and private prospecting has seen a steep rise. The Imperial Survey Corps is small, fiercely competitive, and has a burning rivalry with the "flyboys" in the Imperial Navy. The Survey Corps has many of its own secretive and lesser known traditions, and many a vessel has been lost to the endless reaches of the void. Intrepid, brave, and proud, these explorers and scientists are perhaps the most ambivalent towards the Imperium. Many members of the Survey Corps have mixed feelings towards the Imperium and simply serve to further their dreams of exploring space. After returning from missions, due to the large periods of time away from the oppressive empire and the resulting intellectual freedom, members of the Survey Corps defecting to the rebellion is not uncommon.
Naval Logistics CorpsThe auxilliary of the Imperial Navy, the Naval Logistics Corps handles and supervises civilian ships tasked with direct support of the imperial fleet. Some auxilliary ships are crewed mostly or exclusively by civilian crews who are commanded by Imperial officers.
Colonial Logistics CorpsFalling under the joint supervision of the Imperial Navy and the Ministry of Commerce, the CLC handles most of the movement of infrastructure and supplies to new colonists, as well as the transport of colonists. Maintenance and operation of ships falls to a division of the Imperial Navy, while operational command and provision of colonists, equipment, and infrastructure is handled by the Ministry of Commerce.
Ministry of CommerceThe second of the three high ministries of the Empire, the Ministry of Commerce handles oversight of all Imperial free corporations, and manages the Imperial economy. A somewhat free-market exists in the Imperium, but the majority of jobs available are with the Imperial government and its subsidiaries. The minister appointed to this office is known as the "Lord High Steward".
Imperial Logistics DirectorateThe Imperial Logistics Directorate is effectively the "merchant marine" of the Empire. Handling all registration and licensing of merchant vessels within the Imperium, the Logistics Directorate directs Imperial shipping as necessary to transport the massive ammounts of goods necessary to keep the Imperium running. Any surplus shipping capacity is free to use by merchant captains as desired. All vessels over 2000 tons must be regitered to the Logistics Directorate for requisition by the Imperial government when necessary. As a result, 2000 ton vessels are strikingly common in the Imperium. The Logistics Directorate also handles the Ministry of Commerce's side of the Colonial Logistics Corps
Ministry of SecurityThe third, but arguably most important, of the three high ministries, the Ministry of Security is responsible for protecting the Emperor from his own citizens and managing law and order across the Imperium. The Lord High Executor of the Ministry of Security is arguably the third-most powerful person in the Imperium, and typically a close trusted ally of the Emperor.
Division of Colonial SecuritySecurity across Imperial holdings is managed by one of three entities. For provincial governments, Lord Magistrates are authorized to organize their own defense and law enforcement heirarchies. To supplement this, the Division of Colonial Security provides additional support and resources to Imperial colonies and Periphery installations. Although rather large, the DCS is largely over-stretched and as a result, most law enforcement activities in the provinces are the sole discretion of Lord Magistrates. On paper, anyways. Critics of the Imperial government often cite that the the colonies are able to defend themselves quite adequately and that the DCS is merely a tool of oppression, control, and surveillance meant to keep the provinces in line with the Imperial core.
Office of Customs EnforcementEffectively the "space police" of the Imperium, the OCE handles port customs and trade interdiction / enforcement, lower-threat anti-piracy and space patrol operations, and generally handles maintaining security in Imperial Space in the absense of the Navy, which is only ever mobilized en masse for large threats which the OCE can't handle on its own. The largest vessel employed by the OCE is the Patrol Cutter, and it has a selection of smaller vessels it uses as well.
Administrative oversight of the OCE falls under the purview of the Imperial Security Forces, but operational commands in Imperial systems fall under either the ISF or the DCS depending on whether the system is a core territory or province, effectively integrating OCE directorates in to the local command structure.
Colonial Marshals ServiceThe Colonial Marshals are the special-purpose law enforcement personnel of the Periphery. Tasked with security of high ranking Imperial officials in the Periphery, the tracking of fugitives, and the investigation of high profile cases, the Colonial Marshals are effectively the "elite" of the DCS. Employment in to the Marshal's Service is very selective, competetive, and esteemed within the Ministry of Security.
Colonial RangersStemming from the early Mercurian Rangers detachment of the Imperial Guard that helped police the lawless fringes of Sunward Mercury in the early days of Space Expansion, the Colonial Rangers are used mostly in the more lawless regions of the Periphery. Specializing in projecting power and law enforcement capability over large uninhabited regions of newly developing colonies, the Colonial Rangers are highly valued by the Lord Magistrates and are very effective at purging bandits, rebels, and outlaws from the frontier regions of space. As a result, they are very expensive assets to train and operate, and are almost always in shortage.
Training and administrative command of the Colonial Rangers falls under the Imperial Guard, but operational authority is granted to whoever they are sent to support at the time. Be it DCS operations, provincial governments, or in support of other core Imperial ministries.
Imperial Security ForcesThe closest thing the Imperium has to a Empire-wide police force, the ISF handles all law enforcement activies on core systems. Lord Governors of core territories are not allowed to train or raise their own militas and security forces, and effectively rely on the ISF for handling enforcement and control in their regions. The ISF is the largest branch of the Ministry of Security, by far.
Imperial Intelligence AgencyThe IIA are the black sheep of the Imperial bureaucracy. Shady, secretive, and often feared, the Imperial Intelligence Agency handles all intelligence, espionage, intellience gathering, and political loyalty functions of the Imperial bureaucracy. The Director of the IIA is typically held to be the fourth most powerful member of the Imperial government, and their appointment often comes directly from the Emperor themself.
Council of Imperial InquiryColliquially known as the "Inquisition", the Council is a department of the IIA that operates typically within the Imperial government itself. Inquisitors are embedded everywhere in the bureaucracy, and oftentimes in secret. Their main function is to keep all officials and nobles of the Empire in complete loyalty to the Emperor, and as a result they are the most deeply feared and influential branch of the Imperium. Military commands typically have both an Inquisitor tasked with constant surveilance of the unit and its officers, and a political officer embedded in the command structure that "advises" the CO on matters of political loyalty and ensures their loyal and dutiful service to the Imperium.
Prominent CorporationsDirect ActionThe largest paramilitary corporation within the Imperium, Direct Action is a mercenary and security corporation that provides muscle to corporations, station bosses, mafiosos, and sometimes even Lord Magistrates of the Imperium. In the farthest reaches of the Periphery, sometimes Direct Action is the de facto government, holding a "monopoly of violence" in the system that makes even the local Imperial government wary.
Hythea Drive SystemsWhile not the largest ship corporation within the Imperium, Hythea does hold a rather large monopoly and tech advantage in the propulsion field and a large majority of drive systems on commercial and military vessels alike are serviced, designed, and produced by Hythea.
Exogen BiopharmaceuticalsA large and somewhat dubious "big pharma" firm that is reputed to have secret "black labs" in the Periphery that conduct highly illegal cybernetic research. Aside from their regrettable reputation, Exogen holds a monopoly on the medical industry and provides a large amount of medical equipment and basic cybernetics.
Avalos Transport ServicesThe largest shipping line in the imperium, ATS is somewhat of a force of its own, especially on the Periphery. It's not unheard of for ATS to bring freelancer captains and free traders in to its contracting network through unsavory methods. It is the sole supplier to many of the furthest and most remote Imperial colonies, and as a result holds a frightening amount of influence in certain Periphery systems, often rivalling that of Direct Action and its mercenary "psuedo-regimes".
Other GroupsThe Free AllianceWhile many rebels and freedom fighters exist all over the Imperium, the Alliance is the foremost group, and the largest threat to Imperial security and stability. The Alliance is a force of its own, and sometimes even manages to align many of the other factitious rebel groups for large and coordinated operations. Featuring disgruntled corporate defects, gangsters, pirates, Imperial deserters, and a few seditious ministers and governors, the Free Alliance holds more power than the Imperium would want to believe in certain systems
Cybernetic FrontWhile some basic cybernetics are allowed to the general public, most are highly licensed and regulated by the Imperial government with licenses awarded to a select few megacorporations, along with advanced AI technology, which is almost all but outlawed. Since the introduction of cybernetics to human society, a small clique known as "jackers" came to popularity. Although contemporarily the jacker movement is often associated with outlaws and rebels, most jackers are simply societal outliers who became obssessed with modifying their body and pushing themselves to the limits. The Cybernetic Front is a terrorist coalition of smaller jacker groups dedicated to "liberation" of cybernetic technology from the "tyrannical" regulations of the Imperium. Although they share some ties with the Alliance, some factions in the Alliance actually agree with Imperial policy on dangerous and exotic cybernetic and AI technology, and thus the two groups are very separate in their goals and aims.
Basic TimelinePre-Exo (2022-2041) Rise of Mercury, Luna and interplanetary commerce and industry. End is marked by the discovery of the Meirica ruins.
Exo (2050-2070) General exploration and expansion of the empire into a interstellar entity. Marked by rapid colonization, piracy, and criminal activity outside the Sol system and its immediate periphery.
Additional core systems: Paidraig, Nova, Merica
Mercury is terraformed. The Imperial navy expands its scope of operations and slowly becomes more proficient at counter-piracy and general space operations. Eventually order over the 'Imperial periphery' is established, and dissident elements slowly escape and travel out beyond Imperial space into the Great Unknown, keen on making a new life for themselves, and possibly even starting a rebellion from afar.
The Expanse (2070-Present) Marked by the construction of the first exoplanetary spaceship on the new colonial hub of Cryostail, as well as development of the exojump drive. This era is the current era, one of steady expansion and growth, with the imperial sector being heavily policed and secure, while the outer sectors are mostly left to light policing and are generally the "wild west" so to speak. The current date as of the start of the game is 2076.
PROMINENT SOLAR COLONIES / PLANETSEarth Earth is the main political and economic giant of the Imperium. It is the birthplace of Humanity, and its 9 billion citizens make it the largest and most populous of all planets in Charted Space.
Mars Mars is the secondary powerhouse of the Imperium, with 3.4 billion inhabitants, and a terraforming program that is now in its later stages. It is another economic and financial giant of the Imperium, with access to many resources that make it ripe for chemical and biopharmaceutical giants.
Mercury Mercury is mostly only inhabited in the "twilight zone", a narrow ring of temperate land around its far polar region. Mercury is fully terraformed, complete with water and all. Its many craters and narrow ravines make a breathtaking array of rivers and lakes over a barren landscape of lichen and light grasses, although in certain "oasis" regions, more complex plant and animal life lives.
Mercury has a few diverse industries, with sophisticated extraction of extremely rare minerals in its "Sunward" regions, and exotic farming in its twilight region, primarily home to the extremely treasured vineyards that produce the luxurious and highly sought after Mercurian Wine. Mercury has a measly population of 400m, limited greatly by land space, but has a decent tourist industry. It is reminiscent of a rocky and barren Icelandic / Irish hillscape in the far pole region, and the sunward regions are mostly temperate jungle before turning into a hellish landscape of uninhabitable deserts that reach temperatures upwards of 300C. Due to its diverse terrain, it's ripe for both exploration and military training, and the Imperial Guard has a massive training center here.
Another curious feature of Mercury are its extremely intense polar tempests, driven by the extreme temperature difference between the two poles. Winds of upwards of 800 km/h are prevalent, with downpours that can flood entire regions of the planet. Colonists liken the planet sometimes to a "big angry washing machine". As a result much of the infrastructure on the planet is heavily reinforced and integrated in to the sturdy Mercurian regolith. Nomadic groups, slums, shantytowns, and rural communities do exist, but they have adapted heavily improvised methods of surviving Mercury's superstorms.
CeresCeres is a small dwarf planet in the Asteroid Belt of Sol, where it serves as a hub for the thousands of mining operations in the belt. Ceres is also known for its robust ship industries, where low-G environments make it much cheaper to build and manufacture low-G components and spacecraft without the need for orbital facilities.
Ceres mostly is a Tunnel planet, with large cities and tunnels built beneath the surface of the moon. The surface mostly consists of strip mining operations, and the equator is home to a network of massive mass drivers that help sustain low-cost high-volume constant shipping back to Earth and Mars.
TitanTitan is a gaseous world with an atmosphere of Methane. The chemical composition of the planet make it ripe for chemical industries, as well as numerous amount of exotic research facilities due to the ease of decontamination and emergency destruction of labs if things go awry (Since the entire atmosphere is flammable when exposed to the oxygen interior of habitats).
Titan also serves a shipping and service hub for the numerous small colonies in and around Saturn, Jupiter, the other gas giants, and their moons, as well as the Trojans.