Name: Alicia Alcott
(alias Night Sparrow)Mug:

Sprite: (optional)
Class: Spy->Rogue
Character Skill: Fortune+
Affinity: (leave this blank until I give you choices)
Personal Fault:
Paper-Thin Disguise: -10 Dodge against anima magic.
Personal Skills:
Thief of Hearts: +2 to Damage when attacking an enemy adjacent to another ally.
Upon a Shining Wind: +2 AS against Pegasus Rider and their promotions.
Girl of a Thousand Tricks: +10 to Crit when attacking enemies inflicted with Status Ailments.
Preferred Stats: Speed, Luck
Weapon Profs: Hidden (D)
Total Level: 1
Level/Tier: 1/First Class
HP: 18 (+0) (40%)
STR: 4 (+2) (55%)
MAG: 0 (+0) (0%)
SKL: 6 (+0) (50%)
LCK: 5 (+0) (60%)
DEF: 1 (+0) (10%)
RES: 1 (+2) (40%)
SPD: 7 (+0) (50%)
CON: 6 (+0)
AID: 5
MOV: 6
Bio: If asked to describe herself, Alicia would simply reply that she was simply a very ordinary girl living in a very ordinary neighborhood, thank you very much. Whilst they may not be as well-off as the founding families of the city, they were still living comfortably enough to get by, living closer to the Gran Via than away. The daughter of a former Guardsman and a traveling 'magician', Alicia had managed to inherit both a burning sense of justice from one and a dramatic flair and a propensity for sleight-of-hand tricks from the other. Though, when it came down to it, she would have very happily gone on shooting the wind with her small circle of friends, blissfully unaware of the rot under her city.
It started, like always, on a seemingly ordinary day. On the way home from an errand, chance had her pass by a well-dressed man, acting far more smug than usual. Further investigation quickly revealed that the man was fresh from seizing a treasure that she knew very well belonged to the family of a dear friend of hers. Apparently, her friend's family had run afoul of the Galdinos in some way, and such an end result was all too common to those that had crossed the Galdinos.
Reporting said incident to the Guard Force proved fruitless due to "circumstantial evidence" (read: the Guards being explicitly bought off to look the other way). Therefore, as headstrong as ever, she simply opted to take matters into her own hands.
On that night, the phantom thief Night Sparrow was born. Dressed in a small tophat and dark suit, she would break into the mansions of the wealthy, steal what had previously been taken unjustly, and return said belongings to their real owners. In the process of doing so, she would routinely stumble across evidence of further wrongdoings, thus further fueling her desire to right wrongs and see justice carried out.
A string of heists soon broke out across the wealthy districts of Uhambra, prompting the owners to call in the Guard Force for protection. This proved opportune for Alicia, as she, in her Night Sparrow guise, would deftly point the Guard in the direction of evidence of said owners' corrupt deeds. However, more often than not, it ended with the Guards destroying the evidence.
However, she remained undeterred. These heists continued on for some time, with Alicia acting bolder and bolder and enjoying the thrill of the chase, until one night when she fell into a trap. A Galdino ally, fully expecting that the Night Sparrow would come after their ill-gotten gains, had laid an elaborate ambush for her. Multiple reports emerged of that night. Some say she's been caught. Others say she managed an escape but was too injured to continue. Still, others say that she'd been 'scared straight'. Either way, after that night, there had been no more Night Sparrow heists.
Though, saying that Alicia had given up was rather far from the truth. If anything, after that harrow escape, she's become even more determined to save the city she loves. Recognizing the weaknesses of going vigilante, a few weeks after the last Night Sparrow heist, she had registered to join the Guard Force instead. For some reason, rather than her local Guard station, she opted to join at a station miles away from where she lived. Refusing to consider joining at a more convenient station, she simply stated that she "wanted to walk in her father's footsteps" and that "believed in the people here" (read: she knows very well that the Gran Via guards have been bought off by the Galdinos from her time as Night Sparrow). Surprisingly nimble and surprisingly knowledgeable about all the ways evidence can be hidden, Alicia's drive and determination may prove to be a boon nonetheless...