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Author Topic: Roadmap and Upcoming Features  (Read 6004 times)

Eusebio Ptolomeu

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Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« on: September 27, 2022, 07:08:01 am »

I would like to know if there's a link somewhere where we can learn about future projects for Dwarf Fortress, what kind of features are expected to be implemented eventually, a basic roadmap. There is this link: , but it was last updated on Jan-2020, so I don't know if the ideas here still holds to this day. There are, of course, the "Future of the Fortress" thread, but given that any question about any kind of feature can be asked any time, it gets confusing to parse the features we can expect. Is the Dwarf Fortress Development link still accurate about future projects, or is there another link to check this kind of thing?


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Re: Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 08:45:46 am »

I think it should be up-to date as the current development since steam announcement (around 2019) was UI and Graphic related. And I don't remember much talk about new planned features since then.


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Re: Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2022, 10:57:06 am »

I imagine after the dust settles from the premium update we will find ourselves with an updated, or at least re-interpreted, roadmap.

However, the roadmap you linked IS the actual roadmap. It might seem outdated after two years but that is simply the time scale DF development occurs at (subglacial).

 That much hasn't changed - Tarn is still shooting for the stars with the thing, and I wish him and his brother the best of luck in accomplishing those goals.


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Re: Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2022, 09:28:02 am »

There isn't any updated roadmap and won't be in the future - it's all in Toady's head. Previous attempts at maintaining updated plans have proven too time consuming and subject to change so now he just wings it. There are vague hints of a "Myth and Magic" release and an "Army arc" but there aren't any concrete guarantees of what's going to go into those.


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Re: Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2022, 01:30:11 am »

There is none established.

Though there is the Myth and Magic update on the distant horizon, like since always. If you wish to feel hopeful about a distant future where your grand-grandchildren can play DF with magicks in it, then just remember it being a thing.
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Re: Roadmap and Upcoming Features
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2022, 08:23:36 am »

That is the link yeah. I see no reason it won't be followed, as judging by the FotF replies, DF Talks, and other more recent interviews with Tarn their intentions are still to go Villains 2 -> Army (small) -> Myth & Magic after the initial Premium release. Premium in turn is divided into Initial Premium -> Re-adding Adventure Mode + adding in whatever other features intended for Premium but don't make it in the initial release. Achievements, Steam Workshop and such. So, all in all it is:
Initial Premium Release -> Re-adding Adventure Mode (+ adding whatever) -> Villains 2 -> Army (small) -> Myth & Magic.

But reasons come and go, so who knows. Hopefully Tarn won't have any economic troubles following the Steam release so that's one reason for derailing out of the way.