Shelesh, Lord of the Shadow who can shroud areas in shadow (turning them into sinister areas).
Spheres : Shadow, Mystery, Apathy, Air
Race : Thelash (pronounce : shaylash)
Civ : The misty county of the passengers
Sitetype : Sinister forest
Hero Symbol : S
Army Symbol : s
Civ symbol : §
The Thelash are humanoid beings who look like shadows. They live 300 years on the average. Their height varies between 1m50 and 2m. As the Thelash age they also become closer to their shadows. Some can turn parts of their bodies into shadows. The touch of a Thelash shadow is like contact with ice. It is also more than enough to frighten or drive to madness any sentient being of lesser willpower.
Death however is non-existant to a Thelash as even when they are slain they blend with their shadow. Even though they become unable to manipulate their physical environment, they still can communicate with other members of their race. The Thelash breed very slowly, mostly at the rate of one new Thelash every 15 years for a Thelash couple.
Physically, the Thelash are a weak species. A Thelash can barely lift 20 lbs. They can compensate with their knoweledge of engineering as they use ropes, cranes and gears to lift heavier weights. The Thelash are however very agile and quick, they can cover 20 yards in about one second. However they run out of breath very quickly because of their weak constitution. Yet they have high resistance to sicknesses and poisons because of their eating habits.
Indeed, Thelash need only to drink blood to feed their bodies. Any kind of blood will do, even ichor. Of course, they can also ingest meat, fruits and vegetables but find these less nourishing than blood.
The Thelash are ruled by a council made of the 11 most ancient shadows. Usually they tend to avoid involvement with other creatures, preferring the pursuit of perfection through transformation into shadows, as well as the scholarly arts. Because of that, the Thelash tend to put great faith in numbers. They always favor the presence of either prime or perfect numbers in anything they do.
The Thelash avoid battles preferring to resort to terror and assassination to end all conflicts. They also despise killing needlessly and will avoid harming innocent creatures, unless they need to feed. They favor thin, bladed weapons such as daggers and rapiers.
As for their living environments, they prefer cold places. Their cities are built either of shadow thread or stone, which keep temperature cold inside constructions.
There was light, there was darkness and there were creatures moving in the border between these two entities. These creatures were born of the struggle and the equilibrium between those forces.
To guide these creatures, a champion was chosen. His name was Shraal, his will would be the will of his people, his mind would be guided by Shelesh, a shadow among the shadows.
In the north-eastern forest they appeared, in the north-eastern forest the will of their Lord forced them to settle, creating an area of shadows, where light would not shine, where darkness would not have hold.
Lord Shelesh relaxed, or at least what could be considered relaxed for a shadow, as he waited for the next eon to begin.
[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]
EDIT : OOC - I think I acted too rashly on this one without waiting for my turn by actually declaring an area as my own. If anyone had set sights on that area please say so, I will remove myself from there and wait for my turn.
[ June 09, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]