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Author Topic: Back to the dwarf game...  (Read 193929 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2004, 12:22:00 pm »

yes, toad is good...


Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2004, 10:12:00 am »

I... am very confused. I have not posted for several days since I was logged out, why I don't know, and I tried logging back on and the forum said there was no account by that name, and now when I finally decide "Heck, I'm gonna make yet another new account and THIS time write the name and pw down" and I click register and I'm logged in... The cloud of confusement attacked me!

Anyways, how is everything going? Any new movies? A demo? Is the online shop for Dwarf Fortress Mousepads online yet? And why do I have so many questions? And will you be able to go to war outside your fortress?

here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*
Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2004, 10:18:00 am »

Here is a few more!
How many resources will there be?
There was quite a building list in the

Carpenter movie if one bothered to slow down and check, how many builds are there?

How does the game handle inside buildings, will it be strict room sizes or kinda like dungeon keeper placement?

How large can the fortress/population become?

And here is the question everyone wants to answer for, will Kurtulmak be in the game with a horde of kobolds?

here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2004, 11:24:00 am »

Fine thanks; nope, but zlib support is in, so smaller in future; not for quite a while yet I'm afraid; ehehe, nice idea; becuase you're over eager; yes 'outside', but not very far.
Lots, but this isn't some kinda warcraft have them all displayed at the top of the screen thing; also lots, but again, this ain't rts as such; moar dungeon keeper styley, I had a feeling one of the movies showed this; pretty big, but each dwarf is rather detailed; and yes, kobolds are in. Tolk will be crying.


Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2004, 01:04:00 pm »

And now, before my sugar high completely vanishes and rational thinking prevents me from asking this question. Can we get a serious (as in, not joking or completely fake) and fairly accurate (like, this month, next month, month after next month) release date? I understand that any eventual release date you say can and probably will be changed, but just so I have something in the future to look forward to instead of work, work, work, work and some more work, with a hint of work.
here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2004, 10:19:00 am »

I think they're serious about the 8 years thing.

Toady One

  • The Great
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2004, 08:09:00 pm »

He he he.

Since I started this thread, the task number has dropped from 79 to 77, but the planning file size has dropped from ~1520 lines to 1415 lines.

The planning file has the format:

Task A

Task B

Both of these indicators have their problems.  I might do some things from one task and then some things from another, which doesn't decrease the task number at all.  On the other hand, the number of lines in the planning file is only a rough estimate -- there are whole paragraphs that are easy to do, and a few lines that will take a week by themselves.

Anyway, it has been like 23 days since the thread started, so by the indicators:

Task Number -- 2 complete in 23 days, 77 left -> 77*11.5 days left = 885 or something days left.  So say, 2 1/2 years.

Planning Lines -- 105 complete in 23 days, 1415 left -> 1415*~.22 = ~310 days left.

On the other hand, I think the last ~900 or so lines will go quite a bit faster than the next 500, but who knows.  It depends on a lot of things.

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!
Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2004, 11:24:00 am »

My poor heart... I'm getting an heart attack... *dies from the shock of the thought of waiting 310 days for DF*

Btw do ya need a beta tester? *signs up for beta testing*

here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2004, 08:05:00 pm »

Bah. You plan too much. I'd just toss my body at the compiler with no plan whatsoever, get ripped to shreds by the evil thing (bad experiences here), and use the holodeck in heaven if I wanted to program.  :D
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2004, 12:16:00 am »

Originally posted by The_Ancient_Sleeping_Dude:
<STRONG>Btw do ya need a beta tester? *signs up for beta testing*</STRONG>
These games get beta tested?  I thought we were, er, all beta testers.  Sort of.
We don't want another cheap fantasy universe, we want a cheap fantasy universe generator. --Toady One
Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2004, 02:47:00 am »

Well it's more like alpha testing then, I try it out first to see if it's ready for beta testing :P

Although I have to convince toadyone of the wisdom of my words... Maybe a glass of hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie will help?

here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2004, 10:47:00 am »

Hey, if you guys are handing out alphas, sign me up.  Grenny wanna burn some Elves.
Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2004, 06:18:00 am »

While we wait, how about sending out some more movies, or some extensive info, or something like that? Please?
here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*
Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2004, 11:12:00 am »

Ok, since I am back from the mental hospital (no joke, I've really been there) now, I have a few new questions, and none of them is release date related (wink wink nudge hint):

As seen in dig and carpenter, digging is done by selecting an area in a fairly dunger keeperish manner, and the carpenter seems to be a fix size rts building, is there any buildings like that that have the ability to be varied sizes like in dungeon keeper (build a circle shaped lair or just a long line etc etc)?

As seen in the carpenter movie, there are armor stand and weapon racks, does this mean that your dwarves have to run to get equipment before they are able to defend the fortress?

Will dwarves have their own equipment such as 'this dwarf has an axe +4 +4 and this one has an crossbow of accuracy', or are they dependant on the equipment racks/stands?

Will the dwarves get older? Would seem kinda bad if 20 of your most elite dwarves died from old age just before one of those Dragons attacked... *shudder*

Are what attacks the dwarf fortress completely random or can you trigger invasions somehow? Having that Dragon attacking just in the beginning when you have just managed to build a carpenter seems kinda overkill.

Will there be a King Dwarf that is a considerably more experienced and powerful dwarf or are the leader sitting on a cloud above the fortress commanding his troops like it was a game of some kind... *cough*

Gold. Loot. Booty. Call it what you will, but will you be able to loot say, the human invaders for equipment and valuebles, and will there be some sort of treasure vault containing all your gold/gems/etc? And will dwarves have their own gold, or do they all stash at said vault?

Will the dwarves all sleep in large barracks (lairs from dungeon keeper style) or will they each want their own bed in maybe even their own room? And what options for food is there? Can one farm indoors perhaps?

Will there be diplomacy and trading with other civilazations? I'm sure those humans would be nicer and not invade if the dwarves traded some of their nice equipment for gold or other stuff.

Will there be mages laying waste to the enemy troops in fireballs, caveins, etc?

Will you have the ability to make a dugged up area be filled with rock like before you digged it?

Will the enemy have diggers?

Will there be several levels that one can build on, and will there be enemies present inside the mountain, such as those goblins and balrog in LotR?

Resources, trees are gotten from chopping that I can understand, but will they regrow? And iron and other resources, are there veins of these resources or are there like, neverending rock filled with iron that one can mine forever?

That's all I can think of now. Please give a tad more extensive answers with preferably more than 3 words.

Here are a few extras I came to think of, and that is what the various symbols is. In the carpenter movie, you start with 1 bright white dwarf, 3 gray and 1 yellow, what kind of dwarves are those?

And how many kinds are there? What are those small c that seems to be running around the yellow dwarf (builder dwarf?)?

There also seems to be some sort of resource cache north of the dwarves, consisting of 6 % (iron?), an u with an ´over, and a spade thingie. What are the different kinds of resources?

There also seems to be a great deal of , and ´ inside the mountain itself, what are those?

[ October 15, 2004: Message edited by: The_Ancient_Sleeping_Dude ]

here is no good or evil, there is only power and those to weak... Who the hell wrote this script! BAH! I''m going to my trailer. *walks off*

Toady One

  • The Great
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Re: Back to the dwarf game...
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2004, 01:48:00 pm »

There are currently four types of rooms (bedroom, dining room, throne room, tomb) that you can size variably, in addition to roads and bridges.  The fixed size rooms are built from parts -- the four variable rooms are just designations that you make from say, a bed, but you don't build anything additional.

Soldiers can carry equipment, but yeah, units don't just have some kind of default weapon attack.  Everybody has an inventory.  There is lots of puttering around.

Dwarves get older, but the time scale is not likely to be an issue.  At most, you might have a child reach adulthood once during your game.  Old age probably won't be an issue, though it does happen.

It isn't finished yet, but attacks are controlled by plot events and diplomacy and gandalfy-type-world-event-stuff.  You shouldn't have to worry about being randomly wasted without warning, though it might happen very occasionally.

The king will live with you if you deserve it.  You do command which buildings are built and a few other details.  You are something like a mayor or manager, though you don't have a unit specifically.  There are some units that represent those functions, and if they die you lose the menus until you get replacements.

You build chests/bags/boxes and can store things you make in them.  Attackers can be looted, and you can trade with other groups.

Each dwarf can be assigned a room.  Non-soldiers get pissed a bit if they don't have one.  Once you start making coins, they are compensated for their work and can trade them for treasures that they like.  There are all kinds of food.  You can make alcohol from lots of plants, and farm some things by the cave river.  I haven't worked out livestock yet, if it'll be there.

Yes, there is trading, and there will be diplomacy.  I haven't done much diplomacy yet, but it is one of the tasks.

You can currently be on the receiving end of some magic.  This is one of those things that gets bloated up near the end.  Dwarves can currently make special items, but the rest of their details I'm still working on.

You can't fill in tunnels exactly as they were before, but you can put up stone supports to block in previously tunneled areas.

The enemy does not have diggers now, since this would essentially ruin the game -- too much depends on the fortress layout, I can't allow it to be altered flippantly.  However, since you can't fill in tunnels, enemies always have access to your fortress by breaking down doors/supports etc.  They don't build bridges yet, but on the other hand, sieges would be quite effective at most stages of the game.

There are some enemies in the mountain.  There is only one "level" since it makes the interface easier on the player, but there are different flavors as you dig more to the right.

Trees regrow somewhat each season.  Once a resource in the mountain is mined, it is gone.  However, you won't run out -- if you dig out most of the map, the game is set up to have naturally run its course by that time.

Currently, bright white = mason, gray = miner, yellow = carpenter.

The c is the carpenter's pet cat.

There are something like 45 kinds of dwarves (using three symbols and fifteen colors), but many more professions and tasks -- the color of a dwarf reflects its best skill, but they do whatever jobs you want them to do and can change types as their skills improve.

The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!
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