If it was down, it's up again.
[FRIES] - I wouldn't mind some.
[SHEATHER] - If it's a profession, it's more lousy than the fish clotherer.
[DO_NOT_CATER] - I didn't plan to!
[WEAPON_RACE_MODIFIER:1] - Weapon races. Great. Next time, it'll be weapon castes. Not to mention weapon racism.
[BENDING:SMELTING:15] - Bending is 15 times harder than smelting.
[TENANTS_BARRED_JOB:SOAP] - It's a lousy hotel if the tenants can't use soap...
[ITEM_WEAPON_MATE_TEMPT] - A weapon that... tempts you... to mate. Once again, I'd rather not be on either end of it. Well, I guess it depends, but... nah, rather not risk it.
[USE_FOR_ARMOR_TOMB:15000] - I dare say 15 thousand of anything will make a pretty armored tomb.
[PERMITTED_BY:DRUID:lay pewter billoy if disting tin] - I'm not sure if that's something a druid would permit...
[READERER] - I'm imagining a horrible monster that stalks people and forces them to... read. Ugh. *shudders*
[BOILING:PUS:PUNISH_DING] - "If this pus boils, I'm gunna ding ya!"
[USE_MATE:CARP] - ... the implications here are too awful to imagine.
[PRODUCT_FRACTURE:ACCEPTABLE] - Warranty expires three seconds after purchase.
[PRECEDENSIBILITY:58] - I like this word. It seems to indicate that the chance of an event similar to the described event type having occured some time in the past is 58%.
[ATTACK_PEAR_ELASTIC_PENEMIES] - Peeear!... Elastiiiiic!... Penemyy!... ATTAACK!!! *shishboomcrashbouncesplortch*
[PERMITTED_JOB:SIEGE:NAME_FRACTION] - This guy sits on a tower in the middle of a siege and thinks up names for fractions. Well, it beats being a sheather, in any case.
[WANDALISM:NO_MAIN] - Wandalism! Like vandalism, but with wizards! Because they have wands!
[BENDINING_YIELD:100] - This is somehow related to the Bendining, I just know it.
[PERMITTED_COLOR:0:0:0] - In the immortal words of Henry Ford, "You can have it be any color, as long as the color is black."
[REQUIRED_JOB:FISH_CABLE] - Fish require cable now? We barely have enough funds for aerial antennae!
[PERMITTED_JOB:BOWYERS:FLUTE] - Well, if the flute is long and flexible enough... Hey, a new weapon for a bard! The flute-bow!
[PUNISH_EXECUTTED_OFFICE:1000000] - The office was just executted, do we really need to punish them? A million times?