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Author Topic: Ardentdikes - Absolute disaster - (31.25) (Succession)(Need Players!)  (Read 214222 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Notes on a mossy and cauterized stone tablet…

Spring, Year 1073
7th Granite

*ominous thunder*

So apparently, being busy smelting precious goblinite and other ores does not qualify as an excuse to use the “Don’t bother or get smothered” rule. No, instead our so pompous overlord decides to descend down into the fiery depths of Ardentdikes, crawl over the piles of ores, bars and Alil knows what, break down the door and smack me on the head. He proceeds to throw a bloodied book, which contains the status of various stocks, and keys to his personal liquor cabinet at my face while yelling something about some impending doom to Ardentdikes and a missing lever. He subsequently runs off mumbling nonsense and madness. Just one quick look out of the smelter area assures me that the sky isn’t actually falling and the seas aren’t running red, but white from all of the thousand plagues from below us. So I’m back to work with a more annoyed mindset than before and a small headache. Why the hell does this book even have more than 40 000 pages?!

This “peace and quiet” doesn’t last very long as a hoard of mindless dwarves converge in the doorway with the broken door. Where is our overseer? This is supposed to be his area of expertise. And why is everyone coming to me – Oh, that treacherous tree-lover. I guess I’m going to need a lot of liquor to avoid making my head explode from my new “duty”. And because I can’t remember the last one I had for the life of me.

Right, so since I’ve pretty much spent my entire life down here smelting, the fort must have received substantial upgrades and redesigns. Thankfully, there are some blueprints in the wooden brick. Which to my horror, I can’t make heads or tails of! Seriously, there’s so much madness found in these blueprints that even the surrealist Salvadurist McDali can’t understand and he’s supposed to be a master at that. Madness!

And looking at the stocks isn’t going to make my day any better. There’s tons of food around here. TONS. I don’t even know where they manage to fit them. Do the dwarves transplant the food directly under their skin to store it or what? Then there’s the alcohol. For a fort of only 115 dwarves, having barely over 300 Urists worth of alcohol is unacceptable. One siege and we might as well dehydrate to death, because I’m certainly not drinking the disgusting, contaminated water from the well.

This brings me to another issue here at Ardentdikes, since somehow, whether by dwarven folly or the gods’ wrath, there’s MAJOR flooding on the levels above me.

I ask some idiot for a damage assessment and the news isn’t good. The sublevels one thru seven have flooding, with critical flooding on sublevel one. We’ve identified the source to be the well. We need to deal with this ASAP, people. Problem is, I have no damn clue on how. Looking at the blueprints, I notice one major flaw with the design. The staircases have three-Urist-wide hallways with no doors whatsoever at their entrances. Doors. Why are there no doors!? With doors we could’ve easily contained the situation. But no, no one has wanted to let me into the staff meetings where they could’ve used my valuable insight. All they’ve ever done is yell at my ass to get back down in the depths and work until my fat has burnt off. So now we have this mess and I’m in charge in medias res to clean it up. Perfect. Thank you, Overseer. I’ll be sure to show my utter gratefulness at your funeral.

On to the matter of hands, I need all masons and miners to be available immediately. Haulers are to brave the waterfalls and shut all doors to minimize the flooding. The masons are to wall off sections of Ardentdikes, keeping the dry dry and the wet wet. Meanwhile, I’ve sent scouts to the lower ends of Ardentdikes, who have reported no flying monstrosities in the second caverns and thus Project WTF, Water The Forgotten, has a green light. A small, makeshift drainage tunnel is to be created, spanning from the well on sub-level one down all the way to the second caverns through the main staircase. I think it’s the main staircase.

Other than that, I notice on inspection that there’s smoke coming from one of the stockpiles. I don’t see any flames on the objects in there, so I’m assuming it’s the lignite floor that is eternally burning. I might flood that place.

In either case, I won’t let this be the doom of Ardentdikes. We are not worthy of this. But I’m certain our iron will overcome our predicament, even if the gods themselves turn against us.


OOC: I'll post the rest of Granite's update tomorrow. It's been a long, hot day and I've been all over the place. Also, one month in-game is about two hours IRL. So yeah, fun for me.
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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That's awesome.  Also, I was laughing through quite a bit of it. Hatches and doors were, I believe, all stripped for the Cleansing and never reinstated.

I'm glad to see there's still stuff on fire, it gives me a warm glow to know Ardentdikes aspires to the greatest heights of absurdity.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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8th Granite

I’ve been inspecting the progress of project WTF and multiple times I’ve nearly slipped on the puddles on levels that used to be dry before. There’s no doubt now. Sublevel eight is flooding. Our time is slowly running out, dwarves! We must hurry!

12th Granite

Well ain’t that perfect. Just as I have finished melting a most perfect metal bar, I feel water droplets dripping down from the ceiling and on to my shoulders. The water must be moving fast to already be here. I try to open the door that I’ve put back in place only to be greeted by a wall of water. The magma works must have been flooded. I’m trying to protect what magma there is by locking up all doors to the smelters. Unfortunately, this will render most ores out of reach unless we manage to move them somewhere else in the future.

However, I can still hear someone banging on the door. Apparently, a certain woodcutter has lost her only daughter somewhere in the flooded main staircase and has been yapping about it persistently. Who do I look like here? Alil? Go bother someone else with your problem or fix it yourself!

14th Granite

Here’s a short update on the construction of walls: The masons are being lazy bastards and aren’t fulfilling the construction orders. They have the tools and the materials. They aren’t on break nor are they sleeping. They’re just wandering around doing nothing. Apathetic sloths! Some are going to need some beating soon. Can’t you see I’m trying save this place and you’re merely sitting on the sidelines, chewing plumps and chugging the last of our alcohol!? Get to work!

16th Granite

Walking past what appears to be a massive tomb or mass graveyard, I smell something horrible and putrid. I open the door and is greeted by a thick, damp cloud of miasma. What the hell is wrong with you all! You’re supposed to give these people a proper burial and you just leave them lying on the floor! What if the liaison comes by and sees this? He will get knocked out by the miasma cloud that is behind locked and sealed doors and probably die in his own vomit. Even worse, you guys will probably just leave him lying there, rotting and getting eaten by a rat infestation, and then years later let him join the other pile of rotting corpses in the tomb! Learn some discipline and respect for once and do your jobs.

In other news, I can no longer open the door in the magma works to get ores. There’s so much water there that the pressure difference is keeping the door closed and sealed. So I’m stuck here with fellow smiths until the miners dig us out. There might be a pick around here somewhere…

Other than that miserable epiphany, I’ve glanced over the blueprints again and noticed there’s a bauxite bridge in the brook. Why it’s there, I don’t know. But I bet it could possibly stop the water flow or at least limit it. Problem is finding the lever controlling it. Maybe that’s what the previous overseer was looking for before? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s probably going to be under several Urists of water by now.

17th Granite

We’re getting desperate with this whole flood situation so we’re sealing off more areas, saving what can be saved and come back for the other stuff later. It’s the best we can do right now until I get out of this place without food or any drop of alcohol and can assess the situation again. So I’ve yelled to some deaf ears behind the walls about a new access tunnel to the magma works. Hopefully they’ll start digging, or I’m going to have to find myself a pick. So thirsty… At least the magma keeps me warm.

18th Granite

Good news, at last! We’ve successfully managed to seal off the flooded areas on sublevels one thru three. Access to the surface is now through a secondary staircase built by previous overseers. So now we can start evacuating the flooded areas. I set up areas where dwarves are allowed to go and where they mustn’t go. Simple enough, yes? Well, some dwarves just have some “problems” and are enjoying swimming around in restricted areas. It’s their funeral, I guess.

25th Granite

Based on information I’ve gathered, I’ve drawn up an image about the preposterous stubbornness of dwarves. The woodcutter has once again lost her daughter in the restricted areas and is trying to get to the baby. It is times like this that makes me wonder if we should construct a euthanasia program similar to our program towards the elves.

I’ve also had my theories confirmed! The water is contaminated! I’ve told the staff about this several times but no one wants to listen to me! Open your eyes for once and see truth, because us poor bastards have been spoon-fed this watery lie for years now against our will.

26th Granite

There are birth celebrations going on behind the walls it seems. I’ve asked about people about it, but only received mumbles about a miner and a daughter. Oh well, another baby to make her mother yell at me and live off us until she’s ready to be kicked out through the door with a steel boot.

27th Granite

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 08:58:03 am by da_nang »
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Regarding the flooding: waaaaaaaay back in 1059, I installed some drains in Ardentdikes, which might help you recover the flooded areas (or they might not; things may have changed too much since then for them to still be effective). The drains are activated by pulling a lever on a plateau to the south of the fortress (near Lesser Ardentdikes -- it should be labeled).


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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1st Slate

You know this book that the previous overseer tossed into my face? One of the reasons it has 40 000+ pages is that it contains a billion notes and crudely drawn images of their lost hopes and dreams. I’ve skimmed through them and learnt that Ardentdikes once employed a majestic magma dump to cleanse the pests and plagues that infected, butchered and desecrated past dwarves. To also regain control of the fort some time later, they’ve built a drainage system of their own. However, I’ve been unable to find any mention of it on the blueprints. Well it’s either that, or it’s concealed in the madness. Either way, I have found the lever that activates the drainage system and I’m going to have a mindless husk of a dwarf to pull it in the hopes of increasing the drainage output enough so it overcomes the flooding input. With luck, that’s all that’s going to be needed to get this place back in order. If not, well, I’m going to have to think of something.

So while that buffoon is running around on the countryside looking for a stick stuck in the ground on a plateu near some place called “Lesser Ardentdikes”, I’ll be focusing on fixing a revolting problem. The miasma chamber, with all of the rotting corpses and other things you find in horror fiction and nightmares, is making all of us nauseous. At least it makes me nauseous and that is reason enough to throw the skeleton out of the closet and into the volcano. So, I’m designating a new burial site.  It’s nothing fancy, just something to remind us all where we all end up.

3rd Slate

Now I know I might sound impatient, or something like that, but we don’t have all time in the world. I can guess that the previous overseers have felt comfortable with their own designed drainage system, but it has been built for magma that comes from a controllable source since they poured it into Ardentdikes themselves before. But we’re now dealing with fast-flowing, running and perpetually increasing volumes of water and as such I don’t feel as comfortable as the previous overseers once have. So, I’ve come up with a solution to take care of this flooding problem once, and for all. We’re starting Project F.U. Brook. The title is self-explanatory. The plan is simple, but effective as are all projects that use this glorious material. We’re going to destroy that brook with the blood of the earth: MAGMA. Here’s a simple sketch.

It’s simple, doesn’t use too many resources, and can be reused multiple times should we have a flooding relapse. But most importantly of all, it uses MAGMA. Even better, a previous overseer has dug out the area needed. Thus only small adjustments will be needed.

4th Slate

I’ve finally gotten some good news. The imbecile woodcutter’s baby has decided to push up the plumps after a month’s long bath! My sanity is most pleased. Now if only the rest of the hydrophilic morons can follow the baby’s advice.

Better get those coffins ready, men! We’re going to need them soon.

6th Slate

Well I’ve got confirmation that Project WTF is working, albeit slowly. Maybe the hydrophilic dwarves are clogging the system? It’s like a large dwarven plug of fat, beards and alcohol-deprived blood. Who am I kidding; it’s the damn rotating staircases that is slowing everything down and dragging down the drainage output. But there’s nothing to be done about it now. At least I can go back, sit at a table somewhere far away from the miasma, grumble something about the lack of alcohol and listen as the cries of babies for their mothers are distorted and silenced.

Just like that!

10th Slate

And let’s not forget the barking, too! Ah, finally it pays off being in power.

11th Slate

So someone at lookout-point Alpha has seen a horde of people coming towards us and Alil knows that the last thing we need is more moaning babies crying for attention. However, since they are so close, there isn’t any time to go hunting for the lever to the bridges and possibly a crusher. So instead I send out a squad of angry, coldblooded dwarves with murder written all over their faces, literally, so that they can systematically frisk every single migrant for babies. That’s both the crying babies and the crybabies. Once they find one, they are to stuff them all into a single casket, nail the lid down and put it into the catapult in the courtyard so I can merrily send them off on their way into the Magma Adventure Park. Unfortunately, they have no babies with them at all, so my heart’s desire is crushed but will come back stronger next time. The migrants can consider themselves lucky for being single and/or sterile. To repay them, everyone but a good mechanic is thrown into the ever-diminishing military.

I've also found these notes in the book, teasing me. I've ripped them out and tossed them into the fire warming my legs.

Furthermore, the mayor has decided to pay me a visit, demanding that I fulfill his “mandate” and create a bunch of useless clutter. Considering no one here has given me a heads up about his… Well, let’s just say the mayor will have quite the headache tomorrow.

26th Slate

I’ve just got a wonderful report on Project F.U. Brook. The architecture on the lower level has been built along with the new magma proof pump. I am so happy I’ll have someone scuttle over there and start pre-pumping this beast for the magmatic climax.

We might also have something to sell to the elves whenever they come around. I call it the Mistma™. All you need is a waterfall generator, a roof, the corpse of your dearest friend or annoying neighbour and dwarven ingenuity. Call us and we’ll come over to your jungle home and set up the Mistma™. Enjoy the pink, simultaneous pleasure of ecstasy and nausea. Call us within five minutes and we’ll offer you our bonus product: the Climagma™! A huge artificial mountain that builds up tremendous pressure and releases it to you in red glory – It’s guaranteed to burn down your home, jungle and friends. It’s everything a homicidal cannibal needs - Here at Ardentdikes.

28th Slate

The pre-pumping is done. Four words that make me giggle in ecstasy. Even better, the second pump is done. All that’s left is for the final walls to come up and then we’ll celebrate in red.

1st Felsite

Was that even necessary, Mr Croc? When where we even there last time? Was I drunk that time or what? Did we even have booze? This is all so confusing now!

2nd Felsite


3rd Felsite

It’s working! IT’S BLOODY WORKING! Wait, let me check.

Praise the gods! The pressure levels are going down! We’re looking at the end of the Great Flood of 1073, dwarves! Open the top hatch to the main staircase. It’s time to lift restrictions and investigate.

12th Felsite

Well I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the water levels have receded enough so we can knock down some walls and take the sane option of installing doors everywhere. Yes, we’re going doorcrazy. Oh wait…

The bad news is that the magma works still have too much water. I guess that longer corridor does slow things down. Then there’s also the fleshy plug in the drainage system. But as far as I can tell, Project WTF is doing quite well.

17th Felsite

Well the elves are here. No doubt our Mistma™ advertisement campaign has reached their pointy ears and as such they’re bringing with them extra pack animals, possibly corpses as well. It must’ve been a surprise hit in the jungle!

19th Felsite

Blasted thief! They’re getting through our defenses quite easily. Especially since Project F.U. Brook pretty much has opened a new entrance. So we’re going to set up the proper defenses there.

There’s also a thief heading into the courtyard, but I’m pretty sure the dwarves with murder on their foreheads have scared those kobolds off.

20th Felsite

Right then, the elves have arrived at the depot and are excited to get their hands on our products. I’ll have what lazy dwarves there are hanging around in the dining halls to come up here and haul some goods. Let’s see, what do we have for sale? Obviously there’s Mistma™ if they have the bucks for it. There are also the several tons of rhesus macaque meat under everyone’s skin. We’ll need to have the surgeons remove them and preferably cook them first, though. What else is there? Crafts! Right, so let’s get this crap up to the depot and sell some mini-forges and figurine-

I’ll be throwing your ass at the thief hanging around at the courtyard as soon as my head stops pounding, Mayor!

24th Felsite

It’s pretty much standard action, really.

So is that.

26th Felsite

So since the flooding is slowly but surely leaving us and joining the cave crocodiles, I’ve decided to give Ardentdikes a facelift and spruce up the place with new furniture, finishing off decorations that to me seem unfinished, a new water cistern to fix the water contaminant issue, and in general installing more doors. We really do need them badly. It’s purely a preventative measure. We don’t want a relapse, that’s all.

And seeing as Ardentdikes is coming back up to speed, it’s time to open up the magma works for the first time in two months so we can start cranking out metal bars and trinkets.

Summer’s coming up too and I so long for sitting on a chair, legs stretched onto another, back leaning towards a table, a cold pint of mead in one hand and the other hand continuously pulling a lever that controls the catapult, flinging caskets into the volcano in the hopes of causing it to erupt and blot out the sun. Because it’s getting warmer here, folks. A lot warmer.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 04:13:59 pm by da_nang »
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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I was laughing through that entire thing.  I especially liked the random cave crocodile and useless levers.  This is totally shaping up to be one of the best turns so far.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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This turn is so awesome.  Ardentdikes has now survived several fortress-ending events and stands begging for more.  I propose we let Urist McDuck out of his room for a bit and see what he does.  If you hook him up to a Mistma™ he might feel better.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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This turn is so awesome.  Ardentdikes has now survived several fortress-ending events and stands begging for more.  I propose we let Urist McDuck out of his room for a bit and see what he does.  If you hook him up to a Mistma™ he might feel better.
Heh, I might even do that.

Anyways, I want to let you guys know that there's currently a bit of a heatwave thingy going on right now. It's around 40ºC or so in the sun, above 25 in the shade and what little wind there is is warm and possibly even humid. I'm sitting with bare minimum clothing and a small, old fan blowing 24/7 just to cool this room down (that faces the sun pretty much the entire day). I'll man up as long as possible to get through the 6-7 hours long marathon to get through one season. Just wanting to let you guys know in case an update comes later than usual. I'll most likely end up playing in the evening and through the night then type the update around noon the following day. If it becomes an issue, let me know and I'll pass on the save.

Rest assured, the weatherman is forecasting rain on Monday, so I'll be crunching through DF that day.
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Take as long as you need, these updates are amazing.

Edit: You just inspired me to give Ardentdikes a new tagline
« Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 01:58:22 pm by Daetrin »
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Sign me up for another turn of this madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Sign me up for another turn of this madness.

Done and done.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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Just finished Autumn, so you can expect an update or two tomorrow. And possibly a party too, if you wish.
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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Notes on a mossy and cauterized stone tablet…

Summer, Year 1073
1st Hematite

You know what they say? “Don’t wake the sleeping bear”. Well, we currently have a bunch of elven traders up on top ready to trade and all of that, but our broker’s down in her comfy wooden bed sleeping. Now I could go and wake the bear and feel the rage of the broker who obviously has actually drunk alcohol to be sleeping that well with all the ruckus and miasma all over the place left over from the flooding before. And that terrifies me since I haven’t had a good drink in a long time. We dwarves need alcohol to work and those who haven’t are severely weakened by the alcohol withdrawal, such as me. But I’ll be having a drink soon, so if she isn’t awake by then, we’ll be having some issues. On the other hand, I could carry the whole freaking bed up to the depot and pretend to be trading, impersonating the broker’s voice and controlling her movement as a puppet master with a monster of a construction. Of course that will take time, which we don’t have since the traders will be leaving soon, and it would probably piss off the treehuggers. So I’m left with waiting until that sucker wakes up to do the damn trading and garbage disposal. We have a lot of garbage to toss out on those elves. I hope they’ll like the tattered trousers.

7th Hematite

The broker’s awake but she’s still being a complete ass, drinking on the job. Save some of that booze, would you?! We need it to survive! Hell, I need it!

But that’s not the biggest problem. Remember that cave crocodile that toppled our golden statues in the Cavern Island place? Well, apparently he doesn’t like us for flooding and ruining his party, but instead of filing a complaint to the Neighbourhood Association he decides to take the law into his own hands and rushes up the staircase, murders one of our furnace operators and subsequently proceeds to rampage throughout the lower depths of the fort.

Well, we can’t have that, now can we? So I send down “The Channels of Catching” to catch Mr. Croc, kill him, dump his body into a channel and set him ablaze. Unfortunately, our Uggi gets in his path, but luckily he makes an epic roll and rolls away.

While that happens, our Palace Guard ascends to Mr. Croc but he seems to have forgotten his weapon. Like that will stop him. He’s a monster himself.
We have an epic wrestling match! In the blue corner, there’s the Palace Guard. In the red corner, Mr. Croc! Mr. Croc gets a lucky shot and causes the Palace Guard to tumble over! Is this the end of the Palace Guard? Find out next, after the break.

Under that break, the guard gets up on his feet and does the craziest shit I’ve ever seen.


Buzzard Punch!

So with that debacle out of the way, I have the guys continue working on the water cistern. If my maths is correct, we can expect 336 Urists3 worth of clean water. I’m also sealing up the entrance to the Cavern Island with a door. Hopefully, that will stop further incursions from people who can’t file a complaint properly.

9th Hematite

So we have a bridge now for the Project F.U. Brook tunnel. Since the enemy can walk on it into our nice, messy and bloody fort, I’ll have a mechanic link it to a lever so we can have the enemy walk into the nice, warm and lethal volcano. Ha!

11th Hematite

We’ve tried to trade to today. But it doesn’t bode well when the broker’s too drunk to stand on his feet. Despite having meticulously screened the goods for any relation to wood, one or more wooden items gets through and the elves are pissed off. Well, screw you guys then. We’ll just be taking these alcohol and empty barrels, berries and thread. Oh and those animals you’ve got caged there. Nice. I’ll be finding a good use for the jaguar, Giant jaguar, leopard and grizzly bear. Possibly have them launch an assault on the elves. Then we can sell the corpses to potential Miasma™ customers!

14th Hematite

I think it’s pretty clear now that I don’t like the Mayor, despite him being in the army. But instead of outright murdering the guy, I’m going to annoy him. Therefore, I’ve ordered an unused area to be expanded and turned into a royal house fit for a king.

He pissed me off before, now I’ll piss him off by assigning the room to anyone but him. I also need to tell the masons and engravers to make it more legendary than his but one of the stoneworkers ends up missing. It turns out he’s gone fey and he’s most likely is going to die since Adil knows what items he’ll be ripping off from their better purposes. Damn it.

15th Hematite

It looks like we’ll be having another legendary craftsdwarf if he survives the procedure as he’s claimed a craftdwarf’s workshop.

17th Hematite

See, this is what happens when you don’t create enough coffins. We get a bunch of murderous ghosts rising up from the dead. We need Adil to smite Adil. That, or an exorcist. This place is haunted.

21st Hematite

It turns out a previous overseer have had the dwarves working non-stop on creating steel armor. But we don’t have enough bars to do it so a few dwarves, along myself, are heading down into the fiery depths to make some. Maybe it will also alleviate my headache as long as the armorsmiths don’t hammer too hard.

24th Hematite

I’ve gotten a report that the cistern is nearing completion. So we move on to the next phase and start working on the roof and pumping tower.

3rd Malachite

The miners have finally dug out the new chambers, so now the masons can start to smooth it out. Besides that, the architecture of the cistern is pretty much complete. What’s left is decorating the thing. And we’re going royal this time; gold well with decorated copper chain and an iron bucket, along with a golden pump and green glass windows. Oh yeah.

Also, we don’t seem to get any migrants this season.

I’m guessing it’s because of all the dead bodies everywhere, miasma and general age. This fort is 22 years old. You’d think that it would outshine the capital by becoming it, but no. The royalty has not yet decided to move in. So we have to work on giving this fort a plastic surgery. But then again, without the wave after wave of migrants, I won’t have to listen to babies screaming all over the-

"The Broker has given birth to a baby."

5th Malachite

We’ve got a bunch of lazy bastards sitting down in the dining hall using all of our food supplies. Among them are the jewellers. After several hours of looking in the blueprints for the jeweller’s workshops, I’ve assigned them to work on cutting those damn gems. To both make a good trade and pimp out the fortress, the gem setters will be encrusting both goods and furniture. This will make the guys happier as well.

I’ve also noticed some unused areas of what I assume are bedrooms. Seeing as we have lots of crap in the furniture storage, I’ve decided to have these rooms completed.

13th Malachite

I must live in a completely different time than these fools. It’s the only explanation. Our alcohol stockpile’s running low, so the brewers are going to have a field day brewing. However, I don’t want use the wood to create barrels. But NO ONE in this whole fort is able to create a damn rock pot. I don’t know. Maybe I’ve missed something. BUT I WANT MY ROCK POTS!

When searching for a way of creating rock pots, I’ve also noticed how crazy some of the labour assignment are for some of the dwarves. Seriously, there’s one doing mining, then smelting, then cutting gems and he’s probably even going to cook his own damn food. It’s no wonder that our production levels are so low when everyone is running around doing one job in the magma works, then another up on sublevel one. 75% of their time is done running around! Something needs to be done here. Obviously moving every single workshop is out of the question since it would take too much time. No, instead I think we need some actual specialists and not some jacks-of-all-trade. That’s what’s in store for the next migration wave since I’m not jumping in to the swimming pool full of job resumes and diplomas from the University of Losers. A fresh start even.

17th Malachite

Progress! The cistern is finished and ready to be filled with clean, filtered water. No more conspiracies, folks. No more.

21st Malachite

Just like I thought, the stoneworker is going to die. He still hasn’t started constructing and is perpetually yelling for yarn cloth. WE DON’T HAVE ANY, YOU JERK! Die already, okay? Where’s my beer…

28th Malachite

I’ve just opened the cistern for public use. The water, while still not as good as alcohol, tastes fine. It’s definitely better than the previous crap we’ve drunk.

I’ve also notice that the squads are all angry and pissed off and will probably kill me for staring at them for too long. They’re also very hungry. Considering how they are stationed up on top for two months straight, I’ve decided to increase their food rations. We certainly can spare the lot. Get a surgeon up there and you might even eat that flesh you’ve stored in your arms to look all buff and scare off the kobolds.

I’m considering our next project. I'm aiming at mining some adamantine, safely of course, and since a previous overseer has already gotten one area for the spire in the NW corner, I’ll be taking care of the other spire. Although, it will be more difficult considering that the spire is entirely submerged in magma and above it is a cavern lake. A previous overseer has tried to collapse a rock plug into the magma sea to drain the little cavern lake. It didn’t work back then it seems but we’re going to try a different route. Instead of draining the lake, we’ll be creating a platform that will push away the water so we can dig down and pump the magma away and dig sideways into the spire. However, there’s a problem.

There’s a huge spider in the lake, as well as another forgotten beast lobster lurking around somewhere. The lobster we’ll have to deal with later, but the spider is having a very long bath and hasn’t moved an inch.  Since it’s in the water, we obviously can’t drown it. So we’re resorting to a more orthodox method.


11th Galena

Well, what do you know; the stoneworker has gone completely insane and is babbling nonsense while throwing away his clothes. He’s now running naked through the corridors. What indecency…

15th Galena

The chambers are getting done in a reasonable pace. Just you wait, Mayor, just you wait. Soon, your hatred for someone else that has a better abode than you will drive yourself mad. Years from now, you’ll look back on your life, if you could have done anything to get better treatment than the maggot-infested hole your corpse is lying in, providing the miasma for the Mistma™, bought by an elf! So you enjoy your “stuff” now, but my revenge will come!

The humans are here, as well, so we’re off to haul our junk into the garbage dumpster AKA the depot.

16th Galena

So, the burial site is finally complete and we can start to bury our rotten dead and actually exorcise the undead, at last.

But we’re also being harassed by buzzards on top while we are hauling goods. Luckily, the guards and soldiers are quick to attack them.

I’ve also received reports of Plump Helmetmen walking around in the caverns. I think we might have some use for our milkers.

Other than that, the flood is pretty much gone and Project WTF has served its purpose. As such, we’re opening it up a bit and placing doors where needed.

Oh, and miner Dariush must have pissed off one of the ghosts and has been bewitched! Poor guy.

18th Galena

The merchants are finally unloading their goods while thieves are invading. One of them are being assaulted by dogs, one of whom is slowly but surely bleeding to death while the Channels are advancing.

It won’t be missed.

23rd Galena

Don't mind the rocks falling around you, Mr. Spider!

25th Galena

Well crap. One of our dwarves decides to be stupid and is stuck on the Spider Crusher. So we build a floor to get him out and then have it removed. Unfortunately, the floor-remover has the same level of intelligence and gets stuck on the Spider Crusher as well. Seeing as this remover is a child, I’m not even going to bother with him. He’ll be our sacrificial child, so to speak.

27th Galena

Have I told you about the cowardice of dwarves? The miners are scared to death to channel the last pieces of the Spider Crusher because of Mr. Spider down in the lake several Urists below them. Darn it. We’re going to have to work around it somehow.
Other than that, the broker’s being an ass and is having a break at the moment while the humans are getting bored. Damn you!
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

Could I have a turn?


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

Awesome, a flood. :) This fort keeps attracting fun for sure.
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