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Author Topic: FailCannon: No Rest for the Wicked (or anyone else) (Succession: Battlefailed 2)  (Read 953598 times)


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1500 on: August 06, 2011, 02:40:36 pm »

I am back and ready to take my turn should it come up!

Could you give me some info about my dwarf, please? Could you post her skills and her thoughts and preferences screen? I'm asking because I'd like to write a journal. Thanks in advance!
Avid Aurora player, Warhammer 40.000 fan, part-time writer and cursed game developer.
The only thing that happened in general was the death of 71% of the fort, and that wasn't really worth mentioning.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1501 on: August 06, 2011, 03:04:55 pm »

For some reason I can't fathom, Mormota (along with Glacial) are ignoring the order to station in the hospital and are instead stationed on the rampway to the Trade Depot.
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Oh.  Uh... Apparently the forgotten beast extracts are still taking a toll?  The two of them have apparently lost the ability to stand, so they lie there.  I'll resume recovery of those in need of care once the loyalty cascade is finally finished, one way or another.

Here are her current thoughts, etc.
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Anyone else want an update on their dorf?  (post sometime this evening, maybe I'll even squeeze in two today)
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1502 on: August 06, 2011, 03:33:01 pm »

How's Uristein doing? Can I wield the artifact spear my other self made if I'm still alive?
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1503 on: August 06, 2011, 03:57:05 pm »

How's Uristein doing? Can I wield the artifact spear my other self made if I'm still alive?
She's doing pretty well, all things considered.

Safe in the hospital and receiving care - such as we can provide.  The lockdown is leaving everyone a bit neglected, but I think Uristein has a fair chance of surviving.  I'll make sure she gets the spear, if she makes it.

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Update: Kaamanen, the Combat Surgeon, our Chief Medical Dwarf, died in the hospital of infection.  With the others in the state they are in I have relieved Aik of his guard to bring water and food.  It may be the only hope of keeping some alive.  I am also selecting, one by one, the most able-bodied possession-free dwarves remaining and bringing them to my tower.  I do not intend to abandon the others, but as a course of last resort, a few dwarves could weather the storm from the safety of this moderately well-provisioned structure.

Update 2: I summoned Darvi but he blundered right into Ledi... and quickly knocked her unconscious!  He's now throttling the life out of her - even if this leads to Darvi being possessed, it will be easier to steer him where I need him than Ledi, I think.  Meanwhile, Duck has now filled 94 pages of smacking lupusater on the head with the axe, still without actually hurting him.  I actually can't figure out why lupusater stays unconscious, he's apparently been "Resting" off a couple broken ribs for the past month.

Further updates in a real post, later.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:24:23 pm by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1504 on: August 06, 2011, 04:17:14 pm »

Thanks, that's great! "Poor Linguistic ability". Perfect for writing a diary, lol. Does she have any skills worth mentioning?
Avid Aurora player, Warhammer 40.000 fan, part-time writer and cursed game developer.
The only thing that happened in general was the death of 71% of the fort, and that wasn't really worth mentioning.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1505 on: August 06, 2011, 04:59:16 pm »

That argument at the well turned out to result in my death then. Excellent reason to die I think. Im most pleased how my dorfing turned out.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 05:01:09 pm by Johuotar »
[img height=x width=y]http://LINK TO IMAGE HERE[/img]
The Toad hops in mysterious ways.
This pure mountain spring water is indispensable. Literally. I'm out of paper cups.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1506 on: August 06, 2011, 06:37:14 pm »

Journal of Catalyst, Elven Studies Major.

The lockdown has prevented murders, but the insurrection is not the only killer lurking behind these walls.  Injury, disease, and starvation creep in at every corner.  First Kaamanen, our Chief Medical Dwarf, succumbed to infection in his sickbed. This prompted me to allow Aik is to take the risk of provision-gathering, but still, in rapid succession Gilgameshclone and Uristein, then Mipe, and then Nightmarebros succumbed to thirst.  Aik managed to feed and water the remaining few, but many of them may be beyond saving. 
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Meanwhile, Sprout is apparently stuck in a room way down in the caverns, starving. I told him to deconstruct the pump that's blocking him in (I think I am undoing someone's project, but well, fix it later if you care) but he won't do that til he finishes hunting vermin in his tiny 3x3 stone cell.  Poor bastard.  What a sad state of affairs, provisions enough to keep us all fat for decades, but starving and dehydrating nonetheless.

The possessed dwarves are blocking most of our number from our supplies, but there are enough provisions in my tower for me, and several others.  In the hopes that I might spare at least some of my brethren their fate, I summoned several of the more healthy and not-possessed dwarves to share my sanctum.  Darvi immediately blundered into Ledi on his way to me, and is now busy strangling her.  Even if this ends badly, it might at least end the roadblock keeping Ledi from where I need her - perhaps even if Darvi ends up possessed, he will prove more tractable.

Meanwhile, DuckThatQuacks is still raining ineffectual blows on the head of lupusater (over a hundred pages worth!) who somehow has still suffered no injury.  He simply lies there, as he has done all month, "resting", and Duck apparently never grows tired of beating him.  I assigned Duck the now-abandoned nearby quarters, hoping that if he ever relents we can lock the door behind him forever, but so far he continues the beating unabated.  Lupusater, apparently, is just waiting for his broken ribs to heal before he rises to defend himself.

LordSlowpoke was the first of my summons to arrive. I gave the boy a much needed ration of food and dwarven wine, and how does that little brat repay me?  He throws a tantrum, rampaging through my food stockpiles!  He destroyed a farmers workshop, part of the old cheese-making facilities, before he calmed down.  Sometimes I wonder if these creatures are worth saving.

Deep below the earth, I managed to locate a lone miner, Karakzon. I have made plans to dig emergency tunnels connecting the safe tower and a legendary dining room/stockpile far below.  If we succeed in time, we may have a safe section of the fortress at last.

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But it was at that moment I heard the roaring of a hundred guttural voices outside our walls. A vile force of darkness had arrived!  I immediately directed dwarves to close the gates... but not one of them remembers HOW! There are too many levers in this place, too much complexity to function.  Fortunately, they do seem to remember how to release the floodgates and enable the pumps.  I order Grov to do so, and rush down myself to do my best to save the remaining poor bastards in the hospital.  It is foolish, I know, but I cannot listen to their anguished minds any more - they have become too much to bear.

I... for some reason I find myself compelled to go release a troll from its cage.  The Demon Queen has invaded my mind too!

I fought her, as hard as I could.  But by the time I shook off the command, the goblins had begun to pour into our gates, Grov was too late.  The cages captured some, but there were too many, and soon they would pour into the main fort.  I ordered Tupu and the others to scramble to our defense - but it may already be too late. 

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It seems the fateful hour of Failcannon is now at hand... and  I will write again soon, to record what befell.


This isn't looking good - Goblins in the fort were the last thing I needed, and with Tupu sitting down below not moving for some reason (No idea why, he hasn't lost the ability, he just wont) I have no one who can fight them off.  Doing my best to put a few dwarves in positions to ride it out, but at this rate that is not going so great.  It might end up a hermit fort soon.

Also: WHY ARE THERE STANDING ORDERS TO RELEASE TROLLS?!  HOW DO I CANCEL THEM?! WTF?!  And why were the bloody gates open in the FIRST place, anyway?  I managed to prevent Catalyst from freeing the one troll by forbidding the cage, but there are still three other standing orders to "release large creature".  That distracted me long enough that I couldn't cancel all the other random shit my few able-bodied dwarves were doing in time to pull levers and stop the goblin invasion, and I was slow to dispatch the military. So... things don't look good. 

On the plus side, the loyalty cascade is no longer a prime concern.  And I think any dwarves I manage to keep out of the reach of the goblins will probably have enough to eat, as well.

If someone wishes to declare a coup and wrest control from me, in the name of saving the fort, I won't object.  But only if you really think you're an expert at hopeless situations.  First, I am going to ride it out on my own.  Before any rewinds, I want to see if I -can- pull this off... and if not, you all can decide if the ending is epic enough to let stand.  I may have the best shot at it anyway, as I probably have a better idea whats going on at the moment and therefore a better chance of salvaging this than anyone.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 01:10:23 am by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1507 on: August 06, 2011, 06:45:35 pm »

On the plus side, the loyalty cascade is no longer a prime concern.

Putting this in the OP if that's okay.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1508 on: August 06, 2011, 07:24:14 pm »

You could send a suicide force to meet the goblins and give enough time to seal up the rest of the area.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1509 on: August 06, 2011, 07:33:13 pm »

On the plus side, the loyalty cascade is no longer a prime concern.
Putting this in the OP if that's okay.

Of course!  Thrilled to be in the OP.

You could send a suicide force to meet the goblins and give enough time to seal up the rest of the area.

Basically what I have already done - hindered only by the fact that roughly 90% of the military is unconscious or has lost the ability to stand.

I'm going to take the next turn nice and slow, and in the meantime, I wanted to consult the rest of the fort/thread on ideas for how to weather this.  Come to and join #failcannon-forum if you would like to discuss with me + whoever else might make it, in real time (I'll stay on at least the rest of the evening, if not tomorrow morning as well) and try to brainstorm a strategy.  If you just want to pop in and leave some notes, I've also started a pad here for that purpose:

Let the psychic quorum to save Failcannon commence!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 07:38:51 pm by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1510 on: August 06, 2011, 08:18:36 pm »

Oh dear, I got caught up in the loyalty cascade? This won't end well. >.> I suspect a new Ledi may be on the naming list before long. XD

You're getting up there in successors beside Andreus, Ledi.  The eternal crazy cat dwarf;  Destined to roam Failcannon in all your incarnations, hoarding cats.

A fort ALWAYS needs a crazy cat dwarf! I bet that my loyalty cascade part came from something to do with cats. :p Even if the game didn't know it. I doubt I can catch up to Andreus, though. XD
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1511 on: August 06, 2011, 08:39:37 pm »

I keep imagining Duck beating Lupusater over the head sounds something like this, ringing throughout the halls of Failcannon.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 08:42:36 pm by Strategia »


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1512 on: August 06, 2011, 09:08:43 pm »

I had a feeling the warning about Takua would go unheeded.

In the middle of the main entrance hall with all the levers, there's a bridge controlled by an orthoclase lever beneath the lignite floor grate.  If the goblins aren't too far past the outside gate there may still be time to close it.  If you can, you can extend the trade access bridge (granite lever in the center), wait for them to stride across, and retract it.

If Tupu is refusing to move try canceling his orders and redoing them.  Failing that, and if the goblins are already too far inside, you might try luring them over to him.  If Tupu suddenly gets jumped by twenty goblins he'll have no choice but to fight.  Or just send the whole fortress to stick by him, that way he'll protect anyone nearby.  I hope.  There's the last ditch effort, too.

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There's enough sustenance behind the gate to last a few decades, and from safety, a counter attack can be devised.  A line of traps or atom smashers is efficient and easily arranged, while something like routing the goblins into the Ocean of Slime would be a bit more work.

Regarding the trolls, check the troll cage up in the Tower.  I ordered a bunch of trolls into cages back in Granite 533 and it seems that never got done since the assignment list is unchanged as of Granite 535, so they're probably just starting to get to it now.  Unless I understood that wrong and they're just releasing freshly caught trolls, which is another matter entirely.

As for the traitors, if you can, try to get them all in a small room, and then lock the door.  Treacherous dwarves still follow station and kill orders, but if you station them individually you'll have the problem of their attempting to murder any they might come across on the way.  Or send all the traitors outside as the suicide squad to buy time for the rest of the fort.  The goblins will take care of the loyalty cascade and the traitors might inflict a few injuries back.


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1513 on: August 06, 2011, 09:30:12 pm »

What's the current report on That Aussie Dwarf?  Is he lurking amongst those safe inside your new tower? Also, what does my description currently say?


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Re: FailCannon: Super Happy Fun Beach (Succession: Battlefailed II)
« Reply #1514 on: August 07, 2011, 01:56:03 am »

Journal of Catalyst, Elven Studies Major

As we enjoyed some of the truly excellent cheeses left by the late Strategia in our stockpile, "Keltiknight" haltingly began to tell me something he had been keeping secret.  Apparently he and Katsuun had played a little joke on me, during our trip - you see, he was really Katsuun, and the now deceased "Katsuun" was indeed Keltiknight.  For obvious reasons, he felt it was a big awkward to bring this up now.

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We are hard at work constructing fortifications around the tower, a solid wall to block us in, made from the only material available - goblin bone.  The chaos still rages all around us.  We stay close to the tower as much as possible for the sake of safety, but we have all been stricken by a strange sort of confusion, even myself.  Perhaps I have been taxing my abilities too hard, trying to not only read, but direct so many, amidst this madness.  Even though I know there are important things to do, I find myself wandering off, enjoying mist baths, or acquiring lovely new pig tail fiber dresses.  I cannot focus, and I accomplish little.  It is as if the madness that has infected so many still gnaws at the minds of the rest of us.

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Several more have died.  First, Sprout was too weak to dig his way out of his tiny stone prison, and gave in to thirst.  Then, Aik met the goblins as they came over the bridge, and was soon cut down for his trouble.  LordSlowpoke, the poor foolish child, made it out of my sight and ran straight into them as well.  Several more followed, falling to the goblins one by one. At the very least, the distraction they provided managed to keep the goblins confined to the courtyard long enough for Tupu to arrive. 

Tupu made short work of several goblins.  I tried not to view his mind too carefully, but what I saw... looked like this.  It seems Tupu did not bring any weapons to the battle.   This might seem like poor preparation, but I saw his mind.  He wanted them to suffer.  I never thought I would see a dwarf tear off a goblin's head with his teeth.
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The most disturbing part?  I think he was doing it because he was HUNGRY.  He singlehandedly mopped up the few goblins who had made it into the courtyard, and then when I sent him off for a meal, and to pick up the masterwork silver hammer and adamantine helm dropped by Aik, he succumbed to infection.  Rest in peace Tupu - another great hero of Failcannon.

The others were not so glorious - many of the dwarves in the hospital finally succumbed to dehydration:
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Things were looking grim indeed, and I decided what must be done.  We had finally managed to accomplish a few important tasks.  Ledi was unconscious at the edge of the Dwarven Diving Board waiting for the lever to be pulled.
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Lupusater finally died - I felt him slip away peacefully from the world, without a scratch despite the long beating, DuckThatQuacks gave him.  Apparently exhausted, I was easily able to egg Duck into retiring to the luxurious new bedroom I assigned him - and as planned. the doors locked securely behind him.  But now there's a most odd smell coming from within.
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We also managed to seal the main gate, but not before eight trolls made their way in.  Fortunately, they had stopped to destroy the trade depot before going further (its always the Trade Depot in this place, isn't it?)  Deciding that desperate times require desperate measures, I made my way to it.  There was a lever... one I swore never to pull unless all else seemed doomed.  The label said "Never Ever."  I entered, steeled my resolve, and then I did it.  I threw the Never-Ever-Lever.

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In my defense, I didn't know what would happen.  I had hoped perhaps it would collapse the entire courtyard, killing me, yes, but taking the trolls with me.  The fort would be safe then - but no. A wall dropped, and our imprisoned Ettin, worked into a fury by the near-constant spear-pokings it had endured under Aik, charged out at me roaring, and chased me all the way back into my tower, and cornered me in my bedroom.  Not knowing what else to do, I bellowed and took a swing at it!  This surprised the beast just enough for me to dash past it and get away.

The beast lay in wait in my apartments until Karakzon, apparently wishing to meet with me, blundered past - whereupon it charged out again and chased Karakzon all the way back to the main courtyard again.  Let him be remembered as a hero - though he inflicted but one small wound on the Ettin in the process, he did exactly the right thing. He ran to the trade depot, and there he stopped and made his stand.  Though he perished soon, the Ettin caught sight of the trolls.  His rage was not spent, and immediately he laid about him - wreaking havoc on the invaders.
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At this moment I decided to go make a nice calf-skull totem.  I had the nagging feeling this was NOT the urgent thing I needed to be doing, but, nonetheless.  I felt... compelled.  Something was off, in my mind, and I couldn't say what exactly.  But as so many times before, I found I was not myself.

Suddenly, I became aware of new minds in my vicinity.  Migrants!  At last!  Just four... no... three.  But nonetheless, new, sane dwarves!
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Unfortunately they will need to stay outside the gate until it is safe to open once again.  The Ettin did a fine job on the trolls, but finally the last two, bruised and battered, managed to put it down.  They are in a remote corner of our halls, now.  Just sitting there.  I decided to unleash DuckThatQuacks on them, but on his way to get his axe he ran across the fallen body of Megaman3321, and laid into him once again.  He had been laying in the hallway, conscious but immobile, waiting for someone to bring him a crutch.  I was actually coming with one myself, when I saw Duck beating him.  Needless to say, I fled.  I am no fighter.

Many more gave in to thirst - First Flagrarus finally expired.  Somewhere in a stockpile deep below I felt his light wink out, followed shortly by Xenos.  The last of the demon-possessed insurrectionists are Ledi and DuckThatQuacks - she's still unconscious at the edge of the diving board waiting for someone to pull the damn lever.  Why will no one pull it!?  Katsuun and I both have tried, and we both get distracted and wander off as soon as we get close.  I am starting to thing the presence of the demon-queen is muddling our heads, to protect her servants.  Most disturbing. 

I wish I could use my abilities to banish her influence - but her powers are magical, infernal in nature.  My abilities are something else.  The elves say they flow from nature - as worthless an explanation as any the elves give.  For many decades I studied the elves and their traditions, to better understand my talent, as much as I loathed the experience.  They always insisted that it was not magic, however it might appear.  And it seems they were right.  Led's powers were still not something I could comprehend, any more than any other mortal mind.

At long last, Duck finished choking the life from Megaman3321, and has stalked off to deal with the two trolls.  He never did pick up his axe, yet he's doing admirably nonetheless!  It guess beating on two immortal, unconscious people for months on end is the best training.

I have decided it is important that Katsuun and I arm and equip ourselves.  We have been wandering the winding corridors of the fortress looking for suitable equipment.  So far I have selected an adamantine short sword for myself.  It sits by my side now, as I write tonight's entry.  Though I have been unable to focus on finding any armor, this sword... it called to me.  It cut through my muddied thoughts and... spoke to me.  I felt its presence in my mind, like a dull roar of incomprehensible voices... yet somehow comforting.  It sounded a bit like this (

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So.  This will be interesting. :-D  I think we've survived the seige, and... maybe the cascade too?  It remains to be seen if we can actually get the migrants inside - and if we can deal with the remaining insurrectionists.  So long as Ledi doesn't wake up, and Duck (hopefully) is finished off by the trolls, there shouldn't be any big danger...

Of course, if they kill off the migrants, perhaps the rebels could take over the fort.  That achieves peace, too :P

It's 12th Malachite now.  Hopefully at this point play will go a bit faster since the crises are not QUITE so ridiculously pressing.  Another update tomorrow evening - in the meantime first 3 people to speak up and claim their dorfs get them - reward for paying attention to the thread.  It seems like the only reasonable way to do it right now.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 02:17:04 am by CatalystParadox »
My proud turn in Failcannon | Uzolnom - "Oiledgod"

Quote from: Mego
I opened up the Unread Replies page and saw that you were the last poster. I got scared. Something about you posting scares me, ever since Failcannon.
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