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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1233710 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Just a heads up that y'all might want to change your passwords, LoL got hackeded.
Santorum leaves a bad taste in my mouth


  • Bay Watcher
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Only the EU servers, by the way. Here's the announcement.

edit: New splash arts next patch. Most of them are chinese arts ported over. Maybe all of them.

And ARAM seems to be getting some official support. This is pretty exciting.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:37:59 pm by penguinofhonor »


  • Bay Watcher
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AR was probably my favorite option in DotA, if only for the fact that people couldn't pick the same overpowered heroes time after time, and it forces you to sometimes play the ones you're not good with, providing incentive to get better all around, regardless of the role you're thrown into.

On the other hand, get stuck on a team with 5 intelligence heroes, no carry, and nobody really beefy. Or five carries all fighting for farm, with nobody buying wards or playing a support role in the least. Then you shall know true pain.
What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the Earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. -Stephen King's Cell
It's viable to keep a dead rabbit in the glove compartment to take a drink every now and then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Just got my 700th win. Aw yeah.

Also, I played a ranked fives game with some of my friends a couple days ago. They're not very good. I have never actually won a ranked fives game before. This is usually because there are about three people I'd trust to play a ranked fives game with, meaning there's always at least one guy who drags the team down.

Sometimes it's the guy who volunteers for AP but can only play one mage that ends up getting banned or picked so he ends up feeding (there's actually two of these guys), or maybe it's the guy who claims to be a great Taric but prefers solo top Taric and has no clue how to build a support. Sometimes it's the guy who hates the metagame and always plays things that he thinks are underrated and rogue but are really just bad.

And none of these people can jungle. None of them. So when I volunteer to switch with any role that's going to have problems, I'm rejected because none of them can jungle and they'd all do even worse there.


  • Bay Watcher
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I was on a jungle Cho kick for a while. In my experience he just never tends to work out quite as well as it seems he should.

Maybe it's because he's less focused? He's got pretty good sustain, pretty good speed, pretty good dueling power, and pretty good CC but he doesn't truly excel at any of those things.


  • Bay Watcher
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I was on a jungle Cho kick for a while. In my experience he just never tends to work out quite as well as it seems he should.

Maybe it's because he's less focused? He's got pretty good sustain, pretty good speed, pretty good dueling power, and pretty good CC but he doesn't truly excel at any of those things.

Yeah, I tried Jungle Cho a couple times. Although he's really versatile... he doesn't excel like other junglers do. He doesn't have the crazy lvl 2 gank like Lee Sin, Udyr/Shyvana/Dr. Mundo's clearing speed, or Skarner's stickiness, to name a couple examples.
Also often called Boowells.


  • Bay Watcher
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I just played a game where we stomped every lane and the jungle. Literally every single person on their team was negative at the end of the laning phase, and we took all the towers first. We had marvelous dragon control.

Then we have a team fight, and our Cait is farming bot. We lose the 4v5. I tell her to stop farming and join the team fights.

Another team fight is brewing. I tell her to get to mid because she's farming bot. We get initiated on and lose the 4v5.

We're pushing into the enemy base because we got a few kills. I ping Cait to get out of bot and help. The enemy team respawns and we lose the 4v5.

I tell Cait that she seriously needs to stop farming and actually join the team fights. She goes and farms bot. We lose another 4v5.

This continued for about three more team fights. She eventually died because our team lost a 4v5 fight in the jungle and the enemy team five-man ganked her.

The only things she said the entire game were her yelling at our Blitzcrank for missing grabs. He was not a significant problem.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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Just got my 700th win. Aw yeah.

Also, I played a ranked fives game with some of my friends a couple days ago. They're not very good. I have never actually won a ranked fives game before. This is usually because there are about three people I'd trust to play a ranked fives game with, meaning there's always at least one guy who drags the team down.

Sometimes it's the guy who volunteers for AP but can only play one mage that ends up getting banned or picked so he ends up feeding (there's actually two of these guys), or maybe it's the guy who claims to be a great Taric but prefers solo top Taric and has no clue how to build a support. Sometimes it's the guy who hates the metagame and always plays things that he thinks are underrated and rogue but are really just bad.

And none of these people can jungle. None of them. So when I volunteer to switch with any role that's going to have problems, I'm rejected because none of them can jungle and they'd all do even worse there.
It's like that with me. I have two people I know that are pretty good, one person who dcs randomly, and then... no one I know fits into the last position. Which means it'll usually end up with either the high sister, the bad sister, one of my newbie friends, or one of my brother's friends.

And they're all pretty bad. At least the high sister is occasionally not high, and therefore good.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm not all that great with naught, going 1/3 early or whatever, but he's my new easy win button.

A+ Amumu tier.

Would use again.


  • Bay Watcher
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I've been losing a lot of ranked lately and although some of them are admittedly my fault, most others are not. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist asshole, but I'm finding it a lot harder to win ranked games these past couple of weeks. Are any of you guys finding yourselves in a similar position? Maybe it's the whole summer vacation thing, but it's so frustrating to lose a game because one lane just completely collapses.

You go bot, do so-so, maybe even dominate, but that doesn't matter because the Wukong on the opposing team is 7/1 and jumps on your entire team everytime :/. Or maybe top/mid completely loses hope after losing their tower, choosing to blame it on the jungler, "gg noob jungler no gank." It's happened to be a couple of times this week. Game is going fine, pretty even, and then there's that one teamfight where they got out with a slightly better trade and one of the guys on your team goes "noob team gg," and continues to throw condescending insults at the team while he AFK pushes a lane all game without being wary of overextending, ganks, and all the works.

I'm also finding myself play a LOT of support lately. Not that I dislike support, but a support only multiplies the effectiveness of his/her AD carry, and when your AD carry goes 1/5, there is not much you can do to contribute to the rest of the game aside from warding, peeling etc... I just find it so frustrating when people call roles or even better, instalock. I've asked queue mates to play something else cause I'm tired of playing support and that I'd like to AD this round. They backlash at me and scream that it's the only role they know how to play well and that if they'd rather have two AD bot than go support.

Sorry about ranting... It seems like that's all I ever do in this thread. This game is amazingly awesome at times, and incredibly frustrating at other times.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm just creeping into the skill/level range where you have utterly inexperienced players in the same match as mid-ranked level 30's. My last match was as Corki with a Janna support (who was in the teens levelwise and went straight AP with no GP10 items and didn't buy wards till I'd given up and bought two myself). We were up against a level 30 Lux supporting a level 10 Annie who didn't seem to understand her stun combo. Their Lux completely outplayed me (OK, I flashed into her ult. Twice.) and Janna didn't do much of anything, but I still fed off Annie enough that it didn't matter.

I checked all this after the game on lolking, but I'm now tempted to check during the loading time to see who it's worth focusing on. I know in one game someone checked and found their AD/support pair were premade and it gave us a fighting chance (playing more cautiously and with extra ganks). It feels like cheating though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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I've been losing a lot of ranked lately and although some of them are admittedly my fault, most others are not. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist asshole, but I'm finding it a lot harder to win ranked games these past couple of weeks. Are any of you guys finding yourselves in a similar position? Maybe it's the whole summer vacation thing, but it's so frustrating to lose a game because one lane just completely collapses.

You go bot, do so-so, maybe even dominate, but that doesn't matter because the Wukong on the opposing team is 7/1 and jumps on your entire team everytime :/. Or maybe top/mid completely loses hope after losing their tower, choosing to blame it on the jungler, "gg noob jungler no gank." It's happened to be a couple of times this week. Game is going fine, pretty even, and then there's that one teamfight where they got out with a slightly better trade and one of the guys on your team goes "noob team gg," and continues to throw condescending insults at the team while he AFK pushes a lane all game without being wary of overextending, ganks, and all the works.

I'm also finding myself play a LOT of support lately. Not that I dislike support, but a support only multiplies the effectiveness of his/her AD carry, and when your AD carry goes 1/5, there is not much you can do to contribute to the rest of the game aside from warding, peeling etc... I just find it so frustrating when people call roles or even better, instalock. I've asked queue mates to play something else cause I'm tired of playing support and that I'd like to AD this round. They backlash at me and scream that it's the only role they know how to play well and that if they'd rather have two AD bot than go support.

Sorry about ranting... It seems like that's all I ever do in this thread. This game is amazingly awesome at times, and incredibly frustrating at other times.
A good rule to follow is if they say they can only play one thing, they cannot play anything. I'm waiting until I can play everything before that happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Soooo, anyone missed my (stolen) new champion pre-release infoeses? This thread seems kind of slow lately, so let's fix that with the power of SPECULATION.



Also new Xerath lava skin, with pretty nice effects :

Also also : official ARAM map wooo :

In other news, has anyone been playing a lot of Draven, preferably on Dominion? I'm kind of sort of approaching 6300 IP again, and was set on buying Ezreal, since he destroys Dominion, and I really like his all-skillshot skill set, even though I'm playing with 200+ latency and slow reflexes. Then I heard Draven is still really good if you use Q just as an auto-attack enhancer without committing to the axes minigame - just normal AD carry style.

I might wait for the official release of the new guy, if he's fun, too, but I really, really love Draven's ult and kit apart from the Q minigame.

Come to think of it, the new champion is going to be number 100, right? Might wait for some info on that.
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


  • Bay Watcher
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Xerath's new skin looks goddamn gorgeous. If this was released like one year ago, it'd be legendary tier. Like Blackthorn Morgana. And Soul Reaver Draven. And Shyvana's new skin.

In fact, Riot's new skins are all great quality. Makes stuff like Red Baron Corki and Magnificent TF pale in comparison, big time...

And I've been playing Draven. I usually do Boots, vamp scepter + 2 or 3 zeals -> IE -> Phantom Dancers -> Bloodthirster/Sanguine Blade. Immense amount of damage even with just 3 zeals, as your passive stacks high really often especially if you have Q procs. E and ult are better with Flat AD, but then catching your Q becomes much more important, which may cause you to fuck the game up if you concentrate too much on catching the axes instead of attacking. With high AS you missing a Q doesn't really matter quite as much. Though if you can, it also allows you to do triple, or even quadra axe juggling... Flat AD stacking doesn't let you do this all that easily.

My honest opinion of Draven:

  • Wicked Blades (Passive):: Balanced. Scales with level, meaning that you can't abuse it by superhigh AD. Stacking purely Crits & AS via Phantom Dancers allows you to net immense amounts of damage from this though, especially if you have +crit dmg runes.
  • Spinning Axe: Slightly overpowered. If you get lucky and have the axes fall right on you instead next to you, the damage this deals is a bit too high. When chasing, if you manage to land these successively, it also wrecks. The damage % should be a little lower, but in contrast the axes should always fall on you when not moving. This way you wouldn't have to concentrate so much on catching the bloody things that you get a tunnel vision.
  • Blood Rush: Seems okay to me. The duration from the MS buff could be increased to 2 seconds and the AS buff to 5 seconds, but the AS would also decrease over time. This could balance it out too, but why fix something that isn't broken.
  • Stand Aside: Really good skill actually. Basic, but good. The damage is low but it allows quite good escaping.
  • Whirling Death: Moves slow as fuck, and unless you stack pure AD, damage is a bit too low:

Quote from: Draven's Ulti
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90 seconds

Physical Damage (one hit): 175 / 275 / 375 (+1.1 per bonus attack damage)

Maximum Physical Damage (single target): 350 / 550 / 750 (+2.2 per bonus attack damage)

Minimum Physical Damage (one hit): 70 / 110 / 150 (+0.44 per bonus attack damage)

Minimum Phyiscal Damage (two hits): 140 / 220 / 300 (+0.88 per bonus attack damage)
Quote from: Caitlyn's Ulti
Cooldown: 90 / 75 / 60 seconds

Range: 1900 / 2050 / 2200

Physical Damage: 250 / 475 / 700 (+2.0 per bonus attack damage)

When compared to Cait's Ult:

+ Global Range
+ Slightly more damage if hits twice
+ Damages Multiple Enemies
+ Can't be blocked

- Can be dodged
- Slow as shit
- If it hits only once, low damage
- If it hits multiple enemies along the way, very low damage
- Longer Cooldown

This makes Draven's ult more useful in a teamfight where you throw it almost point blank, but the ability's intended nature is (as far as I know) to be a long range finishing move. It moves so slowly that it is really hard to kill anyone with it unless used short/mid range. And c'mon, if it hits 7 enemies before striking an enemy (one minion wave basically), it deals less damage than an autoattack.
Warmogs are like bacon, they make everything better and you can never have enough of them


  • Bay Watcher
  • Minister of Love
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Sigh, playing with my friends again. One guy goes top and play super squishy gangplank, one guy goes bot with me (I'm draven) as Garen. He decides after about five minutes that the solution to the CS competition going down in bot is to roam around and be useless while I die in a 1v2.

We only one that because my other friend (1700 elo dude) carried as Shyvana and they had a leaver. I'm pretty sure without our Shyvana they would have won the 4v5.
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