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Wait for Next Version, Use current (.40.24,) or use older release (.34.11?)

Wait for the next release. I want usable mugs damn it!
- 55 (71.4%)
We can use the current one. I like the big trees and slightly smarter dorfs.
- 17 (22.1%)
I'll take .34.11 thanks. I want to know I'll get to kill things for sure.
- 5 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: [34.11] Spearbreakers - It shudders and begins to move  (Read 2215030 times)


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4995 on: August 29, 2012, 10:46:02 pm »

Splint has reserved the right to pop quizes at will.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4996 on: August 30, 2012, 04:19:24 am »

16th Felsite 208

The battle goes well. First, Second and Third squads are performing admirably.

Splint's angry voice startles me out of my reverie.
"Reudh, you foolish dolt, why on Everoc would you send THREE squads to deal with a piddling goblin siege!?" he shouts.

"I thought Fischer might need backup..."
I quail under his veritable verbal barrage.

"Do you think that Fischer would need backup? The only time I'd send the others is against the Spawn, and then only if things look grim. Fischer could probably end that siege ALONE."

I found my voice long enough to mount a defense.

"Splint, all due respect, but I am the overseer now, not you, and I make the decisions."

Splint turned puce, and just about bristled with anger. Quick as a flash, he struck me across the face with his gauntleted hand. It felt like a hammer blow, nothing like the caress of Rose.

"If you knew what it was like to lose someone, you'd think about your decisions more..." he said in a silkily smooth voice. He seemed to be just barely containing his anger; but by the way he was flexing his hand he seemed to be regretting striking me.

"You lost someone? I... I never knew." This was news to me.

Splint sighed, and all the anger seemed to flow right out of him.

"Back when we first settled Spearbreakers, I fell in love with a girl named Stova. She was my reason for living."

I simply nodded, and motioned for him to continue. My face was still stinging.

"Reudh, do you know what the scariest thing about the Spawn is? Their bite will transform you into one of them. We're not certain, but there are theories that the turned dwarf's mind is still in there somewhere, watching in horror as what was once their body destroys all they knew and loved."

He paused a moment before continuing.

"Even now, there are still two Spawn in the fort."

I finally put two and two together. Oh... gods...

"Ashsaber and Softa, two well loved dwarves of Spearbreakers, were bitten by the Spawn. Bleeding and bruised, they voluntarily entered the holding cells. We heard the screams as they turned, and even now to walk near the holding cells you can hear the howls and growls of those once-were-dwarves.

"Stova, my beloved, and one of Fischer's few true friends, was bitten. She turned, and we were all forced to kill her. It very nearly broke me."

Splint looked far from angry now, just sad and dejected. I felt an outpouring of empathy for poor Splint, he who had lost everything.

I tried to imagine what it would be like to live in a world without Rose, and my throat choked up and tears threatened to overwhelm.

"Reudh, I chose you as the overseer to come after me, because I thought you had promise. Please don't let us down in future."

He let a shadow of a smile creep across his face.

"Oh, and... Reudh? Try and ease up on the creepy adoration. Rose won't respond well to it."

A horn sounded again. Different from the one when the goblins attacked.

Over the horn, I hear a stentorian voice. "The dead walk, hide while you still can!"

Splint frowned.
"Perhaps you were right to leave the three squads out. I may have judged you early."

Approximately forty undead, mainly goblins but a few human corpses surrounded Spearbreakers on all sides. I called everyone inside, and moved the squads closer to the entrance bridge, so not a one would become overwhelmed with bloodlust and get themselves seperated.

((Apologies, I didn't manage to get an image of the fights or announcement, but the gist was as follows.))

The goblins who hadn't yet made it to the fort were surrounded and pulled down; despite their fighting hard they fell quickly. Awl killed their general, a Barbarian. Fischer pulled down a good twenty corpses. The goblins managed to fell two before dying.

All in all, while some of the army became seperated as I feared, they held their own. Draignean got a few kills, as did poor crippled Gemblade. Fischer ran so fast into a zombie that she bounced right off it, but hopped up and promptly sent its limbs flying off metres away.

The goblins had been completely ruined by the zombies, so I recalled the squads back in. Skitara and Gemblade stayed out, cleaning up. Fischer and Draignean left to get provisions, then joined the melee again. A few dwarves began grumbling about having to fight in dirty clothing, or some such foolishness. They can wait.

((I can't upload the image at the moment, night time internet is very slow...))

But life goes on at Spearbreakers. Splint smiled, then left. Fischer came to my room, covered in gore. She said nothing, but I felt that she approved of my decision. She left then too.

Well... that was a dodged bolt, most definitely.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4997 on: August 30, 2012, 06:30:54 am »

so ehm, did I read that right and you turtled from a necrosiege? leaving countless roaming necros outside? or did you break the siege then tutle?
Some People are like Slinkies. Not really good for much, but they still bring a smile to your face when pushed down a flight of stairs.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4998 on: August 30, 2012, 07:20:19 am »

Not even a turtle. At the end of Talvi's wavy walls, the squads stood and fought, then went off on their own for cleanup. The bridge was down the entire time.

It appeared to be a leaderless zombie siege too, nothing's reanimated.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4999 on: August 30, 2012, 07:28:08 am »

14th Felsite, 208.

Things have been.... Strange since I stepped down the second time. Strange visions seem to insist upon haunting me, from leaderless mobs of the undead, groaning pitifully for thier masters to guide them, or us to return them to the afterlife, I am unsure which, to goblins and possibly even the barbarians. Those foreign mercenaries have proven useful overall. They had a quick solution to building the roads during my riegn involving some premade substance that looked like the shale of this beautiful place, that they poured in to large frames. I must say it looks rather nice.

Reudh's obvious adoration of Rose is most definetly worrisome. She's told me twice now this week alone she's caught him following her when he didn't have much work to do. I'll have to confront him on it. I may also have to better advise him upon how our soldiers fight. While I disapprove of them I understand the deployment of 2nd squad against the spawn and undead, however these.... these.... I can't even find the right words to describe how pitiful a goblin attack of any kind is after the things we've weathered. 1st squad could be split and be more than a match for the green tide. I will admit there is wisdom to keeping 2nd in reserve, in case any slip through the pointy net that is 1st Squad's pikes.

16th Felsite, 208.

Something in me snapped today.... I had become rather.... Short with Reudh regarding his deployment of our soldiers. I personally feel as if he's insulted the prowess of our premier soldiers in regards to the goblins. Goblins bleed and unlike the spawn or undead, will fall like matchsticks to a proper perforation by pike, be it from loss of functional organs, brain trauma, or simple bloodloss. I must commend Awl on his triumph over the enemy general next I see him though.

I honestly feel I could have done a better job of deployment with the sudden undead assault. A simple pincer attack wrapping around the surface territory of the installaition using first and second squads would have utterly crushed both the undead, in thier leadrless shambling and the goblins in one fell swoop. On that note, I think we may have finally eradicated the necromantic threat in our neck of the woods, since the lack of reports of anything getting back up confirmed this to be a simple directionless horde. I've begun to ramble. I have spent too long with you journal, as my hammer is starting to make those strange noises again so I must resume training, and when I get the chance I must discuss something with Rose.


Note to: Overseer-Lord Reudh
Subject: Trade
From: Count Splint

I think the best solution to our nigh endless trade goods and war spoils, save for clothing where possible, is to be extremly generous, foisting half of what we have on the humans come summer, and home come fall. That should empty out our finished goods stores and finally make increasing production worthwhile. It'll allow us as well to finally have soap made (I recall requesting lye from both, though I may be wrong.) Also, expect higher prices than usual, as I figure our sheer mass of items to trade will render it a nonissue.

Additional Concern: The mercenaries who've been maintiaing clean-up operations and assisting with fortification construction have been acting strangly, and Fischer has reported they were chasing one of our masons and the military liason from home in the lower reaches of the fortress. We may need to consider breaking off any arrangments if they've begun acousting our people and irritating the army.

[Told you to expect a leaderless zombie horde. I actually think we've killed all the necromancers in our neck of the woods. :3]


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5000 on: August 30, 2012, 07:48:12 am »

16th Felsite, 208

I received a note from Splint again today. Fearing it was more admonishment, I was not inclined to open it. But, we overseers need to be a rock of stability. I can't let my fear get the better of me.

Splint seemed to want me to foist our mugs onto the humans. I think this a good idea, we cannot sell a glut of mugs. Mugs are our specialty, but we need to be economically sane.

The humans should love a shedload of mugs; in amongst all the creatures trying to kill us the humans would be a good ally.

I am beginning to think Splint is smarter than I. I ought to meet some of the other dwarves around the fort, as I really only have spoken with Rose, Fischer and Splint.

It would be wise of me to be a popular figure in this fort. I do not need more angry at me for foolish decisions...

And if I am a popular figure, just as Splint, or Mr Frog, or Fischer are, then Rose will be mine at last, and so she will come into my arms... And we will have a future away from the Spawn, and raise many dwarven children.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5001 on: August 30, 2012, 08:08:59 am »

Dorf!Reudh: So delightfully stalkerish you can ignor the creepy vibes coming from him.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5002 on: August 30, 2012, 08:19:44 am »

"Reudh, do you know what the scariest thing about the Spawn is? Their bite will transform you into one of them. We're not certain, but there are theories that the turned dwarf's mind is still in there somewhere, watching in horror as what was once their body destroys all they knew and loved."
Ascended Fridge Horror!!! It gets to move off the YMMV tab in Spearbreakers TVTropes! :D (I made an attempt to free it from YMMV myself, but this definitely manages it.

Excellent updates, guys. :) Especially liked the bits with the zombie army. I love how we've had so many necro sieges...

By the way, Reudh, I find the creepiness of your character hilarious.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5003 on: August 30, 2012, 10:28:06 am »

Happy 5000 posts, everybody!

My advice: be less on the lookout for rose, and more on the lookout for a shadowy arm reaching for a certain throat. I'd say at this point Rose is becoming honestly frightened of Reudh's activities, and is spending more time with the Baron's Hammers than ever.

EDIT: More fridge horror: dwarves can actually feel the alien intelligence of our intelligent spawn, and feel the rage and endless hunger that drives them.

Fridge logic: if a spawn becomes a member of another culture, such as the goblins, the dwarf regains control.

Fridge brilliance: dwarves who regain control, because of the odd happiness system, are quite content in their new form.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 10:33:12 am by Xahnel »


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5004 on: August 30, 2012, 01:39:32 pm »

well, 2000000000000000000000 internets to you!
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5005 on: August 30, 2012, 04:15:25 pm »

The fridge horror/fridge logic/fridge brilliance all belong on the YMMV tab. :P Plus, I'm not sure your examples quite match up with those tropes...

It just hit me... We used to wait for zombies to kill the spawn, but now we're the bigger fish. o.O Which reminds me... Reudh, are you planning on invading Hell?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5006 on: August 30, 2012, 04:37:08 pm »

They don't belong anywhere, cause i didn't add them to the tropes page. Just wanted to see if it would make a debate about the accuracy. I was bored, but i'm out of the hospital now.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5007 on: August 30, 2012, 04:41:38 pm »

Meh. I have things I'd like to contribute but I can't access my account... thing, nor can I make a new one because my IP is already assocated with an account or some bullshit.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5008 on: August 30, 2012, 05:14:33 pm »

Yeah, they do that to prevent vandalization.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #5009 on: August 30, 2012, 05:32:37 pm »

I might get the preparations for hell underway, (mucho bolts, fortifications, etc.), then let another overseer have fun with it. :P

Oh, and Xahnel?

Reudh probably won't even realise what's grasped his throat, but I assume if Rose is near him and Reudh is dangling in the air from an invisible / shadowy arm, Rose'd be arrested for grievous bodily harm of an overseer. Just sayin'. :P

Of course, I couldn't actually arrest her for anything, but the best I'd be able to do is solitary confinement in one of the spawn holding cells (don't worry, an unoccupied one).
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 05:34:24 pm by Reudh »
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