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Author Topic: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul  (Read 1027 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:58:30 am »

Hello all, I'm fairly new to DF and am really enjoying such a in depth game. I'm not up to date with what has previously been suggested so forgive me if I accidentaly regurgitate a suggestion.

I find the hospital zone and it's related effects on health one of the most interesting parts of Dwarf Fortress and I have come up with a suggestion that could enhance and expand how the hospital works as well as giving the different types of doctor skills a method of training that doesn't require losses during combat.

First it would be helpful to have a building/workshop that would give your medical dwarfs a "job" that makes them stay within the hospital zone and forfill tasks that might pop up within the hospital. The job would last until that dwarf gets hungry/thirsty/tired etc. This is because I beleive using a burrow on top of the hospital to ensure speedy diagnosis/healing is really cumbersome.

Then add in workplace injurys, for exapmle - Urist McCarpenter Sprains his wrist then goes to the hospital and gets the on duty doctors to diagnose his injury and then gets a wound dressor to wrap his sprained wrist. Urist McWoodburner get burned and gets diagnosed and then surjury(skin graft) and a wound dressing, Urist McHauler breaks his leg carring a rock up a set of stairs etc etc.
These injurys would give the doctors a small but steady stream of injurys to deal with that would help them train.

Also several different diseases could be added that could make things more interesting with illnesses ranging from a common cold to epedemic capable dangerous diseases. With diseases having a workshop there to pull in dwarfs for a checkup to catch the diseases before they can become contagous. Immigrants can come into a fortess already sick, having rubbish build up , miasma etc could all be some methos that dwarfs could catch diseases. This is also where having alchemists would be handy as they would be the ones to brew up various medicines.

There is much more that could be included here that could make hospital more interesting but as I have a hard time actually puting my ideas into words I'll leave it at that and hope that this suggestion gives some inspiration for future DF content updates.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 03:42:31 am »

It's been brought up before, I've been thinking about it for a while too.

I think the idea about duty doctors needs to applied to more professions. I think that jobs should be more full time, so that your profession is really your profession.

I also like the idea of there being more mundane injuries and workplace accidents. Illness is a good one too, especially if miasma helped cause it, contagiousness could also be added in.
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 11:36:30 am »

If you are too lazy to use burrows, do not suggest Toady to add something in the game to do it for you. There's nothing wrong with them as far as you are concerned (doctors/etc)
Rest of your ideas are kinda ok though,


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 11:40:38 am »

I like the idea opf workplace injuries.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 11:41:45 am »

If you are too lazy to use burrows, do not suggest Toady to add something in the game to do it for you. There's nothing wrong with them as far as you are concerned (doctors/etc)
Rest of your ideas are kinda ok though,

I think that what he meant is that he would have to repeatedly add and remove dwarves from the burrow, which WOULD be cumbersome.
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Έπαινος Ερις


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 11:55:43 am »

''First it would be helpful to have a building/workshop that would give your medical dwarfs a "job" that makes them stay within the hospital zone and forfill tasks that might pop up within the hospital. The job would last until that dwarf gets hungry/thirsty/tired etc.''

That's what a burrow does. I've never had a dwarf die of thirst/hunger when confined to a burrow so I'm pretty sure starving/dehydrated dorfs ignore burrows regarding food/booze

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 08:26:17 pm »

Workshops as you described them, can be easily modded in.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 10:00:34 pm »

Yes, you can create a custom workshop (let's call it "the medical backoffice"), and a custom reaction that doesn't produce anything (let's call it "paperwork").  That would produce what you are talking about, and if you made The Medical Backoffice only accept the doctor as a worker, you could have them perform paperwork constantly so long as some patient wasn't walking in the door.

This shouldn't really need to be necessary, however - if you just make sure that all of a doctor's labors besides being a doctor are turned off, any time they aren't spending on medicine will be spent in the nearest meeting room, which you could simply have relatively near the hospital, and they won't do other jobs (except maybe harvesting crops).  Burrows don't block off access to anything, they simply restrict what jobs a dwarf will take - dwarves can path through areas not in their burrow to reach jobs that are in their burrow.

Common diseases were part of the goals before, when 31.01 was coming out, but was stripped from the actual release, and Toady will probably want to revisit it at some point to put it back in, but that time hasn't come so far. 

Workplace injuries were suggested before, but reactions are mixed to it - occasional toe-stubbing or bashing one's hand with a hammer is one thing, but people tripping and falling off of cliffs or down stairs and dying for no particular reason is a major potential annoyance, especially if the diplomat trips into the moat and drowns, and suddenly, you're at war for letting the diplomat die.

Speaking of which, since you are new, it's worth pointing out that we heavily encourage people to use the search function in the top right of your screen to try to look for similar ideas that have been suggested before, and to read the reactions to those before you post your own ideas.  Rather than rehash the same arguments over and over again, it's better to learn from the arguments of the past, and try to take the best of the old, and correct the old mistakes. 

If your suggestion is almost identical to an existing suggestion, it's probably best to just bump the old one and add onto it, rather than recrating it all over again.

It's not that this thread was a common suggestion (I've only seen the workplace injury suggestion once or twice before), but it's a problem that many new posters run into, so it's worth telling them about it.
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Re: Healthcare, illness and injury overhaul
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2011, 08:02:09 pm »

Ever seen the succession game of Ardentdikes? That's a case where a mass epidemic infection wiped out nearly 90% of the fortress population until it was sealed up and purged with all cleansing magma.

Here's a link to the game