The only major quibble I had was - due to said scheduling and overseer-related difficulties - was the story massively eclipsing the fort itself, which wasn't anyone's fault but us as a whole since we couldn't sort the overseer difficulties.
I just figured the story stuff was a great way to keep up activity in-between overseers. I didn't really have any control over whether people would play the fort and post updates properly, but I
could write stories...
So I wrote stories. I just didn't want the fort to die because of a lack of interest. I mean, that ended up happening anyway... but I still feel like it held it off for a while, and we got a few more overseers in in the meantime.
It wasn't much, but it was all I knew how to do.
Poor fort never even got a proper ending.
My headcanon was that Spearbreakers ended in an epic way, with Parasol and Ballpoint ships clashing in the skies above, Ballpoint attacking Spearbreakers on the ground while Parasol defended it, Fischer leading the defensive charge, clone!Mr Frog storming Eris and killing his double, scythod and human civs coming in as reinforcements on Spearbreakers' side while elven civs came and attacked in the middle of the chaos while holistic spawn tried to overrun everything. Mechs, tanks, adamantine spears, railguns and serrated disc launchers, and all that was left of Spearbreakers was a smoking pile of rubble and a small but determined band of dwarves left to rebuild from the ashes.
It's a real shame it didn't actually happen that way, but it really couldn't have. We didn't have that stuff actually modded in. DF didn't really like multiple army attacks at once anyway.