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Author Topic: StNPO - 2 - A new challenger approaches!  (Read 114696 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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StNPO - 2 - A new challenger approaches!
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:11:39 pm »

Welcome to Poolstockades
Where everyone has 3 zombie-dorfs and the goblins don't matter


As you may or may not know, the 1st Screw the Next Player Over! campaign reached it's epic conclusion a few months ago with the irreversible magma flooding of the fortress.  Now it's time to begin the madness anew.  Organized voting took place across 2 threads over a period of several weeks.  You have suggested a whole number of additional rules and ideas to make the 2nd StNPO even more exciting than the 1st.

The original thread can be found here.


the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.

The reason the immigrants got in safely was because the goblins (who were about fifteen squares away) were busy fighting the zombified head of a human merchant they'd killed earlier, which was backed up by some zombified teeth they'd knocked out of it earlier.

This is the best fort ever.

1st Granite The next year
-Full military expedition Mines of Tunneling with only enough supplies for a month or two.

I like how I died so many times my ghosts are a hindrance.

Well, I've had a cursory glance and all I can say is what the hell?!  Parts of the fort seem to be fully open to the caverns, there's what I can only assume is an aquifer breach leaking down into the first cavern.  There's crap everywhere from the reclaim scatter, and a tribe of batmen worshiping the barrels of food scattered around the second cavern as their new pagan gods.


Each player is to create a trap or obstruction to "screw the next player over"
 - Your trap may NOT deliberately destroy the fortress.
   ~ Obviously, the damage dealt by traps will eventually lead to the downfall of the fortress, but your individual trap
       must be one that the other players can recover from.
   ~ Examples of acceptable traps: Flooding the food stockpile; letting a titan or siege loose in the fortress.
   ~ Examples of unacceptable traps: Collapsing the entire fortress; Executing every dwarf; Lava flooding the WHOLE fortress
   ~ There's a very fine line between what traps are severely damaging, and what traps are game ending.  Use your best judgment
       as to where that line lies.
   ~ Your trap may NOT involve editing the raws or otherwise modifying the game.
   ~ FPS traps are allowed but discouraged since they tend to make the game less fun in the long run. 

 - You must set the next player in line a challenge.
   ~ Make the challenges difficult, but possible.  For instance, don't make the challenge "make 10 chairs", and also don't make it
       "build a 90 z-level adamantine tower", the purpose is to give the next player something to do and to avoid any "slow turns".  If
       the challenge is too easy or impossible it won't be entertaining.  You must draw the line of what's doable and what isn't.
   ~ You must issue a reward should the challenge be completed in time.  The reward can be anything, be creative!
   ~ You must also issue a punishment should the challenge be failed.  Once again, be creative!
   ~ Your may NOT counter-act a challenge/reward/punishment set by another player.
       For instance, if player A is rewarded with a ceremonial burial chamber, you may not take it away.
   ~ Only the player that ISSUED a punishment may reverse it.  If the punishment is that a specific dwarf is exiled, he may only
       return to the fortress if the person that exiled him allows it.  You may also offer rewards that undo punishments set by
   ~ Rewards and punishments are carried out by next player(s) in line.
   ~ Please do not feel pressured to carry out a punishment or reward.  Punishments are carried out by the community as a whole,
       so if you don't have the time to carry out a punishment or reward, just say so, so that future overseers can finish it up for

 - You may not destroy the mega construction of another player (unless you are given permission by the
    player that constructed it) or take away the possessions of another player.

 - You may not change the Custom Name or Title of another player's dorf you may only change that of
    unclaimed dorfs, and of course your own dorf.
   ~ The exception to this rule is to change the "Overseer" title to "Former Overseer".

 - Post frequently!!! I really can't stress this enough.  Even if you simply post to say you can't
Just give us a sign of life so we know you haven't forgotten that it is your turn.
   ~ You have a window of approximately 1 week between the end of the previous player and your first post.  If you fail to post in
       that week YOUR TURN WILL BE SKIPPED!
   ~ If you know in advance that you will not be able to meet the once a week quote, please notify me so we can discuss your
       turns postponing, or the expansion of your posting quota.

 - Include deaths and dorfings in your updates This isn't so much a rule as a request. It'll make it a lot
    easier to keep track of who's dworf is doing what, as well as who needs re-dorfing if you could post what's happening to
    individual dorfs in your updates.  It doesn't even have to be in character, a simple list at the end of an update will do!

The Dorfs:


Dorf #, Owner, Dorf Name, Job / Skills, Punishments / Rewards they are afflicted with
Punishments and Rewards are applied to the player, not the dorf.

Status Unknown
Non-canon Dorf
In need of Dorfing
Active Punishment / Reward
Inactive / Expired Punishment / Reward

1.IfenoIfenoSmith / Swordsdwarf
12.Xero VeilSurgeon
13.OnefiSwordsdwarf / Militia Commander
27.IfenoHammerdwarf / Farmer
2.ashton1993PanCrossbow / Swordsdwarf
3.GreatWyrmGoldGreatWyrmGoldMiner / Mason
28.GreatWyrmMalachiteHammerdwarf / Miner
34.GreatWyrmBronzeMilitia Dwarf
4.CellmonkCellmonkMiner / Fighter
32.CellnunBookkeeper / Hammerdwarf
5.andyman564SampsonDoctorChallenge 3 - Reward
19.Reginald TorchalliedJewler
24.Reginald the 2ndWoodcutter
30.Reginald the 3rdPresser
31.Sampson the 2ndDoctor
6.Aseaheru*generic*Foredwarf (+3 Engraving / Organization)
7.MadeOfStarDustMadeOfStarDustFarmer / Brewer
16.peregarrettGarMinerChallenge 2 - Punishment
22.Gar the 2ndMechanic
29.Gar the 3rd*generic*
23.jesternario*generic*the Masked Dwarf
25.TSTwizbyRimtar EtaslikotRecord Keeper
26.ScruffyScruffyHammerdwarf / MinerChallenge 7 - Punishment
32.LightningfalconLightningfalconMilitia Dwarf
35.Lightningfalcon IIMilitia Dwarf
36.HanslandaHanslandaCannon fodder
37.antlion12antlion12Militia DwarfChallenge 8 - Punishment

Number of unclaimed dwarves: 5
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 09:45:23 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
    • View Profile

Turn List and Update Index:

Updates will be denoted in the form Page# (dot) Post#.  Ie. 1.9 is Page 1 Post 9.  That should make it easier to read...

Skipped Turn
Turn in Process
Completed Turn
Non-canon Turn
Future Turn
Short Turn
Commentary/Flavor Text

Initial Embark

1.Ashton19931.7, 2.14, 4.3, 5.5, 5.13
2.Ifeno9.5, 10.3
4.GreatWyrmGold13.7, 13.9
5.peregarrett15.5, 15.7, 15.11, 16.2, 16.3, 16.7, 16.13
8.Andyman56418.4, 18.6, 18.9, 18.12
9.Ifeno19.2, 27.14
10.TSTwizby35.1, 35.6, 35.7, 35.13, 36.8, 36.12, 37.2
12.Lightningfalcon39.8, 40.13, 41.2
15.antlion1245.7, 45.8, 45.14

Hyperlinks represent the file at the END of the player's turn.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 09:36:19 am by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
    • View Profile

Challenge Archive:

Failed Challenge
Active Punishment/Reward
Inactive Punishment/Reward

A completed challenge results in a reward.  Applied if the challenge is completed as described.
A failed challenge results in a punishment.  Applied if the challenge is failed.
An incomplete challenge results in nothing.  Applied if the challenge was mostly done but not enough to be considered completed.
If the overseer loses before significant process is made on his or her challenge it will be passed on to the next overseer.

Please use the following form when issuing challenges:


Challenge 1:

Challenge: You are to construct a 2 z-level wall surrounding the fortress entrance.  There is to be a gate consisting of 2: 3 z-level tall watchtowers.  The gate is to be perfectly symmetrical.  The gate will lock using a 5x10 Draw Bridge.  The draw bridge will be operated using a lever location on the 2nd floor of one of the towers.  There is to be an 8 tile wide moat on the outside of the walls.  You are to remove all ramps from the moat, so that anything that falls into the moat cannot get out.  You may fill the moat with anything you like, or leave it empty.  You are to leave space on the inside of the walls for a courtyard with enough space for a small farm, a road from the bridge to the fortress, and a well.  The road is to be made 5 tiles wide.  The towers are to have a pyramid shaped roof using ramps, and you must build an archway above the bridge.  The 2nd floor of the towards is to have 4 fortifications, 1 in each of the cardinal directions.  The 3rd z-level (right underneath the roof) is to have 12 fortifications, 3 in each cardinal direction leaving only the corners as solid wall.  The towers themselves are to be square, 5x5 constructions (leaving a 3x3 space for dwarves on the inside).  The roof may NOT be accessible!  The bridge is to raise in the direction of the gate so that it completes and closes the gap in the wall when it is raised.

You are to choose 3 colors of stone. (you can choose the same color twice).

Color 1:  The Towers themselves, the wall, the lever and the well are to made of this color
Color 2:  The Bridge is to be made of this color
Color 3:  The Roofs of the towers is to be made of this color

General blue prints:

# = floor
- and | = wall
~ = bridge

     -----                   -----
    |###|                 |###|
    |###|   ~~~~~   |###|
     -----    ~~~~~    -----

Optional:  Make the wall 3 tiles wide and lined with fortifications.  Build it in such a way that dwarves can access the top of the wall from the 2nd floor of the towers.
Reward: Any dwarf you claim will be given full immunity from future the random killings.  They will be built a luxurious private room deep within the fortress.  It will be well defended by traps, and your dwarf will be exempt from any potentially dangerous jobs (if you wish them to be).
Punishment: Your dwarf will be given a hatchet and exiled.  No fortress dwarf may interact with him, or help him in any way.  Future overseers MAY NOT help him in any way.  HOWEVER, they may allow him to help himself.  Ie. He may claim any items that fall within his exile burrow, he may build himself a cabin out of any trees he may find, and he may gather plants and begin his own private farm.  This punishment may only be reversed by a counter-acting reward from another challenge.

Challenge 2:

Challenge: You are to construct a suspended walkway over the courtyard - 2 z-levels above the cliff face. There is to be a direct path from the barracks to the magma sea.  There is to be a barracks attached by a smaller walkway.

Rough blueprints:


               |#####|         +------+
               |#####+------+#### |
               |#####+------+#### |
               |#####|         +------+
    $$$$$   |#####|   $$$$$
    $$$$$######### $$$$$
    $$$$$                    $$$$$


            |             |      |          |
           /     | |                | |
______/____| |__________| |___
Reward: 4 years after your turn is complete you may claim/repurpose any single artefact which has been created by this point and have it used in whichever manner you chose, if no artefacts have been made by this point your reward is forfeit.

Bonus Reward: Any dwarf claimed by yourself can be given a bedroom inside a megaproject of your choosing, again this reward can only be used once.
Punishment: Your dwarf will fight the first goblin siege to arrive after your turn single-handedly, no assistance may be given either until your dwarf is dead or has killed at least 1 opponent at which point he may retreat.

Challenge 3:

  |  |  |
  v  v  v - ballistas facing south
SS SS SS SS - statues
           <- - balistas facing west

4x4 four-statues blocks, 64 statues total, 3 ballistas each direction.
Ballistas are at 'fire at will' order, and set at least one siege operator per 20 citizens (if population drops less than 20, you can have no operators). And there  are to be at least one bolt per ballista at the stocks available- i.e 6 bolts at stock.
Reward: Your dorf will get self-sufficient shelter somewhere, with stock of food, booze, tools and whatever makes you happy (feel free to request).  He is guaranteed a "long and happy life".
Punishment: Your dorf will receive the garden (when it's done) as your own, and arrange as many 'Dodge the bolt!' parties there as you can.

Challenge 4:

Challenge: You are to construct a 3X3 bedroom furnished with: 1 bed, 1 chest/coffer, 1 cabinet for every dwarf in the fortress.

Bonus: Smooth every bedroom.
Reward: You may choose ONE of the following options:

1) Your dwarf will be permitted to enter Reginald's safe house. (assuming completion)

2) Your dwarf will receive a larger (5x5 or bigger) bedroom along with a private dining room and office. These rooms shall be protected by weapon traps.
Punishment: Your dwarf shall be locked in the caverns with only bone armor, a wooden shield, and a copper weapon. you will be permitted to re-enter the fort when you have slain 1 hostile.

Challenge 5:

Challenge: Construct a temple to the glory of Armok in the heart of the fortress.  The citadel is to be protected by a sleu of traps (pre-made or dwarven ingenuity).  (Think temple of doom).  Statues of precious metal and windows of gems and stain glass shall adorn the walls.  The floor is to be smoothed and the walls engraved by our finest stone workers.  Bins of our finest crafts are to be stored in the citadel.  It is to be 20x30 in size.  Leave pillars (smoothed but not engraved). A Gem encrusted statue of our finest metal is to be placed behind the altar at the back of the citadel. The citadel MUST be symmetrical.

Bonus:  Include magma fountains.
Super bonus:  channels of magma that flow beneath the citadel.  Glass floor tiles are to be built above the magma channels so that dwarves can safely walk over them but still see them.
Ultra bonus:  Use blood not magma.


Let your imagination go wild.
Reward: Your choice:
1. Upon death, your zombified corpse shall forever guard the citadel from all who oppose armok.
2. You will be built a personal tomb beneath the citadel.  Also guarded by an array of traps to keep graverobbers away.
Punishment: As only elven slime would fail such a glorious challenge you will be exiled and forced to live in the forest.  You will have to produce your own food and shelter however you will not be given permission to hunt, mine, or cut trees.  As you are an elf you will not be given weaponry or armor you pacifist coward.

Challenge 6:

Challenge: You are to capture as many zombies as you can and either:

1. Drop them into a moat around the fortress. The moat must be at least 2 z-levels deep where possible, though to avoid damaging the fortress limiting yourself to 1 z-level is permissible, and must not be exitable or filled with water. Similarly, it is preferred that it be two tiles in width, though again where it would damage the fortress or expose the moat to water it is permissible to limit it to one tile.

Bonus: Just completing this one is a bonus, as this is the hardest option by far.

2. Drop them into a large, deep pit beneath the entrance to the fortress. The pit must be at least 100 tiles in area and 2 z-levels deep, and roughly rectangular in shape (though minor variations, such as a rectangle with rounded edges or a rectangle with a pinch in the middle are fine). The pit is to be partly covered by a bridge which retracts rather than raising.

Bonus: Set up pressure plates so that incoming invaders will be dumped into the pit as they run over the bridge

3. Drop them into a labyrinth deep within the fortress, which can be used as punishment and for disposing of prisoners. Have one exit to the labyrinth which leads to outside by a convoluted route to give the prisoners hope. Do not put any traps in the labyrinth, but putting in pressure plates to cause walls to 'shift' (with raising/lowering bridges) is encouraged.

Bonus: Put a glass ceiling on the labyrinth and build a dining hall above it, filled with levers that control parts of the labyrinth below. Have the dwarves place bets on whether or not a prisoner can escape.
Reward: Your dwarf gets a masterwork room in the safe house.

Bonus Reward: Your dwarf gets an artifact of his choosing, provided useful ones exist at the time.
Punishment: Someone's certainly going to make a zombie death chamber, and when they do your dwarf is the first victim. Your dwarf will be given one chance to escape, perhaps by breaking down a wall and building it up behind him before the first zombie gets dumped in after him. If he survives, all is forgiven. If not, all is forgiven but it ceases to matter to him.

Challenge 7:

Challenge: You are to create a fully self sufficient airlock capable of supporting up to ten dwarves.  It must have at least one trade depot, which can be accessed through it's own seperate airlock, three workshops, in order to train the migrants, and anything neccasary to keep the dwarves self succiciant.    The chamber will be occupied by each migrant wave, until either the season ends, or until a new migrant wave arrive. 
Bonus- Construct a dormitary capable of housing ten dwarves, a dining room, and a barracks, to train the dwarves into a militia. 
Second Bonus- Smooth all the stone in the airlock, and then engrave the walls. 
Reward: Your dwarf will be given a bedroom that is a minumum of 6 by 6 tiles wide, that is too be completely smoothed.
Completion of one bonus- Your dwarf is to be given a personal dining room.
Completion of two bonuses- Your dwarf will be given his own throne room.
Punishment: Since the airlock has not been completed, the migrants won't have a safe way of entering the fort.  Your dwarf is too be given a set of armor and a weapon of his choice, and must go out each migrant wave to cover the mirgrants as they attempt to enter the fort.  Once he is able to safely escort a total of fifteen migrants, he may retire from this duty.

Challenge 8:

Challenge:Simple. Retake the fort and clear it from enemies.
1. Have all the upper levels under your control so you can get the fort back to its normal functions. (pretty much everything above the caverns.)
2. Have the mainstaircase under your control.
3. Have access to the upper caverns. Seal it up, build a new airlock or what ever you desire.
Reward:You retook what was rightfully ours. You are the hero of our hairy little society and thus you can wear what ever armor and weapons we have and have access to a safehouse with food and drinks for a few months. Thus, if something goes wrong, you can chicken out and will outlast the rest of the fort and be the last dorf standing.
Punishment: The ramps (or what ever those things were) are littered with webs. Your dwarf has to become a spinner and start producing cloth from the numerous webs in the upper caverns.

Challenge 9:

Challenge: Keep any 1 dwarf alive for a full year.
Reward: None / Bragging Rights
Punishment: Your next dwarf(s) must kill 10 undead creatures with his/her bare hands.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 04:52:42 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Ongoing Projects:

These are ongoing projects that anyone with spare time on their hands can work on.  There's no penalty or reward for completing these, but if you have a slow turn this should help make it more entertaining.  Some of these projects will have more specific requirements than others.  Anything not specified is left up to the architect(s) imagination.  Feel free to also finish up previous challenges left incomplete or failed.

The Bunker:

The bunker must be stocked with supplies and capable of replenishing these in a self-sufficient manner (without leaving or opening the bunker).

The only entrance must be an airlock.  Two glass bridges must seal the openings, they will be operated via levers inside the bunker.  Along with seeds, food, and drink, the bunker must be stocked with 1 ax and 1 pick.  Finally, an unmarried female dwarf is to be sealed inside the bunker alongside Reginald (or one of his brethren).
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 06:18:35 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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reserved for challenge archive
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 08:24:53 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
    • View Profile

reserved for turn

EDIT: sorry, I didn't read the don't post yet bit  :'(

It's fine, I'll see if I can get a mod to delete it. If not, please simply copy what I would like you to copy into the message so it doesn't interrupt the intro ^^
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well no new posts have popped up so I guess I start now!

Not much of a mountain at all thought Pan to herself as the wagon rolled through the snow as she stroked her great swinging ear lobes, a pity.

1st Granite
Well I think I scouted out the best side of the mountain to hole ourselves up in too, I set the miners to carving away at it and had the others carving blocks and harvesting wood, can't go far wrong with a system like that, I mean while suited up and found a decent looking sword

10th Granite
Ah, a great hunt indeed! A few rodent-like monsters made good exercise, chased each of the cowardly foes a mile before I cut them down, seems I'm the fastest runner out of the group and the only one who can catch wild game, guess I know what I'll be doing this merry Spring then

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

6th Slate

Wow already a full month, progress seems a bit slow on building the fortifications, seems like a definite case of slacking, I'll have to pay more attention to the others though the river's starting to unfreeze, excellent.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 08:10:54 am by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Well no new posts have popped up so I guess I can properly reserve now! It's an awfully squat mountain, about 4 Z's  :-\ anyway, what's my challenge!? :D

Still working on it...fixing a rule I put in that was very short sighted...I'll remove the tag up top as soon as everything is ready.  But yeah, you're ok to post now.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
    • View Profile

Thread open, although I feel I forgot something.  I may have to modify some things but go ahead and start posting! :D

changed the challenge slightly to make it more doable.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 09:03:18 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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PSA: Keep checking and re-reading the intro posts periodically as I am still fine tuning them and changing things.

Sorry, I just really wanted to go ahead and get the thread set up so people can start posting and the succession can get underway.  Also, if anything is unclear, please let me know!!!

In all honesty, I don't really know how the punishment / reward system will work out for the challenges.  Let's test it for now, and if we notice that the players are too busy to actually carry out an punishments and rewards we'll just scrap them.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 09:18:33 pm by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
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posting to follow
Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.


  • Bay Watcher
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Just updated, not much in terms of writing but things are progressing as you can see, Pan's reached a the level of badassery in which the wildlife's onslaught is no match for her
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • B12's Department Head of Arts & Recreation
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    • Cloudsprite


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Yay!!! Glad to see this succession is finally underway! Also, let me know how the challenge goes. Since this is the 1st challenge I'm not super sure how plausible it is considering you only have 1 year AND you also have to set a trap for me.  Let me know if it's too absurd and I'll change it.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Can we get some kind of list of everyone who's dwarfed, or are we expected to choose a dwarf once it's our turn?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.
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