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Author Topic: Blazedcobalt: a story game. Dwarfing available.  (Read 4475 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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First 3 dwarves:
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Last 3 dwarves:
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Assuming my computer doesn't crash while sleeping or anything, those will be the dwarves to pick from.  Let me know which you think is the best fit.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident trucker/goddess/ex-president.
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I'll take Cog (the first one).
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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So let me get this straight.
I'm a miner.
And a stonecrafter.
And a brewer!?

Truly, this is the best life a dwarf could ask for. Stone, stone, booze, stone, more booze, followed by stone and booze.

I like Aban. The second dwarf.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 01:03:42 am by chaosgear »
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'd like to be either a weapon smith or a Speardwarf when you get migrants 8)


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Adil Durlikot seems like a good one for a woodcutter/axedwarf.  Chopping trees should toughen him up, if not, give him a pump to work out on.  Most of the others are "slow to heal" so he's my choice.


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Can I sign up as a stone detailer ("Coalwalker"), whenever there is one?
So to recap, one minute everything was going just great, and the next we have caverns collapsing, firebreathing cave beasts, underground brush fires, a screaming swarm of poltergheists back for revenge, zombies in the corridors, drunken brawls in the dining halls, magma pouring into the caverns, rotting miasma everywhere, insanity, madness, and a flying crocodile heading right towards us!


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Sadly, my computer didn't stay on all night.  Had a brief power outage.
I've got a good idea what kinda dwarves you guys are looking for, so I'll get everyone assigned nicely :)


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Fort name:  Sakrithletmos Issuniton (Blazedcobalt the Everlasting Halls)
Group name:  Eradek (The Infinite Sides)

Aerie Logemaval (Carpenter)
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JoeClark Obokagsel (Woodcutter)
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Chaosgear Onulbel (Stonecrafter)
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MrsWillsauce Zonbubnus (Cook)
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Sirus Istbaroltar (Planter)
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Torrasque Alathugosh (Diagnoser)
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Viro Nishakgos (Expedition Leader)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Some fun world info (made a copy of the world before embark, so I could look up this stuff).

Thoth is worshipped by Aerie (twice, talk about devotion), MrsWillsauce, Sirus, and Torrasque.
Thoth was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Thoth was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with forgiveness and darkness.
Forgiveness and darkness?  How'd those two get paired together.  However, Thoth seems to be pretty popular among our group.

Kogsak is worshipped by JoeClark.
Kogsak was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Kogsak was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with jewels and fortresses.
This is a REAL dwarven god.  Jewels and freaking forts.  +1 point for JoeClark.

Anriz is worshipped by JoeClark, MrsWillsauce, Torrasque, and Viro (a faithful worshipper).
Anriz was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Anriz was most often depicted as a female dwarf and was associated with minerals, rainbows, light, day, the sun, fire, volcanoes, and mountains.
50% dwarf, 50% fairy, 50% dark god of fire and destruction.  Definitely a respectable deity.

Zefon Bodicebudded is worshipped by Chaosgear.
Zefon Bodicebudded was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Anriz was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with prenancy.
Male, pregnancy.  BAD CHAOS.  No worshipping Zefon any more.

Avus the Bronze Avalanche is casually worshipped by Chaosgear.
Avus the Bronze Avalanche was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Avus was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with metals.
Okay, better pick, Chaos.

Nesteth Saffroninsights the Embraced Phrase is worshipped by Sirus.
Nesteth Saffroninsights the Embraced Phrase was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Nesteth was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with wisdom, scholarship, writing, poetry, and song.
Well, looking at Sirus' personality traits, this makes sense.  However, Sirus shall now be known as the "honorary Elf" of our band.  He plants things.  He has an affinity for language and music.  And he worships a (thankfully Dwarven) god of writing, poetry, and song.  He even likes to be outdoors.

Aned Princesscalls the Greater Meteor of Justice is worshipped by Viro (me).
Aned Princesscalls the Greater Meteor of Justice was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Anriz was most often depicted as a female dwarf and was associated with fame.
In the midautumn of 6, Aned cursed Likot Relicyawn (the first king of The Mirrors of Pointing) to assume the form of a bull-like monster every full moon in Ballgild.
In the early spring of 45, Aned cursed the dwarf vampire Stodir Townriddle to prowl the night in search of blood in Ballgild.
Pretty bad-ass with those curses.  Lets try not to offend her!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident trucker/goddess/ex-president.
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Forgiveness and darkness?  How'd those two get paired together.
Well, isn't it obvious? Only by examining the innermost, darkest places in our hearts and minds can we find true forgiveness. It's easy to say "no big deal" reflexively, but it takes a lot of soul-searching to look the ones who wronged us in the eyes and say "I forgive you".

Sorry, that was my Nesteth half speaking :P
Holy crap, I'm basically a philosopher hippy. That's awesome.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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This is our embark.  Aquifer-happy, but the lower left should be dry.  At least the presence of a hill means that we can all get safely inside, with a spare Z-level in the worst case scenario.

The volcano's top level (highest point lava rises into) is Zlevel 105.  We are standing on Zlevel 107.  The water level is Zlevel 106.  Unpausing will not be fun.
The top level of the hill is at Zlevel 113.  Since its a lake, not ocean, fresh water is plentiful on this map.

There are currently some tigerfish and milkfish on the map.  The lowest map level is Zlevel -7.  Zlevel 45 is where the obsidian lining of the volcano tube begins.  So there are about 70 levels with potential caverns.  Maximum map level is Zlevel 158, so thanks to nearby mountains (outside our embark), we have 45-51 Zlevels of open space above us to work with (world setting was default +15 Zlevels).  Definitely need to build some kind of tower later on.

I've begun the journal, and will retitle this thread (if that works) later.  I don't want to make anyone lose track of it that has a named dwarf already :)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 04:57:35 pm by wyldmage »


  • Bay Watcher
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Granite 1, in the 101st year
Today we arrived on the bank of The Waters of Enjoying, where the stream Harshnessscrewed the Basin of Crystals drains out from it.  As we arrived, we received a sign from the gods.  We are busy conducting rites to Anriz to show our thanks for her blessing.  At least, we hope it was a blessing.  A volcano beneath the lake erupted, causing quite a show.  The eruption was not large, and besides a little ash and dust, nothing reached the shore of the lake.  However, I expect plenty of steam for the next few days as everything settles.

Our initial group consists of myself (organizer and planner), Aerie (our carpenter and weaponsmith), JoeClark (woodcutter and milita captain), Chaosgear (stonecrafter and brewer), MrsWillsauce (chef and mason), Sirus (farmer and record keeper), and Torrasque (doctor).

Chaosgear, MrsWillsauce, Torrasque, and I will be in charge of initial excavations.  Sirus will gather some of the local flora to help bolster our food supplies.  JoeClark and Aerie will get to work converting the nearby trees (predominantly palms, with a few willows and acacias) into supplies and tools.

I have set plans for some farmable areas inside the sandy hill to our southwest, with 2 points of entry for digging from.  We'll go in from above to create an opening to the air for growing these surface plants, and further south will be a small opening we can defend with traps initially, and seal up later once we have resources to build a proper entry further north.
The terrain here is predominantly black sand, with mudstone and yellow sand composing the southern part of the nearby hill.

Granite 6
During excavation above ground level in the hill, we ran into damp ground.  One of the storage rooms will be a bit smaller than originally planned.  Hopefully this doesn't mean the entire hill is aquifer prone as well.  It will be much harder to complete excavations if we have to fight against the aquifer everywhere we go.

Granite 25
I'm taking a break to drink some fine Dwarven Rum in our temporary food storage room.  Excavations continue, and we have not found any more damp ground.  I remain worried though.  A few of our craft stations have been set up.  We are set up for carpentry, mechanics, fine crafts, and smithing.  Our wood furnace and kitchen are top priorities, and JoeClark has been given the responsibility of setting that up and turning some wood into charcoal so we can get an extra pick and axe for when the migrants arrive (hopefully this summer).

Word has been sent back to the mountainhome, so I expect to see migrants and a caravan later this year.  A flock of ostriches have been sighted across the stream.  I wish we were prepared to catch a few of them, as I hear ostrich eggs are particularly delicious (and filling).  However, until we get the materials set aside for bridge construction, I'm not sending any dwarves across the stream.  I don't think any of us can swim.

Two mid-sized farm plots have been set up.  One dedicated to plump helmets, the other will be cycled through seasonal crops.  There are designations for 10 more similarly sized plots, but those can wait until we have proper storage sections dug out.

Slate 8
Another sighting.  This time a herd of wild boars were seen across the stream.  Prime hunting chances.  If the animals around here are always this frequent, we may have to establish a permanent surface presence to take advantage of the rich opportunities.  Several more small storage rooms have been hollowed out, and work has begun hauling all our goods from the wagon into safety now that everything has a place.  Once all the hauling is done, the only stuff left outside will be the carpentry station and refuse pile.  Those should be safe to leave for now, as it'll take any nearby goblins at least half a year to a year to notice our presence and organize raiding parties.  The current pasture is outside as well, and with similar concerns.

Slate 16
Apparently boars have no aversion to swimming across a stream.  They're wandering through our camp currently.  All food has been put up on top of the wagon until moved underground.  I feel quite remiss for not finding room in our budget for a crossbow and bolts.  These animals are quite muscular, and would make a great dinner.

Felsite 19
Excavation of a stairwell has begun.  It is located deep enough into the hill that it can go upwards a couple levels - just in case we find part of the aquifer digging down.  Our latest wildlife sighting is a family of 4 giraffes that have crossed the stream to our side.  Almost all of our supplies are inside now, and a strawberry farm has been set up in the room with open air above it.  Chaosgear and MrsWillsauce are particularly fond of strawberry wine.  Our dormitory almost has 7 beds set up in it, and we are only waiting on the completion of the smelter before turning the copper we brought with us into tools.  I'm working on plans for a central mine-shaft to allow us to easily transport goods to the surface, however all plans are contingent on how pervasive the aquifer turns out to be.

Felsite 27
This will be my last entry for this spring.  The stairwell has met with phenomneal success!  None of the walls for it are damp, and we have breached down 10 levels so far.  The lower levels are solid granite.  Finally, real rocks!  And even better, 1 veins of Limonite were discovered.  That means iron, and steel.  I'm very much hoping to see migrants soon, as the extra labor would be welcome.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 06:11:30 pm by wyldmage »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Pants-on-head retarded
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Zefon Bodicebudded is worshipped by Chaosgear.
Zefon Bodicebudded was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Anriz was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with prenancy.
Male, pregnancy.  BAD CHAOS.  No worshipping Zefon any more.
Crap, I spit soda all over my computer screen as I read this.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Zefon Bodicebudded is worshipped by Chaosgear.
Zefon Bodicebudded was a deity that occurs in the myths of The Mirrors of Pointing.  Anriz was most often depicted as a male dwarf and was associated with prenancy.
Male, pregnancy.  BAD CHAOS.  No worshipping Zefon any more.
Crap, I spit soda all over my computer screen as I read this.

Definitely got some interesting dwarves from this embark!
Can't wait to see the crazy doods we get in the migrant wave.

Dwarves and assigned mood-friendly labors as of Hematite 5.
Viro:  Gemcutting/Gemsetting/Miner
Sirus:  Mechanic
JoeClark:  Weaver/Clothier
Chaosgear:  Stonecrafter/Miner
Aerie:  Carpenter/Weaponsmith
Torrasque:  Miner/Mason
MrsWillsauce:  Miner/Mason
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 06:36:34 pm by wyldmage »


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Hematite 27
One of the wandering giraffes managed to anger one of our turkey hens.  I knew that turkeys weren't exactly bright, but when you're outweighed 50 to 1, a fight isn't the best idea.
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In other news, when excavating a few small rooms for use as additional masonry facilities, we found the edge of a platinum vein, as well as two low value clusters of gems.

Construction of a depot has begun as well, we have a more than full season to finish it.  Chaosgear has been told to stop mining, so that he can focus on crafting.  We need some valuables to trade when the caravan arrives, after all.  Further excavation of the stairwell has revealed some wet stone, so I must have lucked out, placing it just far enough from the water to reach all the way down.  I'm glad I didn't have to dig multiple shafts.

Malachite 16
Summer is halfway through.  I've dug a well room next to the stairwell, but only one of the two wellshafts that I dug struck water immediately.  I took advantage of the dry spot to dig down a bit further to test for water, and found a fairly dry area.  Once the bottom half of the shaft is floored over, I'll connect the two shafts so that the aquifer can fill both of them, and we'll have access to water for drinking and cleaning.  I'm drawing up plans for our hospital and barracks now.  Until more dwarves arrive, though, progress will be slow.

Malachite 23
Migrants!  Well, two of them.  Iden "Cheedows" Zatthudnokim, an apprentice stonecrafter, and Onol Ziriloddom, a fisherdwarf and apprentice weaver.  Cheedows has been handed Chaosgear's old copper pick and told to get to work, while Onol has been given access to the masonry stations.  I was hoping for at least a couple more migrants, but the mountainhome must be hesitant to commit more dwarves still.  We shall show them!

Sandstone 23
Mid-autumn now, but there hasn't been much to report the past few months.  However, another wave of 4 migrants arrived:
Cog "Coalwalker" Kakdalcatten, a fisherdwarf
Bembul Lolokothsin, a farmer with basic skills in tanning, bee keeping, and shearing
Nish Likotzoluth, a hunter and mechanic
Reg "ILBane" Shigoskeskal, a speardwarf

Our hospital rooms have been dug out.  Once the furniture is assembled, we will have a proper medical area.  Further areas have been dug out to set up temporary workshops.  A small series of 10'x10' (2x2 squares) rooms have been dug out to serve as a mausoleum for any brave dwarves who fall.  Two mudstone coffins occupy a pair of these rooms.  Hopefully it is a long time until they are needed. 

Coalwalker has had his fishing rod revoked, and turned into a full-time mason/engraver.  Bembul will serve as our butcher, and once she finishes setting up a workshop, she will put our heavily wounded turkey hen out of her misery.  The water buffallo and camel that we were given as pack animals will meet similar fates.  Bembul will also be responsible for leatherworking, and get a couple suits of leather armor crafted with the skins I brought with me.

ILBane has been drafted into the militia, but until a proper barracks is set up, will help out with mining (the spare pick has been finished).  And Nish will be allowed to hunt until winter, and then focus on his mechanic knowledge plus dabbling as an armorsmith.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 08:15:18 pm by wyldmage »
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