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Author Topic: (SG) Starfire: War and Politics - Enemies Old and New - UPDATE 03/07/2014  (Read 83238 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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ACT 1: The Morey

You wake up, at least you think you do. You feel groggy. You are standing in a vast, white, bright plain. Flashes of things you vaguely remember from sometime in the past spinning about in little windows that flash in and out of existence, shadows dancing at the corners of your vision..... the whole experience seems very surreal, almost as if it was a dream or illusion.

You can remember who you were, you think. A young woman working as a secretary, but it stops there, memories interfered with by some unknown force or entity. no matter how much you try, you cannot remember any more.

You try to walk, yet as you try you discover something is holding you in place.

You look around.

It is then that your vision clears enough for you to notice someone in the distance, walking slowly towards you.

What do?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 08:07:31 am by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2013, 08:30:49 am »

Break free then strangle him, if this fails then darth vader his ass and strangle him with the force.[/i]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2013, 08:33:16 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 09:02:35 am »

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You try to break free. You try as hard as its possible. You cant get your feet to budge. its like someone used bostick to glue your feet to the ground.

Your try to use your mind, after all this place looks like a dream and, as you are here, it must be your dream, right? Unfortunately, even through you DO feel some sort of force stir, it gives you the middle finger and does NOTHING!

The person is getting closer. you can see that he/she is wearing rather attractive yet intricately decorated robes. They are billowing despite there being no wind that you can feel.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 09:06:32 am by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 09:26:06 am »

Give him a force wedgey until he surrendets and frees us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 09:38:59 am »

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You concentrate on trying to prank the person into freeing you from whatever is holding you stationary. You concentrate, however the only visible reaction is (s)he slows slightly and his/her robes billow a bit faster......
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The unknown visitor is almost close enough for you to see under the hood. As close as (s)he is now, you can see the person is smallish, and slender.

The flashing memory windows, emotional fluctuations and strange bodily feelings stop as the character reaches almost two thirds of the way between where you are and were he/she started at.

You feel empty and scared.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 09:43:58 am »

Wedgey him so hard he's hanging from the roof!!!!! With the force


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2013, 10:13:21 am »

I like sci-fi. I like semi-serious RTDs. In an effort to bring some 'serious' to this game...

Cease all struggling. Maybe if I give up whatever is holding me will stop trying so hard? If the force holding us in place feels like it weakens a bit try to slide away from the approaching person. Regardless: "Who are you? What do you want from me?" (think Chinese finger puzzle for the method of escape)
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2013, 11:13:53 am »

Wedgey him so hard he's hanging from the roof!!!!! With the force

Roll: 5


You see the person stop, adjust themselves, then carry on walking.

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Cease all struggling. Maybe if I give up whatever is holding me will stop trying so hard?

You relax, and stand stock still. You feel the force holding you release a little. Unfortunately, when it feels you try to shimmy away slowly, there is still enough force to hold you still.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

At the sound of your voice the person, now within 20 feet of you, stops. They reach up and slowly, almost dramatically, folds back the hood of their robes. The....creature....looking back at you has to be one of the most bizarre yet enticing non-human things you have ever seen. Roughly 5 foot 6, with pale purple skin, radiant emerald eyes and ivory coloured shoulder length hair, she, and it is most definitely a she, would be beautiful if it weren't for the glimpse of twin rows of razor sharp teeth when she smiles and the wicked expression plastered across her face.

"Hehehe hmmm, all in good time, child, all in good time." Her voice is like the gentle purr of a cat, mellow and oddly calming. "If you must know my name, it is Ala-shar, Chief scientist of the Morey Matriarchy and this.." she continued, gesturing around her " your mind. However, this is no dream. No, no, no this is an....intermediary.... location for the path you are about to travel."

She smiles, her oddly human like facial features failing to reassure you.

She walks up and stands almost directly in front of you, seeming to examine your body and face for an unknown reason.

You still cannot move, although if you try, you think you could break the hold.


What do you do?

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« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 11:19:01 am by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2013, 11:28:38 am »

Break the hold. Do everything we can do eject her from our mind and wake up. Maybe we can awaken some previously unused section of our mind that will allow us greater control over psychic intrusion. But do it without showing any outward exertion. Meanwhile, try to keep her talking until we can break free. "What do you mean? What path that I'm about to travel? The only path I plan on taking is out of this messed up place."
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2013, 11:53:14 am »

Break the hold.

You push against the constraints, they are beginning to give. You believe a little more effort may help you break the hold maintained by whoever or whatever is out there.

Do everything we can do eject her from our mind

You try to eject her from your mind. The only thing that happens that you can see is the creation of a huge grin on the face of the alien woman. She seems to know you tried to eject her. You think to yourself that this may be a bad thing.

"Strike one".

and wake up.

Also, you try to wake up. Whilst you do think you have better success at this objective, and a few tiny cracks seem to appear in the sky near the horizon, they quickly disappear as Ala-Shar clicks her fingers. Her smile deepens and she chuckles to herself.

"Strike two. Naughty, Naughty. Would you like to know what we do to naughty little girls?" Her grin becomes mischievous. You do not like that. However her train of thought is interrupted by your next performance.

Maybe we can awaken some previously unused section of our mind that will allow us greater control over psychic intrusion.

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You fail, badly. You only bring on a headache. Which has predictable but pretty results for the world around you. It starts pulsing and changing colour like some freaky mental disco. It stops after a couple of minutes. Ala-Shar bursts out laughing for a few minutes more.

But do it without showing any outward exertion.

You try to cover up your physical exertion when straining against your invisible bonds. You succeed. Whilst Ala-Shar seems to have noticed your mental acrobatics (or should that be stumbling?) she doesn't seem to have noticed your physical exertions.

Meanwhile, try to keep her talking until we can break free. "What do you mean? What path that I'm about to travel? The only path I plan on taking is out of this messed up place."[/b]

Ala-Shar stops examining you and looks into your eyes.
"You can try to break out of this 'messed up place', but i can almost guarantee two things. One, you will not like what you find at the moment if you awaken and two, against myself and my team, a human in your current condition is pathetic and has very little chance of escape.

As for the path you are to travel, wait and see. Your physical and mental conditioning is almost complete. The sheer fact you can perform any psychic feats at all, understand me and stay so calm in unfamiliar territory is testament to that" her smile fades. " Havent you wondered why you cant remember anything of your life on Earth? How you got here in the first place or even why we might have brought you here?"

She gives you one last look, before turning away and continuing.

"Everything seems to be in order. I will be back with a while. i just need to converse with my team. have fun....hehehe".

What do you do now?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 11:56:01 am by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2013, 12:08:22 pm »

I'm guessing I am being operated on but the question is why? You wouldn't need a super-solider especially a human one since they could do it with their own people. A lab rat, maybe. No, it would be more effective for me not be aware of your existence or for you to even talking to me. Some type of sleeper agent then but you wouldn't be giving me "options" then.

What are these options?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2013, 12:59:01 pm »

Thoughts race through your head. Options? Why am i here? Where am i actually? what are they doing to me?

After what seems like an hour, Ala-Shar returns. You quickly open up a barrage of questions.

I'm guessing I am being operated on but the question is why? You wouldn't need a super-solider especially a human one since they could do it with their own people. A lab rat, maybe. No, it would be more effective for me not be aware of your existence or for you to even talking to me. Some type of sleeper agent then but you wouldn't be giving me "options" then.

What are these options?

"You make many assumptions, human." She purrs mildly, her mind obviously elsewhere. "Although you are half right about you current state being a type of surgery. You are not lab rat, you are far more advanced and precious to us, just like your sisters. And you are quite right, if we wanted sleeper agents, you wouldn't be here, at least, not for long....." She falls silent and turns to her side.

"I think it would be apt to start from the beginning.
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My race, the matriarchal Moray, are an old and powerful race, yet there are enemies even we will not antagonise blindly.

There are 4 such factions. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

The capricious Slinkar are the most insidious, an insectoid race hailing from the Fortus galaxy. I will not speak more of them. they make my blood boil.

The Abridan, a race of brave warriors who are a hybrid of avian and mamallian, famed amongst the lesser races for their stubborn yet honourable ways.

The Torun are a cunning and sly race of creatures, given to bouts of vanity and lust. They have caused us no end of problems both politically and militarily.

and finally, the secretive Vanguard......"

her face falls when she mentions the last one, casting a glimpse your way, seemingly to gauge your reaction to the name.

After it becomes apparent you don't know that name, as far as you can remember, she continues.

"The Vanguard, as they are known to us, are not technically a race, yet they are different from what their origins suggest. They are tall, powerful and highly resilient, even without access to their technology. Brave, uncorruptable and loyal to the last. and...." she pauses, again glimpsing at you "...they are human".

Your mouth hangs agape. Humans? in space? But its only 2013! at least, you think so. how is this possible?

Nodding at your reaction, seeming to confirm her suspicions. "I thought so. Even the people of their home-world don't know about them. The fact is, they have been warring with the non-human civilisations of the universe for almost 14 Earth years, paying special attention and eradicating when they can the non-humanoid ones. They need to be halted. Six races have already been banished to the sands of time by them."

"However this is easier said than done. As i have said before, their technology is extraordinarily advanced. And it only works, as far as we can tell, on a 100% human anatomy and it is very hard to reverse engineer it for anyone else. Too much tampering and it self destructs." A wry grin tickles her face "Still think you haven't been chosen as a soldier?"

"How do you know all this?"
You ask.

"We managed to down a Vanguard frigate which was performing various missions on the fringe of Morey territory. We salvaged some of their more primitive equipment, as well as the bodies of the crew. Using what we managed to reverse engineer, we set in motion the current project...."

As she is about to continue, her head suddenly jerks to the left. She frowns and quickly disappears, leaving you on your own.

What do you do?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 01:05:19 pm by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2013, 01:33:13 pm »

Break the bonds, in order to get her attention again

Ala-Shar, I am not going to be your weapon! Why should I get involved with in a entirely alien conflict? How do I know you didn't provoke these Vanguards into this war? By the sounds of it you could easily manipulated them into eliminating these races then swoop in a claim now dead races' resources and territory and you are so "advance" why didn't you just clone humans in order.... unless I am a clone and you just implanted a conscience into a body.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 01:35:38 pm by jaass »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Starfire: a semi serious sci-fi Suggestion Game
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2013, 02:08:12 pm »

You struggle against the constraints, almost breaking them. You can feel the power fueling them weakening to what you would think of as dangerously low levels. Their mental containment systems seem to be failing.

Break the bonds, in order to get her attention again

Your struggling against the bond brings her back in. She looks exasperated and angry. She scowls at you. The look sends shivers down your spine.

Ala-Shar, I am not going to be your weapon! Why should I get involved with in a entirely alien conflict?

"You do not have a choice. The stage you are at now, and the physical and mental changes that have been performed on your body, have made it so that you would never, ever, fit into your society again. It has already been 10 Earth years since we acquired you. The only reason you are conscious now is because your brood is nearing completion" Ala-Shar retorted angrily.

How do I know you didn't provoke these Vanguards into this war?

"You do not know them. They are highly intelligent and they have spy rings that rival those of the Torun. its a miracle this facility has remained secret so long. The Vanguard are not easily fooled" She said, letting her annoyance shine through.

By the sounds of it you could easily manipulated them into eliminating these races then swoop in a claim now dead races' resources and territory....

"Three of the eliminated races were pacifistic. They were also our allies and close friends. Another two were young space-faring races, just setting out to master their own solar system. The last was, once, the Grand Forums guardians. None of them had done anything to us and none had things we coveted." Ala-Shar's expression briefly became the image of grief. You believe she may have lost at least one person close to her.

and you are so "advance" why didn't you just clone humans in order.... unless I am a clone and you just implanted a conscience into a body. [/b]

"You are not clones. Nor are your brood sisters. We tried clones once, but they were easily sniffed out. Some betrayed their inexperience by making mistakes no-one of their supposed age or rank would make. Others betrayed their ignorance of Vanguard tech. Most were killed on sight as they lacked something every Vanguard has which works as the ideal IFF" She takes a deep breath, which seems to steady her nerves and flush away bad memories.

"I suppose you are similar to clones, in a way. We have....acquired.... innocent, usually female, teenage humans and used cloned Vanguard technology to mold you into our version of their soldiers. We can only go so far due to only having access to equipment that was, to them, obsolete but with you, we should be able to stem the tide."

"You will also be useful against our other enemies."

Ignoring your continued questions she turns her back yet again and disappears. You deduce that something important must be happening back in reality that is holding her attention.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 02:12:25 pm by kahn1234 »
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