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So, how should this storyline end?

Stoner manages to avenge all he has suffered through, and lifts the title belt victoriously!
- 13 (76.5%)
Sackhead not only gets away with everything he's done, but now is also the Champion
- 4 (23.5%)

Total Members Voted: 17

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Author Topic: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler! Updates Weekly!  (Read 63893 times)


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2013, 11:52:54 pm »

So, here we go, another fortnight, another show. Absolutly nothing out of the...

Spoiler: Ordinary (click to show/hide)


Well, a backstage incident could be either good or bad. It could be anything from a fight between workers, to some guys bonding over video games, to even someone just getting fucking blackout drunk before the show. Anyway, there's nothing to do but hope for the best.

Spoiler: Not the best. At all (click to show/hide)

Yes, on his very first day on the job, Powerful Man gets into an altercation with Irwin. I'm going to give Irwin the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the new kid's fault, so when given the choice of disciplin, I give a stern talk to Powerful. His response?

Spoiler: Response (click to show/hide)

Well, that actually didn't go so bad. He admitted his mistake and apologized. Now an apology doesn't mean anything if he keeps doing it, but I'm willing to write this off as first show nerves. It's not easy being the new guy. Looking again at the backstage screen I see that one of the plusses is now the argument between them, meaning I successfully diffused the situation. Go me!

Anyway, for this show I want to try something different. Namely a tag team match. If either of these teams are discovered to ahve good chemistry with each other, their teams may become a more permanent fixture. I'm hoping I can at least get Buzz and The Silencer together, if only because Law & Order is an amazing tagteam name.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Now for a tag team match, it's important to note both the victor AND the loser, as a tag team match ends with one pin, not two. For this I've decided newcomer Silencer will have to take the fall, but that he should still be made to look strong. As this is our opening act, I've instructed the workers to get the crowd warmed up for the rest of the show. Also Zak and Starling probably have the stupidest tag name ever, but I can fix that later, and that's assuming they are even a good team.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So, this show is about the return of Stoner from his injury. Neonivek still can't find a good challenge, and looking back I probably could have winged a short storyline with that, but it's too late at this point. Stoner making his return is finally able to beat him, setting up the threat of his return. I'm trying to build some momentum on both him and Sackhead in order to hype up the title battle between them. In addition I have Brooke defeating Olivia in order to scope out how good she is this time, and Powerful Man facing Peaches. Although he loses that match in the end, the idea is that, like Rocky Balboa, he "Went the distance". Also again it's a bit short, but I tend not to pay attention to the length. SOmetimes it'll be too long, sometimes too short. The fans don't mind, as this sin't a TV show where there is a promised show length. As long as the show itself is good, they leave happy.

With that said, let's get this underway.

Spoiler: Tribute to Stoner (click to show/hide)

So we start the show off with a tribute video to Stoner. Showing his devastating injury where Sackhead slammed him through a table, to his grueling recovery, to finally him stepping out of a car infront of the arena. The fans seemed to like it.

Spoiler: Tag Team (click to show/hide)

Next was the tag team match, which went REALLY well. Not only did the match itself go great (The devoid of heat message again just being because we suck by default), but our two new worker's gimmicks went over extremely well. Zak with his blue collar working stiff gimmick, managed to pander to the crowd. After all, he's one of them. While everyone ate up The Silencer's mercenary gimmick. This reminds me, I'm going to put the theme music for our current workers in the OP in a spoiler box. Haven't decided what these guys get yet, but when I do, it'll be there for easy reference. In retrospect I should have made a second reserved post.

Next is Noenivek making an open challenge to anyone who can take him on. It again scored fairly well. Followed by the Peaches/Power man match, which did decent. After that was the Olivia/Brooke match which again was out of the ordinary enough to warrant a screenshot

Spoiler: Holy crap (click to show/hide)

26. An E 26. I'll need to check, but I THINK that may actually be our best match. My memory is shakey on it. In addition, her gimmick as a klepto went over decently. If so, I'm VERY pleased with Brooke right now. Hell even if it isn't I'm pleased.

Next was another ok segment where Stoner accepted Neonivek's challenge, and then they wrestle.
Spoiler: The Main Event (click to show/hide)

Sadly, this was a slight letdown from the previous match, but still a solid bout between two of our better workers. Stoner has established himself as being back, and Neon learned some humility for now. However, with that how did we score?

Spoiler: The Final Socre (click to show/hide)

Not too bad, not too bad. A three point increase from our last show, and if we can keep this up, we'll be out of the basement of wrestling in no time. (No time being a year or two, but hey, that IS no time in the entertainment business!)

One final thing. I did want to check if that Brooke match was infact our best one, so I went to our "Top 100 Matches" screen and...
Spoiler: Top 100 (click to show/hide)

It absolutely was, followed closely by the Stoner/Neonivek and the Tag Team match from the same night. I think everyone working at BTWF can be proud of that show. Especially our 4 rookies who all proved themselves valuable additions to the BTWF family. Anyway, we still need a second storyline, and soon will be the time to unveil our title belt.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 11:56:11 pm by Silent_Thunder »


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #76 on: September 16, 2013, 01:00:26 am »

Ok, what about a winning spree, via cheating, by a big heel who takes the belt.. only to be beaten later by one of the victims?


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #77 on: September 16, 2013, 01:48:44 pm »

Let me know when my guy starts working for another promotion that actually uses him...

EDIT: Advice on the second storyline: Just throw two wrestlers into a storyline.  It's better to have a half-hearted second storyline instead of no second storyline.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #78 on: September 16, 2013, 07:39:34 pm »

So, here we go on the way to Super Nova, our second show of the month. It's two weeks of not much doing on our end, so I keep an eye out for any interesting news stories.

Next it's time to create our belts. You can have several belts for different levels, but for now I'm going to limit it to Singles and Tag Team champion belts. This will be what our two storylines focus on right now, the race to claim both of these. We're going to see Kenneth's Acting chops as well as he introduces these to the fans during Super Nova.

Spoiler: The Belt Screen (click to show/hide)

Now since we only have the one belt for each type of champion, they're Main Event by default, meaning they are the top level award you can get. As such, their prestige starts fairly high. But can be damaged by things like allowing people who don't "deserve" it to win it. Having shitty matches for it, etc. As you can see, since they are main event titles they start fairly high. Hopefully we don't ruin that.

As we proceed through the two weeks the news is rather silent. Mostly just show reports and news stories about people renewing their contracts. Finally it's time for Super Nova.

Spoiler: Are you shitting me? (click to show/hide)

Well, here we go again...

Spoiler: Idiot (click to show/hide)

So, Irwin decided to blow off a practice session with our Roady. I'm going to be stern with him, as that seemed to work pretty well with Powerful Man. He responds in the same way as Powerful Man, but again, that could very well be an empty promise.

Now, our main event is going to be a Tag Match to help get the ball rolling on that new storyline. I've put Jack and Hoster in a Tag Team together, and let the auto-generator make a name as I couldn't think of one.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We're playing it safe here. Jack/Hoster is an untested team, so I'm not going to go all out. We're playing it very safe.

Spoiler: The Booking (click to show/hide)
As you can see, this show is ALL about kick starting the Tag Team story line. All of the angles work to that end, from Eastman announcing the new belts, to The Next Gen forming, to them being called out by Law & Order, etc. The other things of note are Irwin jobbing to Powerful Man as both punishment for skipping practice, as well as to help get Powerful Man over. Peaches is also going to defeat Brooke, in the final match. If you're wondering why the buildup is to the second to last match, with Peaches/Brooke being the final match, the reason is I'm simply not entirely confident in the tag team match, so I'm playing it VERY safe with the Main Event.

With that let's start the show.

The first segment where Eastman announces the new belts went well enough all things considered. I created the angle in the angle writer myself, which I'll go over in a later update.

The opening match between Olivia and Otto scored an 8. No surprises there

Next, Jack and Hoster just ooze star quality, as them announcing they set a tag team up scored well...
Spoiler: Amazing (click to show/hide)
Yes, that's a 36 segment score. High enough to score in the D ranking. They may not be able to Walk the Walk so well, but damn can they Talk the Talk.

The rest of the show after was nothing spectacular, with everything scoring around 20 within the usual margin of error. The Tag Team match included.
Spoiler: Not so great (click to show/hide)
So, again it wasn't the greatest match, but it was passable. Hoster and Jack again showed exhaustion in a relatively short match, but their acting skills again make up for it. I just need to remember to keep them out of the Main Event matches. The fans can't stand an awful finale, no matter how good the segments leading up to it are.

Speaking of which
Spoiler: Main Event (click to show/hide)
The Main Event went VERY well, especially since Peaches was actually off her game. Yes, off her game and she still manages to pull off an awesome Main Event.

So what's our final score when all is said and done?
Spoiler: The Final Markdown (click to show/hide)
A 24 is our final score. Not too bad at all. Our events are slowly getting better. Lastly we close out the month to get our financial report.

Spoiler: Finances (click to show/hide)
So profit's are slightly down, but since we expanded our roster, that's to be expected. However, note that our sponsorship income jumped up a small amount. Hopefully this trend will continue. We've also got some people buying our merchandise, so that's good. All in all another solid month for us.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #79 on: September 16, 2013, 11:26:47 pm »

Thanks for including me in the race for a title belt!  By the way, I love the name for our tag team.

The reason you keep getting "no heat" messages for the lack of angles hyping the Peaches/Brooke matches.  You should have at least one angle each night between them when they wrestle.  And with their match throwing skills, that should probably be most nights.  If either lacks the skills to cut angles, assign a manager.

Rumor has it that Mr. Jack Euchre, Everyone's Favorite Wrestler, is willing help introduce a promising female powerhouse to the crowds.  He just want to give back to the community that has given him so much.   ;D

Since Peaches and Brooke are your only reliable match-throwers, it would make sense to build a storyline around them.  Having played a lot of TEW 2005, where event score is solely based on matches and angles just don't count, I found the key is to throw multiple combinations of wrestlers together until you find some that throw good matches.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2013, 04:32:44 am »

Bwahaha! Yes! Good good. I love the tag name too. We are the next generation! We are the young "talents" who will shape the future! Can't fight for shit but man if this isn't some solid acting. Remember kids, if you can't fight then act like you can and that will probably be just as good.

Tough realistically, how is this gonna affect my future? Can I succeed or am I doomed to fail in the end?

Oh, and any way my acting skills can help the fix the lacking angles problem? That should be right up my alley.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 04:37:30 am by hostergaard »
They decided to leave my fortress via the circus because the front door was locked to keep Goblins out.  THAT should be an interesting trip back to the Mountainhome.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2013, 06:16:54 am »

I do not suppose i could sign up to be a wrestler ?

Ah, the spoils of pasting one self's face onto women's bodies...


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2013, 03:55:15 pm »

Air Force Two? That makes little sense, and is therefore appropriate!
This is a blank sig.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #83 on: September 19, 2013, 01:24:18 pm »

It's FEF, not FEOF


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #84 on: September 22, 2013, 04:50:53 am »

I think Silencer ought to be done jobbing, heh.

Also yeah, bump.
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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #85 on: September 23, 2013, 08:27:50 pm »

Alright, we're back after an extended break folks. Blew through the GTA V campaign in 6 straight days of video game binge and now will be playing other games with it, at least till the GTA Online portion launches on Oct 1st. Expect me to probably disappear again around then. And with that the next leg of our tag team championship is here.

First off, you'll notice a new Tag Team. I just let the game generate a name, as I'm not too sure if they will be a permanent fixture. Now, note that although Peaches "won", it was a disqualified finish and marked down as a cheap win. This means if the belt was on the line for this one, it would not be awarded to her team.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And with that, here's tonight's card.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

First off, we have a backstage argument between Neonivek and Zak Attack leading to a relatively short match. It's probably risky cutting it that short, but Neon's stamina isn't great, and it's only an opening act. Next we have Mr. Eastman telling Monkeyhead that unless he can win in a handicap match against Buzz and Melvin, that he isn't cut out for the BTWF, and is fired. Really its just an excuse for Sterling to give a beatdown to a couple of jobbers and gain some momentum.

After that we have the fated return of Stoner. Which is of course, ruined by Nelson bribing The Silencer into helping him cheat in the match. After all, we can't have a story end so easily, can we?

Next is milking Peaches and Brooke for all the talent they're worth, giving them an elaborate entrance and in ring promo to the final match of the night. And lastly is the aforementioned Stoner/Nelson match we hyped up before the tag team event.

And how did it go?

Well from the first minute things are somewhat promising.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Neon and Zak manage to cut a not awful promo, and follow it up with a very nice match. Neither of them got tired either, although if Neon got tired in a 5 minute match, I'm afraid that WOULD have been the end of his career to be perfectly honest.

The Monkeyhead angles do slightly less well, scoring a 16 each. Buzz and Monkey were each off their game tonight.

However, on the upshot, we had this.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A custom angle featuring the two of them (again, I forgot to actually take a screenshot of the angle writer.) went over very, very well. I can tell you that Nelson was rated on his Entertainment skill, and Silencer on his Menace skill.

The entrance for the Peaches/Tyler Tag Team is sorta a complete crapshoot, scoring a 6, but their in ring taunting makes up for it
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The last two matches really were nothing past "average". not even any interesting notes for them.

So, after all of that, the final score for the night is...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A 23, which is one point down from out last event. This is well within margin of error territory, but still, we should be trying to do better. But in the end, it was a good match, especially since I really don't quite remember any of my plans from back then.

Now lastly, I'm thinking of changing our product. Our fans are currently expecting a show comprised of 70% matches and 30% angles, but I think we can bump our show length back to an hour and a half if we bring that down to only 60% matches. We get a 15% leeway past what's expected, so this would allow us to reach around half matches / angles at the most extreme case. This will allow us to flesh the story between matches out a bit more too. On the other hand, I don't want to stray too far into Sports Entertainment territory. We want to eventually be the SWF killer, not be the SWF after all.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #86 on: October 16, 2013, 12:23:44 pm »

*Insert joke here about Silent_Thunder being silent*


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #87 on: October 16, 2013, 05:02:04 pm »

I'm on the cusp of being voted the next Bay12 champion.

So obviously, this game is dead.   :P


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #88 on: October 29, 2013, 06:19:59 pm »

Alright, so after a long hiatus, I'm back, gonna try to remember what exactly my plans were, but it could be a bit shaky right now. So for our next show, I'm gonna take a slight breather. Anyway, as we advance to it, a few interesting events occur.

The first is that TCW has recently been kicking the piss out of SWF, their shows usually being around 5 grade points better. As a result, TCW's TV slot has seen its ratings grow quite a bit, from averaging a tv rating of 6.8 to moving towards 7.1. SWF is still holding steady, but they're going on momentum if anything. However, it's still too early to tell if this is just a flash in the pan, or something bigger.

Second, the promotion Freedom Caribbean Wrestling, has entered into a state of hostilities between them, and rival companies Original Legends Deathmatch, and Devil Women. This means any sort of deal between them, such as worker sharing agreements, are much less likely to go through. Although this doesn't seem like much, it risks causing relationships to further deteriorate, and could lead to an all out war between the promotions. War means any worker who signs with one promotion MUST void his contract with the warring promotion. It also allows each promotion to use "Dirty Tricks" on one another to screw with each other's shows. This of course, would be good for us.

Third and lastly, by chance I checked the yearly awards and noticed this.
Spoiler:  Seriously? (click to show/hide)
Yea, not biased in the least bit, are they.

But anyway, onto our first show in ages, well ages for us, the poor wrestlers have been in some sort of horrifying suspended animation as their world's time never moved, but who cares about that. Now first thign I notice is our Morale is still rather shit.
Spoiler: Rather Shit (click to show/hide)

However, there aren't any real problems arising from it yet, so instead you all are just in a ordinary sucky workplace as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Onto the show.

Now last show was about the Sackman yet again defeating Sam by cheating, this time through bribing the notorious mercenary the SIlencer to do his bidding, so tonight Sam is going to get Silencer out of the way so he can have his final fight with Sackman. Thats said, here's tonight's lineup.

Spoiler: The Plan (click to show/hide)

Now first off, you may notice how the final fight is labeled "Post" instead of "Segment". What this means is that it is considered to be "free" wrestling, and not part of the main show. Weather it does great or poorly, nobody will particularly care, however, it is a good way to train up some rookies in a real world situation. Now, we have your standard mix of individual matches started by arguments, as well as the leadup to the Main Event tonight. What I want to point out is that Sam has two more hurdles to declare himself free of Roberts. After Silencer is defeated, Roberts puts out an all takers bounty of Sam, in order to prevent, at any cost, a fair rematch from occurring. I'm not quite sure how I want to do that match, but I'll cross that bridge next update. If I can't think of anything interesting, I'll just shove him in a handicap match. Or channel Vince Russo and put something stupid on a pole.

But with this extraordinarily rusty plan put together (It's been a month and I've kinda forgotten some things about what I should be doing) Let's see how the match actually plays out!

So our first segment goes over about as well as you think. That is to say pretty damn well considering.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
So yeah, a nice 25 rating on our opening segment, not too shabby for someone who hasn't touched the damn game in over a month. But I'm getting ahead of myself, after all, one good segment does not a good show make, no matter what Micheal Bay says with his amazing explosions and crap everything else.

Spoiler: Holy hell (click to show/hide)
And the hits keep coming! Jeez, I was not expecting this from these two. Perhaps they should have been the main event! Gonna have to check where that scores among our top matches, but it's gotta be up there.

Spoiler:  Another hit (click to show/hide)
As always, Peaches is completely comfortable with the microphone, netting oddly enough the exact same score as the previous segment. What are the odds on that. On that note I am getting slightly afraid I have my matches backwards quality wise.

Oh Jack, we really need to do something about that stamina of yours, especially if we intend to make you one of our title holders.

Ouch. Ok that match is why the first match's success put me off. THIS was supposed to be our first match, but I fucked the order of it up. Goddamnit.... Maybe I should start savescumming  :P

Spoiler: And the Main Event (click to show/hide)
So, that could have gone better, but it also could have gone worse. Fact is it was just average as far as our normal quality. All that's left is for them to talk a bunch, and we're done!

Spoiler: And talk they did! (click to show/hide)

So yeah, both were merely competent in all things tonight, really I blame myself for getting the order of the first match wrong, but that's in the past now, so, let's pull that final score up!

Spoiler: The Night's Result (click to show/hide)
So yeah, another mediocre night of wrestling, however even if we keep doing it at this level, we'll be fine for awhile, as our popularity still has awhile to catch up with our quality. That said it's a good thing that match was done in the post-show, because damn was it an awful one.

So yeah, my first time back and I'm clearly a bit rusty, but we didn't do any worse than usual, so that's a plus. However I did check, and the Brook Tyler vs powerful Man match was infact our best match ever, beating out the old record holder of Peaches v Brooke by 4 points. SO I'm going to add that to my list of "Good Combinations". Course we can't wrestle them together again for awhile, or it would risk getting stale, but it is something to keep in mind.
Anyway, Hopefully I can keep from allowing this type of break to happen again, expect updates each Saturday at the least, and likely bonus updates throughout the week if I get a TEW itch, but definatly each Saturday at least.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #89 on: October 29, 2013, 10:34:08 pm »

Boy I suck.  I'm gonna keep blaming it on poor compatibility.   :P

Glad to see this is still going!
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