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Author Topic: D&D 3.5 PbP: Oasis/Adventures in Hightown (OOC and Sign up thread 5/6 spots )  (Read 19272 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Play Thread:
Main OOC thread:

Current Character Locations
Hightown Inn~The Heckling Hellhound

Giglamesh: Tyri, the Tiny-sized Sorceress (Approved)
Lawastooshort: Ari Ekund, the Human Alchemist Rogue (Approved)
Zako: Gracewyn Firecrag, the Goliath Warblade with the awesome name (Approved)
Tealninja: Mathias Val'Tea, Gentleman Necromancer (Approved)
Culise: Eirlys Rubra, Tiny-sized Crusader (Approved)
Scriver: Lleidewyf (?), The Gold Dwarf Battle Sorcerer (Pending Approval)
Remuthra: Valerius Naile the Paladin Apprentice (Pending Approval)
Taricus: The Dancing Orc (Pending Approval)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 09:41:52 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
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Oasism the last bastion of civilization. Surrounded by tainted badlands created by the Terminus War, protected only by the nine ancient druidic totems scattered throughout the city. It was originally a human city, settled in the pleasant area around the Beach Totem. After the Terminus War, refugees from surrounding lands flooded to Oasis--humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, even goblinoids and stranger beings. Now, five years hence, Oasis boasts a population estimated around 50,000, with only about 19,000 humans (half of which are refugees).

Spoiler: Demographics (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notable Individuals (click to show/hide)
These 50,000 are less than a third of the people who have lived in Oasis since Terminus, the rest having succumbed to starvation, disease, or violence. Nowadays, only the cooperation of Guild of Priests, Druids, and Healers with the Council keep the population from falling further, with hundreds of acolytes and outer-circle druids summoning massive quantities of food to supplement fish, farms, and what little meat can be gained from monsters and what poor animals wander close enough to Oasis.

A number of districts have sprung up, to accommodate these people.
Spoiler: Hightown (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: West Uptown (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: East Uptown (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Northwood (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Southwood (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Farmsvil (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fishmine (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mineton (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hermits (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Jailscar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nightland (click to show/hide)

Pantheon of Oasis
Spoiler: Lore (click to show/hide)
The Forgotten Gods (The Faces)
The mortals know very little of these gods, for their patron dieties reveal very little of their hated parents.
Ha, TN- Positive Energy God.
Lo, TN- Negative Energy God.
Rea, TN- Fire God.
Ste, TN- Earth God.
Wus, TN- Water God.
Aav, TN- Air God.

The First Ones
Highly respected, but just as powerful as their 'lessers'.
Ajax, God of Man, Child of Rea, NG- Good, Strength, Fire. The Handaxe is his favoured weapon. Ajax takes the form of a heroic warrior with unerring determination and drive, forever seeking to improve himself and the human race as a whole. He is the Icon of Motivation and the Strong Father.
Mishtoss, God of the Halfling, Child of Aav, CG- Good, Trickery, Air. The Dagger is his favoured weapon. Mishtoss takes the form of an aged, but agile cloaked rogue/ranger. He is ever cunning, and his name is often whispered by survivalists and rogues in times of need. He is the Practical One and the Wielder of the Razor (Occam's Razor).
Morem/Male, Gods of the Dwarf, Child of Ste, LG- Law, Protection, Earth. The Warhammer is his favoured weapon. Morem and Male are two sides of the same coin. Twins, but at the same time one entity. Most practitioners simply refer to him as Morem. Morem takes the form of a king, and a worker. Morem is the Aspect of Law, the King, while Male is the Aspect of Good, the Smith. He embodies two things especially important to dwarves, stern law and productivity.
Lorhen, Goddess of the Elf, Child of Wus, TN- Plant, Animal, Water. The Longbow is her favoured weapon. Lorhen was once a young and beautiful god of fertility, but the ravages of the war reduced her to an old woman. Elves and druids call to her often. She is (or was) the Mother of the World, the Guardian of the Wilds, but more recently she's known as the Crone to dissidents, or the Ailing Mother by her followers.
Riddle Lit, Goddess of the Gnome, Child of Ha, NG- Luck, Protection, Trickery. The Sling is her favoured weapon. Riddle is, as her name implies, a riddler and, to a lesser extent, a jokester. She takes the form of a well dressed young merchant. Gnomes and other practitioners try to mirror her eccentricity and mysterious nature. She is the Holder of the Key and the Smart Glib.
Sangur, God of the Orcs, Child of Lo, CE- War, Chaos, Evil. The Battleaxe is his favoured weapon. Sangur takes the form of an orc warlord, without eyes. Negative energy is not evil, nor was Lo, but a series of unfortunate events twisted Sangur at birth, forever dementing his mind. At the last moment, Lo took away the God's eyes, in order to limit his power. Unfortunately, it was little hinderance to the Warlord. To his followers, Sangur is known as the Blind Warlord and the Ingenious Killer. To everyone else, he is known as the God of Cripples and the Demented First.

The Triune-The Sword, the Scales, and the Veil
Composed of a set of three triplet deities, the Triune is often called upon as a whole by worshippers, rather than by its individual components, and regular priests (those not blessed by divine power) often follow suit. However, more fervent followers such as clerics and paladins always devote themselves to a single member of the Triune.

Mai, TN- Metal Goddess-Occupies a similar place to the forgotten Gods, though she was not one of the original six faces-she rose spontaneously from strong mortal beliefs. Few worship her singularly any longer, but instead offer favor to the components of her divine offspring.


Malnir, God of Retribution, Child of the Sword, LG- Law, Good, Travel. The longsword is his favored weapon. It is said that Malnir fell into the sea upon birth and was snatched from the foam by an albatross. When a mortal commits a terrible crime against the gods, Malnir is often tasked with punishing them.  He is usually found wandering the realms in the guise of a large, weathered human or dwarven warrior (often male, though occasionally female), vanquishing evil wherever it is to be found, and his devotees are advised to worship him by emulating him. As such, his followers are almost always warriors, either idealistic crusaders convinced they can change the world or veteran heroes content to live and die by the ivory sword. Though they have little official organization nor united creed, they have earned the collective moniker "Templars of the White Cross" due to the simplified version of Malnir's symbol (a white sword) that they wear somewhere on their person. Always scattered and few, his 'church' has nevertheless escaped relatively intact due to their hardiness and self-reliance.

He is the Seafoam Sword and the Wandering Templar, but to his enemies he is known as the Sparrow Lord due to his association with birds. His holy symbol is a plain sword, the hilt and crossguard simplified into spike-like projections, and usually carved of ivory (5gp), though bone or other white-colored materials are not unknown. However, mythril is Malnir's favored material (70gp), and most of his followers carry his symbol in mythril when they can.

Metia, Goddess of the Hearth, Child of the Scales, NG- Community, Fire, Artifice. The dagger is her favored weapon. One of triplet deities, it is said that Metia fell into a volcano upon birth. In spite of being crippled by the impact, she climbed all the way out of it and dragged herself into a nearby mortal's dwelling, where she shaped the embers in their firepit into a set of magical leg braces that let her walk normally. Metia loves to take on different forms, ranging from dwarves to azer to gold wyrms, though she always has a set of metal braces around her legs (or equivalent location) that glows like red-hot iron. She currently presents herself to mortals in a form similar to a noble salamander. Her devotees are industrious folk who often have vocations aside from their clerical ones, serving as chefs, healers, merchants, and most especially crafters and artisans. Her church was most hard-hit of the Triune by the arcane catastrophe-- partly because it is highly community-oriented, partly because it was the largest in the first place, though her few remaining followers are among the most zealous in gathering survivors together and trying to rebuild society.

She is known as the Hearth Mother and the Magma Artisan. Her symbol is a clear orb containing a red teardrop shape, both usually made of glass. Her followers prefer to use a cut ruby encased in glass whenever they can afford it (90gp).

Morai, Goddess of Fate, Child of the Veil, LN- Oracle, Luck, Darkness. The gauntlet or spiked gauntlet is her favored weapon. It is said that Morai fell into a chasm upon birth and wandered the caves for eons, eventually losing the use of her eyes in exchange for gaining insight into the tapestry of Fate. Morai is often depicted as a frail human woman wearing a blindfold, but in truth no one knows what Morai looks like, for she always appears conveniently shrouded in darkness. She reveals her knowledge in bits and pieces, and even then only to her devotees. Her followers themselves are the secretive and tight-lipped sort, often unwilling to give away their mistress' secrets, and as such form a religion more like a cult than a church (in spite of its unassuming nature). Easily recognized by their simple robes and symbolic blindfolds (the cloth is translucent enough to see through, though the more fervent among them wear true blindfolds and learn to navigate through other senses), the Sparing Ones, as they've come to be known as, are often called upon as impartial parties and intractable judges.

She is known to her followers as the Blind Judge, the Silent Oracle, and the Prophet in the Depths, but most simply call her the Shrouded Lady. Her holy symbol is a hollow disk (usually of a dark-colored wood), with white thread crisscrossing the center. The threads are strong and durable but not unbreakable. Though the symbol does not stop working if the threads break, failing to replace the broken symbol when able can earn Morai's displeasure. Most of her followers carry silver disks with threads of black spidersilk when they can (30gp), which are much more difficult to break accidentally.

The Small Gods
Numerous and diverse, the Small Gods came after the First Ones.
Liere of the Eye, God of Magic, Child of Dark and Light, TN- Knowledge, Magic, Luck. The Quarterstaff is his favoured weapon. Liere is every race, and none. His visage is ever shifting. He rules over all magic. Many see him as a force of chaos, for his intentions and actions shift as much as his form. But scholars will tell you that their is a definite method to his madness. For every chaotic action he takes, he does something lawful. For every good deed, an evil one. In this way, he is balanced. He is the Many Faced Scholar and the Magister Ultimate (The Magister Ultimate, new combo meal at McDonalds!).
Blessed Roe, Goddess of Healing, Child of Water and Fire, NG- Healing, Sun, Good. The Mace is her favoured weapon. Roe is sometimes a human, and sometimes an Elf. Either form she takes, she is a healer. The half-elves see her as their patron deity, as well as healers. Even though she is seen as good, she does not oppose evil. At least, not as much as her good brothers. She is the Saviour and the Death Ward.
Satore, God of Refinement, Child of Lorhen, CG- Chaos, Protection, Knowledge. The Rapier is his favoured weapon. Satore takes the form of a noble elf. When elves started intermingling with human society, and when many elves moved from the forest to the city, Satore was born. Even though many elves call him their patron deity, there are nobles of other races that look to him for guidance. He is the Aristocrat, the Eloquent Sir, and the Gentleman.
Beg No More, God of Cruelty, Child of Regret, CE- Chaos, Evil, Destruction. The Flail is his favoured weapon. Beg is a choatic mess of multiple species, including Gnolls, Lizardfolk, Goblinoids, and other evil creatures. This God would love nothing more than to see everyone dead, including his own followers, if there was no one left to slaughter. He is the Broodfather of Evil and the Abomination. While some evil species call him their God, many turn to his brood, the many Gods that fell from his body and went on to create the sentient monster races we see today.
Misnevex, Goddess of Domination, Sister of the Dark Earth, LE- Evil, Protection, Strength. The whip is her favoured weapon. Misnevex is the Goddess of areana (spider sub-class, correct?). She is the Mistress of Torture and the Spider Queen. 
Monorox, God of Tyranny, Brother of the Dark Earth, LE- Law, Destruction, War. The Heavy Mace is his favoured weapon. Monorox takes the form of a human king. He is the Cruel King and the Master Tactician.
Voruh, God of Death, Child of the Black Waters, NE- Evil, Death, Luck. The Scythe is his favoured weapon. Moruh can't be seen, even by the Gods, but is represented by an hourglass, or simply, an x with a line above and below. To his followers he is known as the End and the Final Father, but to those who fear him, he is the Unknown Reaper.
Rowbe the Just, God of Justice, Child of Fire and Earth, LN- Law, Protection, Destruction. The Warhammer is his favoured weapon. With the fire of humanity, and the law of the dwarves, comes a zealous judge. He takes the form of a giant, and is therefore the patron of giantfolk. He is known as the the Judge and the Lens Holder.
Senntoss, God of Chaos and Trickery, Child of Mishtoss, CN- Chaos, Trickery, Luck. The Dagger is his favoured Weapon. This halfling God represents Mishtoss' more chaotic side. He represents all rogues, gamblers, and, to some extent, bards. Practioners are as likely to tell you a good joke as they are to stab you in the back. He is the Unrepentant Rogue and the Joy Thief.

The Debased Gods
As Humanoids have come rule over the world, many species fell into decline-and their patron deities often went with them, becoming far lesser powers-though, their bile is no less unmatched. Many of them are or were natural Gods, who sprung from the world before, or evil forces come from other realms.
Laogzed, God of Troglodytes, Gluttony and Misery, Child of None CE- Chaos, Destruction, Death, Evil. The Great Cleaver is his favored weapon, and it usually doubles as a culinary and sacrificial tool. Laogzed is revered as the 'living maw' by the Troglodytes, who consumes endlessly-he is a simple minded, and slowly dying deity who is only concerned with eating. His followers are mostly Trogs, though other peoples sometimes fall into his clutches. After all, he is an evil God who demands nothing but food, and offers unholy power for a mere sacrifice of flesh to him-he prefers humanoids in general, and his clergy is forbidden from giving him poisoned or diseased meat. Unfortunately, his hunger can never be sated-and he's just as likely to consume his followers, when he's hungry enough.

Note: We're still working on the lore. Names and maybe everything isn't final.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 06:04:16 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Mission List

1. A shallow Grave

A local widow is desperate for help in recovering her husband-though as one can guess he's no longer among the living, she's offering pay for anyone who can find his body for a proper burial, or at the very least some of his personal effects.

"The guardsmen killed my David and dumped him in the Sluice to rot...I tried to reach his body, but there were dangerous things there...and I've children to care for by myself, now. Please, can someone help me obtain some piece of mind? I'll pay 100 Gold for anything left of him you can find. He had nothing of value on him, but a simple wedding ring that would hardly fetch coppers-if the guards did not take it out of spite, I would like it to be returned.

Gods know there will never be any justice. This is all I can ask for."

Known Threats: Oozes, Undead, Elementals, Scavengers (Humanoid?)
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2. Catch a Tiger by its Tail
A Nobleman has requested a team of skilled adventurers for a special job, but refuses to provide details-only that it will take a single night, and pay 1000 Gold.

"Professionals Requested. Skill in arms preferred, as well as those in observation and perception. Payment on completion of task 1000 gold, to be done in the space of a single night. Apply at the 'Darling Filly' bar near Clock Square."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
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3. Den of Evil
A neighborhood priest has offered money to anyone who can drive out a den of demons that has sprung up in the midst of his community, claiming to have suffered many strange occurrences as of late.

"Defenders of faith, we call upon your help.

Very recently, a foul den of demon-beings has wormed it's way into the center of our wholesome cimmunity. Strange noises and lights are seen at all hours of the night, and those who investiagte seem changed somehow-they seem to not remember hours, or even entire days of their time-and speak of strange and dire rituals done within.

We can offer 250 Gold if any brave heroes will put a stop to this."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
Rumors: ? ? ?

4. A pale brow
A merchant is requesting a paid guard for his daughter as she travels to the Totem of the Forest to receive healing from a vicious malady-or perhaps even poison. He claims to have received threats.

"Help requested!

I find myself in sudden need of martial aid from whomever is available. My daughter is terribly ill and must make the caravan trip to the Totem of the Forest, or she will surely not live out the week. The journey will only take a single day there and back. But, I fear those who have made threats against me recently may choose this moment to strike-and they may be responsible for her condition at large. And even if they are not, I would not leave her without defense.

If anyone can find it in their heart to help me, I will offer 500 Gold for safe passage. More can be offered if necessary, I am a truly desperate man."

Known Threats: ? ? ?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

5. Annoying Bards
Some citizens have expressed anger over the local gathering of bards in the Clock Square chanting (and fluting, whistling and drum banging) for 'social justice', but one Guardsman fears something far worse hiding within the confines their garishly painted troupes.

"Help Wanted! The Oasis Guards are marshalling temporary help to keep the peace while the Bards peacefully protest. Gold+free food+lodgings provided. Bring your own arms and be prepared for trouble. Earn 5 gold a night on duty-overtime a certain possibility.


Investigative+Additional Skills also required for a special task-enquire with Squire Tomnook.

Known Threats: Hearing Loss
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Every hero begins his or her story as a person of little importance in the wide scheme of things-but as time goes on, they acquire friends and enemies from places high and low...

Courting favor with the factions of Oasis will allow you to draw upon their resources in your times of need-shelter, aid and even help in battle. Note both the general attitude and the favor level, which can go as high as 20, though never past your character level.

You can call on 'favors' generally once a month-or one per character level-depending on the faction's generosity and if they will receive any benefit. Any more and you begin to strain your reputation, or break it entirely. The term 'gold' is very general-information can be priceless, for example. It is merely a simplified way of viewing how much help you summon on a moments notice.

Favor Level works both ways, btw-Level 20 Favor Hostile factions REALLY hate you. So you can judge how friendly or not one is based on this.

Allied factions consider you one of their own-you can usually call upon at least 1000 Gold worth of favors per favor level, and you will find yourself benefiting in many non-direct ways, as well. Of course, such a position also comes with responsibility-and dangers.
Friendly factions trust you implicitly-you have proven yourself, but are not yet beholden to them. You gain at least 500 Gold worth of favors per level, and all members of this faction are likely to help you in battle if they spot you in trouble.
Neutral factions don't dislike you, but they have no reason to aid you either-not that they are barred from either. There is no reward at this level, but the members will usually refrain from attacking you. Most unlisted factions can be considered neutral or worse.
Unfriendly factions are beginning to dislike you. They will not aid you at all, and will make trouble if you wander into their territory. They may not openly assault you yet, but they are certainly keeping an eye out. It is difficult, but not impossible to make amends-usually by undertaking a quest with no open reward.
Hostile factions will attack you on sight-for whatever reason, you've been marked for death. They will actively hunt you, even outside of their normal territory and devote resources to ending your life. There is almost no way to repair this level of reputation.

Current Factions/Favor Levels
Ekrund Cartel
A 'Cartel' in the loosest sense, the Ekrund family seems nevertheless to be a successful and expanding organized crime ring of smugglers and petty thieves. They maintain their ties to Hightown's elite classes, and despite their 'improper' reputation, they have a tendency to grease wheels and get things where they need to be. While not dedicated to spreading peace, the Ekrund Cartel generally disdains pointless violence-as long as no one sticks their nose into their business. They have generous resources to spread to their friends and allies, and can help one find a foot into the door of the highest levels of power. They are headquartered in the palatial garden region, but most of their business is done down by the Old Docks.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Resources: Money, Power and Influence
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (The Good Doctor is a one of the Ekrund's families own sons, albeit self exiled. While they will occasionally call on him for favors, he is not yet trusted since he generally refuses to do anything with them. Should he ever change his mind, however...)

Lowtown Sprawl
Actually not a gang, despite the name-the Sprawl is a term for the many thousands of displaced citizens with few friends in the cold, hard city. Those that earn their trust and respect are rare. Killing monsters, dispatching gangs, and generally doing good deeds will all endear you to the population-which hears and sees more than their uptown neighbors might ever guess. They have no greater leader, but the various 'mayors' of the sprawl districts tend to meet regularly to keep the peace amongst them.
Alignment: Neutral
Resources: Trust of the Citizens
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (Ari Ekrund is one of the few brave enough to run a clinic in the ugliest parts of town. He has many friends and allies in the low places.)

Alchemists Guild~The Purple Dragons
The Purple Dragons (named after the mottled Dragons the group rears in numbers to make vast amounts of alchemists fire) are a rich and powerful guild that controls most the magical brewing and alchemical industry in Oasis. While not strictly evil, they are fiercely competitive-stomping out anyone who attempts to corner 'their' market. This usually allows them to charge prices well and beyond what the market would bear-with the cataclysm being a true business boon. As such few of the less fortunate can afford even a simple healing potion any longer-and small time brewers and herbalists who try to circumvent these prices and refuse to join their Guild, find themselves viewed as threats to be swiftly removed. Those who find their way into good graces are richly rewarded-the guild itself highly prizes alchemic resource deposits, and the location thereof is worth a good amount of money to them.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Resources: Alchemical Wonders and Vast Riches
Faction Leader: ???

Dr. Ari Ekrund/FL.3 (Ari Ekrund has earned this groups ire for many reasons-existing outside of their power and undercutting their prices, mostly.)

Garland Ring
More than a few Fey beings have found themselves forced or chosen to acclimate into large cities. The Garland Ring is an alliance of Elves and Fey that help their brothers and sisters adapt to the new surroundings-they try to ease tension between locals, educating and informing. They also have a sizable wing of ready defenders and generous resources to expend, prepared to preserve their interests if need be. The Garland Ring has claimed a portion of the Palatial District for themselves, from one of their most powerful supporters and de-facto leader, the High Elf Sheera Twyhtem.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Resources: Nature Magic and The Fey people
Faction Leader: Sheera Twyhtem

Tyrileaf/FL.1        (Being a Petal has it's advantages. The Garland Ring is skilled in providing specialized equipment for such beings as she.)
Eirlys Rubra/FL. 1 (Petals stick together!)

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is still technically in their realm of responsibility, but his tampering into Necromancy has soured their view of him greatly)

Brothers and Sisters of Night
A clan of sophisticated Necromancer-elite who are officially independent of the Nightlands power structure. They often lobby for increased rights and protection for intelligent undead and those who practice such magic. Despite their name, they are in fact quite affable-it's a social club where the stigma of a hooded cultists chanting infernal is traded for warm brandy and friendly camaraderie-they are against the typical cliches of their kind, and were instrumental in defending Oasis during the Nightland's previous invasions and skirmishes. Most of them are in fact also quite alive-the Brothers (and Sisters) do not support complete lichdom, nor encourage seeking it. They are interested in all realms of learning, naturally, and those who meet their sophisticated entry requirements can find the group has much to offer.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Resources: Necromancy and High Society
Faction Leader: ???

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is a card carrying member, though they whisper he could certainly stand to find his way to more den meetings.)

The Triune
Composed of a set of three triplet deities, the Triune is often called upon as a whole by worshippers, rather than by its individual components, and regular priests (those not blessed by divine power) often follow suit. However, more fervent followers such as clerics and paladins always devote themselves to a single member of the Triune.
Alignment: Good
Resources: Paladins, Clerics and the Faithful
Faction Leader: ???

Mathias Val'Tea/Fl. 3 (Mathias is a fairly obvious Necromancer, and the children of the sword spurn the undead viciously-and those who employ them. He has not broken any laws so far, however, and they do not kill in cold blood.)

Stonekin Alliance
Gnomes, Dwarves and Goliaths in Oasis proper usually find themselves fobbed off to Minetown-a significant number, however, either cant or wont move. They maintain their holdings in the city, and have ties to numerous smaller guilds of craftsmen and laborers. They look out for their own, taking in Stonekin who have no family. The Alliance is politically active, often sponsoring expeditions to all corners of Oasis and beyond in the hopes of finding rare artifacts-they have a strong desire to reclaim the racial treasures lost of them in the cataclysm.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Resources: The Race of Stone, Rare Artifacts, Powerful Crafting
Faction Leader: ???

Gracewyn/FL.1 (There's not many Goliath's left in the world...they could use all the friends they can get.)

The Silent Protectors
Who watches the watchers? Who judges those who judge others? Some would say there is a group dedicated to this justice, working in the shadows of Oasis...a knife in a crowd, or poison in a golden chalice giving way when words and deeds fail to bring one to reason. If they exist, they leave no mark-announce no creed-spare no guilty person. They are the Silent Protectors.
Alignment: ???
Resources: ???
Faction Leader: ???

Edgewith Family
Of considerable resources are the Edgewith's-an old Imperial blood family descended from the very first people who conquered Oasis, they wasted no time in expanding their control-however, instead of expanding into political games like most of their rivals, they began to invest heavily into business ventures. These days, it's said Edgewith owns almost a quarter of the cities manufacturing and agriculture. They are a secretive family that does not play games with favor-if they want something, they buy it-they are almost famously patriarchal, the family fathers seeing daughters as valuable goods to be sold off to the highest paying suitor. Everyone has a price after all...when denied, they become as ruthless as anyone can imagine-though never by their own hand is the violence done. The Edgewith themselves run by a strict code of honor that they allow their underlings to flout openly. One wonder why the Edgwith family doesn't engage more heavily in Oasis, as they surely could wield much greater power than they are currently perceived to...
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Resources: Money, Manpower, Honor
Faction Leader: Miles Edgewith, Patriarch

Main OOC/
Adventure in Hightown OOC/Sign-ups
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 06:59:43 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
  • goodness what
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I am no longer Dwarven:

lawastooshort: Dr Ari Ekrund, the Human Alchemist Rogue

Oh yes, and any other player who wants to discuss possible backgrounds in common please PM me or here is ok too I guess.



  • Bay Watcher
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I think I'll just join in this.

Valerius Naile the Paladin Apprentice


  • Bay Watcher
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« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 10:00:05 pm by TealNinja »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Othar Val'Tea, Gentleman Necromancer!
((Over my head.))
((The original was a gentleman adventurer, but it evoked a similar idea. And hey, you're technically a gentleman adventurer.))
I was actually thinking more about the Gentleman Bandit a lot more than a webcomic character.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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((Or a trope. Or you happened to remind me randomly.))
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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((Or a trope. Or you happened to remind me randomly.))
I'm multi-talented.  All of them random.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm... what's the starting level for this? May be interested in making a character for myself.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
  • I live once more...
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Hmm... what's the starting level for this? May be interested in making a character for myself.
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