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Author Topic: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.  (Read 154102 times)


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1275 on: April 01, 2017, 08:44:49 am »

A little bit better then that, you can still cast forbidden spells afterwards/get another discount on arcane giants. But yeah. I wonder if old exodia mage will use this in wild instead of or alongside thaurissan and dupes.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1276 on: April 01, 2017, 10:57:28 am »

I'm less down on it than I was initially, but I will say that I'm not super hyped for it.

I don't think it'll be an all-in combo deck like Freeze Mage. The cards you need in your deck to activate it dilute the deck too much, so you won't be able to dig hard to giants+Alexstrasza. Instead, I think it has a role similar to the Leeroy+faceless package in Renolock: it serves as a kill condition for a control deck, instead of or alongside Antonidas.

I'll also say that the card is still pretty bad on it's own in a non-tempo Mage. Without a combo, it simply lets you turn a strong board position into a dominant one or maybe turn a bad one into an okay one.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 11:05:09 am by RedWarrior0 »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1277 on: April 01, 2017, 12:33:38 pm »

It's not particularly common, but there is a Standard-card exodia combo. Apprentice, apprentice (4 mana) molten echo (2 mana) time warp (2 mana), Antonidas (7 mana), molten echho (1 mana) -> exodia fireballs.

It depends on how well control mage can function, but I can't see it being THAT common.

Then again, aviana/Kun/C'thun sounds ridiculous too and it was competitive, so who knows?
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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1278 on: April 01, 2017, 01:14:17 pm »

Er... What's molten echo?

EDIT: Oh Molten Reflection. Somehow missed that in the pile of revealed cards. For what it's worth, you could just play the second molten reflection before time warp. You're probably not even close to short on spells to activate Antonidas with.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 01:17:23 pm by frostshotgg »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1279 on: April 01, 2017, 01:37:11 pm »

Yeah, sorry. Still learning names.

If anyone's curious and/or bored, Packr updated to JUG cards.
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1280 on: April 01, 2017, 05:10:01 pm »

5 cards + the completed quest isn't insanely difficult. Probably easier than the old version of the combo that required Thaurissian to live for multiple turns.

I imagine if you put those cards in your deck you'd end up using Molten Reflection on Arcane Giant most of the time to just beat their face in.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1281 on: April 07, 2017, 12:07:37 am »

Freeze mage is dead. Long live freeze mage.

I'm sort of curious whether Wild freeze mages will switch to a quest build, but my inclination is no. The burn build can dedicate more slots to digging for their combo and stall, plus they don't need to jump through the hoop of finishing the quest. On the other hand, the quest build can still use its random cards to dig and stall, and can win through high armor, and more easily beats a 40 health priest.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1282 on: April 07, 2017, 03:09:02 am »

Alexstrasza cancels 40 health just as well as 30. Still lacks that exodia style though ;)

Anyone got any good stories from today?

I packed both warlock legendaries, Elise, and Umbra. Not a fan of discard, LOLRANDOMLOL is way too high.

I like what they've done with thematics; instead of gangs and cross-cards there's "neutral elemental packages" available (and beasts, too) to supplement class cards. I've tried elemental shaman (without Kalimos) and mage (without... anything much) and they feel kinda-similar but different enough to be fun in their own way.

The new burgle tools in rogue are... I won a few games but not enough to pretend it could work on either ladder. Didn't help that I played 5 mirror matches in a row and most of the burgle cards don't do rogue synergy. Upside, I finally got to use my luckydo buccaneers with the obsidian shard.

Oh, and I packed 2 golden molten blades! along with some other golden card generator cards. The value!
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1283 on: April 07, 2017, 09:23:27 am »

Not played enough to get real impressions, but my initial impression is that quests feel super duper slow, -1 card, no turn 1, somewhat compromising your deck to run them. Aggros going to have a field day over the next month consuming unrefined quests, I guess we'll see if any eventually make the cut and can find a way to survive and do their quest after some experimentation. I didn't get any quests in my first couple of packs, and I'm not going to spend the dust to make any yet, as none really capture my attention, but I am hoping eventually some do okay.

Also adapt feels pretty okay. I've been running Ravasaur runt and Ravenous pterrordax in discozoo and they seem to typically end up pretty good. Idk for pterrordax will make the end cut, since it feels hard to run all the 1/1 lovers and all the discard lovers and when I get around to crafting Zavas I think I'm going to have to cut out some stuff. Ravasaur is an absolutely brutal punish against the unrefined quest decks though, turn two 5/2 can pretty much end the game if their hand is full of quest activators and no answers.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 09:30:52 am by Criptfeind »


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1284 on: April 07, 2017, 11:33:43 am »

Alexstrasza cancels 40 health just as well as 30. Still lacks that exodia style though ;)
Oh, for sure, and 40 points of burn is still possible with Thaurissan. Which is why I said "more easily beats" and not "is able to beat"

So the Rogue quest is actually really good (in the day 1 meta, which is not necessarily meaningful). Playing against it feels almost like playing against a jade druid, except significantly faster and their dudes stay as 5/5s and usually have other effects including charge. It's scary. I don't want to think about what it's like with Conceal.

I've played a decent amount of Quest Mage and it feels a lot like Freeze Mage (because it's basically a Freeze Mage variant). If aggro stays strong and prevalent, that's probably bad news for the deck, since strong aggro is the main reason why Freeze wasn't good post-Gadgetzan.

I've heard good things about Taunt Warrior but don't have any experience on either end of the matchup; their quest is to heavily slow down the game, and completing it gives them a great win condition. I'm thinking the Warrior quest might be my next craft.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1285 on: April 07, 2017, 03:31:54 pm »

Maybe I have just not been playing against refined rogue quest lists but they seem to be pretty easy to bowl over with aggro decks. Their early game seems super clunky.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1286 on: April 07, 2017, 04:19:59 pm »

I've heard quest rogues are finishing their quest and playing core on turn 5 with preps and that kinda shit. I've been avoiding ladder; I wasn't able to hit 15 in time before the launch and I don't want to drop back down to 20 from pirates while I experiment.

From what I can tell, the warlock quest is trash. Often as not I've had to play discards for tempo and discarded a 2-disco card, which tanks the quest most of the time, even with Malch's Imp. Even after all that, two 3/2's a turn are easy to clear AND the portal blocks you from getting good direwolf alpha trades. If you can win with the quest complete, you'd have completely stomped them without playing the quest at all. Am disappoint.

Taunt warrior is horrible to play against. Every turn is like the old Crusher Shaman swing turns, with the endgame rounded out by coinflips. I got the ole' ragbolt to the face 3 turns in a row despide 3 or 4 minions on the board. Interactive!

Murloc quest is even worse. Vomit hand for 4 turns, play the big guy, vomit hand a few more turns.

Mage quest... I haven't seen anyone actually pull it off but I've heard stories of 6+ iceblocks just stopping the game until they fished for exodia. So I dunno.

Questing Malchezaar priest in wild is ridiculous, just because it can be so disgustingly greedy. I had a game versus kazakus, reno, cairne, sylvanas, two tortollans, two deathlords, dragonfire potions and what I can only assume was a N'zoth finisher. 20 cards into the deck, I had done absolutely nothing of note.

I got in a good match with elemental shaman vs handbuff murloc paladin earlier. As expected, silencing everything they have just ends their whole gameplan. Their buffs are too greedy, even the cheap ones.
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
So if baseless speculation is all we have, we might as well treat it like fact.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1287 on: April 07, 2017, 07:07:10 pm »

From what I can tell, the warlock quest is trash. Often as not I've had to play discards for tempo and discarded a 2-disco card, which tanks the quest most of the time, even with Malch's Imp. Even after all that, two 3/2's a turn are easy to clear AND the portal blocks you from getting good direwolf alpha trades. If you can win with the quest complete, you'd have completely stomped them without playing the quest at all. Am disappoint.

It sounds like you're playing traditional discard zoo with the quest, which isn't going to work. Idk if a deck for the warlock quest will ever come about, but if it does, it's gunna be a more mid range or control orientated one who can actually discard a bunch more slowly over the course of the game then draw out the value from the portal, the discard zoo is just too fast for it. Of course, who knows if such a deck is even possible with a jaraxus alternative.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1288 on: April 07, 2017, 10:26:25 pm »

I fully admit I barely play warlock, so I'm all for trying to figure this thing out. I'd much rather use the quest than have it sit there.

It just seems like the deck is vulnerable to aggro because they'll rush past your stuff (even the taunthound) and you need to leverage the tempo gains from your discard cards to really make a showing. Longer games are much tougher to nail discards on the three cards you need, and the dinomancer that deathrattle summons something you discarded is WAY too slow.

That's really my issue with it; there's a lot of random on top of random and it feels impossible to leverage the tempo from your discards or the value from your late-game portal (especially when the portal blocks trading tools like dire wolf alpha and your free imps are 2 health so they're easy to pick off or just ignore that late in the game).
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
So if baseless speculation is all we have, we might as well treat it like fact.


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Re: Hearthstone TCG - And the card goes wild! Goodnight Doctor Boom.
« Reply #1289 on: April 14, 2017, 02:52:46 am »

Well, I'm gonna double post here so I don't get banned somewhere else.

The quest mage deck is the shittiest thing I've ever encountered in the game. There's nothing to DO against it, you just sit there twiddling your dick while the other guy plays solitaire for a while and ignores you. Thank god they rotated out ice lance, coz Freeze Mage was unfun right? Let's just take out every element of counterplay to that deck save one piece of shit card that will, guaranteed, fuck you over against everything else.

There should be another 4 paragraphs of extremely graphic descriptors here but I'm going to skip it. Any deck whose counter is "hope they draw like shit and get bad coinflips from the RNG" shouldn't go into the fucking game. Shouldn't be that difficult for a person over the age of 5 to grasp. I guess that's asking a bit much.
And then, they will be weaponized. Like everything in this game, from kittens to babies, everything is a potential device of murder.
So if baseless speculation is all we have, we might as well treat it like fact.
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