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Author Topic: Tribulations in Magic: The cavalry is... still preparing.  (Read 317895 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2775 on: January 17, 2016, 02:12:14 pm »

Turn 140

Fuse the leg-concrete to my actual body so I have a usable leg again.

And then armor up

This should be easy, you suppose. You try to fuse the inert leg with your new, concrete structure, hoping that you are able to move it again:

And you can at least feel it again! You try to stretch it, bend it and move it around and it works! But it is still somewhat uncomfortable to do so. Maybe it needs some refinement, but you are better now, that's for sure.

Left leg's penalties replaced for just a [Slightly mauled]

Now, you try to armor up:

A golden line appears, then splits in two. Each of the similarly-sized lines extend and curve themselves, drawing symmetrical shapes. A pair of arm guards. With a flash of light, they solidify into steel and drop to the ground. Pleased, you try them, and they fit perfectly.

Steel arm-guards:
[Smooth surface]

Now, you try other thing, which you hop ends up with the same result:

Now you get another golden line, but this one just wiggles, without doing anything, until it eventually vanishes.

Looks like...
Yu mst dy

You try to finish the foul monster, which is actually just a poor sod possessed by some kind of extra-dimensional fuckery:

But your weak foot only manages to create some bruises on the unconscious guy's face.

Time for plan B:

You do the most sensible thing to do, and point your finger towards the floor below the Ghostly Wizard's head, and then cast a spell:

The floor beneath his head starts to glow, and with a flash of light, materializes into a semi-transparent substance that immediately swallows the head, both it and the substance disappearing in the process, leaving only a gaping wound and quite a lot of crimson liquid pouring form the now-dead body into the small empty space in the floor. The purple marks disappear from the deceased's body, and a thin line of white smoke rises from his chest, only to enter Redz' chest. He feels extremely invigorated, in ecstasy if he could say. And, more importantly, he feels the sudden desire for even more.

The Ghostly Wizard is dead. Redz earns a stat point.

"Agh, I have no idea how to work this."

"Ilipronte Itiuperon Erante Ciis"

Unsure on what to do, you attempt magic. Because it is the only solution, right?

Your bleeding stump begins to glow dimly, the golden aura barely perceptible. Without asking, it flashes with light, and it becomes a tiny man of steel attached to your shoulder. It wiggles uncomfortably, unable to move its legs, which are fused to your flesh. It then speaks, in a metallic voice:


You have a tiny steel man instead of your right arm:
-1 to wrestling
Can't dual wield.
Some things may be averted if you convince the tiny man to help you.

Also, your paralysis wore off.


[Bigf01t spd:5]
[Hydra spd:2]

Bigf01t quickly tries to put an obstacle between him and the fiend which almost succeeded in destroying him:

But he barely gets a golden line which dances to no music in particular. Dammit.

He rushes for his shield, and grabs it from the floor. He is surprised to notice that the Hydra is not following him. That's when he hears the terrible sound of flesh and bone breaking apart. He turns around, to find the Hydra contorting wildly, its bashed maw of teeth appears to be unfolding, with flesh tendrils unwinding and becoming loose. Then, they suddenly turn into a silver-colored metal, and they twist and intertwine and fuse themselves until a new head is formed. A human head. A purple rune forms in its forehead, as it stares at Bigf01t and shouts some gibberish in a voice too deep to be understood.

Quote from: Illgeo

Lemon keeps focusing his powers, but the bleeding is now more severe than before.

Quote from: Beirus

The dragon feels the familiar chill running down his spine.

Character sheets

Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: H4zardZ1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rolepgeek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Illgeo (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: blazing glory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: endlessblaze (click to show/hide)

GM comments

I'm going to be away for about 10 days. While I won't be able to make more turns, I may be able to answer questions. Also, I'm reducing the number of active players, because both of those who don't post and the short waitlist, so no person entered the arena this turn.

blazing glory

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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2776 on: January 17, 2016, 07:07:48 pm »

((Ohhhh nuts, I should've seen that coming.))

((Oh I see, I missed a crucial spell word, whups.))



Grab the man and say, "Orqua Ternte!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2777 on: January 18, 2016, 08:06:06 am »

+1 Pot.
I need you not to see this
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2778 on: February 06, 2016, 09:42:48 pm »

Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things


  • Bay Watcher
  • Still a demilich, despite the 4e and 5e nerfs
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2779 on: February 06, 2016, 10:10:40 pm »

If this is still running (looks like slowly, but still going), and still accepting waitlisters, I want in.
I'm guessing, though, that negative stats are not allowed? :P

Spoiler: If they are (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: If they are not (click to show/hide)
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because science wasn't mad enough. YET.
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2780 on: February 07, 2016, 05:50:39 am »

Oh yea, do a thing!

Or more specifically, DO NOTHING! MWAHAHAHA!

Try to avoid combat for the next turn so I can regen my MojOz! Also non-combat focus POT, unless attacked, in which case dodge first and focus pot. :P
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2781 on: February 07, 2016, 11:36:34 am »

If this is still running (looks like slowly, but still going), and still accepting waitlisters, I want in.
I'm guessing, though, that negative stats are not allowed? :P

Spoiler: If they are (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: flabort (click to show/hide)

Negative stats are not allowed. Your second character is now on the waitlist.

As for the pace of the game, we are going through a period where players are taking their time to post, but apparently there is still interest, and as long as there is interest, the game will be running.

Oh yea, do a thing!

Or more specifically, DO NOTHING! MWAHAHAHA!

Try to avoid combat for the next turn so I can regen my MojOz! Also non-combat focus POT, unless attacked, in which case dodge first and focus pot. :P

You can't dodge and focus on the same turn. If you don't get atacked, you regenerate pool. If you get attacked, even if you don'y get hit, you will only regenerate at the cmbat rate: one per turn.

Also, dodging and focusing re mutually exclusive actions, you can only attempt one of them. Also, if you get attacked while focusing, it automatically fails.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because science wasn't mad enough. YET.
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Surgical amputation via black holes.
« Reply #2782 on: February 08, 2016, 10:08:39 am »

Take shelter behind my shield, and use my WILL POWARS to try and embed my rapier into the beast, as deeply as possible (hopefully so it won't immediately tear out, but given the grippy and reach-y nature of tentacles...)

(("As deeply as possible" here means "fingers crossed for good rolls!" :P ))
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2783 on: February 10, 2016, 04:59:04 pm »

Turn 141

((Ohhhh nuts, I should've seen that coming.))

((Oh I see, I missed a crucial spell word, whups.))



Grab the man and say, "Orqua Ternte!

You grab the tiny man, who begins to scream in panic, the high pitched metallic voice is difficult to cope with, but you still cast a spell:


Unfortunatelly, it doens't work. The creature is still screaming, with the worst kind of panic that could exist; the one that comes from having no idea what the hell is going on.

The scene, though, is quite funny, you hear some laugh coming from Endlessblaze nearby. But it suddenly stops when he shudders, likely from a sudden chill or premonition of some kind. Hmm.

+1 Pot.
I need you not to see this

You attempt something:

A golden line suddenly appears in fornt of you, just as you were expecting. It then begins to draw, just as usual. It seems to be a mitten. Wait, no, two mittens. Three? No, it keeps drawing many of them all joined to each other, until a greater picture comes into play: a humnoid torso, made of mittens. It hovers without moving for a brief time, then disappears. Damn, that was odd.

Quote from: Beirus

Quote from: Illgeo

[Robert spd:6+1=7]
[Lemon spd:3-2-1=0]

Robert attempts to heal the poor sod he hurt terribly bad without intention. He hopes that this works this time:

[Robert pot:4+1=5]

[Robert dex:1+2=3]
[Lemon dex:3-2-1=0]  ((Had to trat this as a combat action, because Illgeo didn0t specify if he wanted to resist this or not.))

[Lemon will:1]

Lemon was not expecting this again. The tribal fiend stared at him, and Lemon glowed brightly, the magic overcoming quickly his futile attempt at resisting it. With a flash of light, it suddenly materialized into a rhinoceros made of a semi-transparent golden substance, that appears to repel everything around it. Still, it is not as imposing as one would expect, as it is far smaller than an actual rhino, even smaller than a man. Must be due to the lack of mass with those two missing legs. Your flesh dagger slips to the grond as you find yourself unable to carry it around.

Spoiler: You new form! (click to show/hide)

The force Rhino is grateful to find that, after being reshaped, he is not bleeding anymore! He then ponders about what to do, realizing that maybe what he had in mind was not the most convenient thing.

Take shelter behind my shield, and use my WILL POWARS to try and embed my rapier into the beast, as deeply as possible (hopefully so it won't immediately tear out, but given the grippy and reach-y nature of tentacles...)

(("As deeply as possible" here means "fingers crossed for good rolls!" :P ))

[Bigf01t spd:5-1=4]
[Hydra spd:2]

Bigf01t tries an alternative method to get rid of that monster: throwing your weapon. It typically is a desperate measure, but who knows, maybe the Phantom Swordsman has a secret trick to it. Or maybe he is just a desperate fool. Let's look at how it goes:

[Bigf01t will:4]

[Bigf01t dex:6+1=7]
[Hydra dex:6]

He launches the rapier, then directs it with his will towards the fiend, scoring a grazing hit, one that still allows the souls of the damned to gnaw yet again at that monster's soul.

[Hydra will:2]

And it seems that it suffered a lot because of that. Hmm. The rapier lays on the platform somewhat near, but not near enough for Bigf01t to reach it without effort.

The Hydra, though, is angry, and now one can discern its emotions due to the humanoid head, which is expressively shouting in a deep, fear-inducing voice, tainted with metal screeches from time to time. Speaking of the head, its non-fleshy nature allows it to bypass the flesh-repelling aura, and so the creature is attempting to bash Bigf01t with it!

[Hydra dex:5-1=4]
[Bigf01t dex:5]

But fortunately the metal is too heavy to be properly swun by a sinewy tentacle, and the Phantom Swordsman manages to evade the strike. Heh, maybe Bigf01t was desperate, but this thing resorted to headbutting him. The fight becomes more desperate, as each foe tries to finally finish his opponent.

Quote from: Rolepgeek

Quote from: endlessblaze

You both get a chill running down your spines. This is no good omen.

Character sheets

Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: H4zardZ1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rolepgeek (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Illgeo (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: blazing glory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: endlessblaze (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2784 on: February 10, 2016, 09:16:38 pm »

>.> I was busy

Focus Pot, then
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2785 on: February 13, 2016, 12:01:39 am »

Let us begin to litter this arena with weapons!

Try WORDS to make a soul-stealing-steel halberd!

Try and stab, smack, hit, poke, jab, boop, chop or otherwise violently touch it with my new weapon. :D
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mostly Harmless
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2786 on: February 13, 2016, 02:28:14 am »

Realizes i typed Pot instead of Pol

Should that drop a rubber instead?
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2787 on: February 13, 2016, 06:45:45 am »

Realizes i typed Pot instead of Pol

It can be changed, if you want to, as it didn't have any effect until now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2788 on: February 13, 2016, 12:02:45 pm »

Then change the POT point into POL point
Quote from: Rock
Quote from: Comrade Qwasich
Stop bullying children
I can't
I have to bully children
Sigtext and other things

blazing glory

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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Introducing FORCE RHINO
« Reply #2789 on: February 17, 2016, 08:37:35 pm »

An only slightly better type of panic is knowing perfectly well what's happening and not being able to do anything about it.

Focus Pot, somehow.
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