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Author Topic: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!  (Read 4888 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2014, 11:30:54 pm »

Operaion Spectral Moon
25th of May, 2015:

Our team on the ground performed about as well as anyone could have hoped for really. They put down the EXALT forces without missing a step, it was almost painful to watch to be honest... we're so used to facing an advanced alien force, that coming up against other Humans, even if they have been--modified--really wasn't a challenge.

But I worry that it is exactly for that reason that some of our soldiers seemed a little distant when they returned to base. I received reports that during the debriefing a few of them seemed a little unsettled to be fighting our own kind. I'm sure many of them expected Humanity to band together to fend off this new threat, I think the reality of our nature has hit a few of them a little harder than others. Evelynn, especially, seemed disheartened by the actions of her fellow man. I'm not so concerned as to request she take a visit to the base psychiatrist, but it wont hurt if I 'bump into' her in the mess hall one of these days and see if I can't work out what she's thinking over a cup of tea.

26th of May, 2015:

I realise that I'm just delaying a difficult decision by stopping to log this. But I feel that what I'm about to do needs to be recorded, for posterity I suppose.

Not long ago, I got a call from Bradford up in the mission control. They've been tracking something big, much bigger than anything else we've picked up, and it just entered European airspace. By what he told me, I'm fairly sure that when I get up there, I'm going to have to decide whether to just let the thing terrorise France without interference, or send one of our pilots out after it, probably to die.

Some days, I really wish I had something stronger to drink than tea...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2014, 11:31:30 pm »

Operaion Spectral Moon, continued...
26th of May, 2015:

It seems I've drastically underestimated XCOM's pilots! Although the interceptor is certainly worse for wear, our pilots managed to do, what in all honesty I assumed would be impossible, and shot down the large alien craft and still managed to make it back to base in one piece. I don't care what the Council says, those pilots deserve medals every bit as much as our ground forces, and I'll see to it that they get them!

But, with the ship crashed in the countryside near a small town in France, a squad consisting of Ice, Strobe, Strings, Android, Congo, and Chilong (as they've taken to calling themselves) were already suited up and heading for the skyranger. Almost before I gave the call in fact, and, within an hour and a half (a testament to BigSky's engines) they were staring up at the enormous alien vessel.

I can't even imagine how much power is required to keep a ship that size in the air, much less moving at the speeds we've witnessed, and I would have assumed it would be flown by a sizeable crew, but so far our troops have only encountered light resistance.

Perhaps we have the crash to thank for that, or perhaps the worst is still to come?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2014, 11:32:42 pm »

Operaion Spectral Moon, concluded!
26th of May, 2015:

Although I realised we'd likely see those insectoid abominations, the Chryssalids, again at some point, I didn't expect we'd find them just roaming about an alien ship. They seem practically mindless, wouldn't they interfere with the crew?

Either way, despite their sudden appearance, our troops maintained their composure and quickly dispatched the monstrosities without any incident (though one managed to get frighteningly close...)

However, besides them, our ground forces continued to meet only a bare minimum of resistance. A few Sectoids, but that's all. There was a time when even those diminutive creatures would have filled my heart with dread, but at this point our troops put them down with terrifying ease. We didn't start this war, and these things have shown no capacity for empathy towards us, and yet I can't help but feel a lingering sense of unease at how quickly we've adapted to killing them, and how easy it is to justify their complete elimination...

But there's no place for thoughts like this, not while our troops are still on the ground, and reading to break into what we can only assume is the bridge of the ship. Who knows what may lay in store for them inside.


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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #33 on: April 01, 2014, 11:33:27 pm »

Operaion Bloody Ring
1st of June, 2015:

Operation Spectral Moon came to a climax as our troops converged on the bridge of the alien craft. True to form, we found inside an energy being, however this time there wasn't one, but two of them. We still don't know exactly what these creatures are, or how they manage to maintain their shape or wield weapons given that Dr. Vahlen believes them to be comprised almost entirely of energy... but our troops did not have time to dwell on such questions, they were far too busy exceeding all of my expectations, by capturing one of these things alive!!

I say alive, that be a foolish assumption on my part. When incapacitated the creatures reverted to a crystalline form, which both Dr. Vahlen and Dr. Shen are working to understand. Apparently it is some sort of antenna, and we may be able to trace from what, and more importantly, where, it is receiving its signal.

And yet, the success of that mission was hardly the most significant event of the past few days. Discounting the numerous research and foundry projects we have completed, or the glowing praise we received from the council of Earth, it was without doubt the completion of the genetic laboratory which has opened the doors for us. We had several volunteers, among them both Evelynn and Leilith. While I hope for both of our best troops to receive these treatments, I can't afford to have both of them in recovery at the same time, so Leilith will be the first to participate in these gene mod experiments, with Evelynn to follow (assuming nothing goes wrong...)

In the mean time, all we can do is wait to see how this experimental treatment goes. Needless to say, we're all feeling a little anxious.


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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2014, 11:34:05 pm »

Operaion Bloody Ring, continued...
7st of June, 2015:

Leilith was entombed for several days, I was somehow expecting the process to be more... well, more. But I suppose not everything is cutting lasers and invasive surgery. The aliens were mercifully quiet while she was locked away though, with the only noteworthy event being another award ceremony. This time for Evelynn, who has been awarded the Oculus Star, joining Leilith as the only other soldier to hold this medal.

It wouldn't be the only way Evelynn would be joining Leilith however, as the moment the genetic modification process was finished, and seeing that Leilith suffered no injury (at least nothing physical...) Evelynn was the next to step up. This time however, things haven't been as quiet.

With Evelynn still undergoing surgery, we've had both Exalt and the aliens launch attacks. Atheist Cat has been dispatched to India to restore order (and hopefully recover some stolen funds!) I hope to hear from them again soon... but in the mean time, our troops have been dispatched to the United Kingdom to thwart an alien abduction attempt. Once again I've had to make a difficult decision regarding which call for aid we would respond to, but Britain has only recently recovered from a state of panic, I don't feel we can afford to neglect them any longer!

With Leilith's genetic modifications, and the imposing force of Brandi-Bear back in the squad, we can only hope that they will be able to rescue the tea--I mean, civilians, without incident!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2014, 11:34:44 pm »

Operaion Bloody Ring, concluded!
7st of June, 2015:

It would be an understatement, bordering on the criminal to simply say that Leilith's Memetic skin has been useful. It's practically made her a ghost on the battlefield, able to hunt out the precious meld which enabled this transformation, and may well grant other troops the same capabilities. There are limits, of course, but it has already allowed her to eliminate a pair of dreaded seekers without them even having time to react!

However, it seems that the aliens are at least as capable with the meld substance as we are, which stands to reason of course, given we stole it from them. Never the less, no one was prepared to see a Sectoid sporting mechanised body armour similar to our MEC suits. Though appearing significantly more resilient, the combined fire-power of our squad was enough to weaken the creature, allowing Brandi Bear to move in to finish it off in hand-to-hand combat, a sight which I'm willing to admit, was far more satisfying than it should have been, given the situation at the time!

(I must run the recordings past Dr. Vahlen when the operation is over, it seems as if the creature was able to somehow... I don't know how to explain it, but... it looked for all the world as if it were able to create some sort of localised time dilation! If that's true, these aliens are far, FAR more terrifying than I previously thought!)

However, the price of admission to this mechanised wrestling match was extremely high. Not only was Brandi Bear exposed to incalculable risks, but Cerberus was gravely wounded in the chaotic fire-fight that followed.

My initial hope that this squad would be able to manage any situation thrown at them, thanks to their extensive combat experience and our rapidly advancing technology, has been quietly taken out behind the chemical sheds and shot... now, I only hope some of my troops make it back alive.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2014, 11:37:27 pm »

Operaion Spectral Hero
11th of June, 2015:

I'll cut to the chase, as I'm sure someone is eager to read this report. The Skyranger is back in the hangar, and the squad are safe... though most of them are dosed up on sedatives while our medical staff try to put them back together. How Operation Bloody Ring went so sour so quickly is something I have the analysts running the numbers on right now, but it's clear that they all made it back more as the result of luck, than judgement. Though talk of Brandi Bear's pugilism is reaching legendary levels, I've overheard several of the recruits whispering about her exploits against the mechanised alien warriors.

Now, with the wounded recovering, all that remains for us to do is wait to hear back from Atheist Cat. The planned extraction date looms, and I know we wont have everyone back from medbay by then...


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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2014, 11:38:54 pm »

Operaion Spectral Hero, continued...
11th of June, 2015:

As I'd predicted, Atheist Cat contacted us before many of our troops had recovered from the previous mission. Dr. Vahlen had been keeping me posted on Evelynn's progress in the gene-tanks however, and I knew she was at most only a few hours away from being done with her treatment.

Against the advice of my senior staff (aside from Dr. Vahlen) and perhaps against my better judgement, I postponed responding to Atheist Cat's call for extraction. I knew I was playing with fate, but the prospect of having one of our most capable soldiers on this mission was too great to pass up.

I have little doubt that Evelynn will not be thanking me for greeting her as she was ejected from the gene-tanks with an order to immediately gear up without any chance to recover, but Dr. Vahlen had assured me the sedatives will have faded from her system by the time Skyranger landed. And so far, Evelynn seems to be performing fantastically.

Time alone will tell if I've made the right choice in sending her on this mission...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2014, 11:39:58 pm »

Operaion Spectral Hero, concluded!
11th of June, 2015:

Our soldiers made the first move and earned first blood in this engagement. No doubt throwing the EXALT soldiers into a state of panic as the otherwise quiet streets suddenly rang with grenade explosions and the hiss of laser weapons.

I can't deny that I felt a certain sense of satisfaction as some of the enemy sought cover in a room in which Evelynn was currently camouflaged, further spreading chaos as she took the opportunity to shoot two of them as they ran past. However, breaking cover like that did draw some unwanted attention. It's clear that both she and Leilith are subject to new rules of engagement thanks to their new abilities, it will be a learning experience for them, as much as me.

But now, with our men (and women) on the ground in position to hack the last EXALT communications array, all that remains is to grab the data and make it back in one piece... I somehow doubt EXALT will make it that easy, though.


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Doctor Moriarty:
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2014, 11:40:58 pm »

Operaion Falling Hymn
11th of June, 2015:

Predictably EXALT made a final push to try and drive our troops back as they hacked the final communications array, but as with their defence up to that point, their efforts proved ineffective against our forces.

Back at base, once the data that Atheist Cat had retrieved had been decoded we were able to eliminate South Africa as a possible site for EXALT's HQ. I must admit, I was hoping for more, but we'll just have to settle for this. In the mean time, I've given the go-ahead for the construction of a new laboratory, which will hopefully help speed up the research process on the alien weapons. With EXALT already matching our genetic manipulation program, we need to secure this advantage, lest we begin to fall behind!

For now, we're all hoping that the aliens will be quiet for a few days. The soldiers have been fighting nearly non-stop and could do with some down time. As could I...


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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2014, 11:41:44 pm »

Operaion Dark Hydra
14th of June, 2015:

While I suppose it was unrealistic to think we would be afforded more than a day or two's peace, when news came that we had managed to locate a landed UFO, still unawares that it had been detected, I gave silent thanks. It's rare for us to be the aggressors in this conflict, and with our troops growing ever more confident in their abilities such an opportunity held the promise of an easy victory.

For this reason, I chose to send a few of the less experienced soldiers along, hoping that they would learn from the likes of Evelynn and Leilith. However, to my great surprise and alarm, although this was a small scout craft, among its crew was a Mechtoid!

Never the less, our troops maintained their composure, even after Draig was wounded, and systematically eliminated the aliens while doing their utmost to preserve any artefacts for recovery... a testament to have far we've come since the early days where a grenade or rocket would be used without a thought to what it might destroy, just as long as it killed some aliens in the process!

Now, with another mission complete, it's time I turn my attention to our current troop roster. It seems there are some transfers that are long overdue...


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2014, 08:33:33 pm »

Operaion Dark Hydra, concluded!
14th of June, 2015:

It seems that the requirements for assignment to XCOM were not nearly as high as I had first thought, and the majority of our rookies had to be 'reassigned', many of them are now helping Dr. Vahlen. I don't know the specifics, I suspect I don't want to...

Following this dire news I realised just how much we rely on our current soldiers, and if several of them were in medbay at once we might be facing some serious staff shortages. As a result, I authorised our recruiting agents to begin making discrete enquiries within the special forces community.

However, now furnished with an even greater fear of losing any of our veteran troops another UFO was detected, landed in the United States. Larger than the last, and with us unable (or perhaps unwilling) to ignore this threat, I authorised Operation Dark Hydra.

So far, our troops have avoided any injury, but with Leilith finding herself caught between Mutons and a Cyber-disk, my confidence that this will remain the case has dropped, sharply...


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« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 10:43:31 am by Aavak »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2014, 05:44:20 pm »

Between Operations...
15th of June, 2015:

Although Leilith found herself caught behind the enemy line, or perhaps because of it, the squad performed above and beyond all expectations. Between precision demolitions and Cerberus' pin-point accuracy the team managed to do enough damage to the Cyber disk to drive it back, moving the entire enemy line back with it.

An attempt was made to capture one of the wounded mutons, however the creature proved much more resilient than anticipated, and it was only thanks to a surprisingly good shot by Revocane that Evelynn, too, escaped Operation Dark Hydra unharmed. The rest of the mission passed without further incident.

Now, with our soldiers back in base I expect many of them are excited by the prospect of new recruits arriving in only a few days. With any luck, those days will pass without incident, and with even more luck, all or at least most of the new recruits will be worth the money we spent recruiting them!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2014, 05:46:27 pm »

Operation Morbid Future
23rd of June, 2015:

Ahead of the arrival of our new recruits, it was suggested that we schedule some additional training for our officers on how to properly lead and manage fresh recruits. A reasonable suggestion I felt, and so with a little inventory juggling and pulling in a few favours, I cleared the funds necessary. It seemed to pay off, with our newly trained officers picking out the best recruits for different combat roles.

Along with the excitement of new recruits, we also managed to finish implementing my plan for the launch of our remaining satellites. However, the fact that two countries remained uncovered drew some confused and downright disapproving glances from among the staff of mission control.

But as Kambei Shimada points out in the classic film, Seven Samurai, "A good fort needs a gap. The enemy must be lured in. So we can attack them. If we only defend, we lose the war." I don't expect anyone to approve of this unfortunate necessity, in fact it's probably best that they don't. I'll bear the burden of this choice so their hands (and hearts) can remain clean.

However the aliens weren't entirely silent this whole time, and neither were their stooges, EXALT. I've sent out Leilith this time, to infiltrate a cell that was uncovered in the United States. But while she's away it seems the Aliens, as if they knew she would not be available, decided to launch an attack on a civilian population in Delhi.

Now all that remains is to launch BigSky, and pray that I'm not sending some of our best troops to an early, and particularly gruesome grave!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Bohemian Shenanigans
Re: Let's get paranoid, in XCOM: Enemy Within!
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2014, 05:48:44 pm »

Between Operations...
24th of June, 2015:

Although we were down one of our best soldiers, the squad showed no signs of worry as they made their way into the flaming mess of Deli in the wake of the alien assault, and an early headshot from Cerberus set the pace for the rest of the operation.

Our enemies fielded a small selection of the troops we've seen up to now, Floaters, Cyberdisks (and their Drone retainers), and finally Chryssalids. I feel it's quite clear what the aliens intentions are in these attacks, the Chryssalids are a monster born of the fevered nightmares of Steven King, they serve only one purpose...

But despite the number of Cyberdisks, our squad put them down with little difficulty, and with their steady progress and even steadier aim, the Chryssalids and floaters were even less of a concern. Though despite this, we did lose a small number of civilians, and although I accept that this is a good result compared to the alternative, I find it difficult to consider it 'excellent', but I suppose in the grand scheme this was enough to rise hopes among the populations of neighbouring countries that we are ready, and more importantly, able to repel the alien threat. Panic has reduced across Asia as a result.

Now, back in base, I've told the soldiers to enjoy the next few days. It's very unlikely that following such a resounding defeat the Aliens will be ready to attack again soon, and I'm eager to receive the reports on Dr. Vahlen's progress in her current research!

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