Current saveWhile I’m waiting to go to college I don’t have anything to do. My turn in a couple of succession forts has yet to come and I have an itch to get in on the action. Sooo, it is my pleasure to present to you all this succession fort which I hope will bring immense joy.
With that said, may I present to you: Thadar Tamun
The Planet of Dragons

(Yes, I made an extremely small world with next to no history, reason for is so that any computer or laptop will/should be able to run it no problem.)
“engage advertising spiel”
How would you like to take a tour around the Hill of Misery? I hear there’s a defective fir on top, whatever that means.
Or how about settling down in the true desert? The stream, The land of screams (screms eh? I like to think that they left out the a after screaming too much.) runs right through it, makes for a lovely wake up call in the morning, should you survive the night in the first place.
The forests of carnages are found west, just past the fingers of peace (volcano) and the mountain of pregnancy (mountain obviously, what were you expecting it to be?).
To the far south east we have the jungle of sparkles and the dunes of styling, I hear they’ve shaved off their prices so much its to die for.
Oh, just south that? We have the Hill of murdering and roasted oceans.
And there are ice caps on both the north and south poles in this world.
Enough said, the rules are simple as is my purpose in this succession game.
- You are to have one day to do take out your energy and do whatever you want on a fort, or in adventure mode. One day and one day only.
- You must save your progress, retire your fort and upload the save at the end of the day.
Warning! Finish and upload your fort before the day is done or be forgotten in an alternate time-line!
- The next person may then create a new fort or continue any of the previous forts.
How long you spend that day could mean that 1 in game day might have gone by, or 10 forts may have risen only to fall soon after (I don’t endorse the making of forts just to kill them off, do please put at least “some” effort into making them/regaling their adventures, even if it is “I made a fort, zombie pigeons came and pecked everyone’s eyes out, the end”).
Turns are
unlimited but if we do get a large number of people going at it I would like it so that we spread out people who return to intermingle with those just coming in.
If you don’t want to use the full day, say you have 2 hours of free time, you may retire immediately and pass on the save to the next person. If no one else decides to join in on fun after a day has gone by, it will cycle back according to those who want to have another go. If you guys just want me to keep going at this with my free time, heh, I’m not going to complain.
End of Rules
xominxac5. Salmeuk
BearskieTimeless BobGreen = Completed
Yellow = en route
Grey = To be determined
Why it’s called the planet of Dragons when there are only 2 actual dragons, I don’t know.
(No I’m not counting the 788 cave dragons spread throughout the underworld.) Btw, just a heads up if you manage to break into HFS, here’s what you’re up against. You can probably gauge their difficulty based on that.
Unnumbered skunk brutes
Unnumbered black demons
Unnumbered winged monsters
Unnumbered iguanodont fiends
Unnumbered gray fiends
Unnumbered spirits of flame
Unnumbered black devils
Unnumbered theropod monsters
Unnumbered azure fiends
Unnumbered dark violet brutes
Unnumbered steam haunts
Unnumbered gray monsters
Unnumbered dark green demons
Unnumbered clear fiends
Unnumbered llama brutes
Pfft, llama brutes. Watch, they’re probably the hardest ones to go up against. That or the... Iguanodont fiends? Aren’t those a type of dinosaur, or does that mean its just a dinosaur fiend?

Give or take how I picture them. (Not my picture, though my bad editing skills.)
Fort Status
Here, to the best of my degree I will declare the status of each fort created to better understand dwarf kind.
Aliases; Desisoltar
D, Snarlgild
H and "The thralling volcano Island Fort".
Settled: 15th of Granite, year 2
Retired: Sometime around 2nd slate, year 2
This is the
first fort to be started. The coming of dwarves to this island signaled a new era of dwarvenkind, which was immediately nearly cut short to the threat of clouds that enthralled anything that came in contact with them. What is the purpose of these evil clouds? So that everyone will to do their bidding, which is to kill every living thing. The dwarves, horrified of this frightening power barricaded themselves underground to avoid any contact with the clouds lest they die a horrible and painful death and kill their own loved ones in the process.
(In 2, late spring, (Felsite, 21), Timeless Bob briefly unretired the fort)
Timeless Bob
Aliases; Athelemgash
D, Ringrider
H and, "What happened here?".
Settled: 7th of Hematite, year 2
Crumbled: 3rd of Timber, year 2
On one side; a barren wasteland yet good emanates from the land itself. This is the True Desert.
The other side; lush forests, yet is this side as good as it seems or is it just an illusion? Forest of carnages awaits.
To top it off, we have the "Fingers of Peace" keeping, well, keeping the peace I guess, right in the middle.
Tattered note: We've arrived at Athelemgash. No word has come from this place in a while so our exploration team has been sent to take a look. The volcano seems to be bubbling and the magma level is slowly rising. Other than that, nothing is really out of the ordina... No, something is wrong. Its too quiet to be an outpost. There's not a sound at all. Where are the dwarves? And what's with all these clothes and other objects thrown about?
I decide to look around. Strange, why is there a mangled corpse here? Surely that wasn't a dwarf, its missing a beard!
We've found a dead dwarf, and another, and another, all the dwarves who lived here are dead. The forest is known for its deathly undead population. Could they have died from zombies? Brr, what a way to die. Well I for one don't want to stick around any longer, lets get out of here. Hold on, whats that noise? It better not be urist fooling around again... I keep telling him not to make such loud noises, it could attract unwanted attention. I'll go see what he's up to now, but boy it sounds like there's some sort of ruckus going on, almost like a fight of some sort. Is that a pig I hear squealing?
(excerpt from legends: In 2, late autumn, (Timber, 26) UNKNOWN HISTORICAL FIGURE's body was abused by UNKNOWN ENTITY in Ringrider.)
What have you been doing in
that fort Timeless?!
Aliases; Athelemgash
D, Ringrider
H, and "Where pigs... no, hunters fly".
Reclaim #1: 17th of Timber, year 2
Died to skinny pigs: 15th of Opal, Year 2
Professional hunters were sent to clear out the skeleton pigs. The hunters soon became the hunted and received their bacon,
no bones about it.
Aliases; Shetbethavus D, Twinklemined H
Settled: 4th of Obsidian, year 2
Retired: 27th of Hematite, year 4
Much of this forts history is shrouded in mystery. We only know of its creation and retirement so far.
[spoiler=Legends]Not long after the fort was retired, something happened. Goblins had questioned allowing this fort to exist in the first place and now they made up their minds. "The war of punches" began with "The Attack of Typhoons" on the 25th of Malachite, year 4. The goblins launched a surprise attack on the settlement. It failed and one goblin died, maybe to a punch, no one know. 102 days later on the 15th of timber, disaster struck in the form of "Niletha Containsmashed the Infected Profane Handle of Plans" male goblin crossbowman (whew that's a long name). He singlehandedly took out the entire fortress; dogs, cats, mules and all.
Aliases; Athelemgash
D, Ringrider
H and "The perfect place to rp fort".
Reclaim #2: 5th of Galena, Year 4
Butchered: 13th of Galena, Year 4
Bearskie has a
turn at Ringrider, the butcher fort where the pigs butcher you. You can guess how it turned out. *Psst, Bearskie. Inod is a girl.
Aliases; Desisoltar
D, Snarlgild
H and "The bustling "en"thralling volcano Island Fort".
Unretired #1: 27th of Galena, year 4
Retired: 13th of Slate, year 5
Bearskie takes a
stab at Snarligild. He takes a thralling fort and turns it into an enthralling one. Summary of achievements: Gold struck, "The Project" begins, caverns breached (water fills both partially, more so the bottom one), volcano draining in progress. All in all, much begun, much done.
Aliases; Urvadmondul
D, Sealgraves
H, and "The Beautiful Embark".
Settled: 5th of Felsite, year 5
Retired: 27th of Galena, year 5
The last fort Bearkskie created during his
turn. It appears that the goal of this outpost is to become a science oriented fort. It is still in its early stages, but given time I'm sure it will become the pride and joy of the mountainhomes.
Aliases; Alathkeshan D, Boltflames H, and "The Beginnings of a Royal Rivalry".
Settled: 5th of Limestone, year 5
Retired: 9th of Timber, year 5
The leader of the the dwarven civilization, "The Letter of Rasps", Stodir Lasheddreamed is jealous of the progress of her sister kingdom, "The Severed Dike". After hearing of the "downfall" of Snarlgild, she decides to send her own exploration to another Evil volcanic Island to prove which dwarven kingdom was superior. The outpost has a couple issues while starting up but who knows, will this place be the next mountain home away from home?
Aliases; Desisoltar
D, Snarlgild
H and "The FPS Killing Cano".
Unretired: 20th Moonstone, year 5
Retired: 21st Moonstone, year 6
After going on a journey for a bit, xominxac returns to
this fort for some R&R. Turns out things have changed a bit while he was away. The volcano started bubbling and soon an all out eruption had begun. Lava was being ejected up to 5 tiles above the caldera and started flooding everywhere. Naturally with all this flowing lava, the fps started to drop. It now rests around 25 to 37 ish. Good luck trying to stop the flow!
Aliases; Urvadmondul
D, Sealgraves
H and "Gotta carp em all!".
Unretired: 20th Obsidian
Retired: 1st Limestone
The dwarves have survived for a bit longer. Goblins and elves continue to attack, but science will continue in this
D, Lancerose
H and "Prepare for war".
Founded: 20th Limestone
Retired:11th Malachite
The Severed Dikes have managed to stay out of the wars, but for how much longer? Ducim Labourjudged has been granted permission (“Well then why don’t you go do something about it?” -Quote by Queen Edem Workglazes) to create a fortress to show their strength and glory. Somewhere along the way it starts looking like
the picture of ecological devastation.
D= name of fort in dwarf)
H = name of fort in our language)
Desisoltar, "Snarlgild" = Alive
Urvadmondul, "Sealgraves" = Alive
Alathkeshan, "Boltflames" = Alive
Everything else = dead or never lived
Anyone who is interested in the technical things regarding the world look