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Author Topic: (42.06)[The Windy Universes] Turn 10a, Terrapin | Turn 11b, Bearskie [Adv. Suc.]  (Read 34076 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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“Helloooo? Is anyone home?”

Strange. This place looks deserted. I make my way up the upper stairwell, cracked with age and dust.

Ooh. Loot.
*looks around*
Well I guess nobody will notice…

Damn, this is one nice sword.
Nice buckler, too.
You know, I think it’s time to replace my bow.

Wonder how much more can I carr-


“I was just, err, looking around,” I ended lamely.
“Really”. The woman sounded mildly amused.
“Y-yeah. Not a thief, trust me! Just a poet. You can have your stuff back if you want!” My plundered loot was hastily dropped onto the floor.

The hammerwoman cocked an eyebrow. She shrugged.
“No, take it. Too much junk piling up this place. Good luck carrying them all though.”

With that, she turned around and went back down the stairwell. I paused momentarily, before grabbing my equipment and running downstairs.

“Say, why is this place so empty?” I asked when I’d caught up with her.
“All off to fight wars they cannot win. Wars from which they will not return.”
“That sounds pretty sad.”
“No. No its not. It’s stupid and idiotic, that’s what it is."

She turns around with folded arms and gives me a good look.

"What’s a goblin doing out in the far north?”
“Eheh. Actually trying to get out of the far north. I’m going south. Like I told you, I’m a poet.”
“Says just about everyone these days. Any good?”
“Hell yeah. I’ve just composed one that day itself! Here, hold my stuff.”

You conclude your performance.

“So, this entire poem was about you killing your entire village.”
“In a sense, yes,” I responded guiltily. “What do you think?”

“You can’t just go around calling people’s performances boring. That’s like, the ultimate insult you can ever give to a struggling artist.”
“Are you struggling?”
“Wha- no, of course I’m not struggling!”
“Then you’re fine. Besides, you probably do need to work on the ‘artist’ part”. She was smirking lightly.
“That’s it," I growled. "I'm leaving."

With a brisk march, I made for the large oaken double-doors. The nerve of some people...

“Hold up. I’ll drop you off south to wherever it is you’re going.”
“I never asked you to join me!”
“Yeah, you’re not going to last a day out in the Erased Swamps. Struggling poets don’t tend to do.”
“HEY! I can take care of myself just fine.”
“You don’t even know how to use that sword you're holding.”

I realised that I didn't.

“…N-no”. I rallied, “But they say it’s kinda like wielding a bow...?”
“Hah, good one. Let’s go, it’ll be dark by the time we reach Lockedelder.”

Lockedelder was the southernmost of the northern settlements. Beyond that was a wide expanse of wilderness – the Erased Swamps. Past that, proper civilization was at least a week’s regular travel away.

“We will rest here for the night,” Rislu tells me. “In the morn, we will make the journey across the wilds.”

I grumbled, “Still don’t see what’s so dangerous about this swamp you’re talking about.”
“Tell you about it tomorrow, okay?”

I waited by the fields as Rislu went looking for a room, and watched as gentle rain pitter-pattered upon the ground, blown slightly by a cool breeze coming in from the east. The trees were ripe with both fruit and the blossoms of spring. Back in Pointedislands, spring had been decidedly chilly. Humming to myself, I began composing a new work.

Rain, fruit and cold winds,
Spring awakens from this ground,
Sitsu travels south.

“Hey, come on. I’ve found ourselves a place to stay.”
“Hang oonnn… can’t you see I’m doing something?”
“Night is falling, Sitsu. You had better stay indoors, lest the boogeymen come and get you.”
“You’re disrupting my creative vibes. Just a few more minutes, mmkay?”

3 hours later...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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This is the Erased Swamps, gateway to the southern realms. To make it through, one either has to brave the dark pits of the Evil of Tormenting, or to come within range of the necromancer’s tower Matchscuffled.

“I’d pick goblins. At least goblins won’t try to eat my brains out.”
“For once, I agree with you. Though it doesn’t mean we should relax our guard; goblin lands aren’t exactly the safest place to be in.”
“Rislu, I’m a goblin.”
“Think I haven’t noticed? All I’m saying is that don’t expect your kindred to give you a free pass. Never know when they’re going to stab you i-“ Rislu suddenly froze. “Get down!” she hissed.

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“Yep, we’re all highly dangerous beasts waiting to tear your guts out,” I muttered sarcastically after the goblin had fled past us.
Rislu had a worried expression on her face as she got up. “Strange. You don’t normally see goblins acting like that.”
“Don’t sweat it. We do it all the time; it’s just that the screaming is usually internal.”

Three hours into our wandering trek, we spot a towering structure up ahead.

“Dark tower,” whispered Rislu. I brightened up.
“Good. Maybe there’s someone in there that we can ask for directions. The way I see it, we’re either hopelessly lost, or we’re taking the scenic route.”
“What? No! Come back! They’re going to chop our legs off!”
“… you’ve got some serious goblin issues, mate,” I muttered darkly as I headed towards the tower, unheeding of Rislu’s calls.

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“Heya! My name is Sitsu! What’s youewaa-”

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“-ah shit.”

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“So? Got anything useful?” shouted Rislu from beyond the trench.

Her look was as bewildered as it got, until she too saw the moaning abomination shuffling out from the tower’s gates.

“That’s exactly what I said!” I yelled indignantly as Rislu sped past me with frankly inhuman speed.

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Pant, pant, pant.

“Okay. Now we’re hopelessly lost,” muttered Rislu.
“Well, luckily…” I waved a gesture over at the horizon. Rislu’s gaze followed my hand to the two new dark towers on the horizon.
“Nooo. Again?
“Movement on the parapets. Can you see if it’s alive or dead?”

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“Looks alive to me. Appears to be a goblin, I think.”
“You think?”
“I’m not entirely sure what a rotting hulking goblin corpse is supposed to look like, Sitsu. Your skin’s pretty green enough as it is.”
I was still panting. “Alright, I’ll go pay them a visit.”

This tower was definitely inhabited. There were several goblins milling around its base; they offered me a friendly wave. Grinning widely, I waved back.

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“Can you tell me the way out of this place?”
“You’re not too far from the southern exit. Just follow that direction, where the brook is."

As I looked around, there was a rising cacophony of sound from the tower below. Already, a mass of goblins had gathered around the trenches, all armed with shields and rusty metal weapons. Ngerxung leaned from over the fortifications and gave me a nervous grin.

“Hope you’re not planning on fleeing, eh? Cause you know, we can win this thing. Just have to stick together, we goblins. Then they won’t be able to get our brains.”

Suddenly, a loud battle horn sounded. He turned around with fear set in his eyes. “The living dead! They’re closing in from the north!”

Several of the goblins raised their weapons in joy, others cowered amidst the shadow of the tower. It was a uniquely goblin thing – driven to kill by your bloodlust, driven to survive by your internal screaming. I, on the other hand, had to flee. I had to warn Rislu.

When I saw her, I shouted, “Corpses! From the North! RUN!” Her eyes registered my words, and within seconds we were fleeing south as fast as our feet could take us.

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We both sprinted across deep trenches and uneven terrain. The ground was littered the evidence of previous battles – dropped weapons and bolts stuck out of the mud. Before long, I could hear their dying screams beyond the horizon. The dying screams of goblins. It struck me that I too did not know how a dead rotting goblin looked like. It had been too long since I spent any sort of time with my own kind.

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The terrain finally gave way to flat ground. I collapsed unto the floor, exhausted, yet in all honesty relieved to be alive. Giddy with adrenaline, I turned towards my companion.

Spoiler: ...Rislu? (click to show/hide)

It is dark. It is cold.

Night has fallen.

Rising from the woodwork, cackling screams and twisted forms. They danced amongst the shadows. They came. I ran.

Voices in my head. Voices somewhere. Telling me that I should accept my death. Succumb to the night, child.


“Stay back!” I yell, waving the sword in front of me. From the shadows, I still hear them cackling, still see them dancing. My bravery wavered fast. I realise that Rislu was right all along – that I had no clue how to use the weapon I was holding in my hands. So I fled once more.

They were everywhere. The voices in my head, they tell me it is inevitable. I glance backwards in fear. I see their demonic forms in the dark. They are in close pursuit.

I cannot take it anymore. I fall. There is water in my lungs, in my nose, in my mouth.

It was inevitable.


This was the perfect bloody storm. First I lost my only companion, in a vast area where there's no safe settlements. Sure, no problem, I thought. I'll just sleep on beaches. Worked for the first day; then came the second day. Clouds, clouds everywhere. I couldn't tell what time was it, whether it was close to dark or not. When I finally emerged from cloud cover, it was evening. The closest beach was at least half a day away. No mountains.

Darn luck.

I had good plans for Sitsu too. Was genuinely enjoying my adventure and the storyline that I was making up in my head. Boogeymen screwed it all up. I will avenge her -- next time it's my turn, the night had better watch out.

Fortress coming up next. Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 09:19:02 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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please link my third story in my chars bit of the main post,  4th and last one soon. I keep getting distracted.

Hopefully i will have that done by my next turn.

Hard to write updates when i didnt write stuff down as i was playing (just took a ton of screenshots)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 12:12:17 pm by Untrustedlife »
I am an indie game dev!
My Roguelike! With randomly generated creatures Roguelegends: Dark Realms
My Turn Based Strategy game! Which you can buy on steam now!DR4X
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  • Bay Watcher
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Are we still following the 3-days rule, or has it been changed?
In adventure mode, dwarf drinks vampire!


  • Bay Watcher
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please link my third story in my chars bit of the main post,  4th and last one soon. I keep getting distracted.

Hopefully i will have that done by my next turn.

Hard to write updates when i didnt write stuff down as i was playing (just took a ton of screenshots)

Almost forgot about linking it, thanks for reminding me.

Also, now that I think about it, I might make another list of players, and split everyone up a bit more so that we can go back to week long turns, it might strangely make it a bit easier to manage, since I won't have to do it as often.


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Ok I'm going to go ahead and hand over the save. I built the basic infrastructure for the adventurer hangout. Haven't filled it with equipment and booze yet (couldn't find any flux stone sadly, so will have to import it). Hopefully the next overseer can unretire and finish the job.

The hangout/fortress is named: Geshudoshosh/Fortresshermits

Save file


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[under a terrifying biome]
"Can you describe what the surface is like?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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^ I think you're after Flame.


  • Bay Watcher
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[under a terrifying biome]
"Can you describe what the surface is like?"


  • Bay Watcher
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My turn? Okay.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hello. I'm Flame.

Today I was out at the market and I saw a big old slab in the mud. It was made of brimstone and almost blended in.

So I wiped the mud off and picked it up.

I've always liked books and I read the writing on it before I could help myself.

Aaaaand now I can raise the dead.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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How did that end up tbere?!


  • Bay Watcher
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Wow, good job.
In adventure mode, dwarf drinks vampire!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Master of the randomly generated
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How did that end up there?!
A necromancer died in Parchedthorn before he could go and make a tower or even move into a bandit camp. His slab was lost there. I found it.

I leave the slab where it lies. I may be strong, but not strong enough to carry around a hundred-pound hunk of stone all day.

I'm sure to be kicked out of town when everyone finds out, so I'm leaving before that can happen. I help myself to the armor in the keep, getting myself a mix of bronze and iron gear. There's no helm and it slows me down a bit, but I need protection. I also switch out my old guard shield for a nice iron one. No replacement for my sword, though, cheap oversized thing that it is.

Before I go, though, I stop by the old catacombs.

No use going unprepared.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Master of the randomly generated
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I can't exactly help a lot of people with a huge zombie army. But what I can do is kill old Sebir, the forest titan who lives to the south.  He's never killed a human, but he's been slowly working his way north and people fear he may attack our kingdom soon. Well, he won't now.

It takes all night to reach the shrine and we get there in the morning. I lead the pack of skeletons up to the shrine, then hang back when they spot the monster.

The first few skeletons only deal bruises while losing limbs, but more soon arrive.

Eventually, after much punching, the beast is dead. Too bad it's too mangled to reanimate, as it would be a great addition to my horde.

So where to now? After wracking my brain some, I remember there's a dragon's lair a bit to the southeast. So that's where I take the horde next. It takes all day and most of the night, and I arrive a few hour before dawn. I wait until the sun is fully risen before entering the lair.

When the skeletons see the dragon, they charge forward. There is a blast of heat, a cloud of smoke, and I'm gone. The skeletons can take care of it while I sit behind my shield a safe distance away. Bravery is for people who are better warriors than me.

It looks like they aren't doing very well. I'm out, I guess dragons trump skeletons. I lead the remains of the horde out of the entrance and away. I do a quick head count and most of my skeletons are still intact, aside from a few missing arms or legs and one that seems to be nothing but a torso and one skeletal arm. I think there are a few more than 30.

Well, the nearest beasts are further south, so I start walking. And walking. Forever, it seems. I pass a lair full of emaciated men and my skeletons kill them and I reanimate them for reinforcements.

I reach the place I was trying to, the shrine of another titan, don't know the name. It's made of amber and has webs, and apparently is ignored by the undead because it's inorganic. I think you can guess what happened next.

I don't feel like making a fort.

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