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Author Topic: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Rise and Fall of Fortress Stonemane  (Read 9090 times)

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2008, 06:19:00 pm »

It was not entirely unpleasant for the three dwarves to be buried alive, indeed there is little difference between being buried alive and living in a cave you’re entire life. The only small difference is that being buried alive is normally an involuntary and frightening event. For these three however it was akin to being back in the warm embrace of their mother’s womb.

The three dwarves where pressed together there, their backs arched to maintain a small area beneath them so that they could breath for a while. They could feel the ground rumble as the beast came closer, and they all feared it was capable of digging them out of their hole. They had done the best that they could do however, and to die like this would be a noble death.

   The rumble came and went, and the small area they had created was starting to fill with water. The air was becoming thin quickly and the dwarves had to act or die. On the count of three all of the dwarves heaved their backs up. Up on the surface of the plains the freshly dug earth heaved towards the heavens once. The ground heaved up again and again as the group persisted in their escape. Finally a dwarven hand pierced the surface, then another. Before long they were tearing themselves from the loose earth, eyes scanning the area for any signs of the dangerous beast.

   It had come and gone, and its trail was obvious. The grass, indeed, the very ground had been torn up in a swatch. The trail lead directly to them then stopped roughly one hundred feet from the wagons. It picked up again a hundred feet beyond the wagons, and in the distance the dwarves could see massive creature twisting off into the distance.

   “Oh thank you! Great and mighty wind beast! Thank you for sparing us and our wagons, we will never trouble you again!” Tindel had fallen to his knees in the direction of the tornado and was in the process of worshiping it. Railick and his brother, however, were taking stock of the wagons. Very little that wasn’t strapped down was left, and what remained was mostly ruined.

   Thankfully all the tools they needed to establish their new outpost had been buried with the dwarves. Inside both wagons they’d stored tons of food and booze in secure barrels. They’d covered the barrels with heavy stone blocks and piles of limber wrapped in leather skins to keep them dry. Everything above this layer in the wagon was gone with the wind. All of the frivolous things that they had brought with them were now gone, they were left with the bare minimum needed for survival.


[ January 11, 2008: Message edited by: Railick Stonemane ]

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2008, 06:25:00 pm »

Tindel stood up and shook his marble hammer to the heavens, thankful to be alive. He then turned to find the two wagons were already in order and ready to move out. Though the rain continued and the wind was still strong, the serious part of the storm had moved on. Tindel had wisely kept his personally belongings in a water tight naked mole dog leather pouch, hidden safely away under his traveling cloak. They still had everything they needed to continue, and so they did.  

<added as reply due to bug in forum. wouldn't let me fit that last paragraph for some reason even though the other posts have been much longer. Exremly strange.>

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2008, 07:54:00 pm »

The Baron was furious, though he hid his anger well. His expedition had only been embarked a little over a weak ago and already he’d had bad news day after day. First the insane bookkeeper came stumbling into the eastern gate buck naked and babbling nonsense about demons. Next, little over a day later, half of what remained of his group had returned to the mountainhome. The report that they brought back with them was nothing short of horrible, worst of all his favorite pet had been shot down by those bastard tree lovers.

   Since his first endeavor was well on the way to failure the Baron had decided right away to go with over kill this time. He’d already forced twenty dwarfs from the lower levels of his pervious holdings into service. The caravan left the day after Dod and Seed had returned empty handed, without them. He had told them that they’re only options were to succeed or die trying. Returning to the Fortress with nothing was not an option, so the Baron
gave them death for their failure.

   It mattered not if the three remaining dwarves were able to establish a working outpost; the twenty sent behind them would be more than enough. The Baron slammed his fist down into the obsidian table, and not for the first time that day. “What kind of elf shoots down eagles anyway?”

   The brothers were smarter than they looked, Tindel knew that now. They’d earned a certain measure of respect from the mason so when they proposed a course of action he allowed them to follow through with it. The three dwarves loaded down one wagon with all the goods from the other, this way they would only have to pull one wagon. With the other wagon the carpenter worked a little of his magic. Using what the storm had left them he was able to take the second wagon apart piece by piece, and use it to construct a cover for the first wagon. Now there was enough room for all the dwarves to sleep inside the cover, were they so inclined.

   After storing the extra parts from the second wagon incase the first were to break down the three dwarves set out again. Though the twenty or so migrants were sent out only a few days behind them they were already well ahead of them. These people had to rest to sleep and eat and water their animals. Railick, who now pulled the loan wagon, needed no such rest and continued to pull them all through the night.

   Day after day they drew closer to mountain Frostbeard, which was finally starting to grow larger on the horizon. Tindel began to share his pipe with the other dwarves, for they had lost theirs in the storm. Before long all three dwarves were sharing songs and tales of their family, and it was as if they’d known each other for years. Thus the two brothers made a new friend. It was a dwarven saying that a friendship forged in the flames of adversity was as strong as steel. This was the case with these dwarves; nothing would ever be able to break them apart after this.

   As the days went on Tindel began to worry for the two brothers. They hadn’t slept since that fateful night and they hardly ate at all. Since he, apparently, was the only one that required sleep Tindel had made himself a make shift bed in the back of the wagon. As Railick pulled the wagon through the night he would sleep peacefully, knowing that the two fierce brothers were watching over him.

   Perhaps it was the years of being forced to work in the Baron’s service with little gratification. Maybe it was because his mother didn’t love him enough when he was little. Whatever the reason, Tindel had been cold all his life, but now with the affection of the brothers he began to warm. He felt like a child sleeping under his father’s watchful gaze whenever Bailick checked to see if he was alright. It was a nice feeling, a feeling he’d never had before.


After several more weeks of uneventful travel the trio found themselves in the foot hills of the great Mount Frostbeard. They stood in awe of this mountain, whose top was hidden in the clouds. The gods seemed to favor them for their arrival point was the perfect place to start an outpost. As they drew closer to the bottom of the mountain they discovered an area with sheer cliffs on three sides, a box canyon carved into the side of the mountain by ages of running water.

Tindel walked right up the mountain cliff wall and marked a huge white X onto it with a piece of chalk. “Here is where the entrance will be my lads. What should we name the outpost we are about to start?” The mason turned back to the two brothers who were still gazing up at the mountain in awe. “No ideas? Fine then, I say we named the Outpost Stonemane the Brave, after the two bravest dwarves I know!”

   Railick chuckled softly as his gaze traveled down to the chalked X. “We’ll accept that, on one condition me friend. With the founding of this fortress we and all who live in our halls shall be known as Clan Stonemane. I’m asking you to be me brother!” Railick held his hand out to Tindel, who quickly clasped it to accept the offer. Bailick threw his arms around the both of them in a monster hug that nearly resulted in a broken rib or two. With the naming of the outpost done and the founding of a new clan the three set out to work.

   The first order of business was taking the wagons apart so they could be used to make work sites around the cliff face. It wouldn’t do to just start hacking away at the mountain recklessly and have the whole thing come down on their heads. The mason/carpenter quickly turned the remains of their epic wagon into a small rail car that could be used to transport mined stone down to a stock pile below. He crafted wooden rails from a board and tested the system before he moved on to the next project.

   All the while the brothers watched him as he worked, and they were in awe of him as much as they were in awe of the mountain. It seemed there was nothing he couldn’t do with wood and stone and a few nails. Before long there were several work sites around the canyon and the sun was starting to dip towards the western horizon.

   “Right brothers, I’ve done all I can do for today. Here is what I’d like you two to do now that I’ve got everything we need set up.” He drew with his mason’s chalk onto a slab of dark stone, showing them exactly where he wanted them to dig into the mountain and how it should be. He drew out the rooms they would need to begin with, what sort of supports the tunnels would need, and where they needed to be at all times.

The mason called it a day just as the brothers set into work their work. Railick cried out, “Oi mountain, we’re coming in whether you’re ready for us or not!” His brother echoed with a call of his own, “Ayah ! I hope ye remembered the cake!” This brought a queer look from Tindel, who was watching from the comfort of his make shift bed. It was then that pick rang out on stone, again and again as the brothers began the largest project of their lives. . .

<That's it for tonight, enjoy!>

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer


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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2008, 08:16:00 am »

*chin drops*

B-B-... Beyond Quality!  :D

You are just amazing!

...I will have to report this...


This is EPIC, and truly in the style of the game, also all the features are in the actual technical scope of Toadys ability, most of it already in the plans actually, I really, REALLY think Toady should look at this for inspiration, it like the Threetoes stories whit awesome*100.

So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2008, 05:55:00 pm »

I'm impressed, very good story! I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Thanks for sharing it with us.  :)

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2008, 02:28:00 pm »

Well thank everyone who seems to like this, certainly makes writing it easier. I can't update it over the weekends because my wife forgot to pay for the internet (again) and now our bill is insane so I doubt I'll have access at home any time soon.
I've been editting what I've written so far by hand. I'm trying to make the diffrent dwarves talk the same at all times. (some times Railick sounds like he can speak proper English and sometimes he sounds like a 4 year old child) I want him to sound like a 4 year old at all times, and the nobles to sound noble :P  Other than that I have been trying to fix the errors I made (One point I called Tindel  Tinder by mistake for example) I'm not sure how I'm going to put this updates into the forum ,I guess I can just edit each post one at a time if it comes down to it. What would you guys suggest? Would it be easier to edit the posts, or make a new post with the edited version up until now?

BTW, you can expect new "chapters" of the story to begin again on Monday after 12:00 EST or so if everything goes well. IF they did take internet access away from us at work I'll probably be more inclined to make 1 huge update every weekend when I can get on at my parents house (they play with my babies while I play with their computer  ;) Nice trade off lol)

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2008, 03:04:00 pm »

     They weren’t long on the job before Tindel was forced to bring their work to a screeching halt. Tindel was forced to explain to the brothers the virtues of using supports and smoothed walls to keep tunnels from caving in. For several moments he went over various techniques and materials they could use for this purpose. Finally he felt that they’d heard enough and to test their retention of the newly gained knowledge Tindel asked his new brothers a simple question.

     “What is the most important thing to remember when digging a new tunnel Railick?” The dwarf smiled a bit as he proffered the question, looking both in the eye in turn as he awaited the brother’s response. It was clear that Railick thought he knew the answer, but it was taking him a moment to bring it to the surface. He was not a stupid dwarf; it just took him a bit longer to bring thoughts together than other dwarves.

     Some would mistake his stoic silence for idiocy, but in reality this dwarf had a quality that many consider a building block for wisdom. Instead of speaking the first thing that came to mind the dwarf tended to consider any thing he said long before he said it. So it was that several moments later Railick finally gave his response.

     “The most important thing to be rememberin when diggin a new tunnel . . .  isat da rock above ye can be ontop ye if it ain’t supported right?!” He seemed proud of himself, and his twin smacked him on the back to congratulate him for his answer. Tindel seemed very pleased with the progress as well and felt comfortable going back to bed while the brothers renewed their work.

    The entrance hall that Tindel had planned was extremely defendable while being stylish. He had instructed the brothers to dig in such a way as to create one optical illusion after the other. The tunnel appeared to be a dead end when standing at the entrance to the hall, but after one walked down to this dead end you could see that it was actually a cleverly concealed three way intersection. Down each path there were more tricks of the eye, leading one to always believe they were about to reach a dead end. Once the two had finished construction at the ending of their first day it was almost impossible to know how to get into their primary chamber.

     Every branch of the tunnels branched again in two directions, and those two tunnels branched again. Soon there were eleven dead ends and only one real way to get into the antechamber. It was here that the three set up more permanent bedding conditions, though Railick and Bailick still did not require sleep. Tindel did require sleep however, so he set the two brothers to walk the newly created maze like stalking Minotaur until the dawning of the next day.

     It hadn’t been that long, but it seemed like a life time since Tindel
had slept inside a mountain. So it was that he slept better tonight than he had slept in his entire life. Not only was he sleeping under the stone of an untouched mountain, he was also sleeping under watch of two fierce comrades. He was sleeping as a free dwarf with no plans but his own; he was finally doing only as he wished to do.

     The sun rose in the east to find the two brothers perched like gargoyles over the entrance to tunnels. Instead of marching through the maze for the entire night the brothers had decided instead to watch the entrance. This way they could be sure that no one would sneak up and abscond with any of their construction materials or the food that still remained outside the outpost. As Tindel stepped out of the entrance to observe the new morning he was suddenly startled as both brothers spoke from above.

   “Oi! Good morning to ye, I hope ye slept like a goblin in a outhouse!” Railick said from the left.

   “Ayah! He was a snoring like an ogre!” Bailick shouted from the right. The brothers laughed together, so hard they nearly fell from their perch as Tindel shook his head. The mason went down to what remained of the cart and took his breakfast directly from their stocks. The brother's watched him with amusement in their eyes, but it wasn’t long before all three were set back to work.

     The next order of business was to create indoor areas for storing all the goods they brought with them as well as the ones they hoped to gather later on. Tindel thought it would be a good idea to dig these storerooms deeper into the mountain so they would be protected from any thieves that may show up later. So the brothers used their newly found tunnel digging abilities to burrow deeper into the stone. Before the sun was high enough in the sky to be seen in the box canyon they were finished, and a large mound of mined stone had been piled near the canyon’s entrance.

     While they worked in a team, one mining and one hauling away the stone Tindel used their mined up stone to a good purpose. He was crafting stone doors, tables, and thrones. His skilled hands turned the rough stone into beautiful and functional works of art. When the two brothers came back to him for instructions he showed them on his crude map where to dig a dinner hall, a kitchen area with a store room just for perishable food that needed to be eaten immediately directly behind it.

     It went on this way through-out the day, with Tindel working outside
using the stones they dug up from inside. By the time their second day began to wane the outpost had almost everything it needed for immediate habitation. There were rooms dug out for workshops and the stock piles for both their input and output. There were bedrooms for over fifty dwarves, though they were a bit cramped. There was a grand dining hall and a kitchen large enough to service it. There were store rooms deep in the mountain to protect the most important goods from thieves.

     Having all the basic rooms carved from the mountain it was time to dig deeper and start hallowing out larger rooms for meetings and military needs. Tindel had decided that the military facilities should be higher up in the mountain, so that later on access tunnels to the entire fortress could be added for speed of deployment. For now he only wanted them to burrow out a barracks and training area for the soldiers that would come.

     At this point Bailick was mining up into the stone as Railick carried
away the rocks that he created. They had found this to be the most efficient way to mine together, with Railick supporting his brother so he could focus on mining.

    “Ayah! Brudder! What did foreman Grut say about weeping stones?” Bailick called down the tunnel to his brother before taking another strike with his pick. Railick came closer, dropping what he was doing to observe the tunnel wall. Indeed the stone ahead was weeping, its tears following down the stone. The water flowed between their feet and down the tunnel as the mountain continued to cry.

    “He said when da stones do weep to stop mining at once and tell him about it. Of course, he ain’t ‘ere right now so maybe we should just keep on going. . . “Railick shrugged, their old foreman was back in Understars after all. Just then Tindel came climbing up the slanted tunnel, intent on viewing their progress. He’d over heard the tail end of their conversation and became extremely alarmed.

   “Wait me boy! Don’t ye know better than to hack at the mountain when it’s crying! There be water on the other side of that stone, probably enough to drown us all and then some!” Tindel had been coming up to force them to take a break, for they had been working all day. It was to his good fortune that he’d arrived when it did and not a moment latter.

   The water was already beginning to pool at the bottom of the tunnel; spreading out across already mined floors as fluids normally do. Now that the two were silent everyone could hear the sound of rushing water directly behind the wall ahead. Tindel made the decision to exploit the situation to bolster their defenses.  He quickly instructed the two to dig a deep trench around the entrance to the box canyon as he crafted a bridge with his deft hands. As he sun began to crawl to bed in the west the three finished their work.

   With the help of the brothers Tindel installed the bridge over their masterfully dug trench. Using ancient dwarven know how Tindel then proceeded to install machinery on their side of the bridge that would cause it to rise on command. These items were a mystery to the two brothers but Tindel seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Before the night set in Tindel had crafted a lever inside the safety of their new mountain home that would raise the bridge when pulled.

   “What are ye up to Tindel? Why built a retractable bridge over a dirt trench? Ye must be knowing that no matter how deep a trench is ye can always climb out of it if ye try!” In this case that may not have been true, for the trench the brothers had created was over ten feet deep with extremely sheer sides. The brother’s themselves had used their pick axes to climb out of the trench. Tindel didn’t seem to notice the negative comment however as he shared his secrete plan with the two.

   “Ya twits, I know a dirt trench isn’t going to do us any good. That’s why you two are going to dig me a channel!” He showed them on his map just where he wanted them to dig the channel. When they were done there would be a small opening in the cliff walls just above the trench where it was at its widest. The opening was to be a tiny slit that would allow the water out, but keep anyone else from getting in at the same time.

   All three dwarves worked into the night, with the brothers digging the cannel down to the cliff side while Tindel did his best to clean up the water that was flowing from the weeping wall. When they had finished there was a perfectly dug slit in the cliff wall, almost invisible from the outside. Next Tindel rigged a support for the weeping wall that they could pull from on down below. Railick dug out the crying stone until it was clear the only thing keeping it together was the artificial support Tindel had installed.

   With everything prepared and in place Tindel built a flood gate, a simple stone wall that was wedged perfectly into place in the tunnel below the weeping stones. This way when the support was pulled the water would be forced to flow down the channel, instead of flooding the dwarven halls below it.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 11:03:41 pm by Railick Stonemane »
"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2008, 03:07:00 pm »

Once the mason was certain that the flood gate would hold the water without any leakage he joined the brothers down in the chamber below.    

   “So, who wants to do the honors and pull the support?” With a giant grin Bailick yanked the lead wire that was attached to the support beam. The wire pulled a pin that held the support together; the same pin filled a tiny little hole left in the flood gate for the wire. With a roar the underground river above them rushed into the tunnel. The flood gate boomed with the impact of the water but held, and so the water was diverted down the channel. The three ran out to the entrance and watched as the water began to flow from the slit in the cliff wall and down into the trench below.

   None of them were sure how long it would take to fill the trench, but they were certain it would be filled sooner or later. Again they called it a night, a long day of work put behind them. To add to their safety Tindel raised the bridge and set the brothers Stonemane back on watch. It would be another night of sweet sleep for the mason and diligent look out for the two.

<wrote to much again! Wouldn't fit into one post :P Hope you guys enjoy. Again, sorry for any mistakes I've made. I'm so into writting this that my eyes skip over the mistakes (Which I've made a lot of). I've been printing out my work and correcting it at home so once the story is finished I'll be able to go through and make corrections until it is perfect. Once it is done I'll find some place to post it up so it doesn't get lost in the forums I supose)

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer


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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2008, 03:55:00 pm »

Beyond Quality!

You are experiencing a fey mood, as you have already the materials and has began work there if only to writer and nothing to worry about, also you will become a legendary writer.
Is this based of real DF events or do you sim it in your head? If the later I am quite sure you do indeed have a sim gift.

So says Armok, God of blood.

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2008, 04:36:00 pm »

Shreetarq startled as the river he was fishing in suddenly ran dry, leaving fish and other river creatures flopping in the mud fighting for breath. Shreetarq didn’t mind it so much, it was much easier just to run down into the river and pick up the fishes by hand. When the deformed goblin returned to the underground stronghold he was greeted with much praise.

His superiors wanted to know how he’d caught so much fish so quickly! They were all proud of him, so proud that he did such a good job. Of course they paid him nothing and living his life another day was his only reward. When he happily informed them that he’d caught so much fish because the river ran dry alarm spread through the fortress. Why had the river they’d fished from for centuries suddenly run dry?

   Baltrog the Fortress Lord sent a scouting party into the fishing tunnels immediately, he had no idea why the river had run dry but he intended to find out. Baltrog wasn’t the Lord by noble birth; truly he was one of the most ignoble creatures alive. Certainly he was not elected to his position as the Supreme Lord of the goblins of Stronghold TatteredMoon. No, Baltrog was the lord because he was the biggest and most powerful goblin alive.

   Fleshers feared him, for to them he appeared a troll or some foul beast of the swamp. When they saw him coming surrounded by his goblin hordes they knew that they would only earn their death by fighting. It was because of this fierce and immortal goblin that the area around Mount Frostbeard was uninhabited, but that fact had been lost to history long ago. No mortal now lived that remembered the dark times, when war wrought the Plains of Endless Glitter with death and destruction. The goblins remembered though, and they missed it.

   Over the countless years the population of Fortress TatteredMoon had been kept under control by the goblin’s own nature. Though they never grew old enough to die, die the goblins did. So violent and fierce are these strange creatures that they will kill one another over the slightest transgression. Goblin children are taught at an early age that only the strongest survive. The weak and meek only exist to serve the strong and with every passing breath they should be thankful for their short lives.   

   Now the “peace” of the fortress had been disturbed by this sudden change of events. Like a hornets nest under attack the goblins began to buzz around the stronghold, everyone on edge. The number of pointless deaths began to increase as they awaited the news; even jostling a bigger goblin was an excuse to die.

   When the goblin scouting party returned with news that the river’s flow had been diverted down a dwarf made tunnel the stronghold went insane with blood lust. The residents were so excited that there were dwarves in the mountain that they no longer needed an excuse to rip their neighbor’s legs off. Like a twisted city wide party the next day was spent in a furious and blood filled orgy that left only the strong alive. Those who were left armed themselves, preparing without their Lord’s order to do so for war!

Armok could smell the blood, even before it had been split. Red blood, green blood, it did not matter to him. Blood was blood and he was about to bathe in it, the Blood God hadn’t been so excited in ages. He watched as the goblin city tore itself apart, as natural selection was accelerated. In a day the weak had been culled from the strong, in a moment only the powerful remained. Armok rolled in the streets, laughing aloud though no one could hear him. It had been a wise choice to save those dwarves, yes very wise.


"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer


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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2008, 05:03:00 pm »

I use a very similar strategy, actually, although I of course use DF on top of it.

Thanks for writing again, excellent job  :)


Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2008, 05:29:00 pm »

I would never compare my writing to yours. This is nothing compared to Kobold Quest or its sequal. Just something I felt like doing and so I am  :) A little busy at work right now (For the first time /ever/ so I won't be able to add an update to a little later) Thanks for all the praise, I'm sure I don't deserve it.
"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2008, 06:20:00 pm »

That night Tindel couldn’t sleep, though he knew he should be able to. He felt uneasy, but he couldn’t place his finger on why. It was then that he noticed the faint trembles in the stone below him. The dwarf’s stomach dropped as he slipped off his bed and placed his ear to the ground. Through miles of stone it was only a tiny rumble, but to a dwarf this sound rang loud and clear.

From the very moment of their birth most dwarves are one with the stone. Indeed many human scholars believed that dwarves were actually born from stone for thousands of years. The misconception arouse when a visiting human historian witnessed a tiny baby dwarf covered in after birth crawling from a pile of stones. To him it was both the most disgusting and most adorable thing he’d ever seen in his life. After traveling back to his home town he wrote a book on the subject, informing the learned world of human kind that the very rocks themselves burst forth with dwarven children.

   As the dwarves learned of this they allowed the humans to believe in the falsehood. Many dwarven nobles decided it was better to allow the rest of the world to believe that, even as you killed dwarves more would literally raise from the stone. This misinformation continued on until an elven scholar from the forest homes took note of a female dwarf giving birth in a deep tunnel. The dwarfess simply left her new born child to find his way in the stone, leaving him there to continue her work.

   As he watched this tiny child astonished him, it already knew at birth that the stone was its home. The new born rolled in the dirt and the pebbles until all the after birth was mixed with filth. Soon another dwarf came along and collected up the new born baby, taking it to parts unknown.  This scholar published a book setting the story straight for the entire world. To many the truth was worse than the fantasy, for the idea of a mother leaving her child in a pile of dirt was appalling.

   To dwarves however, this is the ideal mode of birth. The stone is their life, the rock is their blood, and the mountain is their home. So it was that Tindel could sense the vibrations from the goblin Fortress, even over such a vast distance. The stone was his special lover, and it whispered dark secretes into his ear. Soon after he noticed the rumble Railick and his twin brother showed up in the antechamber with worried looks on their face.

   “I don’t think we be alone Tinder, we kin hear goblin war drums coming from atop the mountain!” The news was terrible, worse than the mason had feared. They’d only been on the mountain for a few days and already they’d awoken a terrible force. From the sound of the vibration they were so vastly out numbered that no amount of tricky tunnels would protect them.

   “Brothers, we have to make a choice. Do we stand here and die fighting, or do we go back home empty handed?” The dwarves looked at each other, but it was already clear they had no choice. The first order of business was to bring in all the goods they’d left outside. Until now they were under the false impression that they’d have plenty of time to get things in. Now they all three hurried, bringing barrels of food and booze to the deep caverns they’d dug. Next the external workshops were hastily relocated to their permanent locations inside the mountain, and their related goods were stocked into the piles before them.

   It was a full moon that night, and it made their work that much easier. Through-out the night the war drums went on, but drew no closer. The dwarves could not know that this first day would be spent in bloody orgy, so they continued to work in haste. As far as they knew the attack could arrive at any moment, so before the sun began to rise on the next day there was nothing left outside the fortress.

   It was then, in the early moments of the morning, that Tindel spotted them. Far in the distance, out there on the plains was a large group of travelers. It was clear that this was not the goblin army; it was far too small and coming from the wrong direction. As the morning progressed and the group grew closer it was clear that these were dwarves. They brought with them six wagons, all pristine and full of goods. Twenty dwarves, good and strong, walked beside their mule drawn cargo. This was wonderful news for the three, but bad timing for the rest. Little did they know that they had just volunteered to fight to the death defending an outpost they’d never seen before.

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2008, 06:53:00 pm »

I've made some serious edits to my first two posts. Corrected some more glaring mistakes and changed the two jokes that the nobledwarf and Railick tell so they sound more natural and offensive at the same time. A lot of small changes like fixing bad to had or there to their.
"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer

Railick Stonemane

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Re: The Chronicles of Clan Stonemane - The Horde Prepares
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2008, 07:41:00 pm »

As the migrants arrived over the bridge it was Tindel’s job to take their name and profession. As it turned out he only ended up with a list of names for all the dwarves that were sent by the Baron were without skills. He sent them into the mountain home one at a time and allowed the brothers to assign them to bedrooms. Once all twenty had been showed inside and their carts unloaded in the correct places the brothers gave two separate guided tours of the fortress.

Tindel stood outside, reading the list of names as he listened to the goblin war drums beat on.

   Thejax Mooreblade       - Male
   Endora Mooreblade      - Female
   Senja Moorblade           - Male
   Endias Moonsaw           - Male
   Loras Moonsaw            - Female
   Jadoras Papersong        - Male
   Keldoras Papersong      - Male
   Meldoras Papersong      - Male
   Ohwea Riverrun           - Male
   Traia Riverun                - Female
   Xora Jadecastle             - Male
   Xira Jadecastle              - Male
   Xara Jadecastle              -Female
   Keldra Jadecastle          - Female
   Indral Jadecastle            -Female
   Karlk Mossbone            -Male
   Umano Diresting           - Male
   Bandar Kirkstand          - Male
   Nibelong Kirkstand       - Female
   Tandar Kirkstand           - Male

   Eight families had come, twenty dwarves in total. Many were brothers who’d come with their wives. None were children, thank the gods, and all were strong. Tindel took the list and expanding his design for the bedrooms. In this way he had the brothers expand the bedrooms so that each family would have their own living space together. It did not take them long to knock down walls and move furniture into place, and soon all the families were as settled in as they needed to be.

   A meeting was held in the dining hall that night over a Spartan meal. Most were silent as the three who came first ate, the brothers only eating so that they would not stand out. As the meal came to a close it was now Tindel’s time to explain the meaning of the drums.

   “My brothers and sisters, the time has come for all celebrations and revelries to come to a close. I have dire news for you on this night of your arrival. The drums you heard upon your entrance to our outpost were the drums of war. We believe that we have alerted a local goblin fortress to our presence and we expect an attack at any time. As loyal and good subjects of the fortress Stonemane the Brave it is your duty to defend her.” With this announcement all the dwarves in the hall went silent. There was no fear, for all dwarves were more than happy to battle goblins, only disappointment.

   Still, this was more than the twenty migrants could have hoped for. They expected to find the corpses of these three on the way to the mountain. Never in their wildest dreams did they expect to find an outpost already up and running for them when they arrived. As Tindel continued they all listened as if their fate hung on his every word, for indeed it did.

   “My brothers and sisters, it is by mandate from the patron of Clan Stonemane that anyone who wishes to live here must be of Clan Stonemane. So it is that I offer you this opportunity. Today, and only today, you have the choice to join Clan Stonemane. You can unite with us under one banner to defeat our enemies!” The dwarves cheered, and all those in the hall raised their hands to accept the offer.

   “Well then, with the power that is vested in me by Railick Stonemane, I hereby declare you all to be honorary members of Clan Stonemane! Now my brothers and sisters, truly my brothers and sisters! Through life and death we will defend one another! No enemy, no matter how great, will come between us and our mountain. So it is that I call you to duty! To arms my kin, with whatever weapons you find available! The goblins come expecting an easy slaughter, but we will show them they meaning of the word slaughter!” With this Railick jumped up onto the table and began to speak, in a voice not his own. His eyes burned in the dim light of the dinner hall, illumining his face with a mystic glow.

   “Tindel speaks the truth! The goblins come on this very night to drive us for the home we have so rightfully claimed! I say let them come, for tomorrow and the day after will these halls belong to Clan Stonemane! Let them come and let their blood flow, for we have the Blood God on our side! Armok will bless us in battle and in death, and we will sow the soil with their blood!” Railick roared as he finished, a roar that awoke the beast within all the dwarves. His primal howl echoed through the halls, it vibrated the stone, and it sent a chill down the spine of every goblin arrayed on the mountainside that night.

"And call a dog a cow-that don't change the way the thing'll taste!" Bruenor Battlehammer
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