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Author Topic: The friendly and polite Europe related terrible jokes thread  (Read 1008604 times)


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3870 on: October 07, 2016, 06:52:53 pm »

God, Gothenburg isn't what it was...

But it's very, very true. This is what pathological, political naivety leads to. In the most brief terms possible: "Well, they're brown, aren't they? It can't be bad.", coupled with this idea that any sort of criticism of Islamism is, in and off itself, a ringing endoresment for the Nazis.
It's fascinating to see Angered directly referenced. It's Council Estate Land, but I spent a lot of time there as a kid, with a lot of my friends living there. Things have gone worse there, in every sense of the word. It's always been kind of shit since the 80's, but it's gone quite unmanagable now. Open Christians getting harrased, Sharia patrols, gangs doing whatever they like unopposed... In a lot of suburbs like it, ambulances, fire engines and police routinely gets bombarded with rocks.
(Sometimes, I rather wish the emergency services would just give up on the place. "Eey aboo mu nan's burnin ta deff!" "Well, we're evil Swedes and not allowed in, so hands tied, I'm afraid", but it's a group of small cadres rather than the general that does these things. Which does make one wonder further why they're not in prison, or flushing tear gas out of their eyes)

It's also fascinating to see the Bellevue mosque linked to fishing in dark waters, too... I remember that place relatively fondly. Now I want it bulldozed for treason. Lovely world we're livin' in, ain't it?

As for the 'not feeling Swedish and integrated'-part, well, there is truth to that. The integration system is currenty built on making some people feel nice and generous without excerting any cost, rather than doing any real integration. But part of it are themselves, with the idea that everything ought to be adjusted to suit them. That everything wrong in your life is someone elses' fault.

Now... Seriously, if I were a millionaire, I'd fund a "Well, fuck off, then!"-chairty; "if it's so awful here, then there are plenty of Islamic countries in the world. Here's an airline ticket to one of your choice. Adjö." Although, that would mean an end to endless benefits to sponge off of, so I doubt there would be many takers.

To put the naivety into perspective; at the start of the Islamic State nappyhead-train, an MP did suggest (In an earnest, well-meaning kind of way), that returning fighters should be given help and councelling, to find a steady occupation and build a better life. Which is kind of like getting a fleeing Hitler a free job at a call centre for rehabilitation. That suggestion lead nowhere, and is a political embarassment no-one talks about, thank heavens, but nonetheless, the sentiment was there.
Naivety, and the idea that kind, generous ideals (that you don't have to pay for yourself) override basics like law and national security are legion, and they're doing more damage to the land and its citizens than the pathetic Nazi cadres they're intended to oppose could dream of.

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3871 on: October 07, 2016, 08:36:45 pm »

Well now that's just depressing, depressing in that it's not localized to boot
Danes run the jihad rehab your guys's sentimentals thought about running, so you're not far off yet

I've been thinking much about this:
Why would someone raised in Gothenburg want to leave one of the most peaceful and progressive countries in the developed world to join a violent extremist group in the Middle East?

With so many of them saying they don't feel Swedish, perhaps the bigger question is: has integration and Sweden's experiment with multiculturalism failed?
And I think much of it has to do with how shallow it all is
Countries like the USA and Canada, in addition to the benefits of their large nations and their lack of historical ties, avoid a lot of the pitfalls of mass immigration European nations do. Moreover, it's very hard to get there, there's a lot of investment in getting there, and there's these very core principles and cultural values to learn (and an expectancy to learn them) that adds depth and meaning to what it means to be of North America. Someone who steps foot in America is one who wants freedom, liberty, industry, to be an American of one America.

Contrast that with Europe, where the land is expensive as fuck so migrants have to purchase the cheapest land wherever it is available near to or in economic capitals. Moreover, because of Europe's historical ties with its colonies, it gets all its migrants from few sources, whereas NA countries get theirs spread out across the world. With mass immigration then, European countries get large volumes of cohesive people grouped together in one community, thus creating no incentive for integration - no diasporas within the larger community, instead parallel communities growing and displacing the historical one.

In Britain we found this approach was a miserable failure and there has been much struggle over this, particularly in England where migration has been highest. To get around this, we focused extensively on civic nationalism, based around the strong and ancient traditions of British law, of the shared history of the Commonwealth's peoples, of the ability of London to absorb anything and produce a Londoner e.t.c. (never doubt the ability of enterprise to unite) to add this depth. Shared religious identity died with the Great War and sequel, it's been long dead, and ethnic depth would threaten to destroy the UK cos Scottish nationalists are a big thing still, so we've gone about as deep as we can go without making the burden upon citizens too much to invest into/creating threats to the sovereignty. Basically, you step on board, you grab your fish and chips and you learn your manners (or learn how to be ill mannered as a Briton) and be on your way, with some caveats of course.

Posting from a while ago this except of the London Evening Standard:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I sympathize very much with all the points made here, I've not much else to say on them other than that shit all matters greatly still. If you fully intend to get people to make these great leaps, this is beyond making Moses an Egyptian or Arminius a Roman, this is making whole populations choose their sovereign nation over their ancestral roots. You have to provide the depth for them to sink their roots into, or else the shallowness'll be known.

Sweden I think has been a particularly harrowing example of this, and a rather easy target because of all the memes. But behind all that, when you see Swedes sincerely give speeches on how Swedes have no culture to destroy and Swedish people don't exist, you must wonder if Europe is going to be like the fish that never notices the lake it lives in until it has dried

The notion that inviting millions of people into someone else's nation, with no expectations of civic duty made, no shared history, no common ethnicity, no common religion, different cultural values and definitions of modesty, music, dress, vice, courtship, freedom, consent, justice, work incentives, cleanliness, status mobility, equality e.t.c. - with the only plan for this massive permanent change to the demographic fabric of the nation being to provide fully for all economic and sexual needs of immigrants and asylum seekers, this notion cannot nor will it succeed in integration or survival. And if you can't provide fully for all economic and sexual needs of immigrants and asylum seekers, what the fuck are you planning, you couldn't succeed even if your theories were correct! And this is not even so; human beings are not purely economic and sexual creatures.

When so many people arrive in Sweden, what are they greeted by? What are their expectations for being Swedish?
This is the issue in making the obligations and expectations for immigrants so broad so as to be most inclusive, that they become so shallow as to become meaningless. There is no magic Swedish clay, there is nothing to which immigrants need be tied to to make them men of Sweden. It is ultimately the people, the institutions, the habits that make the great communities we call nations, and they are nations because they are a united community - united in this depth. Thus when creating this new value system to replace the Yuro system, one of Openness, Economic Freedom, Sexual Freedom, Tolerance, Social Justice, very broad grounds meant to be universally accepting and universally applicable to all man, in its broadness it is shallow - how is it any different from just another open border leftist state?
There will be those who find absolutely no meaning, no attachment nor investment in these values whatsoever. With our jihadists, the rejectment of these values is so severe as to be militiant.
Worse still, they will find no attachment in their host country, no meaning to being Swede; the magic clay becomes a target. They lack any connection with a community, being not of their host nation nor of their roots - a hyperempowered individual obligated to nothing, owing nothing, no duty nor loyalty to anything, lacking any meaning nor provided any by the simple pleasures of the west, ready to latch onto the first identity capable of giving them meaning. Most often, the identity that gives them the strongest depth.

Tl;dr Just my thoughts on recent yurop occurrences and phenomenon
Been looking through my old posts to see what I got right, I got too much right - I didn't make happy predictions for yurop :/
Obligatory, behind all the Sweden memes, one has to acknowledge Western liberal civilization wants to die. Sweden is just the tip of the iceberg
Gonna be a dank ride down lads, I don't even bother posting yuro enrichment anymore, it's just not news anymore

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3872 on: October 08, 2016, 05:19:35 am »

Violence and unrest is undoubtedly going to rise in coming years because of these things.

I wonder if the architects of all this - people like Merkel, Blair, and Soros - and their friends and family will manage to avoid it entirely.
Probably, mad $$$ pays off when it comes to avoiding strife, nor would it be the first time Europeans fled to Argentina
Then again, Blair and Merkel are in their 60s and Soros in his 80s, so on the one hand they can't have that many years, on the other hand one of the Rockefellers is in his 100s and still going strong
Wouldn't even call them architects, they're just the face of a broader western movement

I guess politicians longevity using medieval rules. Chances are you will die in your 20s to 30s looking like a wretched husk of your former self, seeming three times your actual age. However if you cross that threshold, chances are you will live a long time indeed. It's not an accurate system but it is hilarious

German police found shit tons of explosives stashed by syrian bloke on the run from police
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 12:31:50 pm by Loud Whispers »


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3873 on: October 11, 2016, 09:08:56 am »

Probably, mad $$$ pays off when it comes to avoiding strife, nor would it be the first time Europeans fled to Argentina



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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3874 on: October 11, 2016, 09:33:10 am »

Meanwhile, Syrian refugees have successfully identified, bounded and called a police upon a bomb suspect Albakr. He's the one who had "shit tons of explosives stashed" a few posts above me.

I wonder why they did that, after all it is known that Syrian refugees are a part of hivemind bent on destroying European civilization and thus would always help their own fellow terrorist in need, right? /sarcasm


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3875 on: October 11, 2016, 10:08:36 am »

Meanwhile, Syrian refugees have successfully identified, bounded and called a police upon a bomb suspect Albakr. He's the one who had "shit tons of explosives stashed" a few posts above me.

I wonder why they did that, after all it is known that Syrian refugees are a part of hivemind bent on destroying European civilization and thus would always help their own fellow terrorist in need, right? /sarcasm
It's totes obvious. They did it to get in good with the governments of the West in order to bring about the ultimate dissolution of Western Civilization and replace it with a Salafi state from within.  What else could it be? </sarcasm>
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 10:11:00 am by Culise »


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3876 on: October 11, 2016, 06:05:31 pm »

they've planted decoy muslims to walk among us

be fearful

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3877 on: October 11, 2016, 06:09:54 pm »

Meanwhile, Syrian refugees have successfully identified, bounded and called a police upon a bomb suspect Albakr. He's the one who had "shit tons of explosives stashed" a few posts above me.

I wonder why they did that, after all it is known that Syrian refugees are a part of hivemind bent on destroying European civilization and thus would always help their own fellow terrorist in need, right? /sarcasm

Albakr came to Germany as a refugee in 2015 and had been granted asylum.
hurrr durrrr i am only capable of talking in extremes, everything is perfect or literally hell


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3878 on: October 11, 2016, 06:14:25 pm »

Meanwhile, Syrian refugees have successfully identified, bounded and called a police upon a bomb suspect Albakr. He's the one who had "shit tons of explosives stashed" a few posts above me.

I wonder why they did that, after all it is known that Syrian refugees are a part of hivemind bent on destroying European civilization and thus would always help their own fellow terrorist in need, right? /sarcasm

Albakr came to Germany as a refugee in 2015 and had been granted asylum.
hurrr durrrr i am only capable of talking in extremes, everything is perfect or literally hell
Funny seeing this from Mr. "EU is obviously doomed to die at the hands of refugees and UK would've died if it was not for Brexit".

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3879 on: October 11, 2016, 06:18:11 pm »

My statements are not contradictory

Also, it is funny Sergarr, you are one of the people who pointed out how when people argue with me they focus on inane bullshit and argue with points I never made
The EU will die not at the hands of refugees, it will die at the hands of the white man
Epic suicide skills
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 06:21:54 pm by Loud Whispers »


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3880 on: October 15, 2016, 05:47:20 pm »

To help France with it's intention to close down the Jungle of Calais before the end of the year, the UK has accepted to take in all minor immigrants. Registration of children who have family in the UK is already underway, registration of minors without family will start shortly. Children are expected to start arriving in the UK within days. The process has been given high priority after Unicef and other aid organistations expressed serious concerns about children 'disappearing' before they can be registered.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Loud Whispers

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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3881 on: October 19, 2016, 06:02:54 am »

So Julian Assange's internet has been severed by a state party, and there are rumblings he may even be being extradited.
I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts about this, particularly given the conversation we had about human rights last month where many posters viewed human rights as something of a moral absolute (and given that the U.N. apparently considers internet access a human right).
EDIT: Forgot to include the link.
US exceptionalism

checkmate assange


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3882 on: October 19, 2016, 06:33:48 am »

The "state party" was ecuador. The folks that have been granting him asylum. Apparently they got fed up with the shit he and wikileaks have been doing this US election cycle,* so they pulled the plug on the wifi. Seems to be a combination of having been using it to do (recklessly) criminal shit (iirc, the whole thing with not redacting stuff like SSN or credit card info or somethin' along those lines was a primary example of that, though I forget the details at th'mo.) and attempting to screw with the US election finally breaking their patience.

Haven't noticed anything credible about extradition, yet. It'll likely be on the table if he keeps the course he has, though. Seems like he hasn't been treating his hosts right, and there are limits to the sanctity of asylum.

*Probably not (some of, anyway) the information itself, but more the... rest of it. Timing, framing, etc. And that's assuming the accusations of outright fabrication are in fact spurious, which I'm not sure you could consider unlikely at this point. Wikileaks has kinda' dove off the deep end over the last year or two. And no, that has nothing to do with who they're reporting on. Just how they've been going about it.
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What your country can hump for you.
What you can hump for your country.


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3883 on: October 20, 2016, 03:53:53 am »

In Germany, one police officer was killed, and three others grievously injured when a rightwing extremist opened fire. The perpetrator has been arrested with only minor injuries.

The incident happened when police arrived at the man's appartment to seize his firearms. The man had a hunting permit for 31 firearms, but is was revoked, as justice department had decided the man to no longer be fit and trustworthy enough to be allowed to own firearms.

According to the police, the man is a member of the Reichsbürgerbewegung, an extreme right group that does not acknowledge the existence of the Bundesrepublik, and instead belief that Germany should be restored to the Third Reich as it existed during WW2.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: The friendly and polite EU-related terrible jokes thread
« Reply #3884 on: October 20, 2016, 06:55:43 am »

The EU is considering imposing extra economic sanctions against Russia, if Syrian and Russian forces do not stop committing "acts of cruelty" in Syria, accoding to the concept conclusions rapport of the meeting with EU leaders in Brussels.

In a joint statement, the leaders strongly condemn the attacks on civilians of Aleppo, by Syria and it's allies, including Russia.
They call for an immediate end to hostilities and demand access to Aleppo for humanitarian aid convoys.
Furthermore they insist that those responsible for war crimes will need to face trial, and the peace talks should be continued.

There are already sanctions in place against Russia for annexing the Crimea, but sanctions for it's actions in Syria have been politically sensitive.
Yet now, according to the concept rapport, all options are on the table, including travel bans, and freezing accounts of organisations and private persons.

Meanwhile in Aleppo, the Syrian government has just announced that it will expand the cease fire, which was initially supposed to last 11 hours, by 2 days, but only during daylight (between 8am and 7pm) to allow humantiarian convoys to enter the city and evacuate the wounded.
So far there have been no reports that the cease fire has been violated.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 06:59:40 am by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin
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