How would I go about importing the TomiTaipo Old Genesis mod into the Meph launcher? Assuming that its possible and reasonable to explain in a forum post.
I don't know about the bringing it into the launcher part.
To make anything compatible with this (or any other gfx set) follow this workflow:
- Get Kdiff3
- Prepare your raw sets in a working folder. You'll need a base raw, a mod raw and a gfx (Meph's) raw
- Load the base raw directory in panel A, mod raw directory into panel B, gfx raw directory into panel C
- Check which files need to be merged. You can usually trust automatic merges, when it runs into a conflict decide how to handle it.
- Pay attention to line identations, and which line should contain which tag. Try not to mix them up. Sometimes you need to manually edit in the bottom panel, most of the time you just need to select the correct line.
- Use keyboard shortcuts to work quickly: Ctrl+up/down for next edit, Ctrl+PgUp/PgDown for conflicts. Ctrl+1/2/3 to select line from A/B/C
- After saving your work, copy the merged gfx raws into DF/raws, launch game, check error logs, generate a new world. If all is well, play. If not, go back to the drawing board.
If it's an old mod for a previous DF version you need to update it yourself first. Follow the same workflow.
Eg. if you have a 43.05 mod, Panel A loads base 43.05 raws, B -> base 44.07 raws, Panel C -> Mod 43.05 raws. Merge to get 44.07 Mod. Test again, if all is well merge the gfx.
Theoretically you can merge any number of mods this way: A -> base, B ->Mod1, C -> Mod2. Merge, then A- >Base, B->Mod3, C->Mod1+2. Rinse, repeat.
I say theoretically, because some tags in older raws have been changed, so you need to know what changed and why. So I wouldn't advice updating something like a .22b mod or something this way. Probably not even .34.11. That needs a complete rewrite.