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What side have you pledged allegiance to

The Principality of Pren Gwyn
- 6 (37.5%)
The Empire of Schwarzes Holz
- 6 (37.5%)
Actually, aircraft are more scary then the people who hunt draft dodgers like me
- 4 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 16

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Author Topic: They Who Dare - Early Summer, 1916  (Read 2703 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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They Who Dare - Early Summer, 1916
« on: September 21, 2018, 03:22:40 am »

They Who Dare
An arms race in the sky

Today is the first of the new year of 1915 where war is fought in both Europe, and here on the grand archipelago of Arnot, where the Principality of Pren Gwyn and the Empire of Schwarzes Holz once again continue the war they have been fighting for years now, with war continuing after an assassination attempt on Pren Gwyn's Prince Dywel by a citizen of Schwarzes Holz and the Empire of Schwarzes Holz pushing their claim on the southern part of King Cadigan's land. Now they again fight on the beaches, fields, trenches, sea, and now in the air as the information of aircraft's potential use in war spreads from Europe.

However, the new air force of both nations, which has only existed for three months now, has had a change in management for two very different reasons. So now you, a few engineers, are in charge of building up the new air force from its humble beginnings into something grand that the world will envy.

What Is This?
Put simply, this is an Arms Race game in which you, the players, have control over designing, building and deploying the air forces of two opposing nations. The rules are copied ripped off stolen heavily inspired from by Cnidaros's Knights of the Skies Arms Race, with some slight modifications. The key differences from other Arms Races games (Other than Knights of the skies except for one rule) are as such:

Victory and/or Glory! The goal of this game is not only to win battles and push the other side back, it’s also to amass as much prestige and power for your fledgling air force as necessary. If your prestige falls to the point where the air force is seen as not worth its cost, you will be replaced, and that side will be considered to have lost the game!

Ground is for the Ground Pounders: In a similar vein, losing territory is hardly your concern, as long as the army can’t find a way to blame you for it. In fact, your side can lose ground and still have an increased budget, assuming your prestige warrants it.

Abstraction in Production: This game’s only resource is production points, which represent industrial production. The budget of PP fluctuates from turn to turn, dependent on your prestige and the current state of the war. PP is spent on progressing projects and producing and maintaining squadrons and equipment. In the beginning of the game, neither side has its economy on a war footing, and PP budgets will increase to represent greater spending on defense. As both sides progress toward total war, the rate of increase will slow, and there will be increased competition from both the army and the navy for the air force’s budget.

Not-So-Friendly Rivalry: Both the Army and the Navy are established services with many decades of history, while the air force is months old. There are factions of officers within the army and navy that doubt the need for an air force, especially one that uses resources better spent on their own forces. Expect opposition to any attempts to improve the status of the air force as an independent command, and bureaucratic shenanigans wherever your domains overlap. Good outcomes might be something like the Key West Agreement on a clear division of responsibilities; bad outcomes would be IJA/IJN levels of inter service assassinations.

Free-Spirited Pilots: Your pilots do not appreciate a group of engineers trying to teach them how to fly a plane. There will be no “tactics” designs in this game like the finger-four formation, and the focus will be on physical designs instead. In general, your pilots will fly their planes according to what the plane is designed for.

Defensive Defeat in Detail: As the front line changes, each side will have a fortification level which will effect how hard or easy it is to break the lines and push forward that goes from 1 to 10, with 1 being a full on rout while 10 is a heavily fortified network of trenches and bunkers full of machine guns and barbwire. If a section of the front remains stagnant for a long time, both sides will have a high fortification level as each side slowly builds up their defenses, but if a front is highly fluid and goes back and forth, the fortification level will be low. The fortification level will also be effected by cities and terrain. The exact level will not be directly shown, but can be implied.

The Nations:

The Principality of Pren Gwyn lands go from the small island of Whitefield, to the high peaks of the Craeock Summit on King Cadigan's land. Many of its lands are hilly and fairly warm with plenty of forests, the most noteworthy of which are made up mostly of Sycamores. Its form of government is a Autocratic Princedom

The Empire of Schwarzes Holz has territories from the Island of Vegregrae to the south to the central homeland territories of Brimnach, the empires lands tend to be, with the exception of the Redspire mountains on Arvendon, plains and fields, with occasional forests, the most noteworthy made out of ebony. Its form of government is an Imperial Bureaucracy
The Kingdom of Shirohon, original rulers of the archipelago, now only rule the smaller islands around the main 4 islands the Prinicaplity and Emprie fight over. It's main island is heavily fortified, with a cliff face coast that acts as a natural barrier from naval attacks. It is still behind technologically, but it's industry keeps growing. It's form of government is a Theocratic Monarchy.

The Sequence of Play:

There are 8 turns per year, with each turn split into the Design, Revision, Production/Deployment, and the Battle phases.

During the Design Phase, you can propose Projects and progress on existing ones. Each team has 5 dice to spend on rolls every turn, and can bank up to 4 dice to the next turn. To start a project takes 3 dice: one to roll time estimate, one to roll initial progress, and one to roll project expense. Additional dice may be added to ‘double-roll’ either time estimate or project expense. An example of a project is:

Falcon Triplane| 12/30 progress | 3 PP per die | Rushed 0 times | 15 PP invested

Each die of progress rolled has a corresponding cost in Production Points (PP) that must be paid. For every such ‘paid’ die, you can choose to rush the project, which adds an extra die worth of progress (not subtracted from the 5) but has a 50% chance of adding a bug to the project or worsening an existing bug.

At the start of a project, the design rolls 3 dice for Effectiveness, Cost and Bugs. These will be the final rolls for the project if no revisions are made.

At 50% progress, you have the option of producing a prototype and paying the associated cost in PP. Prototypes are either enough aircraft for one squadron, or enough equipment to outfit one squadron. In the case of aircraft, such a “prototype squadron” costs 50% more in maintenance. You can also opt to not produce a prototype to save on PP: unless clearly stated otherwise, prototypes will be produced for all projects. The advantage of prototypes is that you can gain an idea of how your design matches up to existing enemy designs in combat, while the project is not yet finished.

At 100% progress, the project is considered complete and ready for mass production, and you can order squadrons of the new aircraft or equip existing squadrons with the new equipment during the production phase.

There is also the option to make Requisitions from the army or the navy for their existing equipment during this phase. Said equipment is limited to what militaries of the time can be reasonably expected to have, and requisitions are affected by the state of relations between you and the army/navy – better relations mean that the army will be more willing to release the latest equipment for air force usage. Conversely, the army may outright refuse the requisition or provide you with an outdated machine gun instead of their latest model if relations are poor.

During the Revision Phase, you can spend one die on making a Revision. Examples of revisions are fixing a flaw that causes your planes to tear their wings off in a dive, or altering your existing fighter designs with the newly developed autocannons. It should be noted that it is possible to lower Cost through a revision, but it will result in either bugs or a reduction in effectiveness except on high rolls. Of course, you can turn this to your advantage by specifying exactly which aspects of the existing design should be traded-off for a reduction in cost. Revisions that fix bugs will be applied for free to all deployed planes and equipment, while revisions that add capabilities will only be applied to newly produced units. There are also diminishing returns for multiple revisions to improve a design beyond original specifications, but revisions to correct bugs are not subject to this limitation.

During the Production & Deployment Phase, each team spends Production Points on producing new squadrons and equipment, and on maintaining existing squadrons. Unspent PP will not be banked to the next turn. Squadron cost is given by the two cost numbers of the aircraft design, with 3/1 meaning that producing a new squadron of that aircraft costs 3 PP, while maintaining that squadron costs 1 PP a turn.

There is also the possibility of changing aircraft type, which may affect the squadron’s experience but allows you to get good pilots into the newest planes immediately. Experience may decrease depending on how the role of the squadron is changed: a fighter squadron transitioning to a fighter-bomber one only has a small drop in experience, but transitioning into zeppelins results in a squadron of rookie pilots.

You may also suggest Deployments for the squadrons produced. Examples of deployments would be for bombers to target a particular industrial town, or for fighter planes to provide CAS for a particular offensive by the army. Note that suggesting deployments are only possible while the air force is independent – if the air force should come under command of the army, deployments will no longer be up to you to decide!

Finally, in the Battle Phase, you simply have to wait for the reports on how your air force is performing on the frontlines. There is nothing to be done during this phase.


The basic unit of your air force is a squadron, which represents 12-24 planes depending on what type of squadron it is. An example of a squadron is as such:

122 Squadron | Windlance Bombers | 50kg ‘Dart’ bombs, Type III radios| Dive Bombing | Veteran | No Aces | Maintenance Cost 5
Currently assigned to support the encirclement at Basselton

Each squadron has a name and a plane type that the squadron is operating. After this is listed any additional equipment the squadron is equipped with, which is equipment that does not come standard with the airframe. There is also the role the squadron is operating as, which may be switched at will but is obviously limited by the type of plane. In this example, the bombers might also be set to level bombing, and may be of greater or lesser effectiveness depending on the design of the airframe.

Each squadron also has an associated level of experience, which in this case is “Veteran”. Experience is tracked from 0 to 100, but in- game you will only get to see the experience levels. These levels are, in ascending order: Neophyte (<10), Rookie (11-20), Regular (21-40), Experienced (41-60), Veteran (61-80), Elite (81-90) and Legendary (>90). Experience determines the performance of a squadron in carrying out its assigned mission – more experienced pilots in less capable planes will be a match for less experienced pilots in more capable planes.

Experience increases a little each turn to represent passive training. If a squadron is engaged in combat missions, experience increases faster, proportional to the intensity of the combat. Experience also decreases to represent plane and pilot losses in combat. Overall, if two sides are exactly equal, experience for both sides will increase slowly – which is why it is vital to design better planes and weapons for your side to break the stalemate! It is also important that you do not get caught in a cycle of sending out rookie pilots against enemy veterans, which serves only to build enemy experience at your expense.

All squadrons have a hidden roster of pilots with ranks and names that are tracked with their own individual experience that can be better or worse than the squadrons average and effects how likely they are to get aerial victories or simply not get shot down when engaged in combat. Naturally, this becomes especially important if two aces are in the same area and happen to come across each other. Additionally, their aerial victories are counted, and if one manages to get five or more air to air kills, or aerial victories, in total, they become a Fighter Ace. Aces within a squadron improve the rate of experience gained, as they share their lessons with other less experienced pilots. They also have a slight effect on your air force’s Prestige. Aces can be transferred between squadrons, and may also be killed in combat, removing the bonuses.

Finally, there is Maintenance Cost, which is the amount in PP necessary to keep the squadron operational, and a description of the squadron’s current Deployment.

Prestige, Status and Relations:

One very important factor that determines your success or failure is the air force’s Prestige. This is a measure of how highly regarded your air force is, both among the general public and the military. Prestige increases when the air force makes significant contributions to land and naval victories, when new and shiny plane designs are rolled out, and when the papers publish the exploits of famous fighter aces, among others. The need to win greater prestige and glory for your air force should be a factor in every decision. Higher prestige means a larger PP budget is allocated to the air force, and may force the army and navy to acquiesce to your demands when you come into conflict with them. Also, higher prestige is a key consideration when the decision is made to elevate the air force’s status.

Status refers to the command status of the air force – or who actually has the authority to order the planes around. For Pren Gwyn, the Prince is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, while in Schwarzes Holz, a couple of high ranking Generals and admirals have almost complete authority over the war effort, and while the Emperor himself can intervene and stop their plans, they rarely do so. However, there are multiple degrees of command independence under these leaders. The four degrees are as follows:
-Subordinate Command: The air force is under the command of the army, with superior officers overseeing the operation of every squadron in concert with army objectives. While this gives a large bonus to combined arms operations, it disallows the independent deployment of squadrons according to your suggestions and gives the army control over your PP budget. At this stage, the air force is roughly equivalent to the marines or the coast guard during war time.
-Auxiliary Service: Both sides start at this degree. The air force is its own organisation answering to the top brass, and has the ability to make independent deployments. At this stage, the air force is roughly equivalent to the coast guard or gendarmeries during peace time, and has no say on large-scale command decisions such as general offensives and doctrinal changes.
-Autonomous Corps: The air force is recognised as able to contribute in unique ways to the war effort and is given some input into the decisions of the high command, although this may in turn be overruled by the army or navy representatives. At this degree, you may also lobby the high command for certain boons, such as a temporary increase in PP to finance the development of an advanced fighter.
-Service Branch: The air force is the equal of the army or navy and has correspondingly greater input on the decisions of high command, along with the ability to table proposals to high command. At this degree, you may also call for army and navy resources to be diverted to the air force if justifiable, and design requisitions from them will not be refused.

Advancing up these degrees of command independence is largely a matter of prestige, along with your choices in the various random events that occur during turns. If relations with the Army and Navy are bad, they will attempt to block such progress.

Relations are a measure of how the Army and Navy establishment regard your nascent organisations. Good relations will result in more favourable responses to requisitions, along with better performance in operations that require close cooperation between both services, such as close air support and artillery spotting. Bad relations mean that the Army and Navy will work to stymie the influence of the air force and divert resources away from it. The state of relations will depend mostly on the choices made in response to events, and to a smaller extent, on whether the air force is useful to army and navy operations.

Starting Equipment

State of the Army and Navy:
-Infantry are issued bolt-action rifles and some are given stick grenades.
-Machine guns are the heaviest weapons of the infantry, creating formidable defensive positions.
-Artillery is used only to bombard enemy positions, and infantry advances are preceded by copious artillery barrages. Accuracy has been improved from successful aerial reconnaissance, but real-time spotting from the air is not yet possible.
-Portable radios are carried by two-man teams, and despite their newness, play an important role in battlefield communications.
-Armoured cars and the occasional motorcycle see use in fighting wherever there are roads, but infantry is still the bulk of any assault.
-Motorised trucks are used for some of the army’s logistics, but the majority is still carried by horses, which are sometimes used to drag artillery.   
-Both sides have a single battleship which serves as the flagship of their navy. Foreigners who are caught referring to it as a “large heavy cruiser” tend to learn fairly quickly the natives don't like such slander.
-Most of the navy is made up of cruiser-destroyer squadrons powered by steam engines, operating close to shore.
-The naval war consists of shore bombardment and convoy escorting between the many islands, with engagements mostly taking place in mostly shallow waters around the three main islands. Battles in the Sea of Vermir are very rare, and are usually inconclusive.

Spoiler: The Rules of Conduct (click to show/hide)

Miscellaneous Information

-Battle reports will be posted here in the core thread, while individual sides' squadron/equipment lists, random events and decisions will be posted to their individual threads.

-I will be posting the first 'pre-game' battle phase, along with associated maps within 24 hours. In the meantime, you can choose which side to design for, and ask for any clarifications on the game system.

-You can move equipment from squadron to squadron for free unless stated otherwise and equipment will stay with a squadron until it is removed.

-We have a discord
« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 06:37:55 am by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2018, 04:33:40 am »

Watching the air
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2018, 07:52:12 am »

Joining the HRE Schwarzes Holz, at least if you fix the name in the thread.

I provided this name, you'd better manage to capitalize correctly :P
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2018, 09:32:44 am »

Schwarzes Holz for me.
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2018, 10:21:37 am »

Yes the Principality of Pren Gwyn is the one I have decided to become


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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2018, 11:20:41 am »

 Its time to get mah welsh on.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: They who Dare
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2018, 11:44:30 am »

Yes the Principality of Pren Gwyn is the one I have decided to become
As am I.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2018, 12:52:48 pm »



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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2018, 02:42:25 pm »

I declare my allegiance to Pren Gwyn! Long live the Principality!


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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2018, 03:41:38 pm »

Pren Gwyn?




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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2018, 04:58:21 pm »

I declare my allegiance to the Kaiser! For the glory of Schwarzes Holz!
Noble Nafuni Engineer

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2018, 05:33:43 pm »

For the King! Or for glory at least. Pren Gwyn has my sword.
////;::;\\\\ Scuttle Scuttle...

Milk for the Khorneflakes!

Luminous Bolt of Bacon
"Excuse me sir, You are on Fire."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2018, 09:40:35 pm »

 Hey, heres a question, would there be a benefit for designing flight simulator kit?
(the answer, stated in the discord, was yes)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 10:15:17 pm by Aseaheru »
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: They Who Dare
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2018, 02:29:19 am »

Pre-Game Battle Report: Late Spring 1914

The Eastern Front
The frontline here remains as it was before the war broke out, with neither side actually having had the time to properly prepare for an actual invasion of the other island across the Granak Strait which has several points that makes travel through the strait difficult to traverse without getting shot at by shore batteries, especially the north western part of the strait. Most combat here inside the strait revolves around small PT boats skirmishing each other to protect or attack the merchant ships that come from the coastal cities inside the strait, along with artillery near the coast on the look out for any enemy ships that get too close and, rarely, shore bombardment on known enemy positions.

Further the east near the largest opening of the strait more traditional combat between the two nations navies occasionally occurs, and while uncommon, shore bombardment can be done here without extensive and exhaustive maneuvering and preparation. Despite this, this front is fairly quiet, with both sides civilians worried, but not too afraid of the shore bombardments that happen every once and a while, mostly due to the warning given to them in advance, though it certainty is frightening when there is very little time between the ships being spotted and them being in range.

The Pilots of a single squadron both from the Principality and the Empire are assigned to the east, taking off and flying across the small body of salty water to pear down and see the defenses and movements of the enemy on the lands and try to write them on pencil and paper, something difficult for pilots with little experience in flying to at the same time, especially if the orders say a details sketch of the ground instead of the more easy and more rare set of orders telling the pilots to simply check a box on a list for every instillation they see in their patrol area. So far, neither side has had any casualties, though they have had a few close calls with their pilots running out of fuel just as they make it over the water and to safe ground.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

The Central Front
The battle for Autanrum is mostly fought following the two major roads that go across the lines, with only minor conflicts across the highlands of the island. The roads the fighting goes along are the one that connects the cities of Bont Gwyn and Nachtburg, and the other that connects the cities of Cwymp cyflym and Hochrotes. The forces on the ground fight to push through no mans land and reach the enemies own trenches after and even sometimes during massive artillery barrages, while the navy engages in battles at the sea to protect and attack supply ships along with attempts to draw out the enemy's fleets and deal damaging blows, both which are met with non deceive outcomes.

Both nations air forces fly and try to map out the chaos below over the Bont Gwyn and Nachtburg road, which as it turns out is just as difficult for the brave pilots to do here as it is over the eastern front, with the spotting of troop movements and build up along the road easier for both sides pilots to do and much more important when reported, giving solders a warning in advance and time to prepare for enemy attacks in the general location. Aircraft tend to spot each other here however, and either keep away, fly past, or in some cases, shoot at other aircraft with pistols and, in one case, a rifle borrowed from guards at their respective airfields on the island. The first duel in the sky over Arnot happens between Vizefeldwebel Lodwich von Undingen and Lieutenant Sioni Cecil, and although both aircraft end up with surprising amounts of damage, both aircraft manage to make it home safely after the two expended all their ammo.

This little duel sparks a good chunk of pilots in both squadrons to emulate these two and makes the ones who already where trying to use their guns however neither side sees as much success in damaging another aircraft let alone shooting one down, and incidents of friendly fire rise to an extent, causing both sides to have harsh punishments for those who accidentally shoot their own aircraft. It should be noted however, that friendly fire incidents are lower among Pren Gwyn Pilots however.

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

The Western Front
The entirety of the Western front is fought on the largest Island of the Arnot Archipelago, Arvendon, a mountainous island that has been split between the two nations for some time, neither side ever managing to take the entirety of the island before. Here, the navy rarely effects the battle outside of the protection of ships transporting  refined goods and unrefined resources to and from the island. Here, the army does almost all of the work, and here the fighting is on the high up lands around the Red spire mountains, although here, defenses are much more fluid due to the hard soil making the construction of deep trenches on the front line difficult, and not currently worth the effort, let alone having the time to actually do such a thing.

The aircraft here do much the same as the aircraft on the central front, with both squadrons focused on one of the major roads, in this case the one between Sprungburg and Gwag du, however, here, the pilots more often or not wave at passing aircraft, both friendly and enemy then shoot at them, and spotting enemy aircraft, while not as rare as in the eastern front, is not as common as the central front at the moment due to the size of the area that needs to be patrolled compared with the amount of aircraft here at this moment in time.

Spoiler: map (click to show/hide)

Contest: After the incident in the central front, a few pilots including the squadron commander of the 2nd squadron of both airforces are asking for some way of distinguishing their planes from the enemy ones. Design a insignia to be painted on your planes. This can take the form of a roundel, flag, or any other shape, as long as it’s simple enough to be painted by hand by mechanics who haven't gone to art school. The winner will get a one time 2 PP boost for the next turn.

Also, you may rename your organizations something other than “The Pren Gwyn Air Force” or “The Schwarzes Holz Air Force” if you wish, along with renaming your squadrons...

It is now the Design Phase, Early Summer 1915.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 07:49:49 am by piratejoe »
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

Happy Demon

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Re: They Who Dare - Early Summer, 1915
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2018, 11:44:45 am »

Guess it's high time to post to watch.
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.
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