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Author Topic: Viva la Rollvolución! (Or how to oppose Dystopian Steampunk Dictatorships)  (Read 4094 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"Aye, fella. If you are reading this, then congratulations, you have been contacted by the Resistance. Yes, the organization that "President" Cupper has deemed as violent anarchists that want to tear your whole way of living into nothing.

Obviously, you are receiving this letter, because if you were to talk about Cupper in private, you would use a word that isn't President to describe him. Tyrant. Dictator.

Are you feeling the adrenaline coarsing through your veins yet? That's right, you are something more than what they have deemed you.

Don't get any funny ideas, you will now answer only to us. You are a tool, but the difference between the Government and us, is that you are a tool which will have an actual purpose. Be obedient, and you will earn our trust. Otherwise, things may get bad for you.

And one last piece of advice. Trust no one. Don't trust your coworkers. Don't trust your family. Don't trust you colleagues in the Resistance. Don't trust the Government. Don't trust yourself. Only trust in the Revolution."

And hey! I'm back in track for the foreseeable future!

I'm confused. What exactly is this game?

This is a RTD located in an Original setting, focused on a resistance cell against the oppressive government of President Cupper. The RTD will be spy-like, with individual missions assigned to the players. The ultimate objective of this game is to change the established status quo.

Kakaluncha, I still don't understand the setting...

Okay, how does one play?

Each day will be composed of three turns, morning, afternoon and nighttime. You guys can do three actions per day turn, while two actions during night turn, while stating which stat you will be using for the action, and then I'll add a d20 plus bonuses. Depending on what you do, you'll either raise or lower Government Trust, or alternatively, raise or lower Resistance Trust.

Resistance leaders will assign you missions which you have to accomplish, with some being having more free will, while others might be more close minded. This missions will be send by PM. Once you have finished the mission, PM me in character, and a new mission will be assigned to you.

You can also request an assembly every few days, which would be an encounter with the rest of the players, where you can discuss in character anything you want.

Character Creation?

Ah, yes! Here's the first half:
Current job (if any):
Current Relationships (if any):
Physical Description:
Backstory: [Has to match Current Job (if any), Relationships (if any), and must explain why the Resistance contacted you]

Oh, you can have any job you want, except the Alandrinian elite that governs the country, but you get the idea.

Now stats, which will be very important for actions, as they will give you bonuses. With a max of 30 points, you will have to assign as much points as you want, taking into account that every two points equals a +1!  Also, you can only have a maximum of 12 points for an individual stat!


One last thing before finishing up. Your actions will determine the future of Alandria, and it's people. Everything that you do, will have grander consequences, and may change the fate of this world. And remember these two things....

Trust no one ...

And have fun!

Spoiler: TL;DR of the Mechanics (click to show/hide)

Also, ask any questions you might have.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 08:29:21 pm by Kakaluncha »
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Members of the Forsika Rebel Cell

Spoiler: Burt Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sally Groves (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Liza" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Burt Benedict (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gerardus Mercator (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 06:23:39 am by Kakaluncha »
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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I guess I'll be the first since no one else has posted yet.

Name: Burt Smith
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Current job (if any): Homeless
Current Relationships (if any): No friends, and family is dead
Physical Description: A balding man with a mustache
Backstory: A former chemist that was fired to do not getting along with anyone, spent the last few months homeless, when the resistance contacted him not because of his past but because they were talking to all the other homeless people, him being a chemist was a added bonus.

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 7
Dexterity: 4
Constitution: 3
Charisma: 4
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Thank you TamerVirus for the avatar switcher
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Name: Sally Groves
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Current job (if any): Botanist
Current Relationships (if any):
Physical Description: Long blonde hair, pale, green eyes
Backstory: I work as a botanist, been doing so for 3 years. The resistance contacted me because they need someone who knows which plants are edible, which are toxic, etc. I think they picked me since I didn’t talk with anyone, and therefore since no one knows me, no one would notice any changes that might occur

Strength: 2 (4 points)
Intelligence: 3 (6 points)
Wisdom: 3 (6 points)
Dexterity: 2 (4 points)
Constitution: 3 (6 points)
Charisma: 2 (4 points)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 10:40:28 am by Naturegirl1999 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Name: Liza(Remini va le Steam)
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Current job (if any): Thief/Engineer
Current Relationships (if any): Theodore va le Steam(Father, Deceased), Elizabeth va le Steam(Mother, Deceased), Valt va le Steam(Elder Brother, Deceased), Vale Steamworks Inc.(Outcast, Rightful Owner, Currently owned by Duke Mon Aesir.)
Physical Description: A young girl with dirty if fair skin, short cut blonde-ish golden hair, and a lithe body, being 5'2 with gray eyes.
Backstory: Remini va le Steam was born to an aristocratic family who were the founders of a Steam Company that revolutionized the world back in the day. However, while politically they were powerful, there were those who disliked having such a powerful company under the control of one who did not kowtow to the the President's every whim. Come one day, the President's Eyes, staged an assassination, a robbery gone wrong performed by commoners is how it was portrayed. Control of Vale Steamworks Inc. passed to the Duke who had orchestrated the event with whispered words of the Va le Steam family funding a Resistance. On that day, her family was murdered, Remini va le Steam barely escaping through secret tunnels.

Now a low-paid engineer who fixes things, and at times steals from the government, the genius of the Steam family only has her left to it. The Resistance have long since gifted her with the knowledge and connections to survive, and she occasionally performs work for them on the latest technologies the Directorate happens to make. Of course, the Directorate does know of her survival, if not where she is, so she needs to be vigilant in her actions in the hopes of avenging her family one day. And avoiding the orphanages..

Strength: 2[+1 to roll]
Intelligence: 12[+6 to roll]
Wisdom: 6[+3 to roll]
Dexterity: 4[+2 to roll]
Constitution: 2[+1 to roll]
Charisma: 6[+3 to roll]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 02:54:23 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Do we PM our actions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Do we PM our actions?

No need to, Naturegirl, I was just waiting for TripMagic backstory. Once I have sent him his secret mission, we will begin.
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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After hours of darkness, where intrigue has reigned, the city of Forsika slowly gains life. As soon as the first beams of light start to shine, Strikers start their maritime patrols, while workers leave their beds and travel to their respective factories, or workplaces, and in some casea, if they are lucky, their own individual stores. The unlucky ones will have to spend 16 hours working non-stop in miserable conditions, to win miserable salaries and return to their miserable lives once they finish.

And it's with these first beams of light that individuals with a new purpose in their lives raise from their beds, ready to face any challenge.

(One last piece of advice. You don't have to solve a mission in a day, unless it's necessary. Sometimes, planning will give you better results, and less likelihood of failure.

The game begins... NOW!
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Thank you TamerVirus for the avatar switcher
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Check where the nearest greenhouse is to my shop
Stat used: Wisdom


  • Bay Watcher
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Prepare my plan and the disguise needed. Wig, glasses, platform shoes for a bit of height
Stat: Intelligence

Courier. I'll need to forge some papers, reroute a package, and then successfully find the blueprints and memorize them.

Other than that, time to see what people need to have fixed today. Things are always breaking down.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Search abandoned factories for chemicals that could be used in the creation of explosives and items that could aid in process in the creation of said explosives.
Stat: Intelligence
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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DAY 1:

Sally Groves
((Maybe intelligence applies better, but the concept still works, since Wisdom can be used for perception))
Finding a Greenhouse: 8 +3 (Wisdom), Location: 2

Sally spends the entire morning researching about the location of the nearest greenhouse, and luckily, she doesn't get any clients, so she is free to study. It takes time, since the location of Greenhouse isn't something known to the public, solely relegated to workers and functionaries if that sector.

Luckily, she eventually makes a breakthrough, and by the time the sun is high, she has discovered one of the houses that provide food to Forsika. But by no means it's an easy travel.

First, she would have to take a train towards Garnerfield, a three hour travel. After that, she would walk around Mount Hesperis, which would take several hours as well, and then, and only then, she would finally be in the vicinity of the greenhouse. That's without taking into account any Strikers, Guards or Corporate Militias that she may find on the way.

On the other hand, Sally sees that she can go the other way around Mount Hesperis, and cross the River Blackburn, a river where Garnerfield factories and houses throw all their trash, toxic residues, and defecations. It would be faster, but certainly riskier.

Preparing the Plan: 11 +6 (Intelligence) Disguise: 19

Remini spends the morning brainstorming ideas for a successful plan. It doesn't take long before Remini picks the one that's the likeliest to succeed.

And then comes the disguise, and holy Anthony, when she looks at her own cracked reflection, she nearly doesn't recognize herself. She gives the impression to be in her early twenties, and gives the absolute impression of the average secretary of a Ministry. Remini even tried the accent that those in the rich zones have, but after all these years, she has lost the smooth highs for some rough ones. Unless someone were to be extremely sensible linguistically, she's likely to be ignored.

The plan is to infiltrate the building as if she were to have an appointment, and the moment she's isn't looked upon, escape vigilance, and change her attire and wig for different ones. Once that is done, Remini plans on acting like she's a secretary from the Ministry itself, and find the blueprints and leave through the front door, leaving a lot of bureocrats very confused.

How many and how important are the repairs: s6=1, d4=4, d20=10, 12

Surprisingly, this morning is a lazy one, and only four local clients come by, requesting help with things like malfunctioning heaters, pipes, and a few cuckoo clocks. Nothing Liza can't fix.

Burt Smith
Finding abandoned factories:: 5 +4(Intelligence), Finding chemicals: 5, Finding Items: 13

Poor Burt spends the entire morning looking for a single abandoned chemical factory, and somehow, he either can't find them, or they are too well guarded for sneaking inside. Eventually, Burt manages to infiltrate an old chemical factory that is being remodeled into a textile one.

Sadly, it seems that the new owners have already removed all chemicals, but what catches Burt's eyes is the amount of trash that could be used to create the explosives. Bottle, cans, hammer, ripped clothes...

To the average Alandrian citizen, this may seem as nothing but waste that should be used to fuel heaters, but any experienced Alandrian homeless knows that even the smallest amounts of trash may be enough to survive the night. In this case, all that trash might be enough to fulfill the ordered job.

Detection Rolls:

•Sally Groves: 31 -80 (Low Government Suspicion) -15(Inside her shop) = Undetected by Strikers or Corporate Militias.

•Remini va le Steam: 1 -80 (Low Government Suspicion) -20 (Expert in Hiding) = Undetected by Strikers

•Burt Smith: 56 -70 (Low Government Suspicion) -5 (Homeless) = Undetected by Strikers or Guards

Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Since the factories were a crap shoot Burt decided to instead to try searching the garbage filled alleyways of the city for any chemical that could be used in explosives or accelerants for fire bombs, and also materials that could be used as fuses.
Stat: Inelegance
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 08:16:35 am by King Zultan »
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Spend some time plotting my entry and potential exit paths to throw off any watchers for after the plan.
Stat: INT

Other than that and my repair jobs, nothing urgent is left to do today. I'll practice my Memorization skills before bed, then get a nice long rest for the day tommorow.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Thank you TamerVirus for the avatar switcher
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Try figuring out the schedule for the Garnerfield train(Intelligence)

If the train leaves for Garnerfield this afternoon, get on it without drawing suspicion(Charisma)

Make sure I’m not followed by the guards/strikers as I head for the train(Dexterity?)
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