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Author Topic: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game  (Read 5015 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« on: November 19, 2023, 02:15:14 pm »

I'm using ChatGPT to run this forum game where the audience votes on the actions of the main character to explore a dwarven fortress. Expect some ai weirdness. We will see how this goes...

When an player action needs to be resolved we will use these rules rolled on a d6:
1) - Epic Fail. The action was not performed, and backfired horribly.
2) - Fail. Nothing happened.
3) - Partial Success. The exact degree of success is established by the GM.
4) - Success. The action was carried out adequately.
5) - Epic Success. The action succeeded in the most positive way possible.
6) - Overshot. The result was achieved, but with so much effort that there are unfortunate side effects.

The Dwarven Fortress of Deepdelve
Nestled in the heart of the Ironpeak Mountains, the fortress of Deepdelve stands as a monument to dwarven endurance and craftsmanship. Known as "Grondal-Khar" in the old Dwarvish tongue, Deepdelve has survived the ebb and flow of ages, its storied halls bearing witness to countless tales of valor and the unyielding spirit of its inhabitants.

Established in the bygone Era of Founders, Deepdelve was carved out by the esteemed Dwarven King Borin Stoutarm. It started as a humble settlement but quickly flourished into a fortress of great might and renown, renowned for its labyrinthine mines rich with ores and gems.

Deepdelve's dwarves are celebrated for their masterful artisanship, hearty feasts, and resonant folk songs. They uphold values of loyalty, craftsmanship, and strength. Ruled by King Balin Firebeard, a direct descendant of Borin, their society is a tapestry of ancient traditions and skilled artisans.

The economic lifeblood of Deepdelve revolves around its extensive mining operations and renowned craftsmanship. Artifacts forged in Deepdelve, be it weaponry or jewelry, are highly sought after in distant lands, making the fortress a bustling center for trade.

The Fortress Itself
An architectural wonder, Deepdelve features magnificent halls, towering columns, and expansive underground chambers. Its defenses are near impregnable, with myriad traps and steadfast warriors guarding its depths. Rumors speak of hidden chambers and secret treasures lying in wait for those daring enough to explore.

As you step through the towering gates of Deepdelve, the air changes from the crisp mountain chill to the warm, earthy scent of the underground halls. The sound of your footsteps echoes on the ancient stone floor, leading you to the bustling customs hall.

Before you stands a sturdy desk, behind which a burly dwarf with a braided beard looks up from his ledger. His eyes, sharp and assessing, quickly size you up. He gestures you forward with a nod, his voice a deep rumble echoing off the stone walls.

"Welcome to Deepdelve, traveler," he says, dipping his quill into an inkwell. "Before ye can venture further, I'll be needin' some particulars. Let's start with the basics, shall we?"

Information Required for Character Creation

1) Name and Title: "What's yer name, and do ye have a title ye go by? Folk here value names greatly, so choose wisely."

2) Race and Heritage: "Now, what kin are ye? A stout dwarf like meself, a nimble elf, or somethin' else? Your heritage speaks of yer strengths and the tales ye bring."

3) Profession and Skills: "What's yer trade? Are ye a warrior, a mage, or perhaps a crafty rogue? This will determine yer skills and how ye'll fare in Deepdelve."

4) Appearance: "How do ye look? The color of yer eyes, the build of yer body, the style of yer hair - all tell a story. Dwarves have a keen eye for detail, so be specific."

5) Equipment: "What do ye carry? A sword, a staff, or tools of a trade? In Deepdelve, what ye have at yer side can mean the difference between glory and the deep dark."

6) Background: "Every soul has a tale. What's yours? What brings ye to Deepdelve? Your past shapes your path forward and the adventures ye'll find."

7) Personality Traits: "Finally, what's in yer heart? Are ye bold, cunning, or wise? Your nature will guide yer decisions and the friendships ye'll forge within these walls."
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 02:27:13 pm by MadMonkey »
Read Losing is Fun!

King Zultan

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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2023, 05:13:32 am »

Name: Urist
Title: The Miner
Race: Dwarf
Heritage: Not sure about this one
Profession: Miner
Skills: Mining
Appearance: He looks like your average dwarf with a long beard and everything.
Equipment: Pickaxe
Background: Was orphaned as a child and sent to work in the mines, and never left them.
Personality Traits: Hates nature, hates peace, hates love, hates a whole lot of other things, loves mining, loves violence.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2023, 01:17:34 pm »

Name: Urist
Title: The Miner
Race: Dwarf
Heritage: Not sure about this one
Profession: Miner
Skills: Mining
Appearance: He looks like your average dwarf with a long beard and everything.
Equipment: Pickaxe
Background: Was orphaned as a child and sent to work in the mines, and never left them.
Personality Traits: Hates nature, hates peace, hates love, hates a whole lot of other things, loves mining, loves violence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2023, 07:18:01 pm »

1) Name and Title: "What's yer name, and do ye have a title ye go by? Folk here value names greatly, so choose wisely."

“My name?  …My name is Quinefa Ewiwirera.  …Oh?  A title?  No, I don’t have anything like that.  I’m not sure why you’re asking for one…”

2) Race and Heritage: "Now, what kin are ye? A stout dwarf like meself, a nimble elf, or somethin' else? Your heritage speaks of yer strengths and the tales ye bring."

“My kin?  …Well, I’m an elf.  And, I guess I’m nimble, then…”

3) Profession and Skills: "What's yer trade? Are ye a warrior, a mage, or perhaps a crafty rogue? This will determine yer skills and how ye'll fare in Deepdelve."

“My trade?  …Well, I’m a singer.  …And I can play the lute.  …Oh, and I can dance, too.  How many more questions are you going to ask?”

Note:  optionally, replace “lute” with a procedurally-generated name for a similar instrument.

4) Appearance: "How do ye look? The color of yer eyes, the build of yer body, the style of yer hair - all tell a story. Dwarves have a keen eye for detail, so be specific."

“How I look?  …Well, I look using my eyes!  Doesn’t everyone?!”

note:  Grayish-Blue eyes, slender (but not unhealthily thin) body, average sized breasts, and straight platinum-blonde hair that hangs down to her ankles.  All of which can be easily seen due to her complete lack of clothing.  All-in-all, very attractive for a female elf.

5) Equipment: "What do ye carry? A sword, a staff, or tools of a trade? In Deepdelve, what ye have at yer side can mean the difference between glory and the deep dark."

“What do I carry?  …Well, I’ve got my lute…”

Note:  she’s completely naked and carrying only her lute (also, see note under question number 3).

6) Background: "Every soul has a tale. What's yours? What brings ye to Deepdelve? Your past shapes your path forward and the adventures ye'll find."

“A tail?”  *look behind her, then feels the top of the cleft of her buttocks*. “No, I’m afraid I don’t have any tail… what brings me here?  Well, I was traveling with the rest of my troupe, but I got separated from them.  If you’ve seen them, I’d very much like to get back to them.  They’re called ‘the sack of nuts’…”

7) Personality Traits: "Finally, what's in yer heart? Are ye bold, cunning, or wise? Your nature will guide yer decisions and the friendships ye'll forge within these walls."

“In my heart?  …Blood, I guess.  Isn’t that what’s inside everyone’s heart?  Am I bold, cunning, or wise?  I’m not sure which of those I am.  Do I really have to pick one of those three?…”
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2023, 11:20:09 am »

Name: Urist
Title: The Miner
Race: Dwarf
Heritage: Not sure about this one
Profession: Miner
Skills: Mining
Appearance: He looks like your average dwarf with a long beard and everything.
Equipment: Pickaxe
Background: Was orphaned as a child and sent to work in the mines, and never left them.
Personality Traits: Hates nature, hates peace, hates love, hates a whole lot of other things, loves mining, loves violence.

The customs agent finishes taking down your information, "Ye can enter. We are always in need of more miners." It looks like your skill in miner is ξ78 and you need 9¢β exp to go to your next miner level.

As Urist, The Miner, you step through the grand archway leading into the heart of Deepdelve. The atmosphere shifts palpably—the air is warmer, filled with the clang of metal and the distant echo of dwarven songs. The stone underfoot is worn smooth by centuries of use, and the walls are adorned with carvings that tell the history of your people: battles won, kingdoms forged, and legends born from stone and sweat.

You take a moment to absorb the grandeur of the lobby. It's a vast chamber, alive with the hustle and bustle of dwarven life. Merchants haggle over precious stones, warriors share tales of their exploits, and artisans showcase their finest work. The scent of roasting meat and freshly baked bread wafts from a nearby tavern, mingling with the smoky tang of forge fires.

Now, as you acclimate to the lively surroundings, you consider your next move:

Options for Next Actions
A. Visit the Tavern: The aroma of food and the sound of raucous laughter draw you towards the tavern. It’s a place to gather information, meet other adventurers, or simply enjoy a hearty meal and a pint of the finest dwarven ale.

B. Explore the Market: Intrigued by the array of goods on display, you decide to wander through the market. It's an opportunity to purchase supplies, trade goods, or perhaps uncover rare items that could prove useful in your ventures.

C. Head to the Guild Hall: Knowing the importance of connections, you contemplate heading straight to the guild hall. It could be a chance to take on quests, learn of recent happenings, or even join a group of adventurers planning their next foray into the depths of the fortress or beyond.

Each choice leads down a different path, shaping your journey in the world of Deepdelve. The fortress is alive with possibilities, and your story is just beginning.

Spoiler: Your Inventory (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 11:49:46 am by MadMonkey »
Read Losing is Fun!

King Zultan

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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2023, 02:39:52 am »

B Lets go see what's for sale before we head to the mines.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2023, 01:34:43 pm »

B Lets go see what's for sale before we head to the mines.

As Urist makes his way through the market, four stalls stand out, each with its own character and wares to offer:

A. The Armorer’s Anvil:
This stall is run by a stout dwarven smith whose muscles speak of years at the forge. Armor of various sizes and styles gleams under the torchlight, ranging from chainmail to full plate, each piece promising stout protection. The smith also offers custom fittings, ensuring that any armor purchased will not hinder the movements of its wearer.

B. The Enchanter’s Corner:
A mysterious air surrounds this stall, where a wizened dwarf with twinkling eyes sells tools that glow with enchantment. Pickaxes that can cleave through the hardest stone, hammers that never miss their mark, and drills that operate with a whisper—each item here is a testament to the fusion of craftsmanship and arcane prowess.

C. The Alchemist’s Array:
Potions bubble and brews simmer at this vibrant stall. The air is thick with the scent of herbs and the tang of minerals. The alchemist, a dwarf with an eye patch and a ready smile, sells potions for healing, strength, and even a few that claim to make the imbiber resistant to the fiery bursts of dragon breath.

D. The Reliquary:
This stall is a trove of ancient artifacts, managed by a dwarf whose beard nearly touches the ground. Here, Urist finds relics of past ages: statues that are said to be blessed by the gods, tomes of lost knowledge, and mysterious trinkets that are rumored to be keys to long-forgotten treasures within the depths of Deepdelve.

Each stall beckons Urist with the promise of wares that could aid him in his adventures through the fortress and beyond. Which stall to you peruse?
Read Losing is Fun!


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2023, 03:20:32 pm »

C. What need for a new pickaxe or armor. And ancient legends are worth less than the ore of the depths you can mine yourself.


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2023, 04:18:32 pm »

C. What need for a new pickaxe or armor. And ancient legends are worth less than the ore of the depths you can mine yourself.

"The Alchemist’s Array" stall is a wonder to behold, with the dwarf alchemist, easily recognized by his distinctive eye patch, tending to a pot that simmers with a mysterious liquid. Behind him, shelves are lined with potions of varying colors and sizes—each emitting a faint glow that adds to the mystique of the place.

For Sale at The Alchemist’s Array:
  • Healing Potions: A staple of any adventurer's pack, these red vials can mend wounds in a matter of moments.
  • Elixirs of Strength: Brewed from rare mountain roots, these potions grant temporary bursts of superhuman strength.
  • Potions of Night Vision: These green concoctions allow the drinker to see clearly in the darkest of underground passages.
  • Draughts of Fire Resistance: A popular item for those venturing into the fiery depths, these potions provide protection against extreme heat.
  • Memory Tonics: Aids in recalling forgotten lore or languages, a sip of this could unlock knowledge thought lost.
  • Vials of Invisibility: A tricky brew, these clear potions can make the imbiber unseen to the naked eye for a short period.
  • Assorted Herbs and Ingredients: For the aspiring alchemist, raw materials are available for purchase, along with a recipe scroll or two.
Each item is meticulously labeled, and the alchemist is ready to explain the effects and proper usage, ensuring that each customer leaves with exactly what they need—or perhaps something they didn't know they needed until they arrived at The Alchemist’s Array. You can trade your 3 quartz gems for one of the above potions.
Read Losing is Fun!

King Zultan

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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2023, 01:28:40 am »

A healing potion seems like a good thing to have on hand, I say we get one.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2023, 04:28:19 pm »

Bruv is stepping down as guild master because I'm to busy to run dungeons anymore. Sorry for stringing everyone along for so long.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2023, 05:37:27 pm by MadMonkey »
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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2023, 05:37:47 pm »

That message was intended for a different therad! I'll post an update later today.
Read Losing is Fun!

King Zultan

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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2023, 03:49:06 am »

What thread was that meant for?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2023, 06:08:26 pm »

What thread was that meant for?

A healing potion seems like a good thing to have on hand, I say we get one.

You buy a healing potion.

You leave the market and travel to the entrance to the mines.

Dwarf Miner: "Ah, greetings! Name's Durnar. I've been delving these mines since my beard was but a stub. Let me give ye a quick rundown of what's what down here in Deepdelve. First off, there are three main areas to keep in mind. The Upper Tunnels, the Mid-Depths, and the Inferno Pits. Each has its own... charm, and dangers, mind ye."

A) The Upper Tunnels: "Here's where most new miners start. It's relatively safe, and ye'll find plenty of iron and coal. Good for gettin' yer feet wet, or should I say, yer boots muddy!"

B) The Mid-Depths: "Now, if ye're feelin' a bit more adventurous, the Mid-Depths is where things get interesting. Silver, gold, and the occasional gemstone. But watch out for the cave-ins and the odd critter lurkin' in the dark."

C) The Inferno Pits: "This is where only the bravest—or the most foolhardy—dare to venture. Recently, we struck a vein of some strange teal-colored metal. Never seen anything like it! But the heat down there is nigh unbearable. Ye'd need some serious protection against the fires if ye're thinkin' of goin' that deep."

How do you respond to Durnar?
Read Losing is Fun!

King Zultan

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Re: Deepdelve - A ChatGPT Forum Game
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2023, 01:39:08 am »

B Would have gone to the deepest part of the mines but we don't have fire protection so the mid areas will work for now.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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