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Author Topic: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 5 Design)  (Read 12076 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 2 Revision)
« Reply #180 on: March 10, 2024, 03:26:06 am »

The Wovenmen (5): Powder Miner, DoubloonSeven, NUKE9.13, TFF, m
The Wovenmen, compromised [half amendment]: (1) Quarque
The Wovenmen-Self sacrifice of the Woven [Amendment] (6): TricMagic, Andrea, Doomblade, Jerick, Lightforger, Rockeater,
Mastering the nightmares (0):
The Towers of Light, and Oslux Code (0)
Ixam's Ladder (0)
Woah, I Can See Through Time ():
Wealth from the Land (1): Maxim
The Stormsailing ()
Lightning beneath the Sky (0):
Arc Baleen Furnace ()
Lightning beneath the Sky(CDE) (0):
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 2 Revision)
« Reply #181 on: March 10, 2024, 10:41:35 am »

This is fine.
The Wovenmen (4): Powder Miner, DoubloonSeven, TFF, m
The Wovenmen, compromised [half amendment]: (1) Quarque
The Wovenmen-Self sacrifice of the Woven [Amendment] (7): TricMagic, Andrea, Doomblade, Jerick, Lightforger, Rockeater, NUKE9.13
Mastering the nightmares (0):
The Towers of Light, and Oslux Code (0)
Ixam's Ladder (0)
Woah, I Can See Through Time ():
Wealth from the Land (1): Maxim
The Stormsailing ()
Lightning beneath the Sky (0):
Arc Baleen Furnace ()
Lightning beneath the Sky(CDE) (0):
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 10:43:31 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 2 Revision)
« Reply #182 on: March 10, 2024, 10:44:56 am »

Never mind oop.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 10:47:17 am by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #183 on: March 10, 2024, 08:57:39 pm »

Preliminary Turn 2 Revision Phase

Proposal: The Wovenmen-Self sacrifice of the Woven [Amendment]
Difficulty: Theoretical
Result: (2+1)-3=0, Utter Failure

The Ziggawatts were not the only things to struggle through the turmoil of the ashfall. Many people were forced deep inland and away from everything they were familiar with living off of. As a result, many people ceased living entirely. Those that clawed their way through the initial calamities had to make frequent and dangerous ships to the shores in order to harvest what whales they could, and could get back home with a disgustingly paltry amount of harvest relative to the size of the animal. The waste was, frankly, unacceptable to them, and a couple particularly melancholy and highly decorated WhaleSlayers ended their own lives as a result. The survivors put nothing to waste, honoring the sacrifice of these Slayers by making use of every bit of flesh, meat, and bone they could.

Or at least, that’s the assumption on why the Wovenmen participated in cannibalism.

The recently deceased became a new resource to supplement the needs of the Wovenmen, but as grim as that may be, the resulting knowledge of the human anatomy became much more advanced than anything else in the world at the time. Unfortunately, this knowledge was squandered and nearly lost thanks to the Wovenmen’s own actions. Nothing was more honorable than serving the tribe in death, and this led to reckless behaviors in attempts to die while serving the tribe. One of these acts of recklessness was cutting open one’s own flesh to provide additional storage for whale harvests. Slayers soon discovered they could actually channel some of the stored energies remaining in the whale parts when they were stored within whaleblood-tattooed portions of skin turned into fleshy pockets.

One Slayer had a pouch on his chest struck by a log someone was carrying without paying attention. The sac, positioned over the heart, killed the Slayer immediately and left a smoldering circle in the ground around him. This was all the self-sacrificial Wovenmen needed to see before the implantation of a sudden and lethal option was available to all Wovenmen.

But where does their name come from?

The Wovenmen came to understand that their intricate whaleblood tattoos could course centricity throughout their entire body, resulting in an even more certain death with a greater potential for an impressive discharge. Their bodies became stained with very fine, thin lines of whaleblood criss-crossing their flesh in an almost entirely uniform pattern. The only exception was the “Kill-Swatch” or “Whales-Eye”, depending on how close the specific tribe managed to stay tied to the coast, tattooed onto the heart pouch. Tribal differences also led to the identification of whaleblood as something of an alchemical base, and not necessarily a reagent itself. Skin pouches weren’t only used to store whale parts, and some cross-contamination of less-than-sanitary skin pouch conditions, which usually led to infection and death, instead empowered the Wovenman further.

Empowered by the environments as they were, the struggle for survival against extinction led to a mass consolidation of the Wovenmen - xocolatl provided speed and energy from the west, pine tar from the Riverway tribes granted an uncanny climbing ability, and azurite from the east gifted an uncanny level of reflex and responsiveness. No longer divided, their combined knowledge soon affected every Wovenman and -woman.

Bitter about the squander and sacrifice not of the self that they observed among the Ziggawatt states, the Wovenmen watched and waited for the right time to strike. The Wovenmen understood that the Bay Twelve Confederation had to be freed from the shackles of a corrupt and entrenched priesthood, and that they were the ones to do so. Their moment came soon after the end of the Thirsting Wars.

Over the course of a couple of nights, faster than any communication would allow warning, the Ziggawatt States saw themselves infiltrated by these superpowered Wovenmen. The Wovenmen used their unique capabilities to scale the Ziggawatts, break into the highest chambers housing the most elite members of the Priesthood, and deliver the glory of self-sacrifice to the oppressors. A simple balled fist beating their own chest was enough to initiate self-sacrifice after a couple of blows, and these cetric blasts managed to all but decapitate Ziggawatt leadership.

The Wovenmen did not charge in to take power, though. That wasn’t fitting their ideals of “humble” self-sacrifice. They chose to build remote temple-towers from which they could observe the land and charge their cetric equipment/selves. Known as the “Twelve Bays Cabal” and definitely not running the show, Wovenmen would self-sacrifice to liberate the people of a Ziggawatt-State when a leader seemed too corrupt or on a whim (usually the second one) is all. The Wovenmen did need to sustain themselves as their temple-towers redistributed the population once more, and this came in the form of “offerings” from the nearby Ziggawatt-states. For some reason, the states that wound up shorting or failing to complete their completely willing offering to the Wovenmen were headed by particularly corrupt individuals that wound up participating in a self-sacrifice not long afterward.

Wovenmen are extremely effective infiltrators and…shock troops, but their methods mean they leave their lofty towers only when they feel it’s necessary. As such, squads will be deployed as a [National Effort].

Fortunately, the Wovenmen are a fount of bio-alchemical knowledge. Unfortunately, it is all kept locked away in vaults at the tops of the temple-towers.

Preliminary Turn 2 “Combat” Report

The north defines this era as a period of struggle and war, and as the Cabal spread out south to the Great Lake and the riverine crossroads of the Interbarrial River Network, a picture was painted of issues in the south being…fairly similar.

Thanks to improved recordkeeping in the time period [GM Note: in-universe excuse to keep the first turn especially vague so you didn’t have anything super solid to overanalyze], historians know enough about this era to piece together a fairly accurate picture of events across the waters.

The people of the Painted Lands lived in an almost symbiotic relationship with their lizards. While not necessarily as diverse and extreme as cave art from the ancient era would have one believe, the lizards ranged in size from a small dog to a large horse, and the duties they were bred for were just as diverse. Most importantly though, these Shadowglass Lizards produced, well, shadowglass. Useless against inorganic material but lethally sharp against living tissue, shadowglass also absorbed blood it came into contact with.

A cult formed, structured around the Voice of Todd - some mass hallucination experienced by those who worked with Shadowglass - and soon their entire society was consumed by their odd faith. Things seemed good until they weren’t. It was the creation of Shadow Brass that brought war to the south.

A man/myth/legend arose based on the stories of Shadow Brass’ creation. The first suit of armor was crafted by a madman and has imprisoned the wearer within it for eternity, forever onward only to be known as “The Legionnaire”. The Legionnaire rallied forces for the Unification Wars in an effort to centralize society and improve the efficiency of the Quarter-Masters and the roads they traded and traveled upon that still exist to this day.

The Legionnaire did not lead the armies of the Beeple, but fought at the tip of the spear instead. Sickly glowing green armor and an uncanny ability to anticipate his opponents’ actions made The Legionnaire untouchable, and city-state after city-state eventually surrendered before the armies of Unification even arrived. When the war was over, The Legionnaire disappeared. Rumors state that he will return whenever a conflict promises to give The Legionnaire endless bodies to pile.

Once unified, the Beeple kept on advancing and developed some form of alchemy using blood and shadowglass, resulting in a volatile powder called brightglass. Brightglass exploded in contact with organic matter, making excavation and “lumberblasting” an easy and often enjoyable profession. The material also glows in fascinating colors sound passes through or rebounds off of pressed panes, giving noise a deep, reverberating, almost angry tone. These panes were used in Churches of Rock and Metal (due to the clearcutting of plants required to keep the glass from getting exploded accidentally) dedicated to the Voices of Todd and Hypno-Todd.

The Beeple ensured the south remained largely stagnant throughout the rest of the Classical era thanks to an abundance of comfort with the status quo until a renaissance of thought occurred throughout the region. Meanwhile, north of the river in the lands of the Cabal, “peace”, “stability”, and “prosperity” brought an age of unity that saw little need to upset the balance enforced by the Wovenmen.

Preliminary Turn 3 Design

The people of the Twelve Bays Cabal have survived and thrived in the face of adversity, and now they are face-to-face with a revolution unlike any other before! An intellectual one! Unlike previous turns, the rest of the Preliminary prompts will ask for a more focused proposal. While additional flavor and fluff to define your people further is perfectly fine, I got all the fluff I really need, so you do not need to actually address anything other than the following:

What technological advancement during the Renaissance was so impressive that your opponents are absolutely, undeniably, unequivocally envious or jealous of you for it?

This turn’s Design (and design only) will also benefit from god’s mercy - an impressive project should only ever be treated as if it has rolled a 12, and so it will be. Modifiers will still be applied after the fact, so this is not a guaranteed Unexpected Boon. Difficulties will also be rising for the rest of the prelims until they match the game proper in order to ease into expectations on shorter timelines.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #184 on: March 10, 2024, 11:22:07 pm »

Made especially for Doom.

Tewwibwe cuwse

aftew a whiwe the wuwunmen came tuwu a weawization. If a sacwifice benefits no owne, iws iwt stiww a sacwifice? thus stawted a wewigious wefowmation whewe the tuwned aww theiw awchemicaw knowwedge tuwu hewping the peopwe. Thiws stawted a gowden age as expewimentation began own stweamwining the pwocess of empowewment, but ewen as the "contamination" became standawdized fow maximum efficiency iwt put a cuwse in ouw bwood. Aftew a coupwe genewations we stawted tuwu dispway bestiaw chawactewistics, ouw abiwity tuwu speak was pewmanentwy damaged, awnd siwvew... nowt fun. Whiwe sowme viewed iwt as the pwice paid fow powew, many wefused thiws idea, so once mowe ouw peopwe wewe pwunged intwo fiwe awnd madness. Of couwse down sowoth aww they heawd was of the gweat powew we had seized, awnd thawt we wewe fightin eachothew ovew iwt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #185 on: March 11, 2024, 12:02:02 am »

I'm too tired to write up any designs so I'm just gonna list ideas at the moment to hopefully start some conversation in here tomorrow when everyone wakes up and see's how silly they are, they really won't be that detailed and I'll probably keep adding to this list. These ideas will be closer to whalepunk than biopunk because I'm biased, sue me.

Idea 1: Whale related products become a replacement for petroleum and gunpowder, the most obvious advantage being the invention of a combustion/electric engine. Very standard.

Idea 2: Use the products for some kind of very advanced manufacturing process, like being able to reach temperatures to mass produce industrial levels of steel or other refined metals. Might be neat.

Idea 3: We try to go batshit off the wall and invent tesla and/or railgun or coilgun tech. This will probably net us another set of Critical Failures to be honest but RNGesus might be kind to us if we pray hard enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #186 on: March 11, 2024, 01:12:37 am »

Quote from: medics
During the renaissance, knowledge about how to alter the human body was finally no longer restricted to a small ruling elite. A new class of scientists turned it from arcane knowledge into a rigorous study.

Our people learned a great deal about how to keep the human body alive and recover from severe damage or poisoning, such as the wovenmen tended to inflict upon themselves in darker times. Our hospitals became renowned, with people from abroad travelling from great distances when they seemed beyond hope of recovery elsewhere.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #187 on: March 11, 2024, 07:51:36 am »

I like the idea of having refined metallurgy driving a normal speed industrial revolution in spite of our civilization's dark age, and I also like the medics design.

Tempted to try for cyborgs moving forward but that feels more like a not prelims idea.

Implantation and Prosthesis
As our civilization evolved and grew, knowledge of medicine and body alteration from the wovenmen inevitably spread, leading to the growth of a new class of doctors and a new field of science. Soon our hospitals were pioneering new and innovative surgeries, reducing mortality rates, learning safer ways to implant flesh, and even pioneering prosthetics for those injured in industrial accidents or war. These prosthetics benefited from out history of surgery and body modification, boasting surprisingly lifelike designs and even some pioneering developments in biofeedback and biomechanics, allowing the wearer to control the limb more closely to that of a biological one, and grasp or work objects more freely.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 09:34:23 am by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #188 on: March 11, 2024, 10:24:42 am »

Old post.

Spoiler: My Thoughts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Old design (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 09:34:00 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #189 on: March 11, 2024, 11:03:15 am »

Whalelock Rifle
Zappo-Tech. This is the name given to the many cetricity-utilising devices that were created by early-modern Twelve-Bay scientists.
For many, the biggest Zappo-Tech breakthrough was the Whalelock Rifle. Though termed a rifle at the time, due to its accuracy, it would later be referred to as a railgun. Two rails (made from treated whalebone) propelled an iron projectile to considerable speeds- greatly exceeding that of a musket-ball. Power was provided by a canister of Ichor. Though it could be carried by a single soldier, it was quite bulky, therefore was typically mounted on a bipod when in use.
Though contemporaneous with early gunpowder weaponry, it had its own niche- too expensive to arm every soldier with, but far more accurate at long range. It is worth noting that, while impressive at the time, the Whalelock was very primitive, and 'far more accurate at long range' meant 'could conceivably hit a target at 500 meters'. This was both due to a lack of precision engineering and the limitations of the materials used.

Spoiler: Lore/Politics (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mimatqui (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 04:14:14 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #190 on: March 12, 2024, 01:52:21 pm »

Quote from: Zappbox
Tewwibwe cuwse (U)w(U):
medics ():
Implantation and Prosthesis: ():
The Cetrical Revolution (1): TricMagic
Whalelock Rifle: ():
I'm gonna need a Whalardo of my own to match that. A Zappine Ziggawatt.

Though, mind if I repurpose Mimatqui. Seems an inventor could fit mine too just as easily.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #191 on: March 12, 2024, 01:57:36 pm »

Though, mind if I repurpose Mimatqui. Seems an inventor could fit mine too just as easily.
Everyone must use Mimatqui.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #192 on: March 12, 2024, 04:40:38 pm »

The first time I read Doom's proposal, either I misread it or it didn't yet put as much focus on prosthesis. Alas, when I was made to notice it I had already finished writing an artificial limb proposal

This came when discussing prosthetic limbs while listening to an assassin's creed song

Liesel limbs

The age of recovery was a period of stability under the tapestry peace in which new inventions were highly regulated by the cabal in order to ensure as little disruption to the order as possible. But slow progress is not no progress. It is generally agreed that the turning point which kickstarted a renaissance of invention and technology was when the famed Mimatqui of Iztactlan, one of the finest minds known to history, built the first artificial limb in his workshop, using stolen implant knowledge from the womenmen and the fruits of centuries of slow progress in metalworking and Cetricity.

This first limb was, in many ways, a work of art requiring years of experimentation. An exquisitely crafted bronze replica of a human arm, fully articulated. Inside it, cables and wires and small motors to simulate movement. But most of all, knowledge stolen at a dear cost from the Wovenmen allowed implanting subcutaneous blubber pads in the stump of the volunteer which would allow to interface with the arm, moving it with mere thought. It was at the time yet crude movement: a miracle for an amputee but in no way a real arm yet. However, an arm of metal had one crucial advantage: tools could be built into it, it could be customized. It could be armoured and would feel no pain. This first one in particular would equip a retractable blade, a grappling hook and had the ability to completely discharge the stored Cetricity in a single blast in an emergency. A weapon for a specific task, and all it would require is a bit of self-sacrifice, just the loss of an arm.

In the coming period mysterious hooded and cloaked figures were seen in the Ziggawatt cities and around them, most often followed by the sight of a Wovenman corpse left behind. In just a few years of assassinations and explosions in retaliation, the Wovenmen cabal was forced to hide and go underground relinquishing overt control and leaving the former figureheads of city councils to actually rule, reforming into the Twelve Bays Confederation. The few times somebody managed to ask one of those mysterious people who they were, they would simply remove their metal arm from the cloak it was hidden behind and explaim “Liesel”, meaning “God’s gift”. It is from this that came the name with which mechanical limbs came to be better known when they became commonplace in he renaissance after the fall of the Wovenmen.

Neither group has been openly seen for generations, yet many are sure that in the shadows an eternal war is waged even to this day for the control of our civilization.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 04:50:52 pm by andrea »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #193 on: March 12, 2024, 04:51:08 pm »


Quote from: Zappbox
Tewwibwe cuwse (U)w(U):
medics ():
Implantation and Prosthesis: ():
The Cetrical Revolution ():
Whalelock Rifle: ():
Liesel limbs (1): TricMagic


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 v. Black Pants Legion Great War Arms Race (Prelim 3 Design)
« Reply #194 on: March 12, 2024, 05:44:23 pm »

Quote from: Zappbox
Tewwibwe cuwse (U)w(U):
medics ():
Implantation and Prosthesis: ():
The Cetrical Revolution (1): Doomblade
Whalelock Rifle: ():
Liesel limbs (1): TricMagic

Electric motors are cool.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.
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