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Author Topic: Additional furniture in general!  (Read 1356 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Additional furniture in general!
« on: May 21, 2008, 01:47:00 pm »

Wouldn't it be absolutely lovely if you could expand upon your furniture options and create truely magnificiant rooms for your nobles or average dwarf? I'm envisioning tapestries as the moment, blankets, pillows, sofas, rugs, pedestals to hold certain objects, stools, benches, all sorts of jazz along those lines, even playable instruments! I suppose it'd be best for me to go into specifics...

-Treated like an engraving as far as it's placed on a wall.
-Does not block or decrease the value of the wall it is on (Similiar to how a statue blocks the value of a wall it's infront of)
-Can be multi coloured pending on the dye used.
-Created out of various silks or cloth, even leather.
-Can have patterns or pictures of past deeds accomplished in your fortress.

-Treated as reagents for a new type of bed. Possibly furnished or some other adjective to describe said bed.
-Bed's with these two items increase the dwarves happiness while sleeping on the bed, gaining a higher amount of happiness pending on quality of these objects.
-Said objects can be created from various silks and leather.
-Although these objects cause your dwarf to become happier, it causes your dwarf to snooze a bit longer.
-Maybe help wounded dwarves recover faster, or not as it wouldn't make sense as to why it would do such a thing...

-Can be treated as a bed but will cause unhappiness if slept on
-Multiple dwarves can sit on this but will recieve unhappiness
-One dwarf on a sofa will cause happiness
-Can be furnished with pillows and causes dwarves to linger on during their break for a bit longer

-Same idea as a tapestry, but for the floor in particular. Thinking of it being built similiar to a road, but I have no idea how that would work out.

-Can hold the owner-dwarves most expensive/prized/loved possession, including artifacts which can be assigned to it.
-Dwarves have a slightly higher chance to view the pedestal and item inside.
-Can be made of glass, rocks, metal.

-I was actually thinking of this as an optional reagent for a workshop, allowing the dwarf to increase productivity slightly
-A dwarf can also treat this as a chair, but will cause unhappiness.

-A cross between the stool and sofa, in so far as multiple dwarves can sit on it (And one can sleep on it), but it will cause unhappiness.

-Placeable instruments, like a piano or harp, can cause happiness or unhappiness when played on, pending on the dwarf's skill level.
-Can cause neighboring dwarves who are working to feel motivated and move a tad faster
-Can awake sleeping dwarves and cause unhappiness, or allow them to slumber deeper, causing happier thoughts.

Thoughts?  :D



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 02:29:00 pm »

I think tapestries and pedestals would be great. Not so sure about the others. Also, I wonder how tapestries would be coded in? They'd have to be on top of the wall?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2008, 02:47:00 pm »

Ehhh, it was a crummy description. Just think of it as an engraving ontop of an engraving, but it's made of some other material.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2008, 02:57:00 pm »

Let let me see...

Ill focus with the negative...

Tapestry: doesn't make sense for what you are trying to make it do... Statues take away values of walls because you cannot see the wall behind them. The Tapestry without a doubt also hides the walls. Rugs would do the same.
-Suggestion: Keep its decrease of wall value especially seeing as Tapestry due to its ability to allow additions from Gems, Bones, and Metals... makes it worth much more then any Engraving as it is.

Sofa: So far, it seems like a chair of unhappyness... making it horrific in anything other then private use.
-Suggestion: Multiple dwarves on one seat is very much unneeded... this as a enhanced chair is nice and adds some variety to chairs.

Stool: All this seems to do is count as a really bad chair with a workshop enhancement.
-Suggestion: Id like the idea that a chair of low quality could be called a stool.

Bench: Hillariously you just created a chair of unhappyness... Did you read over what you wrote? This thing ALWAYS creates unhappyness... I guess it is perfect if you want to drive some people insane.

I would like to ask... Why you believe you need chairs that hold multiple dwarves?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2008, 03:09:00 pm »

Two words: Baby boom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2008, 03:19:00 pm »

Originally posted by Neonivek:
... stuff...

Sofa: So far, it seems like a chair of unhappyness... making it horrific in anything other then private use.
-Suggestion: Multiple dwarves on one seat is very much unneeded... this as a enhanced chair is nice and adds some variety to chairs.

...more stuff...

Actually I just had an idea about the Sofa, if a pair of lovers, or a married couple, or a family in general.. or friends, sat on it they'd receive a very mild happiness boost. With Lovers/Married getting the biggest and going down from there.

Also, it could be used as a er... 'love seat' *cough* trying to be polite about this. But, if one were to add this to a bedroom, the lovers / married couple would have a chance of 'getting it on' every time they sat there together. Damn this is making me think of The Sims.

Also, a queen/king size bed, (like two beds put together), would allow the pair to sleep together... or 'sleep' together.


I'll go now.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2008, 04:24:00 pm »

"Two words: Baby boom"

I have 10 chairs in total... and that is enough for the population of 100



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »

Tapestry - Rug:
Those two should be the same item, to keep it simple. Putting tapestries on wall could be problematic: on which side is it?, but I could live with that abstraction. A good way to control the colors and type of the images on your walls, if the engraver doesn't mind your suggestions.
They could also function as doors or walls for nomad humans or elves - but not for dwarves.

Just an item that dwarves acquire, and they might get a happy thought from it if there is one on a chair/bed/sleeping space that they're using.
By the way, a middle eastern culture (Medians, I think) used stone head supports to sleep. Sounds dwarfish to me  :)


A bit unnecessary duplication of sitting items. In any case, I don't think the dwarven culture approves of the concept of multiple-person sitting utensils. Similar to the pillow above, dwarves could get a happy thought from a well-crafted piece of cloth or leather on their seat, but it doesn't need to go further than that.

Pedestal & Instruments
Great, as already had been suggested.

Other ideas that occured to me while reading these:
- rocking chair
- torture device (another use for cats and bags, enormous corkscrews, chains, etc.)
- telescope (and the production chain which would require casing, mechanics and two lenses, to be made in the jewelers shop probably)
- fan (not overpowered, but useful for miasma and later ventilation, and would require power or pumping)
- bellows (should be required for steelmaking - complicates the forge setup somewhat if it needed to be adjacent)

Dwarf Fortress cured my savescumming.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2008, 05:21:00 pm »

I would like desks. Study rooms should be based on those rather than chairs. Of course study and throne room need to be separated into different rooms and some nobles would require yet another room but it would be worth it. Bookshelves would be nice as well along with the stuff already mentioned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2008, 06:04:00 pm »

I like tapestries and carpets.

And pillows and blankets should be treated as clothes are (or would if they worked). Pre-economy, dwarves claim them and add them to their beds (you can see what type of pillows and blankets are on a bed in either the Q or T views). Post-economy, dwarves buy them and add them to their beds. I'm not sure what store they would be put in, though.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2008, 07:25:00 pm »

The idea of tapestries gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2008, 08:14:00 pm »

Well it should, Elitay!

Just a few additions I thought of, and working some more on past ideas I've noticed on this thread

Study desk
-Office/Study rooms designated from this rather than chairs
-Dwarves can eat off of this, but prefer a table

-Provides relief for dwarves on warmer maps
-Can blow away mist, miasma, smoke, dust, etc. in the direction the fan is blowin
-Requries a dwarf to use the fan or requires power, similarly to the screw pump

-Allows dwarves to inspect it and look into dwarven lore, increasing the chances of fey or secretive moods (Of course, this will be very, very, very small)!
-Maybe aid all bookkeeping processes should it be in a designated office?

-Can designate an observation post room
-Dwarves in your military who are not sparing, eating, drinking, sleeping, fighting, dieing, etc. can be stationed here and use the telescope. Doing so immediatly announced ambushes the moment the goblins step onto your fortress grounds
-Allows your dwarves to become peeping toms, gaining happiness.

Torture Device
-Something to do with all those captive animals! Using the device will cause your dwarf to care about nothing and become harden, and such and so on.

As for the bellows, I'd think of that as more of a reagent personally.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2008, 06:55:00 am »

If torture devices gets implanted you should be able to set them to be used for dwarven justice.  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2008, 11:32:00 am »

I'm liking the idea of desks   :)

All the rest of this has been mentioned many times in the past...

[ May 22, 2008: Message edited by: The-Moon ]

There is absolutely no time, to be taking time for granted. ~Busta Rhymes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Additional furniture in general!
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2008, 02:00:00 pm »

Bookshelves!   <3

One idea for bookshelves, apart from personal ones in offices or bedrooms, would be to set up a fortress library.  Over time traders may bring books of varying quality and any truly skilled dwarves might also write a particularly useful book about what they know (could bring up papermaking here too).  While on break a dwarf who likes to read may read about things they like to do, and if the right books are available might even pick up a little XP in that field (though 9 times out of 10 they'll just pick up the latest Dwarvaquin romance or Urist Spade potboiler instead..).

You wouldn't have to keep track of most individual books, just a rough idea of what the library holds overall, for the most part, possibly with a new job (transcriptionist - using the existing bookkeeping skill with less XP since you are just copying existing material?) to copy or rebind old books that are starting to fall apart.

*I love books.. can you tell?*    :)

Dwarf Fortress players: Coming up with solutions for problems that haven't been implemented yet. 
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