a step on step guide to have little pitter patter of your war torn adventurer
and one way to have FUN.
for 31.19+
1. embark somewhere close to the adventurer/or adventuress
2. place the pointer on fresh dead animal then swap to it using Dfusion
3. finish the game
4. (if you successfully done the three steps you can retire in the fort, if not then don't matter just find a hamlet near by if you want to retire.) take your adventurer or adventuress to the fort
5.slap this code in to plugin.lua which is in the adv_tools folder for Dfusion and the adv_tool menu line in with the rest of the adv_tool menu section(should be easy to do). this code will make your adventurer/ess playable in fort mode
function Adv_tools.fortme()
--first three lines same as before (because we will need an offset of creature at location x,y,z)
flg=engine.peek(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags) --get flags
flg:set(51,false) -- 76 is ghostliness flag.
--flg:set(1,0) -- alive
--flg:set(13,1) -- skeleton
engine.poke(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags,flg) --save flags
function Adv_tools.fortdy()
--first three lines same as before (because we will need an offset of creature at location x,y,z)
flg=engine.peek(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags) --get flags
flg:set(51,false) -- 76 is ghostliness flag.
--flg:set(1,0) -- alive
--flg:set(13,1) -- skeleton
engine.poke(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags,flg) --save flags
Adv_tools.menu:add("?make adventure playable in fortmode?",rum_tools.fortme)
Adv_tools.menu:add("?makefort playable?",rum_tools.fortdy)
6. grab Dfhack and run DFMODE and in DF hit the Esc and hover over the save game command.
7. in DFMODE swap over to fort and direct command then in DF save the game
8. once you reloaded the game you should be in fort mode with no members in the fort this is where using Fortme comes into play run it before doing anything yet so you have atleast one playable person.
9. once you clean up the description clutter and smooth/engrave/dug out a section of a wall to reveal the fort use Fortdy on a opposite gender dwarf and play out Fort mode normally.
9a. if you have a human adventurer then swapping the race then removing is resident might help or have friendship on so far this works well with Dwarves.
9b. I haven't tested out what will happen if you use this on a race changed human/dwarf so expect horrible can't be seen babies.
warning this use mods for it to work... and D16 this could work for 40d if you beg darius for a version of it.
first the key items you need is a adventurer presumed female, a town not raided and/or stole from, dwarf companion, slavery enhancer, a cat* or 4 to save the trouble of timing the initial swap back to original species time.
*cat was used for the discovery of the adventurer's birth yet it was a muskox who led to that conclusion of animal trans species breeding so any animal can be used
1.once you chosen your female adventure retire her into a town.
find the town in fort mode and embark on top of it but before you do remember have a cat* near by or owned.
2.now once you settled in used 'friendship.exe' and either steal the adventure or swap to the adventure civ either way get her to be controllable in fort mode.
3.so once you done that she need to be a turn into a cat*(if not down already) if you used Dwarf Companion before then it should be easy if not then it should be the drop down bar with her race, while in companion check if the other cats* is a male if not change it so.
4. you have your adventure-cat* and tame-cat* ready save and reload.
5.now you play the waiting game may be take time maintaining a fort, or laugh at the dwarf who end up adopting the adventure-cat*.
6. here comes the hair pulling you need to change the Adventure-cat back to her normal self which is easy if you remember to save after you change and to do so either during every other cat* is in labor(if you brought only one then this is tricky).
7.once reverted back you might have to wait some more before she would deliver too, once she does you can give your self a pat on the back for now the hard part comes.
getting your bundle of joy to follow you.
so now you got your named baby in your arms yet you hate the place your in? since it turn into a tantrum spiral due to they never saw cats* interbreeding and think it's the end of the world!
1.well first you need to do is make sure you go into friendship.exe and (T)each your baby to walk, talk and mine before departing the town. (to save you the pain of Traveling back to the site only to find out she/he can't move or talk.)
2.after you done that you now have to swap back to the dwarven civ or if you stole her. steal her(and baby) back to the town civ she retired to then swap back to the dwarven civ and abandon.
3.hopefully if one correctly when you go back to adventure mode she will be still in the town and not in the woods. either way next is the task of finding the baby and getting her to join which can be easy as finding an elf druid so just use DC and move that baby close to you. talk to the gift from your loins and ask her/him about their family(optional), and to join(a check of their thoughts during the small time of being a miner can help make this part easier) then your on your way to a family adventure! filled with high chances of your son or daughters getting mauled by wolves and members of the forum cursing your name! more FUN if you try to pull this off with carp!
working on the (non cat related) 31.## version. so far it's basically getting your adventurer to fall in love with someone and not die during the process.
finished here's how you do it
1. first you need two things one really if you are insane.
runesmith and Dfusion if you have .13 or friendship enhancer if you have .10 (like I do)
(these will save you the trouble of cage trapping and taming by kennel which is a stupid pain seeing how friendlies don't get caught in cages.)
2. next is to have two adventures of same race but opposite sex, and move them into a embark point.
(how I did it is making a third 'tour guide" adventurer who recruited the other two and move them to the fort I prep for the test. If you don't have 'embark anywhere' or working with 16 where Embark anywhere still won't work then yeah this would be the best way to start*.)
once you move the two love birds in either Reclaim the area if it's a abandon fort or embark in the area if you have "Embark anywhere"
3. (Tame) steal the two adventures and SAVE the game then go into the adventurer's race in the data/save/region/raw file and add in the [PET] tag.
4. wait for at least 2 ingame seasons for results if they are not increasing their social skills during the process (checking via runesmith) then reply what you did.
*results might differ as my set got maul by cougars before reaching the destination and they where heartbroken by their dead tour guide lucky I had adventure mod reactions of consoling and pacify and leadership, and both of them seem to Console each other over the pain of the dead one. so just so this will be recreated perfectly here you go
[NAME:earn leader skills]
[NAME:earn console skills]
[NAME:learn to Pacify]
best to train them first pacify so that they won't go berserk and kill the dwarfs who are there to look out for them.
now the hard part.... getting the newly-born child to follow you.
you could wait until the child is in walking by him/her self age before leaving the site, then use Dfusion to make them join you.well I found out you can't until someone makes a Profession Converter so that you could remove the baby/child profession or let the baby grow up which could be help by dropping the raw for child age to 1.
well hope this helps I'm off to punt a infant into a pit of magma.
Using the child I had brought into the world via body swapping!well hope this helps I'm off to punt a Noble into a custom pit of Magma Crabs.
Using the child I had brought into the world using "hijacking/body swapping"!