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Author Topic: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)  (Read 9843 times)


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I decided to create my own succession fort even though I have never played a succession game. Hopefully you will bear with me as we tell the tale of:

Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire


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« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 06:35:19 pm by Mono124 »
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 10:44:47 pm »

The Journal of Mono Omeltonol

15th of Granite, 540
Today, an odd thing happened. We received a message from the Mountainhome stating that a new outpost was going to be created. Our town has plenty of farmers and life is getting rather boring. I feel that this is my chance to escape the vast emptiness that has been blanketed across my future. I will go to the Mountainhome and join this adventure.

13th of Malachite, 540
I have arrived at the Mountainhome after a long and hard trek. When I arrived, they said that the group had already been sent a month before I arrived! I feel defeated. I do not have the coin to buy the supplies and go back to my home. I have become a hauler in these halls. The work is lonely and boring. All I do is move stones and the occasional table. Once I get enough coin, maybe I will migrate to this outpost. Then again, I might never get enough coin. The rooms here are too expensive, and the food too good of quality. Everything is overpriced, and I find myself being drug into debt.

20th of Galena, 540
I am in debt. I could not escape the clutches of the Mountainhome before I was drug into debt. The rooms were my death. I had to stay in a nobles quarters for a week because all the other rooms were taken. I am wandering the halls, eating as cheaply as I can without a room to sleep in. The only things I own are the few pages of this journal that have survived being flung into the lake and the clothing on my back.

23rd of Galena, 540
Fortune smilies upon me today! I have been selected to help the trade caravan make its rounds and haul goods back to the Mountainhome. When we reach the new outpost Primeswords I will sneak away and become a citizen. New outposts will need good farmers and all the migrants they can get as long as they aren't potash makers. I feel that my knowledge about farming and such have decayed since I have been hauling things for months however.

3rd of Limestone, 540
The caravan has been delayed for an unknown amount of time. We have a Bronze Colossus blocked our exit. We were only a short trek from the Mountainhome in a nearby farming town when it attacked. I will also run out of ink to write with shortly, and with this Colossus blocking our way we may not get ink unt-

19th of Opal, 540
It has been many months since I have been able to write. I ran out of ink, and of course the Bronze Colossus didn't go away for a couple of months. By the time we got a move on, we might as well have turned back home. We are going to brave through though, and get much needed supplies to outposts. I wonder how Primeswords is doing. We should arrive some time in Granite barring other unforeseen delays.

1st of Obsidian, 540
Life on the caravan is tough. I have been mocked because I keep a journal. Attempts to write in it have been met with torn pages. I will not write again until we reach Primeswords.

26th of Obsidian, 540
We have found a wagon with a couple picks, an axe, an anvil, and rotted food. The trees around this area look as though something came crashing through here. I fear for Primeswords. We can't tell where this wagon came from. It was probably some potash makers migrating. We are taking what we can.

1st of Granite, 541
We have arrived at Primeswords.... or what should have been Primeswords. It appears that the wagon we found was the outposts. We have not found the dead bodies of those that tried to make it here, but I know in my heart they are dead. They could not have survived without a pick to dig into the mountain with. Today is a momentous occasion though. Myself and six of the caravans haulers have decided to set up Primeswords anew. We are using what we scavenged from the old wagon, and the caravan is giving us some food, booze, a couple dogs, some seeds, buckets, and ropes. When the caravan walked off they left us a wagon in case we needed to escape whatever attacked the others and we could load it up. I thought I heard the caravan laughing at us as they left saying that we wouldn't last a month, but I am sure I heard wrong. Seeing as how it was my idea to stay behind, the other six dwarves have nominated me as their leader. I have renamed Primeswords. It is now Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire, paying tribute to my fiery idea of staying behind, and the fragments of the others that tried, and ultimately failed to set up this outpost. A preliminary scout of the area shows that the Mountainhome chose a very bad area for an outpost. We have plenty of mountain, sure, but the mood of this place is.... creepy. Other than what animals we brought with us, there is nothing else. Four dogs, a cat, and a horse. There's plenty of mountain and open rock to make a home in though, and the other dwarves aren't doing anything unless I tell them to.

11th of Granite, 541
My order to widen our entrance has been finished, and I have told the carpenter, mason, and mechanic to build workshops outside. I have also created stockpiles so we may move things off the wagon. Our first priority is to get beds, and then we must get food production going as soon as possible.

14th of Slate, 541
I have been extremely busy getting the outpost set up. I haven't even had time to write in my journal. We have the barracks, overlook area, and trade depot done. We also have the hall that leads to the barracks and depot done. The barracks is temporarily being used to house us. I will be telling the miners to start digging in to get farming operations done shortly. Other than a lack of food, we seem to be doing well. Hopefully I can get this place running well. Maybe the caravan will have food and booze... we need them.

3rd of Felsite, 541
I don't ever seem to have enough time to write down things in my journal nowadays. Digging into the main hallway that will eventually support our main outpost and its workshops and such is underway. The miners have been told to ignore digging the bedrooms and various workshops, the dining room, and other offshoots and go straight for the farming operations. We need food soon. I already have the mechanisms and floodgates needed to flood the stone and muddy it, I just need to digging done. After the digging is done, I will tell the miners to get the farming workshops up and then the workshops we need the most right now like the carpenters workshop and the masons. The year is almost a fourth of the way over and I feel like I have fallen behind schedule. I was hoping to be farming by now.

6th of Felsite, 541
Miners have started excavating the farm area. We will hopefully have plump helmets being produced at the turn of autumn and booze being produced when winter hits. I also have the mason creating rock crafts so we can trade with the dwarven caravan. If anything goes wrong, we need to be able to trade for food and booze.

25th of Felsite, 541
The miners have finished excavating the farms! I am ordering everyone to move the stone in the farm area and to finish the farm area. This is a joyous occasion! I would open a keg, but we have so little food and booze as it is that partying like we should would make us starve.

11th of Hematite, 550
Farms are still under construction, but the miners are starting to dig out workshops. After we get these workshops dug out, I will tell them to start on the housing migrants will need. The housing will be cheap, but it is needed. After that, maybe some stonefall traps in our entrance to ward off any very early attacks.

28th of Hematite, 541
Migrants! Today is a momentous occasion! We will finally be able to speed up hauling efforts in the farms. I was fearing that the farms would not be done before winter, but I now believe we have a chance. We have recieved a weaponsmith and a gemcutter, both are not very skilled, but they can help us move things.

12th of Galena, 541
We will be flooding the farms in just a few days time. I hope to be farming in a couple of weeks after the water evaporates. This is just in time as well, we only have eight plump helmets, ten turtles, and seven cow steaks left. We won't be needing food from the caravan after all! We can use our crafts for other things. The miners have also dug into the housing and the workshop areas that we need. I will make crypts soon.... we heard that goblins know we are here and may try to attack us before we grow powerful.

13th of Galena, 541
We had two kobold thiefs try to steal from us today! They didn't get anything and the dogs chased them off, but they may tell other races of our arrival. I have begun planning some stone fall traps.

1st of Limestone, 541
The farms have been flooded and I am waiting for evaporation to take place. I will be farming soon, doing the things I love. We shall never run out of food as long as I live and farm. It is now autumn, and I feel myself wishing I wasn't ordering all these dwarves around. I may step down soon and allow another dwarf to take my place as leader... who knows?

10th of Sandstone, 541
It has been a while since I last updated my journal. The farms have been completed and I am seeding them as I write. We have migrants again, this time we have five of them. We now have fourteen dwarves total. One of them was a farmer. He is more skilled than me, but I am not ashamed. I haven't farmed for an entire year, and even then it was in soil, not rock. The responsibilities of farming and ordering everyone around are taking their tole. I am so tired... I don't get any sleep nowadays.

6th of Timber, 541
I have made a grievous error. We have almost run out of food and booze. The plants took longer to grow than I expected and so we are out of booze. We are dangerously low on food. To make matters worse, the caravan is late! If it doesn't show up soon this will be a disaster!

13th of Timber, 541
We now have booze, but food is still dangerously low. I told the other farmer to plant plump helmets, but it appears that he ignored me and planted quarry bushes instead! We do not have time to process the leaves, so I am going to.... butcher some puppies. In addition to our five turtles, the puppy meat will boost our food reserves until the caravan arrives... if it ever does. Maybe they were laughing because they weren't going to come back? Are we stranded on our own?

15th of Timber, 541
I find myself crying in joy today! The caravan has arrived, and just in the nick of time. I won't have to slaughter those puppies after all! We must see what they brought to trade, but they have to have food and booze!

22nd of Timber, 541
I have traded four bins of crafts for all of the cheese, meat, plump helmet, fish, and booze we could get. We shouldn't starve anymore, and we should have plenty of booze. Farming seems to be picking up.

17th of Moonstone, 541
The traders have left today, and we bid them farewell. They took our useless crafts as exchange for food and booze. The first thing I noticed was that none of the food was in barrels. We quickly transfered them to barrels, and ran out of them! I ordered the carpenter to make more barrels so the food won't rot. Even if the unstored food does rot before we get enough barrels we will still have enough food. I planted twenty five plump helmet spawns in the farm so we won't run out soon. I feel weary, and winter does not agree with me.

5th of Opal, 541
Life in the outpost is going fairly well. We do not have a dining room yet, but we do have enough food and enough beds for the citizens. Farms are continuing to work well, and we are continually producing doors and barrels. I hope to have doors installed everywhere they are needed by the end of the year.

1st of Obsidian, 541
The doors will not be completed by the end of the year. With a month left, everything developed has doors on it though. Stone is being hauled from areas in use and put near the masons shop so we won't be as cluttered. The farms seem to be going well, and all the food is in barrels. The dining room is cleared but has no tables or chairs. Nothing is smoothed except the overlook which has fortifications carved into it even though we don't have a military. I am thinking about stepping down soon... leading is taking its toll.

6th of Obsidian, 541
We had a thief try to steal from us today. Our dogs ran out and killed the thief. Two of the dogs are hurt. One of them has an ear torn off and a leg cut open, and the other one just has a leg cut open. We also named one of them for the kill. The dog is now named Fathalathene. I hope they recover soon.

1st of Granite, 542
I have decided to step down from being leader of this outpost. One of the other dwarves can lead, I just want to be a simple farmer. I told the miners to start smoothing the dining room and built five tables and chairs in it. Our food is looking OK, and as long as you check it every few months for how much booze we have you should have no problem. I am leaving this journal for the next ruler to find. Do not make mistakes I did, always keep extra food on hand. We need a military badly, and we need other workshops built. Maybe if I am called upon again I will rule, but I need a break. A long, long break. With that, I step down.

Entrance to the fortress:
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Bedrooms for the dwarves, the dining room, and the food stockpile:
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Unfinished bedrooms:
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Farms and Farm related workshops:
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Status of the fort as of the 1st of Granite, 542
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The save will be posted on the main page shortly.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 08:01:34 pm by Mono124 »
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 05:32:57 am »

I am relatively new to DF, but I'll take second turn. I'm taking Stinthad.
Quote from: acetech09 date=1343968486
It's probably made from baby bone, with a handle of baby leather. Probably uses the leg bones wound together for the handle, the pelvis for the handle/pick joint, and the pick is the spine.

But that's all in theory, of course. Not like I've made a pick out of my own 5 month old baby before.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 06:19:35 am »

I'm also kinda new to DF as well, But I wouldn't mind taking a crack at my first succession game. Count me in! I'll take Zefon please. :)

EDIT: What's Savescum?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 08:20:53 am by Trooper0102 »


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 06:29:48 am »

Yay, another succession game. I'll take a turn and claim Ingish.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 07:28:45 am »

I will probably wreck the fort or at least make it VERY VERY difficult to play because I'm also doing 7 6 Dwarfs. 7 6 picks. Final Destination
Quote from: acetech09 date=1343968486
It's probably made from baby bone, with a handle of baby leather. Probably uses the leg bones wound together for the handle, the pelvis for the handle/pick joint, and the pick is the spine.

But that's all in theory, of course. Not like I've made a pick out of my own 5 month old baby before.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 09:50:01 am »

I'm also kinda new to DF as well, But I wouldn't mind taking a crack at my first succession game. Count me in! I'll take Zefon please. :)

EDIT: What's Savescum?

A savescum is when you do something horrible and exit dwarf fortress. You then revert back to your previous save (in this case, you go back to your previous season for the sake of simplicity(unless of course you were having Fun then as well).

I will probably wreck the fort or at least make it VERY VERY difficult to play because I'm also doing 7 6 Dwarfs. 7 6 picks. Final Destination

Try to keep the fort afloat if you can. If you can't and your turn ends with utter fail, I might have to skip over you and add you in later when you can build your mega projects without fear of total destruction via lack of food and basic needs.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 10:17:40 am by Mono124 »
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 10:08:14 am »

I'm also kinda new to DF as well, But I wouldn't mind taking a crack at my first succession game. Count me in! I'll take Zefon please. :)

EDIT: What's Savescum?

A savescum is when you do something horrible and exit dwarf fortress. You then revert back to your previous save (in this case, you go back to your previous season for the sake of simplicity(unless of course you were having Fun then as well).

No, when you type fun, you have to link it to
Or maybe there's a god who's just completely insane and sends you to Detroit, Michigan in a new body if you ever utter the name "Pat Sajak".


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Year 0)
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2010, 10:14:56 am »

Too much work.... but I guess I will make an edit anyway.
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Actually, could you just use the "Trooper" part of my name? It looks abit silly with the numbers.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2010, 04:38:53 pm »

Aye captain! I am also almost done with my turn, so the save will be up in a few.
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2010, 05:44:47 pm »

Small problem.... The save is over 100Mb. I need somewhere that I can post this so lolghurt can get to it. Any ideas?

EDIT: Actually, I am just going to compress the folder so it is under 100Mb. Lolghurt, the save will be up in about 30 minutes give or take.

EDIT2: Uploading to DFFD.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 05:52:08 pm by Mono124 »
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2010, 05:48:59 pm » Is from what I can tell, what's commonly used to host file transfers of the dwarven nature.

EDIT: Also, zipping the save usually helps save on space. ^^


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2010, 05:53:07 pm »

Yeah, I got it to go from 203 MB to about 50 by zipping it, so I am uploading it to DFFD now. Save will be posted on the front page and a save after each person will be posted in turns.

EDIT: Save is up!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 06:02:33 pm by Mono124 »
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Primeswords, the Fragments of Fire (Succession Fort, 0.31.12, Need Players!)
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2010, 07:12:56 pm »

Cool, Awesome. Would it be alright if I downloaded it and maybe start some planning? I assume we're not suppose to discuss our plans or projects until our turns, so I'm really eager to primarily just start looking around. For what you've done so far though, I really enjoy how everything is looking, especially the Barracks, never really thought of designing separate rooms with (Assumed) interior doors.

Also, What's some of the projects you want seen done? It'll be helpful if you post what everything is to become.
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