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Onward to chapter IV?

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Author Topic: You are Me, Chapter IV: Into Lands Unknown  (Read 125652 times)

King DZA

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Oh, and I think I smell a new chapter in the life of DZA. Someone figure out a way to get DZA a ship!

Seeing as the last two chapters are only twelve sections long, I guess you could say this one is a bit overdue for a good ending point.

Phantom of The Library

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>The ship is piloted by the Link from the Legend of Zelda Show. He blares "EXCUUUUSE MEE PRINCESS" through the ships psychic speakers as he rides by.

>Gary Oak is in the hangar bay.

>As is Sho Minamimoto
Gnosis - Torn Ajar -- Text Suggestion Games.
This is what happens when we randomly murder people.

You get attacked by a Yandere triangle monster.


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>you find an screaming spatula-wielding fire ogre that might not be what he seems

>you see Old Man Henderson blinking trough space-time fighting hastur, he finally blinks permanently into your ship and blows up half of it, killing hastur.
He mutters something about garden gnomes, and you persuade him to join your forces.
"Tobar, whats that on the wall?"

"That, Urist, is a reminder not to piss me off..."


  • Bay Watcher
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The ship has the voice of Hero Sock as it talks out loud. "For the Guild!"
I came back with my sandwich. That was the saddest sandwich, I had ever eaten in my entire life.
you are an evil person sock.


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> DZA: ponder just what the hell is wrong with the universe. Or any universe. Maybe your just a weirdness magnet.


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Morgan Freeman, the god of narratives inexplicably appears and begins narrating the story in his calming voice.

King DZA

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Had to break my personal rule of writing suggestions in order, as having Morgan Freeman narrate the entire update was simply too good an opportunity to pass up. I considered trying to get a recording of him personally reading through the entire update, but then it would have taken far, far longer to get it posted, so the written word will have to suffice for the time being.

Morgan Freeman, the god of narratives inexplicably appears and begins narrating the story in his calming voice.

"Ah, hello there. Right now you may be wondering why this story isn't being told to you by a parasitic alien in the body of a loud, spatula carrying fire ogre, or a young adventurer, known throughout the universe by only three simple letters. The truth is, none of that is all too important right now. What is important, is that my services here are needed. And that this story, regardless of who's around to narrate it, is one that must continue to be told...

This day, the day that changed our young protagonist's life forever, had started out with a very unpleasant discovery. Upon reawakening in a universe alternate to his own, the God-King found himself stuck in a strange, spectral form of being. And while it did not take him long to realize that he was now residing in a different universe, he was unable understand the reason behind his uncanny, ghost-like state. D.Z.A. had experienced death before, and knew right away that this was something else entirely. He felt almost as if there was something preventing him from fully existing in his new environment."

Sock Puppet man rides atop the shoulders of Sock Hero who rides upon the shoulders of Susan. Sock Puppet Man yells out. "Time to save the day!" But you can't hear him too well, its hard to hear in space. Suddenly the ogre and D.Z.A. are now atop Susan who seems to be sustaining oxygen somehow around her body. Perhaps she breathes out oxygen? Sock Puppet Man and Hero Sock stand side by side, helping D.Z.A. up and dusting him off with goofy smiles. Then they turn to the ogre. They walk up to him threateningly, "Why are you picking on Dirty Man!?" Sock Puppet man pokes into the ogre's chest a bit hard, trying to get some answers. Hero Sock simply flexes continuously in different positions behind Sock Puppet Man.
>you find an screaming spatula-wielding fire ogre that might not be what he seems

Music, for immersion-inducing purposes.

"Angered and confused by his situation, which to him felt like only another addition to the endless streak of unfortunate situations he had already been through, the exasperated D.Z.A. cursed and shouted to himself as he hovered in deep space, lacking the faintest idea of where in this new universe he was, or what he would do now. It was not until he spotted the colossal six-armed creature named Susan rising up beneath him, along with two of his companions from the previous universe, that he was finally able to regain control over his emotions.
He was slightly taken aback when the colossal creature had passed right through him as she continued her ascent. For the God-King, the arrival of Susan may have done little more than add to his still-growing confusion. But for a very lucky nearby fire ogre, that in his rage, D.Z.A. had failed to notice, her appearance was a godsend. She somehow seemed to have a cloud of breathable air surrounding her, saving the ogre from an untimely death within the cold depths of space. Admittedly, the air carried a stench of half-digested, rotting corpses. But as long as it kept him alive, the fire ogre would not be too bothered by it.

D.Z.A. quickly glided upward to catch up with Susan, and just as he would expect, he soon found himself in the company of his two sock-obsessed companions from the previous universe. Despite being caught off guard by their friend's less-than-physical appearance, they warmly welcomed him with big, silly smiles spread across their faces, before turning to the fire ogre, and greeting him in a much less friendly manner. Although D.Z.A. was happy to see some familiar people in this new universe, the fact that they were not suffering from the same spectral, restrained existence that he was only perplexed him further. After all, they had come from the same realm as him, and had to have been transported to this new one at nearly the exact same time. So why were they perfectly capable of fully existing here, while he was not?

Meanwhile, the sock puppet man spoke to the fire ogre, demanding to know why he had been so intent on bringing harm to his good friend. He jabbed the fire ogre in the gut with his finger to provoke a response. He would have jabbed him in the chest, but as it turns out, ogres tend to be fairly tall. The fire ogre didn't say anything, he simply glared down at the little sock puppet wearing man with contempt, while the sock puppet man's partner struck various poses in the backround to show off his hairy, yet well-built body.

The God-King watched the fire ogre suspiciously as his companions confronted him. He had hardly payed attention to the creature earlier, but now that he was taking the time to observe him more closely, he could tell that something didn't feel right about him. Then again, nothing had really felt right since his arrival in the new universe, so how could he know if his intuition was accurate?"

> Suddenly, the Hyperion jumps in right next to DZA and the Goa'uld.

> Goa'uld start blasting Sock Puppet Man with your spatula. (Stargate fans just think staff weapons.)

> DZA try to float toward the giant ship that just appeared.

"The adventurer's mind began to wander, but his straying thoughts did not get far before being pulled back into focus by the emergence of an enormous spacecraft. D.Z.A. stared at the vessel with great curiosity. Few times had he ever seen one of such size, and never before this up-close. In the end, it was his curiosity that got the better of him. With a final glance back at his sock-clad companions, he assured himself that they would be able to handle things if the fire ogre became troublesome, and floated over to the spaceship without delay.
Sadly, the departure of D.Z.A. presented the fire ogre with the exact opportunity for vengeance he had been waiting for. Once D.Z.A. was far enough away, the fire ogre hit the sock puppet man with a blast of plasma, fired from his spatula before his target could even think to react. Due to the small size of the spatula, the plasma blast failed to kill the sock puppet man as the fire ogre had hoped. However, the shot was unfortunately powerful enough to knock the sock puppet man off of Susan, and send him drifting into space with a grievous chest wound."

>The ship is piloted by the Link from the Legend of Zelda Show. He blares "EXCUUUUSE MEE PRINCESS" through the ships psychic speakers as he rides by.

>Gary Oak is in the hangar bay.

>As is Sho Minamimoto

"As the God-King approached the ship, he was mildly offended to hear a foreign voice in his head insultingly call him a princess. Nonetheless, this only further fed his curiosity about the enigmatic spacecraft.
His spectral form rendering him unrestricted by the physical barriers of the universe, he traversed straight through the walls of the behemoth craft, until coming upon a bay of the ship containing two young men."

>you see Old Man Henderson blinking trough space-time fighting hastur, he finally blinks permanently into your ship and blows up half of it, killing hastur.
He mutters something about garden gnomes, and you persuade him to join your forces.

Music: Like salad dressing, but for literature.

"D.Z.A. had decided to reach out to these individuals, in the hopes that they could help him to make sense of what was going on. But before he could so much as offer a simple greeting, the sound of sporadic shotgun fire rung throughout the ship. The young men ducked down, looking for the source of the gunshots, while D.Z.A. simply hovered there, catching glimpses of two different beings as they jumped between dimensions of the universe, locked in combat with one another. After a little while, the gunfire ceased, and an eerie silence settled across the vessel. One of the young men did a quick search around for any signs of the attacker, but no one was to be found. 'What the hell was tha-

He was abruptly cut off by a large explosion that caused the entire ship to quake. Before anyone knew what was happening, the entire back-half of the ship began to fall apart. In the chaos, D.Z.A. was trying to find his way around the expansive spacecraft, when he ran into a rather out-of-place looking elder. His hair spiked up into a mohawk, and his clothes akin to what one would expect to see a tourist wearing, D.Z.A. was intrigued by the unusual man.
The two started talking, and found that they got along surprisingly well. Even if the only thing D.Z.A. could understand was a few utterances concerning garden gnomes.

Shotgun in hand, the elder led the God-King to the bridge of the ship, while the God-King himself assisted by temporarily opening up any passageways that were closed off to prevent the remaining crew from being sucked into the vacuum of space. He discovered that, if he focused, it was possible for him to interact with tangible the objects in his surroundings, and with much greater strength than if he were completely mortal."

The ship has the voice of Hero Sock as it talks out loud. "For the Guild!"

"The tunic-wearing pilot of the space vessel had just shut off the alarms as D.Z.A. and the elder joined him on the bridge, and was in the process of trying to figure out what was causing the ship's automated announcement system to malfunction, yelling the phrase 'For the Guild!' in a voice it had never been programmed to use."

> DZA: ponder just what the hell is wrong with the universe. Or any universe. Maybe your just a weirdness magnet.

"The God-King's utter lack of understanding regarding recent events caused him to bury his face in his hands out of despair. As he contemplated his situation, his mind was clouded with an array of questions that he wished someone could provide the answers to.

'Where in this universe am I? What is the reason for all this? Why must things always go awry?' Trapped in his state of partial existence, not technically alive, yet not exactly dead either, existence itself felt empty, trivial. Even if he did feel that is was now easier for him to tap into his omnipotence.
The God-King looked out through the windows of the bridge, and observed the distant celestial bodies. The ship he was in was hardly a ship at all at this point. It would better be described as a large metal capsule, floating lazily among the stars. While D.Z.A. was aware that it didn't matter whether he was within the confines of a spacefaring vessel, or adrift in the void of space itself, he knew that any remaining crew members had little chance of survival without the help of a good miracle or two.

It was that moment, the moment that would change our young protagonist's life forever, that only a single thought resided in the God-King's troubled mind..."

"Where do I go from here?"

"For some, this may seem like the final step of a truly epic journey, and the last line to one absolutely remarkable story. But for those with their eyes to the future, it could very well be seen as only a prologue. A prologue to yet another adventure of grand proportions, silently waiting to be written."

To be continued...

Spoiler: Letter (click to show/hide)


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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #367 on: July 31, 2012, 01:20:32 am »

(Prologue for Sock Puppet Man and Hero Sock)

As the Sock Puppet Man was blasted into space, he drifted off. Hero Sock reached towards his comrade. With his loss, the Hero Sock grabbed onto Susan, and yelled off. He had secretly put his voice in the ship so as they would not miss him. Screaming "For the Guild!" would be an honor for their battle cries. Kicking the ogre off of Susan towards the ship, Hero Sock rode Susan in the direction of Sock Puppet Man, tears streaming from his eyes as the last images of his lifeless body went off into space. Sock Puppet Man did not move, nor did he have time to speak before he was hit, what was left there in the middle of space was one of the two sock puppets, simply floating there. Hero Sock and Susan disappeared for now, their mission was to find Sock Puppet Man.
I came back with my sandwich. That was the saddest sandwich, I had ever eaten in my entire life.
you are an evil person sock.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #368 on: July 31, 2012, 09:39:09 am »

Repair the ship and blind-jump to a halo ring.

The ship performs a pillar of autumn fall to the ring.  (including the covenant shooting it down.  Bonus if the same is happening to the pillar of autumn at the same time on the other side.)

Find survivors of the wreck.

Go to the other ship. (If you include it.)
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #369 on: July 31, 2012, 09:56:33 am »

Now I need to figure out a way to involve the Nomads in the story.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #370 on: July 31, 2012, 10:18:37 am »

Now I need to figure out a way to involve the Nomads in the story.

Have them be on the Halo ring.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #371 on: July 31, 2012, 11:01:23 am »

you find yourself confused once more, as the sardaukar and the fremen are seen fighting in the background,  a gigantic sand worm erupts before your feet and aims for the sardaukar to satiate its bottomless stomach.

On the other hand, you see every familiar face you faced glance into and out of existence, just to see the toad man, the beard, and the cat materialize before you, behind them being the heroes of dwarf fortress, and behind them, all of your friends that in your new conscience call
"self inserts"
The fan headed creature goes near you, and offers you a temporary body if you answer him some questions, apologize to the field costumer service for stealing a weapon, and to see if you can reveal the form of the ogre.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Tobar, whats that on the wall?"

"That, Urist, is a reminder not to piss me off..."

King DZA

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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #372 on: August 05, 2012, 12:35:12 pm »

Whew. busy, busy, busy.

Headed to a biker rally today, and no idea how long it's going to last. But the new project should be up soon after I get back. Though, admittedly, the given suggestions have already made me tempted to jump into the next chapter so that we can commence the alternate universe shenanigans.

Maybe I'll work on at least getting the first update for the first chapter done...of course, before I can do that, I need to know whether the majority truly wishes to continue this adventure.


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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #373 on: August 05, 2012, 04:44:11 pm »

I'm curious to see what you have planned for the new adventure first. So uh...which option is that?

King DZA

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Re: You are Me, Chapter III: Prologue
« Reply #374 on: August 26, 2012, 01:54:14 pm »

Honestly I hadn't planned to write this up for some time, but recent unfortunate circumstances had forced me to take a break from my normally packed daily schedule. Meaning that, in between periods of writhing around in bed from intense discomfort, I had remarkably little to do. So, I decided work on this in order to use up some of my new found free time. Enjoy.

(Prologue for Sock Puppet Man and Hero Sock)

As the Sock Puppet Man was blasted into space, he drifted off. Hero Sock reached towards his comrade. With his loss, the Hero Sock grabbed onto Susan, and yelled off. He had secretly put his voice in the ship so as they would not miss him. Screaming "For the Guild!" would be an honor for their battle cries. Kicking the ogre off of Susan towards the ship, Hero Sock rode Susan in the direction of Sock Puppet Man, tears streaming from his eyes as the last images of his lifeless body went off into space. Sock Puppet Man did not move, nor did he have time to speak before he was hit, what was left there in the middle of space was one of the two sock puppets, simply floating there. Hero Sock and Susan disappeared for now, their mission was to find Sock Puppet Man.

"The grieving Hero Sock outstretched his arm to his mortally wounded friend as the distance between them rapidly grew. He held tightly onto Susan, and shouted out in despair.
Though the fact was unknown to anyone on the ship, Hero Sock had personally gone through the trouble of tampering with the vessel's automated announcement system, in a way that would ensure the guild's legacy would live on in his and the Sock Puppet Man's absence.

Hero Sock turned toward the fire ogre, who stood by with a satisfied grin spread across his face, and kicked him off of the colossal Susan. The ogre was sent crashing into side of the critically damaged ship. The sound of impact echoed through the spacecraft's interior, providing even more worry for the remainder of its crew.
With tear filled eyes and a heavy heart, Hero Sock steered Susan in the direction of the Sock Puppet Man as he disappeared into the void of space, leaving behind only a single sock puppet floating placidly in the vast emptiness. Soon, both Susan and Hero Sock were gone as well. They had their own mission to take care of now, and knew that if they were to have even the slightest chance of success, there would not be a minute to waste."

Repair the ship and blind-jump to a halo ring.

The ship performs a pillar of autumn fall to the ring.  (including the covenant shooting it down.  Bonus if the same is happening to the pillar of autumn at the same time on the other side.)

Find survivors of the wreck.

Go to the other ship. (If you include it.)

"D.Z.A. could feel the panic and dread among the remaining crew. Aware that time was quickly running out for the stranded individuals, he decided to put his own worries aside, and see if there was anything he could do. For no matter how troubling he found his own situation to be, he simply could not allow them to perish without at least making an effort to help.

With his arms extended and his palms facing outward, the spectral God-King closed his eyes, and focused as much as he possibly could on returning the enormous spacecraft to working condition. Almost as if the catastrophic damage that the ship had suffered was put into reverse, the destroyed portion of the craft slowly began to reconstruct itself. The broken and scattered bits wreckage reformed and reconnected with one another, until nearly the entirety of the vessel was once again together in one piece. However, keeping it that way was a challenging task that required the God-King's constant focus, lest they risked having it crumble apart again mid-flight. Doing his best to keep the behemoth structure together, the God-King told the pilot to land the ship as quickly as possible.
The pilot began to explain that there was no suitable landing area anywhere near them, and that it would take at least a couple hours of preparation before they could attempt any reasonably safe leap through warp space, but D.Z.A. doubted his ability to keep the ship together that long, and refused to let his efforts be in vain.

'Just do it!!' the increasingly stressed God-King shouted. Without much other options, the pilot made a blind jump, and hoped for the best. D.Z.A. struggled as the ship traversed dimensions, but was able to keep it mostly intact until they reached their unknown destination.
Once the ship had come to a stop, the pilot gazed out in amazement at a titanic ring-like structure floating nearby.

'I bet we could land on that!' the pilot said confidently.

'Then what are you waiting for!?' D.Z.A. replied, showing signs of fatigue.

'Well EXCUU-'

'Don't even fucking start.'

The pilot stared begrudgingly at D.Z.A., before putting the ship into manual drive, and heading toward the ring.

"'Hm, that's strange...' The pilot remarked.

'What is it...?'

'I can see another large ship on the opposite side of the ring...looks like it's being attacked some-' The pilot was cut off by the rumbling and alarms of his own vessel as they suddenly began taking heavy fire from an unknown enemy.
The ambush made it even more difficult for D.Z.A. to hold the ship together. The pilot desperately struggled to keep the enormous spacecraft on course, hoping that its built-in defenses would be enough to keep their attackers at bay. Sadly, it was not to be. Their craft was soon overwhelmed. The God-King screamed out in frustration as the ship became too damaged to keep in functioning condition for any longer. With only a few miles left before impact with the inner surface of the ring, those aboard ship could do nothing but brace for the landing, and pray they'd still be alive by the end of it.

The landscape was littered with the burning ship debris. Once their mysterious attackers were no longer in sight, the God-King worked to salvage as many lives as he could from the wreckage. By the time his search was over, he had amassed a humble group of five survivors, made up of the two young men he had encountered earlier in the ship's hangar, and three other nondescript, yet very lucky crew members. As D.Z.A. and the others gazed around at the depressing scene, a silhouette emerged from the flaming heap of metal. With a shotgun in one hand, and the tunic-wearing pilot slung over his shoulder, the silhouette turned out to be none other than the unusual looking elder that D.Z.A. had become well-acquainted with in the short time they had known each other. The elder walked over to the group of survivors, and dropped the pilot onto the ground. Although he was alive, he seemed to have taken some heavy injuries from the crash, and kept muttering something about 'needing more hearts'.

D.Z.A. could see thick clouds of black smoke rising up in the distance, and recalled what the pilot had said about another ship being attacked. Although he had no idea just how far off the other crashed vessel was, or if any of the crew had survived, what he did know is that his own group of survivors were stranded in unknown lands without any supplies, leaving their options limited at best. With nothing left to lose, the God-King decided that they would travel to the source of the smoke, with the hopes finding answers to some the many questions he had. And, if they were especially lucky, a means to prolong the survival of the other group members. Before they could embark on this journey, however, there was a much more urgent matter that the God-King felt a need to investigate..."

you find yourself confused once more, as the sardaukar and the fremen are seen fighting in the background,  a gigantic sand worm erupts before your feet and aims for the sardaukar to satiate its bottomless stomach.

On the other hand, you see every familiar face you faced glance into and out of existence, just to see the toad man, the beard, and the cat materialize before you, behind them being the heroes of dwarf fortress, and behind them, all of your friends that in your new conscience call
"self inserts"
The fan headed creature goes near you, and offers you a temporary body if you answer him some questions, apologize to the field costumer service for stealing a weapon, and to see if you can reveal the form of the ogre.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Looking off into the opposite direction of the distant smoke, he was able to see what looked like a small battle occurring in the middle of the barren alien desert they had landed in. He told the others to stay by the wreckage and went to get a closer look. The intense skirmish seemed to be between two unknown factions, who were too occupied with killing each other to pay any attention to the spectral D.Z.A..
D.Z.A. continued to watch the fight, until a rumbling that could be felt coming from deep below the desert sands caused a sudden ceasefire among the factions. The God-King felt great unease from the ominous rumbling. And that unease quickly transformed into paralyzing fear once the beast responsible emerged from beneath the ground in front of him to catch its next meal. The massive limbless creature, commonly called a sandworm, ascended high into the air, before crashing down onto one of the factions while the two forces were retreating from the area. Many of the unfortunate faction's members were caught in the gaping maw of the sandworm, while the others were pulled beneath the sands with it, when they fell into the large sinkhole that formed as it descended back into ground.

D.Z.A. never liked to bring it up, but ever since he was a young child, he had harbored a deep-rooted fear of sandworms. The tales he had heard of the enigmatic, desert-dwelling creatures had made them one of the few beings in all of existence that he genuinely dreaded ever having to encounter. Watching one eliminate a battalion of well-trained soldiers firsthand, was like watching a nightmare come to life. Even if the beast was of little real danger to him in his spectral form. The God-King remained there, eyes wide with terror, and trembling uncontrollably. The only thing that managed to snap him out of his state of extreme fear was the sight of several beings from his past flashing between the realms of existence. Before long, the beings fully manifested themselves in front of the God-King. The three most prominent of these beings were the great toad man, his loyal feline companion, and a disembodied beard known as the Spirit of Dwarf Fortress. Behind these three stood the numerous legendary heroes of Dwarf Fortress, and even further back, the God-King could spot the many other old friends and allies he had met during his grand adventure.
D.Z.A.'s emotions began to fluctuate. Seeing the familiar figures of his past was comforting in his new, confusing, and apparently terrifying environment. However, that sense of comfort soon turned to anger when he noticed that not a single one of the newly arrived individuals was suffering from the problem of being stuck in a spectral form of being as he was. It seemed they were able to insert themselves into existence without having any difficulty whatsoever, while he had to make a conscious effort just to interact with the physical things around him. He clenched his hand into a fist, greatly frustrated by his lack of control over his own state of existence.

The God-King's moment of inner frustration was interrupted when one of the beings approached him. With a large metal fan in place of a head, he was surprised that he was somehow able to understand the being when it spoke to him. The fan-headed creature told the God-King that it would be willing to supply him with a temporary physical body of his own, on the conditions that he allow himself to be questioned, offer an apology to the 'field costumer service' for stealing a piece weaponry, and attempt to reveal the true form of the fire ogre that had been seen around earlier.

D.Z.A. didn't know how to react to the fan-headed creature's offer. He was suspicious of why anyone would be interesting asking him questions for a reason he was unaware of, he had hardly any idea of what weapon he was being accused of stealing, and even less of an idea of who exactly he would be apologizing to. And although he was certainly wary of the fire ogre, he never suspected the thing of having an alternate form. Even if he did, all of his encounters with the ogre had been brief. He couldn't understand how anyone would think he would be in possession of such information. Of course, none of this made the offer any less intriguing.

And so, the God-King thought carefully about his situation, hoping to find some clarity among his conflicted feelings..."

Name: D.Z.A.

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Badassery Level: Epic

Location: Barren alien desert.

Inventory: Nothing.
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