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Author Topic: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___  (Read 301255 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #195 on: March 30, 2012, 10:48:26 pm »

Brandon Sanderson, the guy who not only is finishing the Wheel of Time series, but is also writing a number of expansive series of his own... This guy also teaches the Creative Writing elective at BYU. His lectures for this course are being put online this term.

Even if you're not a fan of his works, this is a man who knows how to teach writing. He knows how to teach writing because he's talked to a lot of writers who use different methods, and he's fully willing to concede that different writers write differently. What he focuses on is that writing is a skill that must be practiced, and he wants you to build up this skill. His interest in teaching is equipping writers with different tools that may or may not work for them.

Right now only the first lecture is up, and since I've followed a lot of his youtube videos and Writing Excuses I already know a number of these things. However, I'm still looking forward to when all of these are online because there's a lot to learn from them, in my opinion.
In the wells of livestock vans with shells and garden sands /
Iron mixed with oxygen as per the laws of chemistry and chance /
A shape was roughly human, it was only roughly human /
Apparition eyes / Apparition eyes / Knock, apparition, knock / Eyes, apparition eyes /


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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #196 on: April 13, 2012, 11:07:06 am »

Did this die? o_O

Quote from: Yoink
You're never too old to enjoy flying body parts.  
Quote from: Vector
Ehndras, you are the prettiest man I have ever seen
Quote from: Dorsidwarf
"I am a member of Earth. I enjoy to drink the water. In Earth we have an internal skeleton."


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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #197 on: April 13, 2012, 03:10:37 pm »

Well, to keep the thread going, I guess I'll post the next bit of the story that I posted in the other writing thread here:

It seemed to go over not-horribly, and really - what more can one ask?

This post is about the same size as the last one (roughly 900 words.) As before, all comments, criticisms and error corrections are welcome - you guys gave me some great feedback on the last one.

Pleas for me to never post more of this story to these forums will also be listened to and their merit weighed.  :P

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #198 on: April 14, 2012, 01:29:22 am »

I wrote a TF2 fanfic (On Youtube) and this is an excerpt from it (Slightly edited). Tell me what you think.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #199 on: April 14, 2012, 01:50:39 am »

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I know it's intentional, but the mother's monologue is way too compressed for me. How else could I put it... how about: the entire paragraph is in some weird midpoint between being very specific and very nonspecific and it just doesn't flow well as a result. Either it needs to be more spaced and slower, or less detailed and faster. I suppose it's really a matter of how much of the "real world" you want to interpose between the "dream" segments: Do you want to make the contrasts of the situations subtle now and obvious later, or obvious now and (presumably) hurry along to more complex interaction between the two? Right now I can't help thinking it's neither here nor there.

The rest of it I like.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #200 on: April 20, 2012, 12:14:37 pm »

An idea for a possible SCP popped into my head and this seems like a decent place to put the idea out and see if anyone thinks it has enough potential to put more detailed work into.

So, there's a type of lancet that spends part of its life cycle inside cows.  To get to a host, they float around in water until ingested by an insect, and then they take over the insect's brain and cause it to climb up onto stalks of grass, eventually eaten by cows, where the life cycle continues.

The SCP is a bottle of small "pills" (the bottle could be a pill bottle, tic tacs, mints, whatever).  It's not made of what it should be, instead it's some kind of mutable organic compound, as are the pills themselves.  If you eat one, the material migrates to your brain and starts growing into it, eventually taking over motor functions.  Then you attempt to climb a nearby tall object like a radio tower or high tension power line, at which point an "antenna" of the pill material sprouts out of your skull and begins casting a tight beam radio signal directed at an arbitrary (It'll be [DATA EXPUNGED]) point in the sky.  You stay there until you die of thirst or exposure, and the signal stops transmitting after you're dead.

It's some kind of alien parasite dispenser, maybe the aliens launched them all over hoping one would land on an inhabited planet and start broadcasting the location, so the aliens could do whatever it is they do.

Maybe with some tweaks it could have some of that body horror people like, parasites and brain-eating, plus the fear of the unknown, because you don't know who it's signaling or what they want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #201 on: April 20, 2012, 03:12:39 pm »

I still don't get what SCP is supposed to be. All I've seen from reading some SCP stories are crappy attempts at horror stories with twisted endings. Is there a particular point to it? Most of them just seem boring, badly-written, and rely too much on fear triggers that don't seem to work on me.

I'll take Lovecraft over that anyday.
Quote from: Yoink
You're never too old to enjoy flying body parts.  
Quote from: Vector
Ehndras, you are the prettiest man I have ever seen
Quote from: Dorsidwarf
"I am a member of Earth. I enjoy to drink the water. In Earth we have an internal skeleton."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #202 on: April 20, 2012, 03:25:39 pm »

Some of them are really good but there's quite a few dumb ones.  The Original is dumb as hell and I'm pretty sure it only exists because it was the first one, it's identical to the Dumb Not Scary Angels from Doctor Who.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #203 on: April 20, 2012, 06:35:28 pm »

___/First Prompt\___

Write a short story of two adventurers questing into a dungeon to find the fabled Orb of Zot.

PR85 I will critique your other story when I have the time.

Also:Thanks for the offer Orangebottle!

I realise this is kinda late, but I did it anyway :< plz feedback and don't ask what I was smoking.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 08:01:35 am by Caz »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #204 on: April 26, 2012, 01:29:30 pm »

I realise this is kinda late, but I did it anyway :< plz feedback and don't ask what I was smoking.

I like how you worked on getting a non-human (or even humanoid!) view, and I think, for the most part, you managed admirably.

My only issue really was with this bit of description:
The torso of a woman, bare flesh, navel and sculpted breasts. The hair flew freely, golden, amidst two black antennae that waved in the air, as if tasting it. The limbs were insectoid, a thick carapace that ended in formidable thorns. The thorax was striped a gaudy yellow and black, and a stinger dripped with milky poison.

It just doesn't gibe with how you had the slimes describe things before, like you did with the bats:
The cavern shook softly. The leather-wings nested in the caves, feasting on fruits of the cave-peach tree. Teeth that could shred a man right down to the bone, but nothing to a slime.

I think that the bit that really breaks the immersion for me is the "sculpted breasts". These are slimes which, as far as I can tell, are nothing more then amorphous blobs of protoplasm encased in a thicker membrane. How would something like that know what "sculpted breasts" (or, for that matter, "woman") would look like?

The ending also bothered me - you've squished two different ends together that shouldn't be able to coexist:
1) Our hero slime flees from the Beegirl, then hides in a crevice for a goodly time before coming out, small and weak from hunger.
2) Our hero slime runs into the Beegirl again, but the two other slimes, mortally wounded, appear and save our hero.

If other slimes are so badly wounded, they should've died off a long time before the hero stopped hiding.

Alternatively, I'm misreading, and the "A crash and blinding light" is a hallucination brought on by the Beegirl killing the hero, and the hero grabbing the Orb is all just in the hero's head(-like protuberance) as its membrane dissolves.

Alternatively, I'm really off, and your use of (shim/zhe/zer) has completely befuddled me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #205 on: April 26, 2012, 01:41:48 pm »

Not a short story, but I figured I'd share it since I haven't contributed to the writing threads in a month or so. Enjoy, and if you have constructive criticism, do share. =)

Its a bit old, from the month when my ex-fiance and I split, so pardon the depressing romanticism.

--- --- ---

Date: 10-19-2011

Happiness – what a subjective emotion, so ruthless in its yearning, yet as fleeting as the sun-touched breeze of summer. Minuscule moments within the endless passage of time that seem to make all of our suffering, all of our pain worth bearing. How can simple smiles and childish laughter have such an absolute effect on one’s well-being and general demeanor? How can silence and isolation corrupt someone so deeply without an utterance of hurt?

Fragile things, we humans are.
Fractured to the core, yet euphoric by far.
Such eccentric things do we so cling to,
Our needs and desires so shallow and vain.
In love our hearts bind us; so foolish, hopeful and blind,
A foolish hopelessness that caresses so gently;
The universal opiate to fragile human minds.

Yet somehow, in the midst of this cultured madness,
Vast oceans of heedless wanting,
We find ourselves more truthful in our hopeless state,
Than ever we were in our solemn debate

For once were we hurt in the heart’s deception of hope,
Such that it fractured the bindings; tattered remnants of rope
And now, with blindness cured, the heart and mind set free,
our thoughts seem to wander to what dreams could not see.

Our love, once eternal, a pleasant breeze upon sun-kissed flesh,
Now lies barren and cold as the fell northern winds.
And though white-washed gazes show naught but ice and snow,
Beneath the sea of white lie the sleeping seeds of all we know

The light bears a shadow, in darkness we’re set free
Alone we each are broken, together we must be
Embrace the Fool for he knows best, in love and hope and utter loss,
For we who see with logical eye may as well try to grasp at the vast blue sky.

Such fools are we, enthroned by love, who fail to embrace it when push comes to shove
So quick to denounce great matters of heart, for one simple reason; Love once was broken apart
Our hearts rendered fallow, so barren to the touch,
A tear rendered null as the heart is frozen shut.

So quickly we lose touch with the yearning of our hearts,
As time, ever fleeting, makes us colder and colder.
So long do we wander, in darkness without reason,
Searching unknowingly for the light to shine forevermore.

— — —
I am unhappy. Not because I don’t love, not because I don’t understand love, not because I fail to grasp love. I am unhappy because my mind, in its logic, fails to comprehend the beauty of love that my heart knows so well. Through loss and suffering the heart may grow cold, but its the mind that so eagerly blinds itself to the matters of the heart. So eager to forsake love when it is hurt, because it is easier to believe love is a lie than to continue striving to accomplish what once went wrong.

I am unhappy because I’ve lost touch with my heart and, though I love and am loved in return, I cannot seem to comprehend that very same love; as if a connection has been broken not between us but within myself. It is as if all the warmth of my heart cannot penetrate the veil of ice my mind casts upon it, afraid to release it from its frozen prison.

When it comes down to it, as simple as it may be said, it may be put in one simple sentence. A short string of words that speak volumes more than this song ever could.

“…I am afraid to love again, in fear that I may hurt and be hurt just the same.”
Quote from: Yoink
You're never too old to enjoy flying body parts.  
Quote from: Vector
Ehndras, you are the prettiest man I have ever seen
Quote from: Dorsidwarf
"I am a member of Earth. I enjoy to drink the water. In Earth we have an internal skeleton."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #206 on: April 30, 2012, 09:20:48 am »

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I know it's intentional, but the mother's monologue is way too compressed for me. How else could I put it... how about: the entire paragraph is in some weird midpoint between being very specific and very nonspecific and it just doesn't flow well as a result. Either it needs to be more spaced and slower, or less detailed and faster. I suppose it's really a matter of how much of the "real world" you want to interpose between the "dream" segments: Do you want to make the contrasts of the situations subtle now and obvious later, or obvious now and (presumably) hurry along to more complex interaction between the two? Right now I can't help thinking it's neither here nor there.

The rest of it I like.

Took a while to get back to really putting my nose to the grindstone, but I've finally put some more work into my story.

Here's my re-write of the bit that you quoted:

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Opinions? Does it flow better?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #207 on: May 01, 2012, 02:34:51 am »

An idea for a possible SCP popped into my head and this seems like a decent place to put the idea out and see if anyone thinks it has enough potential to put more detailed work into.
I don't really know much about the SCP thing, but I really like that idea. It's funny but similar enough to real world phenomena to be disturbing. And I dunno, but there's this whole feel of cosmic irony to it, as if there weren't more efficient ways for these aliens to send their signals.

I would pretty much read anything based on that idea.
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No using. That's not what freedom is for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #208 on: May 03, 2012, 04:22:59 am »

A story idea has been knocking around in my head for a while, I think it's time to let it free.  It's hot off the presses, enjoy.

Spoiler: The gap that's missing (click to show/hide)


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Re: ___/The Writer's Apprenticeship\___
« Reply #209 on: May 03, 2012, 09:46:25 pm »

NIce writing, interesting concept. I like it :3

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